
    How Do We Talk to Our Kids About School Shootings?

    enJanuary 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Tragic Events with ChildrenBe sensitive, honest, and age-appropriate when discussing tragic events with children. Open communication and empathy are key.

      Having difficult conversations with children about tragic events, such as school shootings or loss of faith, requires sensitivity, honesty, and age-appropriate information. A father in Detroit shares his experience of discussing the Oxford shooting with his kids, who were thankfully not in school that day. He and his wife were in shock and struggled to find the right words, but eventually had to answer their children's questions. Another caller discussed the challenge of telling her daughter that her husband had lost his faith, and a previous caller shared her experience of having a tough conversation with her in-laws about COVID-19 and boundaries. These conversations underscore the importance of open communication and empathy when navigating challenging topics with loved ones.

    • Parents as Emotional Models for ChildrenParents should acknowledge their feelings in front of kids, creating a safe space for them to express their emotions, helping children learn to cope with uncertainty and feel less alone in their emotions.

      Children look to their parents as models for handling emotions, and it's important for adults to acknowledge their own feelings in front of their kids to help them feel validated and not crazy. The discussion revolves around two parents who are dealing with their children's reactions to a traumatic event. The son, who is in transitional kindergarten, seemed unfazed, while the daughter, in 4th grade, appeared more affected. The parents have had conversations with their kids but are concerned about the long-term impact of the event on their emotional well-being. The expert advises that parents should share their feelings with their children in an age-appropriate way, creating a safe space for them to express their emotions. By acknowledging their own feelings, parents help their children understand that it's okay to have emotions and that they don't control everything. This approach can help children learn to cope with uncertainty and feel less alone in their emotions.

    • Communicating with Children During Difficult TimesDuring hardships, validate children's emotions, answer truthfully, offer comfort, maintain routine, and communicate openly with spouse.

      During difficult times, it's essential to communicate openly and provide reassurance to children, acknowledging their feelings and fears while maintaining routine and control. Parents should validate their children's emotions, answer their questions truthfully but age-appropriately, and offer comfort through touch and presence. It's natural for children to seek security and ask if they're safe. Parents should also prioritize checking in with their spouse and maintaining open communication to navigate the challenges together. These actions help children feel loved, understood, and secure during uncertain times.

    • Checking in on emotional well-being during difficult timesDuring tough times, remember to validate emotions, reach out for help, prioritize self-care, and seek professional support when needed.

      It's important to check in with each other during difficult times, especially when it comes to our emotional well-being and the well-being of our children. We may feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle our emotions or the emotions of those around us, but it's crucial to remember that we need to show our kids that their feelings are valid and that adults also experience a range of emotions. If we're struggling, it's important to reach out for help and support, whether that be from a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist. We all have moments where we feel like we should be feeling happy or energized, but instead, we're facing a "long winter hangover" and feeling drained. In these moments, it's essential to prioritize self-care and seek out professional help if needed. As Nessa, a student in her final semester of recreation therapy, demonstrated, we can all make it through challenging times with the right mindset and support system in place.

    • Communicating Effectively in Damaged RelationshipsClear communication and setting boundaries are essential for healthy relationships, even in challenging family dynamics. Failure to address issues can lead to mental health issues and potential escalation.

      Effective communication and setting boundaries are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships, even in challenging situations. The speaker in this conversation had been dealing with a damaged relationship with her in-laws, which had led to a six-month long period of awful relationship dynamics. She had attempted to set boundaries but was met with resistance, leading to a breakdown in communication. The speaker's mental health was affected, and she felt the need to express her feelings to her in-laws, despite the potential for escalation. Ultimately, she chose to write a letter, but the outcome was uncertain. The conversation highlights the importance of open and clear communication, especially when dealing with sensitive family dynamics, and the potential consequences of not addressing issues head-on.

    • Expressing feelings in relationships is importantOpen and honest communication is crucial in resolving conflicts and preserving relationships, despite initial hesitation or fear.

      Communication is key in maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker in this conversation had been dealing with family issues for years without expressing her feelings to her husband or in-laws. She finally decided to confront them, but her husband was hesitant to get involved due to fear of escalating the situation. The speaker's mental health was affected, and she needed her husband's support to address the issue. Ultimately, the situation calmed down when her in-laws became more understanding and respectful of her boundaries. However, the experience highlighted the importance of open and honest communication in resolving conflicts and preserving relationships.

    • Filtering words for effective communicationApproach difficult conversations with maturity, express feelings calmly, and filter out unnecessary words for productive outcomes.

      Effective communication requires filtering and maturity. The speaker shared an experience where she had a difficult conversation with her in-laws, which she approached by sitting between them and expressing her feelings in a calm and thoughtful manner. Despite her initial anger and use of profanity in her preparation, she chose to filter her words during the conversation, leading to a surprising and productive outcome. Her in-laws, who were known for speaking without consideration, were taken aback by her maturity and responded by reflecting on their own behavior. The conversation led to accountability and a call for all parties to level up in their communication and relationships. While the situation was tense and awkward at first, the speaker's approach ultimately led to growth and understanding.

    • Overcoming past traumas and unhealthy relationshipsFacing past traumas and unhealthy relationships takes courage, but it can lead to personal growth and positive changes within families.

      Confronting and processing past traumas and unhealthy relationships can lead to personal growth and positive changes within families. The speaker shared her experience of dealing with childhood trauma and how it resurfaced in her marriage. She decided to have a difficult conversation with her husband, which resulted in a shift in family dynamics. This is an example of taking control of one's life and creating a healthier environment for everyone involved. The courage to face challenges and seek help can inspire change in not only the individual but also in the relationships around them.

    • Embrace challenges and communicate openlyCommunicating bravely and openly can lead to positive outcomes and stronger connections, even in difficult situations. Prioritize relationships and approach conversations with empathy and understanding.

      Even in difficult situations, it's important to communicate openly and bravely. Nessa's story serves as an inspiration to face challenges head-on and prioritize the value of relationships. When we feel anxious, stressed, or burned out, making daily choices to build a non-anxious life can help us better respond to life's challenges. It's essential to remember that everyone's life experiences are unique, and it's crucial to approach conversations with empathy and understanding. As Nessa demonstrated, being brave and clear in communication can lead to positive outcomes and stronger connections. So, be like Nessa – embrace the challenges and keep moving forward.

    • Maintaining a Marriage with Different BeliefsThrough open communication and mutual respect, a couple can maintain a loving marriage despite significant differences in beliefs.

      Even in the face of significant differences in beliefs or backgrounds, a strong foundation of friendship and communication can help maintain a healthy and long-lasting marriage. The couple in this story, despite having vastly different religious beliefs, have managed to stay best friends and support each other for nearly two decades. However, the revelation of one partner's lack of faith led to a period of conflict and cognitive dissonance. To navigate this, they chose to be open and honest with each other and their children, ultimately deciding to raise their kids without pushing any particular religious beliefs on them. While their journey may not be traditional, their commitment to open communication and mutual respect has allowed them to maintain a loving and fulfilling partnership.

    • Keeping Family Secrets: Dysfunction and HarmHonesty and authenticity are vital, but consider timing and impact on loved ones before revealing family secrets.

      Keeping secrets within a family can lead to dysfunction and even physical harm. The speaker shares an experience of a man who had been hiding his true faith from his pastor parents for decades, fearing their reaction. The speaker also mentions how secrets can cause stress and lead to health issues, citing the example of a woman who died prematurely due to bitterness. However, the speaker also acknowledges that having epiphanies or realizations doesn't always mean announcing it to everyone. It's essential to consider the impact on others and be compassionate. The man in question eventually came clean to his parents, who knew and respected him enough to still welcome him into their community despite his change in faith. The takeaway is that honesty and authenticity are essential, but it's crucial to consider the timing and impact on loved ones.

    • Honestly sharing past experiences with your teenagerSharing your beliefs and past experiences with your teenager, using relatable metaphors, fosters understanding and strengthens the bond.

      Having an honest conversation with your teenager about your beliefs and past experiences, without imposing them, can help them understand your perspective and prevent them from internalizing hidden truths. The use of metaphors like "brick in their backpack" and "dissonance in their DNA" emphasizes the importance of open communication. Even if you've had conflicting beliefs or experiences, sharing your journey can provide valuable context for your child. It's essential to remember that every person's faith or belief system evolves over time, and being truthful about your own can foster a stronger bond and encourage critical thinking in your teenager.

    • Communicating the Complexities of Marriage to ChildrenAcknowledge marriage's imperfections while maintaining love and connection to teach children valuable lessons about love, commitment, and resilience.

      Open and honest communication is essential for raising children with a healthy understanding of love and relationships. The discussion highlights the importance of acknowledging the complexity of marriage, including disagreements and differences, and the potential harm of hiding these realities from children. By not addressing the challenges in a relationship, parents may inadvertently deprive their children of valuable lessons about love, commitment, and resilience. Instead, it is recommended to embrace the "both and" of marriage, acknowledging its imperfections while maintaining love and connection. This approach allows children to witness the gritty realities of relationships and learn that love is a risk worth taking.

    • The importance of religious practice and communityReligious practices provide connection, support, and personal growth. Honesty and storytelling can help future generations understand the past, while protecting sensitive information is essential. We cannot change the past, but we can control our impact on others.

      The value of religious practice and community should not be underestimated, even during times of doubt or difficulty. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuing to participate in religious practices, such as attending church, as a means of finding connection, support, and personal growth. She also acknowledges the challenges of coming to terms with past experiences, especially when they involve complex family dynamics. The speaker encourages honesty and storytelling as a way to help the next generation understand the past, while also recognizing the importance of protecting sensitive information within the family. Ultimately, she believes that sharing personal stories can be a powerful way to help others navigate their own challenges and find meaning in their experiences. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing that we cannot change the past, but we can control how we move forward and the impact we have on those around us.

    • Provide essential bricks for children's journeyEquip children with essential values, beliefs, and lessons before they face challenges and make mistakes in life

      As parents, we cannot protect our children from all the negative experiences or "bricks" they will encounter in life. Instead, our role is to put a few essential bricks in their backpacks before they embark on their individual journeys. These bricks represent the values, beliefs, and lessons we want them to carry. The world will inevitably add many more bricks, and our children will face challenges and make mistakes. However, by providing them with a strong foundation, we can help them navigate their adventures with resilience and grace. It's essential to remember that every person's journey is unique, and there will be pain and hardships along the way. But ultimately, these experiences can lead to growth and redemption.

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