
    How Can We Create a Phenomenal Sex Life?

    enSeptember 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding and healing past traumas for a healthy sexual relationshipHealing from past traumas requires open communication, patience, and understanding between partners. Reading books like 'Come As You Are' can provide insights for rebuilding a healthy sexual relationship.

      Healing from past traumas and rebuilding a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship requires understanding, patience, and open communication between partners. Shay, a caller on the Doctor John Maloney Show, shared her concern about her husband's lack of sexual desire and their infrequent intimate encounters. She revealed that her husband's past experiences of physical and sexual abuse by his father had left deep emotional scars, making it difficult for him to connect intimately. Shay expressed her own discomfort with initiating sex, feeling unattractive and undesired despite her husband's reassurances. They both had been prisoners of their past traumas, leading to obligatory sex only a few times a month. The couple had met in kindergarten, married after both had gone through a divorce, and had spent the last six years living apart due to their children's visitation schedules. The doctor acknowledged the complexity of their situation and suggested that they both read the book "Come As You Are" by Emily Nagoski, which focuses on women's sexual health but could provide valuable insights for men as well. He emphasized the importance of understanding each other's unique experiences and working together to create a safe and loving environment for rebuilding their sexual relationship.

    • Effective Communication in Sexual RelationshipsOpen communication is essential for understanding emotional needs and maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship. Recognize unique relationship dynamics and address past experiences or emotional baggage.

      Effective communication and understanding emotional needs are crucial for a satisfying sexual relationship. The book "Come as You Are" by Emily Nagoski, though primarily written for women, offers valuable insights for men as well. It emphasizes the importance of women expressing their desires and needs to their partners, rather than assuming they should always cater to their husbands' needs. The discussion also highlighted the idea that men may have past experiences or emotional baggage that can impact their sexual relationship, and open communication can help address these issues. Additionally, it's important to recognize that every couple's relationship dynamics are unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of open and honest communication in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • The importance of communication and connection in a relationshipEffective communication and connection are essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, preventing feelings of loneliness and disconnection. Regularly prioritizing the relationship and addressing personal struggles can strengthen the bond.

      Communication and connection are crucial in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. The discussion highlights how a lack of communication and connection can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and even revulsion towards one's partner. This can result in a "weird dance" where both partners end up on different tracks, leading to disconnection and tension. The consequences of this disconnection can extend beyond the relationship, affecting the couple's children who may absorb the tension and loneliness, leading to disruptive behavior. The greatest gift a couple can give their children is a picture of a healthy and connected marriage. It's important to regularly communicate, check-in, and prioritize the relationship, even amidst the challenges and busy schedules. Additionally, addressing and working through personal struggles, such as past traumas, can help improve the relationship and foster deeper connection.

    • Overcoming emotional blocks in sexual relationshipsPractice staying present, challenge negative self-talk, and find alternative ways to release excess energy to overcome emotional blocks and build a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

      Both partners in a relationship may have deep-rooted emotional blocks that prevent them from fully connecting during sex. These blocks can stem from past experiences or societal pressures, leading to disconnection and dissatisfaction. To overcome these issues, both partners must practice staying present during intimacy, challenging negative self-talk, and finding alternative ways to dispel excess energy when one partner needs to tap out. By facing these challenges head-on and refusing to let the past define their present, couples can work towards building a more fulfilling and connected sexual relationship.

    • Communicating openly during intimacyEstablish clear communication and consent practices, discuss boundaries, and create a safe and comfortable space for exploration.

      It's important for couples to communicate openly about their needs and boundaries during intimate moments, without letting past experiences or perceived control issues get in the way. The speaker emphasizes that each partner should not be expected to be responsible for the other's emotional wellbeing or past traumas. Instead, they should establish clear communication and consent practices, such as discussing boundaries and checking in with each other during intimacy. The use of tools like spreadsheets or envelopes can help facilitate these conversations and establish a healthy, balanced sexual relationship. Ultimately, the goal is to create a safe and comfortable space for both partners to explore their desires and needs without fear of judgment or past traumas interfering.

    • Exploring new ways to connect through intimacy and vulnerabilityCommitting to random acts of intimacy and vulnerability can improve relationships, navigate uncomfortable spaces, and foster curiosity and connection. Address underlying issues and seek help if needed.

      Committing to random acts of intimacy and vulnerability, as suggested in the conversation, can help improve a relationship and bring couples closer together. This can be achieved through drawing cards with suggested activities and committing to following through, even if it feels uncomfortable or uncertain. This practice can help couples navigate uncomfortable spaces and foster curiosity and connection, rather than disconnecting or avoiding each other. Another important takeaway is the need for couples to address any underlying issues, such as distance or past traumas, and commit to working through them together. Additionally, seeking help from a counselor or trusted professional can be beneficial for individuals who struggle with self-love and self-worth. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of communication, commitment, and willingness to try new things in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Acknowledging and processing difficult emotionsRecognizing and expressing negative emotions, like depression and addiction, is crucial for healing and growth. Honesty and openness can prevent confusion and invalidation for loved ones.

      It's important to acknowledge and process difficult emotions, even when dealing with a loved one's struggles. Depression and other negative feelings can't be thought away, and trying to suppress them can lead to further harm. Being honest about these emotions, and allowing oneself to experience them, can ultimately lead to healing and growth. It's also important to remember that a person's actions, even those driven by addiction or other challenges, are still harmful and deserve acknowledgement and healing. Additionally, allowing oneself to express emotions openly can help prevent children from feeling confused or invalidated. Overall, it's essential to recognize that healing is a complex process, and it requires both acknowledging and addressing negative emotions, as well as finding ways to move forward.

    • Prioritize personal growth and authenticityLearn to say 'no' and prioritize personal happiness to grow and be true to oneself, despite uncomfortable emotions.

      It's essential to prioritize dealing with personal issues on one's own terms, rather than letting them surface at inconvenient times. These issues can manifest as addictive behaviors, such as the need for control or performance, and can negatively impact one's own happiness. Learning to say "no" and feel the accompanying emotions, even if uncomfortable, is a crucial step towards personal growth and authenticity. It's important to remember that it's normal to experience a range of emotions and that everyone goes through seasons of practicing self-care and setting boundaries. Ultimately, the greatest gift one can give to others is being true to oneself and prioritizing personal happiness.

    • Communicating Effectively with Children During Challenging TimesAcknowledge past mistakes, apologize, and be open and consistent in communication to build a stronger bond with children.

      Effective communication and consistency are key in building a strong and safe relationship with children, especially during challenging times. The discussion highlights a father's experience of raising his 12-year-old daughter alone while dealing with her attempts to go around his rules. The father shares how he used to yell and get angry but has since made efforts to change his behavior and apologize to his daughter. He also acknowledges that his daughter's behavior might be a result of her past experiences with him and her mother. The conversation emphasizes the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and making amends, as well as understanding that children may test boundaries to see if they will hold. The father's approach of being open and consistent in his communication has helped him and his daughter build a stronger bond. It's important for parents to remember that their kids look to them for safety and security, and that consistent, open communication can help children feel heard and understood.

    • Balancing love and boundaries in parentingEmpower your child to seek guidance from others while maintaining a strong bond and expressing love and affirmation.

      Being a good parent involves striking a balance between setting boundaries and providing love and support. It's essential to maintain a connection with your child while also allowing them to develop relationships with others and learn to navigate challenges on their own. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from being his daughter's primary source of emotional support to encouraging her to seek guidance from other trusted adults. He emphasized the importance of expressing love and affirmation, while also acknowledging the potential challenges of single parenthood, such as the child taking on a caretaking role or internalizing feelings of responsibility for the parent's emotions. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of fostering a strong, loving bond with your child while also empowering them to grow and learn from others.

    • Supporting your child's growth and feelingsCreate a safe, loving environment for conversations and mistakes. Build relationships with trusted adults. Parenting involves balance, uncertainty, and constant learning.

      Being a parent involves finding a balance between encouraging growth and respecting your child's feelings. It's important to create a safe and loving environment where they feel comfortable having conversations and making mistakes. Building strong relationships with trusted adults outside the family can also provide an additional support system. Ultimately, parenting is a challenging journey filled with uncertainty and constant learning, but it's also an opportunity to make lasting memories and help your child grow into a confident and capable adult.

    • Let's Talk About AnxietyAcknowledge and address anxiety to build a more peaceful, non-anxious life through daily choices

      Just like everyone else, you too have experienced anxiety, burnout, or chronic stress at some point in your life. However, there are six daily choices you can make to help eliminate anxious feelings and better respond to life's challenges. These choices are detailed in Jon Dalton's new book, "Building a Nonanxious Life," which is available at jondaloney.com. Salt-n-Pepa once sang about the importance of addressing uncomfortable topics, and the same applies to anxiety. Instead of avoiding it, let's talk about it and learn how to build a more peaceful, non-anxious life. The song "Let's Talk About Sex" encourages us to confront topics that may be uncomfortable, and the same principle applies to anxiety. By acknowledging and addressing it, we can make positive changes. So, don't shy away from the topic of anxiety – instead, let's talk about it and learn how to build a more peaceful, non-anxious life.

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    About Suki:

    Suki is a feminine leadership and relationship coach, author, and intuitive healer.  Her passion is to empower women to embrace their divine femininity to create a new paradigm for feminine leadership. She has journeyed through a personal transformation to health through holistic mind-body-spirit approaches, and now focuses on assisting her clients reclaim and cultivate divine feminine aspects of fluidity, heart-centredness, and intuition.
    Connect with Suki: