
    About this Episode

    One year on from our publication, Home Insurance Affordability and Socioeconomic Equity in a Changing Climate, home insurance affordability remains a significant concern.

    To highlight and address this issue, the Institute has published new research, Home Insurance Affordability Update and Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Options. Home Insurance Affordability Update examines home insurance affordability in the context of all natural perils, and found that the proportion of “affordability stressed” households – those that spend more than one month’s worth of their gross annual income on home insurance – rose from 10 to 12% in the year to 31 March 2023. These households spend on average 8.8 weeks of their income on home insurance, which is more than seven times what the average household spends.

    In this episode, lead author Sharanjit Paddam and Actuaries Institute Executive General Manager of Public Policy and Professionalism explore:
    • The meaning of extreme affordability pressure and its drivers.
    • Affordability by local government area (LGA).
    • How the different types of natural perils impact insurance affordability.
    • The expected impact of the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool on insurance affordability.

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    View the transcript.
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    View the transcript.
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    View the transcript.

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    Listen now.

    View the transcript.
    Actuaries Institute Podcast
    enNovember 21, 2023

    Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Solutions

    Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Solutions
    One year on from our publication, Home Insurance Affordability and Socioeconomic Equity in a Changing Climate, home insurance affordability remains a significant concern.

    To highlight and address this issue, the Institute has published new research, Home Insurance Affordability Update and Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Options.

    The second report, Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Options, examines riverine flood risk, which plays a significant role in the current pressure on home insurance affordability. The report outlines a package of short, medium, and long-term policy measures that should be considered by governments, insurers, and other stakeholders to reduce affordability stress for households who are also facing the highest risk.

    In this episode, lead author Evelyn Chow speaks to Actuaries Institute Executive General Manager of Public Policy and Professionalism Vanessa Beenders about:
    • Why solutions for flood risks are so crucial
    • The suite of potential solutions, including:
      • risk reduction;
      • cost sharing; and
      • government direct cost reduction.

    Home Insurance Affordability Update

    Home Insurance Affordability Update
    One year on from our publication, Home Insurance Affordability and Socioeconomic Equity in a Changing Climate, home insurance affordability remains a significant concern.

    To highlight and address this issue, the Institute has published new research, Home Insurance Affordability Update and Funding for Flood Costs: Affordability, Availability and Public Policy Options. Home Insurance Affordability Update examines home insurance affordability in the context of all natural perils, and found that the proportion of “affordability stressed” households – those that spend more than one month’s worth of their gross annual income on home insurance – rose from 10 to 12% in the year to 31 March 2023. These households spend on average 8.8 weeks of their income on home insurance, which is more than seven times what the average household spends.

    In this episode, lead author Sharanjit Paddam and Actuaries Institute Executive General Manager of Public Policy and Professionalism explore:
    • The meaning of extreme affordability pressure and its drivers.
    • Affordability by local government area (LGA).
    • How the different types of natural perils impact insurance affordability.
    • The expected impact of the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool on insurance affordability.

    Not a Level Playing Field

    Not a Level Playing Field
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    In our latest podcast, Risk Management Practice Committee (RMPC) members Jason Yu and Srikar Velivela come together to review RMPC’s achievements and accomplishments during 2022.

    RMPC consists of experienced actuaries with expertise in various areas of risk management including insurance, banking and finance. The committee works together to develop guidance and resources that help actuaries effectively manage risks in their respective industries and provides input and advice on regulatory and legislative matters relating to risk management. In this episode, members of RMPC share:
    • An introduction to the committee and their mission.
    • Updates from the latest Enterprise Risk Management Fellowship course.
    • Insights gained from recent CPD sessions.
    • Valuable inputs on regulatory matters.
    • How the committee adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Listen to the podcast below ⬇

    Read the transcript.

    Interested in a career in data science?

    Interested in a career in data science?
    As data science and artificial intelligence continue to break new grounds, the need for data scientists continues to grow stronger and stronger by the minute. But what does a career in data science look? And more important, how do you get there?

    In this episode, Tong Zhang speaks with Kelly Chu President of the UNSW Actuarial Society and Rohan Dixit, Data Science Executive, Quantium to discuss their careers in data science across the different career stages. In this episode they share:
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    • Ways to explore data science pathways as a student
    • Insights from working within the data science sector
    The conversation is followed by an exclusive interview with Jas Singh, Senior Recruiter for SKL who shares insights on the top skills and traits employers are looking for.

    Listen to the podcast: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/53067593/download.mp3

    Read the transcript.