
    About this Episode

    In this Episode I sit down with the AMAZING Erin Rogers who candidly shares about how she now speaks to spirits and is an intuitive channel (wtf right?) and the journey she took of leaving her multi 6-figure corporate job and left brain thinking to pursue a spirit-led life (Sedona - Paris - Mexico oh my!) 🤣.

    We also cover:

    • How an unexplained sickness got her in the seat of an Intuitive coach's office where everything cracked open.
    • Her journey with accepting and harnessing this new and very different "non-corporate" life.
    • How her car getting struck by lightening in Sedona was a big WAKE UP CALL she couldn't ignore.
    • Her lessons and wisdom learned through therapy, healing and listening to her intuition.
    • ANDDDD she live channels a message for the collective (yah she does).


    If you desire to learn more about Erin and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:


    Bio: As a Mentor, Intuitive and Channel, my mission is to elevate your earthly experience. I want to help you create your own unique path for massive success in work, love, relationships and, really, your whole amazing life.

    I work with leaders, healers, and emerging intuitives who are ready to access the power of their intuitive guidance systems to elevate their earthly experience.





    Recent Episodes from The Holy F/ck Moments Podcast

    Holy F/ck I'm Spending Christmas Eve Alone. Divorce, Doordash + A Dose Of Self-love.

    Holy F/ck I'm Spending Christmas Eve Alone. Divorce, Doordash + A Dose Of Self-love.

    Hi friends. Dropping this short and sweet episode live on Christmas Eve. This is the first year of my marriage separation and my kids are with their Dad. It's been a weird and wonderful time and I am sharing a short riff on how and why I am actually ok, the importance of feeling your feelings and why I'm leaving 2023 in the past and deciding what I want to bring forward into the New Year. Time for some last minute wrapping, doordash and some journaling and reflection.

    Sending so much love to you this holiday season, and to anyone transitioning your life, in a divorce, break up, separation etc it can be a wild, triggering, yet transformative time to be with yourself and cultivate a deep and loving relationship.

    If you found this helpful, please share, DM me on IG HERE, or email me at christine@christinebanno.com  and let me know any takeaways or how you are navigating any changes. Also, if you are into live coaching on the podcast give me a holler xx

    Lots of love,



    Holy F/ck - Jessica's real, raw story of radical trauma release + transformation at my recent Whistler Retreat! 😱

    Holy F/ck - Jessica's real, raw story of radical trauma release + transformation at my recent Whistler Retreat! 😱

    In this episode, I sit down with Jessica Turner, a new, fiery entrepreneur, ex corporate strategist (and former Shark Club Bar Server with me 🤪) who shares her experience of attending my recent Whistler retreat (yes the one I just held a few weeks ago) and the deep healing moment we had together in a group session that rocked 25 years of trauma out of her body her and unlocked her magnetism.


    We also cover:

    • How we met 10+ years ago working at a bar together and how not only did we not jive, but I was cold and standoff ish to her.. oh how the univese brings things full circle 🤣.
    • How she can finally pause and enjoy where she's at VS always "going/being in fight /flight) knowing she's enough and that she'll always be ok!
    • Jess's healing and mindset mastery journey and how she made the scary leap to entrpreneurship post corporate career.
    • How the Universe finally took the reigns and layed her off her job to get her on 'the path" to her highest calling.
    • Her journey of solo travelling for a year with her french bulldog Bently, and how that trip broke her open and challenged her beyond belief to meet the parts of herself she'd been ignoring/rejecting.
    • How her breakthrough at the retreat has impacted her life and business! *She is literally a new woman!*


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and review! It means the world to me to have your support, and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    If you desire to learn more about Jessica and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-turner

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jessica.a.turner/


    If you enjoyed this episode please share it!! I love to repost your comments on IG too so please tag @christinebanno HERE and tell me what you're biggest takeaway was! 

    Holy F/ck Mini Riff - Get Back To Basics + Why It's Important To Celebrate Everything

    Holy F/ck Mini Riff - Get Back To Basics + Why It's Important To Celebrate Everything

    Hi friends.. this morning I was standing on the dock on a pristine lake in Whistler and I asked my soul what she would have me know.. I heard this.. "get back to basics, and celebrate everything". I walked back towards my car and heard "turn around.. go back to the dock and share this with people", so here I am.. sharing with you, my amazing community. I hope something in there resonates for you, as it did for me 💛.


    If you desire to join us for my Whistler Wellness Retreat next weekend (Nov 24th-26th) email me now at christine@christinebanno.com

    Connect w/ me and learn more.. 2 spots left xx

    -CB Xx

    **P.S. If you know anyone who might benefit from this episode or podcast, please share, like, subscribe and or leave a review.. it truly helps me spread the word xx

    Holy F/ck - Awakening at 33: Navigating Trauma, Finding Purpose, and Embracing Magic After the Aurora Theatre Shooting

    Holy F/ck - Awakening at 33: Navigating Trauma, Finding Purpose, and Embracing Magic After the Aurora Theatre Shooting

    In this episode, I sit down with Brooke Jean, a therapist, recovering perfectionist & busy working Mom on a mission to normalize normal and love life, unPERFECTED.

    Brooke is a MF Firecracker (and recent SOUL SISTER of mine) who shares her deep, raw story of life in 2012 when she was 33 and had a unexpected spiritual awakening after being so close (physically, mentally and emotionally) to the trauma of the Aurora Theatre Shooting in Colorado, where she lost a work team member. That started the beginning of so many pivots toward her healing, purpose and magic!



    We also cover:

    • How she left her successful career in corporate America to follow her dreams and how she navigated that scary AF change.
    • The story we collectively are fed, that success is linear (even if we are burnout and unhappy) and how we can find freedom on the other side of perfection.
    • How we both learnt to sit with uncomfortable emotions, our inner child and angry "teen" AND the ability to re-parent ourselves is the real MF flex in life and creates a happy healthy human.
    • How to navigate the VOID - that F'd up space that comes when you ditch the past, but not yet anchored in your future "you".
    • How our soul is always calling us back home if we are willing to dissolve our limiting bullshit and listen to our intuition.
    • How her journey had to weave the way it did - how to trust the process when you feel like life is F*cked and your world is imploding.


    📣 If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    If you desire to learn more about Brooke and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    Website : www.liveunperfected.com

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/brookejeanunperfected/

    🙋‍♀️ If you enjoyed this episode please share it!! I love to repost your comments on IG too so please tag @christinebanno HERE and tell me what you're biggest takeaway was! 



    Holy F/ck - I'm 40 And Starting A Brand New Career - how to trust the process when you feel like life is F*cked. 🙀🔥

    Holy F/ck - I'm 40 And Starting A Brand New Career - how to trust the process when you feel like life is F*cked. 🙀🔥

    In this episode, I sit down with Kelsey Grant, a MF Firecracker (and SOUL SISTER of mine) who shares her experience of starting her dream career over at 40 and the (sometimes dumspter fire) moments and winding journey it's taken to get there. She also reflects on how her life would have been radically different if she had won a singing contest she entered as a thirteen year old.

    She is equal parts smooth and spicy #FYES


    We also cover:

    • How her journey had to weave the way it did - how to trust the process when you feel like life is F*cked.
    • How she healed the codependancy that showed up in love, realtionships and business.
    • How most people live in their heads and are living with an internal sh*t storm that shows up as intrucive thoughts, OCD and disempowering patterns (and how to break through).
    • She explains how she is able to balance her current career in teaching about love and relationships with her new career in music, and how her business is complimentary to her songwriting.
    • How to navigate the VOID - that F'd up space that comes when you ditch the past, but not yet anchored in your future "you".
    • How "Spirit/Universe" told her in a breathwork session that she would be closing her business and how she has learnt to trust the nudges she gets and not resist.
    • How she has learned to stay with the storm and process her emotions.


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    If you desire to learn more about Kelsey and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    Website : https://www.thecreatrixmysteryschool.com

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/radicalselflove/


    If you enjoyed this episode please share it!! I love to repost your comments on IG too so please tag @christinebanno HERE and tell me what you're biggest takeaway was! 



    Holy F/ck I Just Lost Everything - Facing A Complete Identity Crisis + Rebuilding My Life From Scratch

    Holy F/ck I Just Lost Everything - Facing A Complete Identity Crisis + Rebuilding My Life From Scratch

    In this episode, I sit down with Nadine Sabathiel, an incredibly powerful and resilient woman who shares her experience of how leaving an extremely unhealthy marriage, led her to a massive self awakening and identity crisis. She had to rebuild her life from scratch and learn how to find inner strength after a f*cked up childhood and toxic relationships.

    She is equal parts soul and wisdom #dreamy.


    We also cover:

    • Nadine talks about how she developed exercises to help her tolerate and accept her emotions, rather than numbing them with substances.
    • The importance of accepting oneself to fast-track the healing journey.
    • The souls journey and how the collective is waking the F up to their power + using it.
    • ALL THINGS inner child healing and why it's the key to unlocking your magnetism and power.
    • The importance of facing our fear of rejection and perfectionism to unlock our inner entrepreneur.
    • The power of self-love and how important it is for a happy and healthy life.


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    If you desire to learn more about Nadine and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:


    Website : https://www.uniwandererllc.com

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/uniwanderer/


    If you enjoyed this episode please share it!! I love to repost your comments on IG too so please tag @christinebanno HERE and tell me what you're biggest takeaway was! 

    Holy F/ck I'm In The NICU - From Infertility To Holding My Miracle Baby + Embracing Motherhood

    Holy F/ck I'm In The NICU - From Infertility To Holding My Miracle Baby + Embracing Motherhood


    In this episode, I sit down with Karen Dubi, an incredibly powerful and resilient woman who overcame the odds and had her "miracle baby" after being told she couldn't have children due to endometriosis, and having an eating disorder when she was younger. We deep dive into her journey of self-love and determination to become a mother and also talk about her wedding day, where she walked down the aisle with a neck brace and crutches (yes this shit is for real) 🤣.


    We also cover:

    • The trauma of both our first children winding up in the NICU. How we coped and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
    • The duality of not being able to breastfeed AND having an overflow - both producing guilt in moms.
    • Karen shares her experience of struggling with an eating disorder, and how she took back control of her physical health and wellness.
    • How she persevered and did not give up the concept of being a mom. After having laparoscopic surgeries, the doctors told her "you're just so full of adhesions and scar tissue".
    • Karens personal history of how she entered pseudo menopause at age 23 by taking medication to stop her menstration cycle. She vulnerably shares how weird it was she had symptoms of a of a fifty+ year old woman going through menopause at such a young age.
    • The power of self-love and how important it is for a happy and healthy life.


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    If you desire to learn more about Karen and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:


    Webside : https://karendubi.com

    Intagram : https://www.instagram.com/karen.dubi/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FLEXIBLEMINDSETSTRATEGIES


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB

    Holy F/ck - A Lesson On Courage + Self-Mastery From My 18-Month-Old 🤣

    Holy F/ck - A Lesson On Courage + Self-Mastery From My 18-Month-Old 🤣

    I just got served a humble lesson(s) from my 18-Month-Old baby at the playground. 

    #1 Just F*cking do it and stop overthinking

    #2 Repition leads to self-mastery.

    A few weeks ago at the park, I watched Mia approach the "rolly slide" (IKYK) with extreme caution. Looking at me like "F ma.. can I do what those big kids are doing??" 

    I guess curiousty won, as she accessed her courage by walking her cute butt up there, proceeded to go down 487x (getting more and more confident each time), which reminded me of how much we have to learn and gain from watching our little ones follow their natural instincts.

    How often do we as adults approach a fork in the road - desiring to engage with something new, and then either talk ourselves out of it due to fear of the unknown, rejection or looking like an idiot, when all we really need to do it access 5sec of insane courage, take messy action, repeat said action until we master it, and get better and better at it, (which leads to our inevitable success).

    Yowza! What do you think? Wild right? Have you learnt lessons from your kids? Tell me!!!

    If you found this helpful, please share, rate, review and subscribe to my podcast! It means the world to have your support.

    P.S. If you want to be on my bff friends list for any new offerings or retreats being planned, get on my email list HERE (plus score a free 8 min meditation).

    Lots of love.  CB Xx


    Holy F/ck Mini Riff - I'm A Hot Mess Right Now + What TF I'm Going To Do About It 🤪

    Holy F/ck Mini Riff - I'm A Hot Mess Right Now + What TF I'm Going To Do About It 🤪

    Hi friends..I am going to be brutally honest..  tonight I feel some old ass patterns creeping in.. overwhelming feelings, like I want to jump out of my skin, like I want to overeat, like I want to doom scrool and distractttttttttt (aka avoid what I'm feeling). I felt like a psyco. Like a bag of shit. This doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to, but every so often I have a good ring dinger moment. Over time I have come up with a wicked tool box to help me in these moments so the hamster wheel of dispair momentum doesn't take me on a joyride 🐹🤣.

    I want to share these with you in case they might be helpful. 

    I feel like it is important to share this, as it's super easy to show up when things are working and it's easy, but sometimes it isn't.. it's hard.. and that's ok.. it's not about what happens, it's how we respond.


    If you want to try out the tapping app I talked about that I am LOVING to move energy (seriously fast AF), click HERE to check it out. 

    You get a 14day free trial plus 50% off your subscription if you end up liking it and deciding to continue. I'm legit obsessed and purchased for full price 🤣.

    -CB Xx

    **P.S. If you know anyone who might benefit from this episode or podcast, please share, like, subscribe and or leave a review.. it truly helps me spread the word xx

    Holy F/ck My Husbands A Narcissist + I'm Codependent 😬 - Leaving Disfunction After 22 years + Finding Freedom

    Holy F/ck My Husbands A Narcissist + I'm Codependent 😬 - Leaving Disfunction After 22 years + Finding Freedom

    In this episode I sit down for a very real and raw conversation with Ilana Worsham, a brave woman who had a MASSIVE WAKE UP moment that led her to leave a 20+ year marriage with  what she calls a "classic narcissist".  She got a divorce, got her kids on track, and lost sixty pounds. She also took control of her finances and is now in a much better place where she can reflect on how her codependent state got her into this mess (and kept her there for so long)


    We also cover:

    * How her childhood experiences shaped her beliefs about herself, and how she was taught to take care of everyone else and not to shine too brightly. This led to bypassing her own inner knowing.

    *How growing up with a narcissistic father led to her attracting that type of man in her adult relationships (the pattern showing up to be healed).

    * Tools and tips to manage the many challenging transitions life brings (these are helpful for everyone!)

    * Her darkest hour and how she finally woke up to the disfunction that was real and rampant in her relationship.

    * The importance of protecting and making all children feel loved and important, especially during times of chaos or change.

    * The importance of tending to the body, and the energy stored within it, in order to heal from trauma and move forward in life.

    *Finally, they discuss the idea of finding oneself after experiencing a period of loss, and the concept of addiction and how it can manifest in different ways



    If you desire to learn more about Ilana and the amazing work she does in this world, you can find out more below:

    IG + TIK TOK : https://www.in@yes.mamailana

    Website: www.yesmamawithmissilana.com

    Podcast: YES MAMA https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yes-mama/id1670729960

    (you can find on all major platforms).


    If you enjoyed this episode please Subscribe, leave a 5 star rating and/or a review! It means the world to me to have your support and it helps other people find it who may benefit! xx - CB