
    Horace Grant, Last Dance Episodes 5 & 6, Mt Flushmore + Billy's Deep Dive

    en-usMay 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Michael Jordan's passing of the torch to dominanceThe documentary highlights Jordan's competitive nature, his feuds with opponents, and the importance of sleep for athletes.

      The documentary "The Last Dance" featuring Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls provides insight into Jordan's competitive nature and his passing of the torch to the next generation. During a practice session, Jordan took the torch from Magic Johnson, signaling the end of Johnson's reign and the beginning of Jordan's dominance. There are stories of Jordan paying opponents to lose practice games, but the full unedited tape of the Monte Carlo practice is not publicly available. The documentary also touches on Jordan's feud with Isaiah Thomas and Christian Laettner, with Jordan reportedly keeping Laettner off the Dream Team due to their playoff series encounter. The documentary serves as a reminder of Jordan's greatness and his impact on basketball history. Additionally, the importance of quality sleep for athletes, especially those entering the NFL, was discussed, with Sleep Number smart beds offering a solution to optimize recovery.

    • Michael Jordan's unmatched competitive driveJordan's relentless focus and motivation led him to invent rivals and dominate opponents, solidifying his place as the greatest basketball player of all time.

      Michael Jordan's competitive drive and determination to be the best were unmatched, even extending to his golf games before Olympic basketball competitions. Jordan's relentless focus and motivation led him to invent rivals and take every opponent seriously, regardless of the situation or context. This mindset helped him dominate the competition and solidify his place as the greatest basketball player of all time. Another interesting anecdote shared was about Tony Kukoc, the Croatian player who could have potentially been the "Jordan stopper" in the Olympics but was not at the same level as Jordan. Additionally, Jordan's interactions with coaches and teammates, such as Chuck Daly and Scottie Pippen, showcased his unwavering confidence and competitive spirit. Overall, the discussion highlights Jordan's legendary status and the impact of his mindset on the sport and his opponents.

    • Michael Jordan's authenticity and focus on basketballDespite public pressure, Jordan stayed true to himself and prioritized basketball, reminding us to respect people's choices and allow them to be themselves.

      Michael Jordan's decision to keep personal matters private and focus on his basketball career, despite public pressure to be politically active or address personal issues like gambling, is a reflection of his authenticity and consistency. His life's work was as a basketball player, and he was true to himself, even if it meant not fitting into society's expectations. The documentary highlighted instances where Jordan was criticized for not speaking out against racism or addressing his gambling habits publicly. However, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to decide how they use their platform and what they choose to prioritize in their lives. The documentary also showed that Jordan's fame and wealth allowed him to continue his habits without causing significant harm to himself or others. Ultimately, Jordan's story serves as a reminder that it's essential to respect people's choices and allow them to be themselves, even if they don't align with our personal beliefs or expectations.

    • Public figures' imperfections under scrutinyPublic figures, like Michael Jordan, are complex individuals with human flaws, despite their achievements and wealth.

      Public figures, including celebrities and athletes, are often held to unrealistic standards of perfection. Michael Jordan, despite his exceptional basketball skills, was not immune to criticism for his gambling habits and other perceived imperfections. The speaker reflects on how even ordinary people, given the same level of fame and wealth, could potentially make worse choices. The discussion also touches upon the human tendency to be intrigued by the flaws and vulnerabilities of those in the limelight. The competitive nature of Jordan's personality, while contributing to his success, also caused friction with others. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that public figures are complex individuals, and their accomplishments do not erase their human flaws.

    • Michael Jordan's Legacy Explored in ESPN DocumentaryThe ESPN documentary on Michael Jordan provides an engaging and entertaining look at his basketball legacy, featuring behind-the-scenes footage and insights from players and coaches. Jordan's intense competitiveness and influence on the league are highlighted through anecdotes and reactions to perceived slights.

      The Michael Jordan documentary produced by ESPN, despite not being considered "capital j journalism," offers an engaging and entertaining exploration of Jordan's basketball legacy. The documentary features behind-the-scenes footage and insights from players and coaches, allowing viewers to relive iconic moments and understand Jordan's competitive drive. One notable moment is when MJ, during the 92 season, figured out ways to win games effortlessly, leaving his opponents playing catch-up. Another instance is when Barkley, who lost to Jordan in the finals, acknowledged MJ's superiority despite winning the MVP award in 1993. Jordan's reactions to perceived slights, such as Barkley's MVP win and Dan Majerle's likability, further highlight his intense competitiveness and influence on the league. Watching the documentary brings a sense of nostalgia and excitement, leaving viewers feeling energized rather than tired, as opposed to most films. The absence of the NBA Finals this year has made fans miss the annual tradition of witnessing history unfold during this time. Overall, the documentary offers a unique and captivating perspective on Michael Jordan's career and impact on basketball.

    • Nostalgia for iconic sports momentsFans long for the excitement of playoff seasons and cherish memorable moments in sports history, such as Michael Jordan's pre-game routine and the Dream Team cups at McDonald's. Potential impact of Andy Dalton's return to the Cowboys on Dak Prescott's contract negotiations was also discussed.

      Despite the absence of live sports due to the ongoing pandemic, the nostalgia for iconic moments in sports history remains strong. The speaker expressed his longing for the excitement of playoff seasons in the NBA and NFL, and reminisced about memorable moments like Michael Jordan lacing up his shoes before games and the Dream Team cups at McDonald's. Additionally, the news of Andy Dalton returning to the Dallas Cowboys as a backup quarterback was discussed as a potential move to pressure Dak Prescott during contract negotiations. Overall, the conversation showcased the enduring impact of sports on fans and the anticipation for the return of live competition.

    • Disappointing Top NFL Draft Picks and Ben Roethlisberger's Bear PhotoSome 2017 NFL draft picks underperformed, but John Ross might excel with added motivation. Ben Roethlisberger's bear photo enhances his mountain man image. NFL may be punishing Blake Bortles for preferring Tesla over oil sponsors.

      The 2017 NFL draft produced some disappointing top picks, including Miles Garrett, Mitch Trubisky, Solomon Thomas, Leonard Fournette, and Corey Davis. However, John Ross, who was drafted after the top five, could potentially thrive with extra motivation. The drafting process that year was questionable. As for Ben Roethlisberger, a real photo of him killing a bear adds to his mountain man image. The NFL may be blackballing Blake Bortles due to his preference for a Tesla over motor oil sponsors. In the world of golf, g4 has a Father's Day collection for golf enthusiasts, and Mike Tyson, despite his impressive recent training clips, would require a significant sum to be his trainer or to take a punch from him in his prime.

    • The Unsung Heroes of Sports: Trainers and MoreBoxing trainers, and others in sports with unglamorous roles, significantly contribute to their team's success despite receiving little recognition.

      Certain roles in sports, often unnoticed or unsung, play a crucial part in the success of their team or players. Using the example of boxing trainers, the speaker emphasizes the importance of their role in ensuring their fighter is at their best, even if they themselves don't receive the recognition. The discussion also touches on other sports and positions where individuals play essential but less glamorous roles. The NFL's announcement of the scheduled release date of the upcoming football season was also highlighted as a much-anticipated tradition in sports.

    • NFL's Confidence in a Full Season with Fans and Weightlifting DiscussionThe NFL is planning for a full season with fans, while the college football schedule remains uncertain and the pandemic continues. A discussion about weightlifting included a record-breaking deadlift and hypothetical powerlifting events for golden retrievers.

      The NFL is confidently planning for a full season with fans, despite the uncertainty surrounding college football and the ongoing pandemic. The league's optimism was reflected in their recent schedule announcement. Another intriguing topic was the discussion about lifting heavy weights, with a record-breaking deadlift by The Mountain from Game of Thrones and the hypothetical idea of having golden retrievers compete in powerlifting events. The conversation also touched upon the seemingly impossible task of lifting 789 basketballs, which led to some amusing debates. Lastly, there was a light-hearted segment about overcoming fears, with the hosts expressing their confidence in dealing with potential threats, such as the murder hornet. Overall, the conversation was a mix of sports news, weightlifting trivia, and humorous banter.

    • Fear and Unnecessary AnxietyFear can be overhyped, leading to unnecessary anxiety. Focus on what's truly important and maintain a balanced perspective to avoid being consumed by fear.

      Fear can be overhyped and cause unnecessary anxiety in our lives. The speaker in the conversation expressed frustration with the constant stream of fear-inducing news and stories, comparing it to "fear porn." They argued that while threats like murder hornets or the coronavirus exist, the fear surrounding them is often disproportionate to the actual danger. The speaker encouraged taking back control of one's fear and focusing on what is truly important. They also emphasized the importance of not letting fear prevent us from living our lives and enjoying experiences. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the need to maintain a balanced perspective and avoid being consumed by fear.

    • Reflections on The Last Dance documentary from Horace GrantHorace Grant, a four-time NBA champion, shared his thoughts on the documentary, expressing nostalgia and denying being the source of the 'Jordan Rules' book.

      Peloton is a versatile fitness solution suitable for individuals at various fitness levels, with thousands of classes available. Horace Grant, a four-time NBA champion, shared his thoughts on the recent release of "The Last Dance" documentary, expressing nostalgia for his past basketball career and the camaraderie of his team. Regarding the documentary, Grant has seen most of it and hasn't noticed any significant discrepancies between the portrayed events and his own memories. However, he strongly denies being the source of the infamous "Jordan Rules" book, which alleges that Michael Jordan cut ties with him and other teammates due to perceived disloyalty. Despite their strained relationship, Grant never reached out to Jordan to clarify the matter, as he believed Jordan had already made up his mind about the source of the book.

    • Earning Respect in the NBA Locker RoomThrough hard work, resilience, and standing up for oneself, the speaker earned respect from Michael Jordan and Charles Oakley, despite their differences. No fear in calling out opponents and overcoming challenges helped him succeed in the NBA.

      Respect in the NBA locker room was earned through hard work, resilience, and standing up for oneself, even against the toughest opponents and teammates. This was exemplified by the speaker's experience with Michael Jordan and Charles Oakley. Despite their differences, the speaker gained Jordan's respect through his determination and work ethic, while Oakley's tough training methods helped him grow as a player. The speaker also showed no fear in calling out opponents, such as the Detroit Pistons, who disrespected him and his team. The moment that stands out from the 3-peat is the determination and grit displayed in overcoming challenges, whether it be physical training or mental obstacles like migraines. The speaker's unwavering commitment to proving himself and earning respect is a powerful lesson for anyone striving for success.

    • Bench players save the day in Portland, Bulls' bond shines through in heated momentsThe Bulls' success was a result of every player's contributions and their collective determination to achieve a common goal.

      Teamwork and the contributions of every player, no matter their role, were crucial to the Chicago Bulls' success during their championship runs. The Portland series stands out as a moment where the bench players stepped up and saved the day when the starters underperformed. Another memorable moment was when Michael Jordan's teammates felt the need to prove themselves against the New York Knicks during their pursuit of a fourth NBA title. The Bulls' desire to win was so strong that they pushed each other in practice, and when their teammates came in to help, they did their jobs with determination. The team's bond was so strong that even during heated moments, like Scottie Pippen's decision to sit out during a crucial game, they were able to address the issue and move on. Ultimately, the Bulls' success was a testament to the importance of every player and their collective effort towards a common goal.

    • Communication and trust among team members and coachesEffective communication and trust among team members and coaches were crucial for the Bulls' championship success, allowing each player to embrace their role and cover for each other's mistakes.

      Effective communication and trust among team members and coaches played a crucial role in the success of some of the most iconic NBA teams in history. During the Bulls' championship years, Phil Jackson's coaching style kept the team together by having each player embrace their role and play to their strengths, which was essential for maintaining a high level of defensive performance. Additionally, the team's unwavering confidence in one another and their ability to cover for each other's mistakes were key factors in their success. If small events like Nick Anderson making a free throw in Game 1 against the Rockets or Penny Hardaway and Shaquille O'Neal getting along had occurred, it's likely that the teams would have won even more championships. Ultimately, the success of these teams was a result of strong communication, trust, and a collective focus on the team's goals.

    • Respecting authority figures in challenging situationsRespecting authority figures, even when they're not popular, can lead to success. Horace Grant's drafting influenced the Bulls' championship runs, and his respect for Jerry Krause inspired him to wear rec specs despite having LASIK surgery.

      Respecting authority figures, even when they may be subjected to ridicule, is important. This was evident in the dynamic between Jerry Krause and the Chicago Bulls players during their championship runs. Despite some players not seeing him as their boss, Krause's bold decision to draft Horace Grant instead of the popular choice influenced the team's success. Horace Grant himself spoke about the importance of respecting Krause, despite any underestimation he may have felt due to his role on the team. Another key point is the impact of Phil Jackson's coaching style, which allowed players to feel valued and important, even if they weren't the main stars. Additionally, the decision to wear his rec specs despite having LASIK surgery was a way for Grant to inspire others and show respect to those who had faced bullying. Overall, the importance of respect and valuing authority figures, even in challenging situations, was a recurring theme in the discussion.

    • Small moments can have significant consequencesBeing present and aware of small opportunities can lead to different outcomes and emotions. Missing a call or lending a friend money can have profound impacts on our lives.

      Sometimes small decisions or actions can have significant consequences. In the story shared, a friend named MJ ran out of money while gambling and borrowed $2,000 from the speaker. MJ was so determined to pay him back that he returned with the exact amount the next day. However, the speaker missed a call from Shaq before he joined the Lakers, and regretted not answering it. The missed call led to a profound sense of regret and sadness for the speaker. The anecdote illustrates that small opportunities, like answering a call or lending a friend money, can lead to different outcomes and emotions. It's essential to be present and aware of these moments to make the most of them. Additionally, the conversation touched on hypothetical basketball scenarios, highlighting the impact of having Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, or Shaq on the team during crucial moments. The overall discussion emphasizes the significance of being present and making the most of opportunities.

    • The deep bond between Horace Grant and Scottie PippenHorace Grant's emotional attachment to Scottie Pippen's cat led him to skip practice, but Phil Jackson motivated him to overcome it and earn recognition

      Horace Grant's friendship with Scottie Pippen ran deep, even extending to mourning the loss of Pippen's cat together. However, an unexpected incident led Grant to try to skip practice, but his hangover and emotional attachment to the cat were the real reasons. Despite this, Phil Jackson motivated Grant to perform at his best and earn the recognition of being carried off the court. This anecdote showcases the unique camaraderie among basketball players and the influence of coaches in pushing their teams to victory. Additionally, Horace Grant's endorsement of Shady Raze sunglasses highlights the brand's popularity among sports figures and listeners.

    • Exciting deals on sunglasses and intriguing discussionsShadyrays.com offers buy one, get one free on select sunglasses. Kim Jong Un resurfaced from rumors, theories suggest he took a break for video games. Water polo identified as challenging sport, speakers discuss Ozark season 3 and Kim's potential fandom.

      Shadyrays.com is currently offering a buy one, get one free promotion on select sunglasses styles, including the Blacktimbers and Blackouts. Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, has recently resurfaced after rumors of his death, and there are theories suggesting he may have taken a break to play video games. In the world of sports, water polo was identified as a particularly challenging activity to participate in, due to the constant treading and ball-stealing involved. While discussing various topics, the speakers also touched upon Ozark season 3 and the possibility of Kim Jong Un being a fan of the show. Overall, the key takeaway is the exciting sunglasses deal from Shadyrays.com and the intriguing discussions on current events and sports.

    • Discussing the challenges and risks of various activities and professionsSome activities or professions might seem appealing at first, but they come with unique challenges and risks that should be considered before making a decision.

      Some activities or professions may seem appealing at first, but upon closer examination, they come with challenges and risks that might make them less desirable. For instance, during their conversation, the speakers discussed their opinions on various activities and professions, such as bullfighting, triathlon, MMA, luge, and cycling. Bullfighting, while seemingly exciting, was seen as rigged and potentially dangerous for the matador. Triathlon, with its long and consecutive events, was criticized as a try-hard move. MMA, with its potential for getting knocked out or tapped out, was viewed as emasculating. Luge, with its high speeds and lack of teammates, was considered a solo sport that might be too challenging for one person. Cycling, specifically the Tour de France, was seen as a profession that requires dedication and might not be for everyone. Overall, the conversation highlighted that while some activities or professions might seem glamorous or exciting, they come with their own unique challenges and risks. It's important to consider these factors before making a decision.

    • Participating in extreme sports and professions can be challenging and riskyExtreme sports and professions like strongman, baseball catching, rock climbing, and gymnastics require immense strength, endurance, and skill, but also come with risks of injury and pain.

      Participating in certain extreme sports or professions, such as strongman competitions, Major League Baseball catching, rock climbing, and gymnastics, can be physically and mentally demanding, leading to pain, injury, and even death. The strongman Olympics, for instance, requires immense strength and endurance, but the risk of injury and the constant pain make it unappealing to some. Similarly, being a catcher in baseball involves taking numerous hits and enduring long hours of waiting, which can lead to boredom and soreness. Rock climbing and gymnastics, while impressive, involve high risks of injury and require a level of skill and precision that most people don't possess. Ultimately, while these activities may offer a sense of accomplishment and excitement, they also come with significant challenges and risks.

    • Embracing new experiences and pushing out of comfort zonesDiscovering new interests and trying unfamiliar sports can lead to unexpected rewards and personal growth.

      While some people may prefer certain sports based on their abilities and interests, others may find value in trying new things, even if they seem challenging or boring at first. For instance, Hank expressed his disinterest in soccer due to its handicap and perceived lack of excitement, but acknowledged the financial rewards for professionals. Conversely, Billy, despite facing health concerns, remains committed to his fitness routine and finds motivation in Peloton's challenging classes. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing new experiences and pushing oneself out of comfort zones. Additionally, it showcases the unique aspects and appeal of various sports, from the raw adrenaline of rodeo to the strategic nature of football and the endurance required for cycling.

    • Ted's unexpected diagnosis and Billy's pre-workout supplementTed's experience highlights the importance of resilience and survival. Billy's supplement, Crisis Fuel, offers energy and mass maintenance during challenging situations.

      During a conversation, Ted was diagnosed with cat scratch fever instead of appendicitis. This experience led him to discuss the value of resilience and survival in the wild. Additionally, Billy introduced his supplement company, Berserker Blood Cult, which offers a pre-workout product called Crisis Fuel. This supplement is designed to maintain mass and energy during various situations, such as finals week or long road trips, where food may not be readily available. The product is unique due to its strong taste and blend of ingredients, including animal-based protein, B12 vitamins, taurine, and caffeine. The conversation also touched upon the potential benefits of investing in a startup at an early stage, potentially gaining significant media attention and equity.

    • Meal Replacement Powder with Intense Pre-WorkoutCrisis Fuel is a high-calorie meal replacement powder and Berserker mode is a pre-workout supplement, both offering extreme results, but with potential health risks and regulatory loopholes.

      Crisis Fuel is a meal replacement powder that provides around 2,000 calories per serving, primarily consisting of protein, carbs, and cornstarch. It can be used for weight loss by replacing an entire day's meals, or for gaining mass by adding additional meals. The creators also plan to introduce a separate line for pre-workouts, called Berserker mode, which aims to provide intense energy and a "sick pump" through various blends and levels of skin crawling sensations. Despite the potential health risks and addictive nature, the creators plan to market it as a fertilizer or kitchen sink cleaner to bypass regulations. The Berserker mode is intended to increase vascularity and nitrous oxide levels, leading to enhanced workouts and "sick boners." While the exact ingredients and effects are not specified, the creators are confident that it will provide significant results.

    • Creating a unique pre-workout supplement and building a communityGroup discussed creating a pre-workout supplement, Berserker Blood Cult, and building a community through a pyramid scheme model, with plans for relaxation and focus supplements, and an app to connect people.

      The group discussed creating a unique and extreme pre-workout supplement, which they referred to as the "Berserker Blood Cult," and building a community around it. They planned to market it through a pyramid scheme model, where members would have to buy large packages and then sell smaller portions to others to join the Alpha Zerker clan. The goal was to create a sense of exclusivity and belonging. They also discussed creating other supplements for relaxation and focus. However, they acknowledged that this could potentially be seen as a pyramid scheme or cult, and they joked about the idea of it being a blood donation cult to avoid suspicion. They also discussed the possibility of creating an app to connect people with various needs and desires. Despite the joking and seemingly outlandish ideas, they were serious about creating and testing the supplements. The cost was estimated to be around $30,000, and they planned to start the Berserker Blood Cult exercise and diet program soon.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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