
    Podcast Summary

    • The situation in Gaza continues to escalate with concerns from the international communityOver 11,200 Palestinians have died and 700,000 children have been displaced in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The targeting of hospitals and international concerns have led to calls for de-escalation, but Israeli military actions show no signs of slowing down.

      The situation in Gaza continues to escalate with no end in sight, as the Israeli response to Hamas' terrorist attack has resulted in the deaths of over 11,200 Palestinians and the displacement of 700,000 children. The targeting of hospitals, including Al Sheifa, where Hamas is allegedly operating from, has raised concerns from the international community, including the United States. President Biden has expressed his concerns to Israel, but the Israeli military's actions show no signs of slowing down. Meanwhile, the British government is undergoing major shakeups, and refugees are being forced out of Pakistan. In a more thoughtful conversation, we'll discuss the state of free speech in Israel, disagreements between the US and Israel, and the effort to get back the estimated 240 hostages in Gaza. We'll also hear from an Israeli woman whose family members are being held hostage by Hamas and a woman sheltering with her family in Gaza. Additionally, we'll interview historian, philosopher, and author Yuval Harari, whose book "Sapiens" was a White House favorite during the Obama administration.

    • Hospitals as Military Bases: Protecting the InnocentInternational law protects hospitals from attack, but their use as military bases by Hamas does not justify Israeli targeting. Diplomacy and negotiation are essential to address threats and alleviate humanitarian crisis.

      The use of hospitals as military bases by Hamas does not justify their targeting by Israel during conflict. The Geneva Convention protects hospitals from attack, and innocent civilians, including children, are present in these facilities. The international community, including the US, should urge diplomacy and negotiation to address threats, rather than resorting to military action against hospitals. Regarding President Biden, his efforts to recalibrate messaging and urge restraint are appreciated, but more emphasis on the humanitarian crisis and its impact on innocent civilians would be beneficial. Additionally, consistent messaging and actions are necessary to bring about changes in Israeli policy and US support. The use of hospitals as military targets not only violates international law but also perpetuates the cycle of violence and suffering.

    • Military action comes with unintended consequences and long-term negative impactsInternational laws and rules should be followed during conflicts to minimize unintended consequences and negative impacts. Military action can have strategic and moral justifications, but it's important to consider the long-term implications.

      While military action may seem like an effective solution in certain situations, such as facilitating the transfer of people or neutralizing specific threats, it often comes with unintended consequences and long-term negative impacts. The discussion also highlighted the importance of adhering to international laws and rules during conflicts. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine was used as an example, with the US and much of the international community taking different stances on the issue. The interview with French President Emmanuel Macron underscores the growing international concern over the escalating violence and the need for a ceasefire. Additionally, the US response to attacks against its forces in Syria and Iraq has resulted in increased tensions and injuries, raising questions about the strategic and moral justification for military action.

    • US and Israel clash over GazaThe US calls for Palestinian Authority control and peace, while Israel insists on defeating Hamas and questions their governance, hindering diplomatic efforts for a long-term solution.

      The US and Israel have vastly different perspectives on how to handle the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The US, represented by Secretary of State Tony Blinken, is advocating for the Palestinian Authority to take control of Gaza and work towards sustainable peace through Palestinian-led governance and reconstruction. In contrast, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu insists on the need to defeat Hamas and questions the ability of the Palestinian Authority to govern Gaza, suggesting an indefinite security role for Israel. This fundamental disagreement between the two allies, along with Netanyahu's stance against recognizing a two-state solution, complicates the diplomatic efforts to find a long-term solution to the ongoing conflict.

    • Addressing the Complexities of GazaThe US could condition aid on Palestinian authority governance, but demilitarization and deradicalization efforts may backfire. Alternative solutions include multinational peacekeeping or Israeli control, but hostage releases complicate negotiations. Urgent humanitarian aid and diplomacy are crucial.

      The situation in Gaza raises complex and interconnected issues, including security, governance, and humanitarian aid. The speaker suggests that the US could condition some support on the acceptance of Palestinian authority governance in Gaza, but demilitarization and deradicalization efforts may have the opposite effect due to the destruction and displacement caused by the conflict. Alternative solutions include a multinational Arab peacekeeping force or a long-term Israeli control of Gaza, but the release of estimated 240 hostages, mostly held by Hamas and other militant groups, complicates negotiations. The speaker emphasizes the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis and the importance of ongoing diplomatic efforts, as evidenced by ongoing negotiations for hostage releases.

    • Israeli hostages and the ongoing conflict causing worry and traumaThe ongoing conflict in Israel is causing anxiety and calls for diplomatic solutions due to hostages being held and uncertainty surrounding their wellbeing, as well as ethical concerns over spyware technology usage.

      The ongoing conflict in Israel, specifically the issue of hostages being held, is causing immense worry and trauma for those affected, both in Israel and in the affected communities. The uncertainty surrounding the wellbeing of these hostages and the lack of clear endgame for the military operation is causing anxiety and calls for diplomatic solutions. The potential release of 70 hostages through negotiations is seen as a significant lift for all parties involved. Meanwhile, the use of spyware technology to track potential hostages or adversaries raises ethical concerns. The situation is complex and deeply affecting the daily lives of civilians on both sides, with calls for a ceasefire and diplomatic efforts to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all involved.

    • Suffering of Innocent Civilians in Gaza ConflictThe ongoing conflict between Israeli and Palestinian communities in Gaza causes immense suffering for innocent civilians, requiring a peaceful resolution that values their lives and wellbeing.

      The ongoing conflict between Israeli and Palestinian communities in Gaza has led to unbearable suffering for innocent civilians on both sides. The lack of basic necessities like water, fuel, and functional bakeries, as well as the difficulty of communication, adds to the constant anxiety and fear for the safety of their families. The destruction of infrastructure and the use of indiscriminate force have only worsened the situation, leading to a cycle of violence and retaliation. It is crucial to remember the humanity of those affected and to seek a peaceful resolution that values the lives and wellbeing of all people involved. The use of disproportionate force may provide short-term gains but risks causing long-term damage to the societies involved, as seen in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. It is essential to strive for a lasting peace that addresses the root causes of the conflict and prioritizes the dignity and wellbeing of all people.

    • De-escalating Conflicts: Avoiding Aggression and Fanning the FlamesIn conflicts, de-escalating measures like calmness and avoiding aggression are more effective than escalating the situation.

      When dealing with conflict or adversity, it's important to avoid escalating the situation with further aggression. Instead, it's more effective to use calming and de-escalating measures, like using water to put out a fire. This was demonstrated in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where a group's actions were intended to provoke an Israeli response for their own benefit. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently underwent a cabinet reshuffle, resulting in the ousting of Home Secretary Suella Braverman and the appointment of David Cameron as the new Foreign Secretary. The appointment of Cameron, who was responsible for Brexit and is no longer a member of parliament, has raised eyebrows and criticism. This situation can be compared to a hypothetical scenario in US politics, where a future Republican might name George W. Bush as the Secretary of State for Raqqa czar. Overall, it's crucial to understand the importance of de-escalation in conflicts and the potential consequences of appointing controversial figures to positions of power.

    • British politics: unexpected appointments and chaosThe British political system's chaos is highlighted by unexpected appointments, such as David Cameron's move from foreign secretary to home secretary, and the lack of preparation and experience required for high-level roles.

      The British political system can be unpredictable and chaotic, as shown by the unexpected appointment of David Cameron as foreign secretary. Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are competing for the center ground, with Starmer facing criticism for not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Cameron's appointment serves as a reminder of the chaos that began the current era of Tory rule, with Cameron's decision to call for a Brexit referendum. The appointment also highlights the lack of preparation and training for these high-level positions, as James Cleverley was plucked from his job as foreign secretary and dropped into the role of home secretary with little notice. The British political system seems to view these jobs as interchangeable, but in reality, they require significant knowledge and experience. The appointment of Cameron also serves as a distraction from the controversial figures in British politics, such as Boris Johnson and Tony Blair.

    • British Monarchy's Unusual Speechwriting Process vs. Pakistan's Refugee CrisisThe British monarchy reads prepared speeches while living on public funds, while Pakistan's decision to deport up to 1.7 million Afghan refugees could lead to a humanitarian crisis, affecting those with businesses, children, and decades-long residency.

      The British monarchy's speechwriting process is an unusual tradition where the monarch simply reads a prepared speech, often on unrelated topics, while wearing expensive clothing and living on public funds. Meanwhile, the Pakistani government's decision to deport up to 1.7 million undocumented Afghan refugees could lead to a humanitarian crisis, impacting people who have lived there for decades, have businesses, and children born in Pakistan. These refugees include those who fled Taliban persecution, women, human rights defenders, and others with no place to go. The harsh winter approaching adds to the urgency of providing food, shelter, and warmth for these families. The Pakistani government's complicity in the conflict by providing a safe haven for the Taliban during the 20-year war further exacerbates the situation.

    • Geopolitical dynamics and Afghanistan refugees, US-China relationsDiplomacy and aid crucial for addressing global issues, including repatriation of Afghan refugees and US-China communication

      The decision to forcibly repatriate Afghan refugees back to Pakistan, despite the potential loss of their homes and businesses, and the potential danger they face under Taliban rule, highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the region. The meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the APEC summit is an attempt to restore communication and prevent potential conflicts, while discussions on AI and trade could lead to significant developments in US-China relations. The Uplift Afghanistan organization's approach to providing direct resources to individuals is an innovative solution to development challenges. Overall, these events underscore the importance of diplomacy and aid in addressing global issues.

    • Geopolitical tensions and debates shape global dynamicsRecent discussions about AI and military engagement with China aren't a significant shift in policy but an attempt to prevent a cold war. Republican primary debate highlighted a push to the right on various issues, while geopolitical tensions continue to shape global dynamics.

      Despite recent discussions about AI and military engagement with China, it's important to note that this isn't a breakthrough or a significant shift in policy. Instead, it's an attempt to prevent a potential spiral into a cold war. Meanwhile, the Republican primary debate showcased a push to the right on various issues, including China, Iran, and Venezuela, despite the American public not necessarily sharing these views. In the aftermath of the conflict in Israel, there is a mix of fear and hope, with some looking towards the possibility of renewed peace efforts with the Palestinians. Overall, it's crucial to recognize that geopolitical tensions and debates continue to shape global dynamics.

    • Understanding Hamas and Israel's political goalsHamas sees a potential Israeli-Saudi peace treaty as a threat to its agenda and seeks to delay or derail it, while Israel's long-term goals remain unclear, leading to concerns about escalation and the need for a lasting solution focusing on disarming Hamas and improving Palestinian lives

      The ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel can't be fully understood just by looking at the number of casualties or international support. Instead, it's crucial to consider each side's political goals. For Hamas, the immediate trigger for the recent attack was the potential Israeli-Saudi peace treaty, which threatened Hamas's agenda and its Iranian backers. Hamas's success in delaying or derailing this treaty could mean a victory for them. As for Israel, the long-term goals are less clear. While some want peace and normalization with the Arab world, others have different objectives. The Israeli government's lack of clarity on its long-term aims raises concerns about potential escalation and the risk of getting trapped in a long conflict, as terrorist groups like Hamas seek outsized military responses to raise their profile. Ultimately, a lasting solution requires a focus on disarming Hamas and finding a way for Palestinians to live dignified lives in their homeland.

    • Peace through military force is not a long-term solutionThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires mutual motivation for peace and exploring alternative solutions beyond military force.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be solved through military force alone. Disarming Hamas is necessary, but it's not a long-term solution without providing the Palestinians with a viable alternative future. The motivation for peace needs to come from both sides, and currently, there isn't enough motivation for a peaceful resolution. The conflict won't be solved in the near future, but efforts can be made to sow seeds for peace. The environment for free speech in Israel is still considerable, but there are signs of erosion and it's important to protect democratic values. The two-state solution may not be viable with the current leadership, and alternative solutions need to be explored with motivation from both sides. The conflict's resolution requires acknowledging the pain and interests of both parties and developing a theory of mind to understand each other's perspectives.

    • Avoiding inflammatory language in Israeli-Palestinian conflictFocus on experiences, pain, and suffering, avoid historical comparisons, and demand clear political aims from leaders.

      While the language we use in debates about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important, it should not overshadow the focus on the experiences, pain, and suffering of those directly involved. Words can lose their meaning through inflation, and comparisons to historical evils like genocide or Nazi regime should be avoided due to their unique significance. The Israeli public deserves a clear statement from their leaders about the political aims of the war and what kind of country they will build after victory. Unfortunately, under the current government, such a charter is unlikely, as they have spent years dividing the nation and vilifying rivals rather than focusing on competence and equality for all citizens.

    • Emphasizing equal rights and long-term peace in IsraelEnsure equal rights for all citizens, focus on long-term peace for safe and dignified lives in Israel

      Importance of ensuring equal rights and treatment for all citizens in the aftermath of conflict, using the example of a soldier who was killed trying to save civilians, weeks before his marriage. The speaker emphasized the need for a clear vision of a liberal democracy that respects and guarantees the rights of all citizens in Israel. While there have been calls for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians, the focus should be on reaching a long-term peace that allows both sides to live safely and dignified lives in their homelands. The discussion also touched upon the importance of maintaining a focus on the big picture and long-term vision, even amidst the horrors of conflict.

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    Pod Save the World
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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
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    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

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    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

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    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Is Israel Committing Genocide?

    Is Israel Committing Genocide?

    Genocide. Not a word to be used lightly.

    In recent months, the term has been levelled at Israel for its treatment of the war in Gaza. 

    The Israeli government has repeatedly denounced the accusation despite the ICJ ruling in January that it was 'plausible' that genocide could be taking place.

    Over 32,000 Palestinians - mostly children - are believed to have been killed since the horrific attack on October 7th and today, a new report from the United Nations says there are 'reasonable grounds' that Israel has carried out acts of Genocide in Gaza.

    American-Israeli commentator, Emily Schrader & journalist and filmmaker Abby Martin join Piers to debate

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