
    How do you Calm Anxiety?

    esJuly 09, 2022

    About this Episode

    Do you find it difficult to control your anxiety?

    Experiencing high peaks of anxiety can be highly uncomfortable, it could hinder your activities and have you feeling exhausted by all worrying and overthinking.

    This may be caused by the alteration of chemicals in your body or your nervous system trying to adjust to your mental state. Although this is not your fault, you can do a lot to alleviate your symptoms. 

    In this episode, Dr. Carmen will tell us how to calm anxiety with some simple and quick breathing exercises, and will also explain the difference between what is considered "normal" anxiety and anxiety disorders


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    Recent Episodes from Emotions in Harmony

    What to do when love fades away.

    What to do when love fades away.


    How to know when love fades away in your marriage?

    How do you know when it is time to stay or leave a romantic relationship?

    Today we will talk about the fear of uncertainty and how to deal with your emotional pain when love is fading away in your relationship. And of course, I will give you some tips at the end of this episode to either reconnect in your relationship or recover from the emotional pain of separation. 

    This is not to be confused with the daily hustle and bustle, especially when you have small children, with the numbness that brings high levels of stress or emotional detachment due to previous trauma.

    You may not hear or see the signs of love fading away because you are afraid of changing what is known, afraid of entering a new phase of your life, or the social, financial, and emotional changes that a separation brings. Nothing is more painful than a divorce, and yet, we pay little attention to what it takes to prevent it. 

    If you are no longer in love with your partner, you may still care for them and wish them no harm. I have worked with couples who are in the process of divorce and care deeply for each other’s well-being even if they are angry. They just may not know how to express their feelings properly. 

    "Why would my love fade away?" You may ask. Well, today I'll be giving you the answer to this question, and we talk in depth about what to do if the love in your relationship ends, how to recover it, and in the opposite case, how to heal from a separation.






    Stress, Stress, Stress!

    Stress, Stress, Stress!

    Download your PDF to de-stress your life here!


    Have you got frustrated when you present serious problems to your doctor and the only response is “this is because you have stress”? And you leave the office more confused than when you came in.

    It is true, the body can react in many different ways to high levels of stress, sometimes even resulting in very serious medical situations. It is incredible how our body experiences our emotions. Wait, before you also get frustrated here with me as well. I am here to tell you that you can do more for your health than you may think. Also, you can lower your stress levels in much simpler ways than you think. So let’s begin, shall we?

    Last summer, I went to the doctor with a series of symptoms, mainly a particular headache. I am normally pretty healthy, but this was a chain of complaints, so I worried. As soon as I started talking with my doctor, she abruptly interrupted me and said “Stress, stress, stress!” The more I wanted to explain, the more she insisted. I was irritated by what I considered her lack of listening skills, so I got silent. Then she asked if I had been on a vacation recently. Yes, I said. To where? She asked, “to visit my family in Mexico”. Then she exclaimed with certainty: “Stress, stress, stress!” We both laughed. Then she finished the session, and I was left now considering her diagnosis. 

    As a psychologist, I understand how unpleasant it can be when someone else brings to your attention your lack of emotion management and its consequences. The good thing is that, in this case, I know how to immediately start addressing my problem. But most of my clients do not believe when their doctor suggests that their emotions are the main cause of their physical symptoms. And most doctors do not do a great job of remarking the importance of talk therapy and other holistic healing approaches. So let’s talk about it here.

    Yes, it may be true that you have physical symptoms that require medical care, and your doctor may lack the curiosity to investigate further. But also, it could be that you went too far when stretching yourself at the risk of damaging your body temporarily or sometimes permanently. 

    Adverse situations, small or big, generate a chemical reaction in your body that, in small doses, requires just an adjustment. When it comes to big and frequent doses of stress, it changes your physiology, impacting your physical health, your thoughts, and of course, your behaviors. 

    You may even have a logical answer like “it is because of my job, or the children, or only while I finish this project”. But the reality is that if your body is showing the consequences of stress, the “why” is less unimportant, and what matters more are the new habits you need to develop to counter these symptoms. 

    The problem is that those changes sometimes are difficult to notice, and have an accumulative effect. Thus, by the time you feel them, it could be because you are in an emergency, and the way back to your well-being is paved with serious life changes. 

    Thus, if your doctor tells you “Stress, stress, stress!” Before you run to google and search for more diagnoses, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Have you had an ongoing emotionally challenging situation?
    • Do you react as if your life depends on work, family, or any other tasks?
    • Have you felt overwhelmed with what you consider small problems?
    • Have you experienced fatigue, lack of energy, or difficulties sleeping?
    • Are you moody, easily irritated, or less tolerant than usual? 
    • Do you get stuck in the past or the future, unable to live in the present?

    Those and other questions may help you realize it is time to seek talk therapy, along with consulting your physician for your very genuine concerns, to make sure that there are no other physical issues. 

    Remember to consult with your psychologist. For now, I will leave with you some solutions that will help you to start caring for yourself immediately.

    1. Be true to yourself and acknowledge when you are tired, accepting that you sometimes can't do it all, and that you need rest, is a big step into alleviating its consequences in your body.

    And of course, finding ways to rest for a couple of minutes at different times of the day can help you tremendously to reduce stress.

    2. Explore ways to eat more healthily. Pay extra attention to what you eat, and explore ways to better your diet, eating well does not always mean eating luxuriously, it just means that you are being mindful of what your body needs and what could be potential harm, for example, the extra carbs and high-energy drinks, which are not going to help in the long term.

    3. Practice better sleep hygiene so you can get a full night of sleep. Your sleep pattern and the quality of your rest are, along with your diet, one of the most important things to help you reduce stress. If you are not sleeping well, it means that your body is not getting the time to reset and rest, and therefore, you will be more tired, irritable, and fatigued during the day. Not sleeping properly also reduces your ability to manage stressful situations, possibly leading to difficulty finding a solution to those situations, and creating even more stress.  

    4. Seek mindfulness practices that will suit your needs and preferences. Not every practice works for everyone, this is why you need to take the time to explore your options and see what makes you feel the most comfortable and relaxed. Is it breathing exercises, journaling, meditation? Give them all a try, and keep your mind open while doing so, as even though they seem like simple tasks, they could help you change your entire life.

    5. Get the amount of exercise your body needs. Know that when it comes to exercise, it doesn't necessarily mean to go to a gym and lift weights. It could be something that you enjoy that you know could get you a little bit sweaty, like maybe dancing, or Pilates, or maybe even walking. The point is that you enjoy what you're doing but also, to give your body that necessary stretch it needs, plus, you can add even more fun by inviting your friends, or taking your pets with you! Your dog is always happy to volunteer for counting steps, and will do it while waging their tail happily.

    And remember, what ever you do, do it for at least 20 minutes per day!

    6. Delegate those responsibilities that you overtook at some point and are not yours. Your family or co-workers may not appreciate this, but they will be happier if you are less irritated.
    If you struggle to say no to an additional project, you can check out our episode “How to say No”, where we talk about the importance of only accepting projects and tasks that we can manage.

    7. Stop to smell the roses. Or your cup of tea. Which means slowing down, breathing, and enjoying life as it is now. We currently live in such a fast-paced era, that we barely take some time to enjoy the mundane things of life, which can actually bring a lot of joy and relaxation by themselves. 

    So, next time your doctor says stress, stress, stress! You are so prepared to laugh and, most importantly, do something about it.


    Let’s stay connected!

    Emotions in Harmony
    esApril 10, 2023

    How to Save a Relationship

    How to Save a Relationship

    Do you feel as if you are losing the grip on your relationship?
    As strong as a relationship can be, there will always be some hardships that we will face throughout our romantic life. And when those times come, it's important to understand that not all is lost, in fact, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve or even save a relationship as long as this goal is shared by the participants.

    And although there are many things to do to achieve this goal, in the heat of the situation, not many people know exactly what to do. This is why we have decided to create this episode, filled with information that will help you out when you feel like your relationship has run into a bump.

    In this special episode, Dr. Carmen, and her husband Vince, talk about the small things and actions that can save your relationship when you need it the most, they talk about what science and Dr. Carmen's experience with couples therapy say about the steps couples should follow to maintain a harmonious, happy and loving life.

    Of course, like with many things in life, all kind of relationships need some effort, attention and kindness to thrive, so when trying out the recommendations that we bring you today, remember to be compassionate with one another and to keep in mind the end goal of the process.


    Let's stay connected!

    Emotions in Harmony
    esNovember 26, 2022

    How can I Reduce Anxiety?

    How can I Reduce Anxiety?

    In prior episodes like “Identify Your Anxiety” and “Do I have Anxiety?”, we have talked more in-depth about what anxiety is, and I recommend you go check them out after listening to this episode if you want to complete the information you will receive today, however, in this episode, we'll be talking not only about what anxiety is but also how to reduce it.

    We can define anxiety as difficulty to breathe, accompanied by feelings of discomfort and fear of losing control, be it in your personal or professional life.

    Anxiety is a stress-related disorder, and even though some levels of stress are a normal response from our body to frightful or shocking situations when you start experiencing continuous stress symptoms in your everyday life which hinder your activities and tasks, then it is the right moment to start considering having anxiety.

    Now that you have this definition in your head, I'm sure you could think of a few very stressful situations that could lead to experiencing anxiety.

    Anxiety can be caused by multiple reasons, and many factors can contribute to it, making it worse over time. However, there are many ways you can reduce the effects that anxiety can have both on your body and mind, and sometimes, it can be even simpler than you may think.

    *We recommend checking out our episodes “How do you Calm Anxiety?” and “Will my Anxiety Ever go Away?” if you would like to get some answers to the most common questions regarding anxiety.


    Related episodes:


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    Emotions in Harmony
    esSeptember 03, 2022

    What are the Main Causes of Anxiety?

    What are the Main Causes of Anxiety?

    In prior episodes like “Identify Your Anxiety” and “Do I have Anxiety?”, we have talked more in-depth about what anxiety is, and I recommend you go check them out after listening to this episode if you want to complete the information you will receive today, however, in this episode, we'll be talking not only about what anxiety is but also about what causes it.

    We can define anxiety as a difficulty to breathe, accompanied by feelings of discomfort and fear of losing control, be it in your personal or professional life.
    Anxiety is a stress-related disorder, and even though some levels of stress are a normal response from our body to frightful or shocking situations when you start experiencing continuous stress symptoms in your everyday life which hinder your activities and tasks, then it is the right moment to start considering having anxiety.

    Now that you have this definition in your head, I'm sure you could think of a few very stressful situations that could lead to experiencing anxiety.

    Anxiety can be caused by multiple reasons, and many factors can contribute to it, making it worse over time. However, sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint the exact reason for what is causing it, this is why today I want to share with you six possible causes of anxiety disorders, and some recommendations to work on them.

    *We recommend checking out our episodes “How do you Calm Anxiety?” and “Will my Anxiety Ever go Away?” if you would like to get some answers to the most common questions regarding anxiety.

    Mentioned episodes:


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    Emotions in Harmony
    esAugust 26, 2022

    Why Survivors of Sexual Abuse Remain Silent After Years

    Why Survivors of Sexual Abuse Remain Silent After Years

    Have you ever wondered why some victims of sexual abuse keep silent?

    The worldwide percentage of people who have suffered sexual abuse is so high that you may know at least one person who has suffered from some kind of abuse, so you must learn accurate information about these awful situations to address this topic the right way.

    In this episode, Dr. Carmen Román chats with Dr. Nazanin Moali about why some victims of abuse decide to keep it a secret and what are the reasons In addition, they will talk about different beliefs people have about sexual abuse and tell us if they are valid.

    Dr. Carmen Roman is a dedicated clinical psychologist who helps parents, families, and community leaders who have suffered from trauma, anxiety, or stress to managing their emotions, and guides them to a harmonious life.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • Emotional barriers of an abused person
    • Why do victims keep silent for so many years?
    • What is true and what is false about sexual abuse
    • Beliefs about abuse
    • Ways victims can protect themselves

    Connect with Dr. Nazanin Moali
    Website http://www.sexologypodcast.com/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sexologypodcast/

    Go to https://greminders.com/harmony to find out how you can start automating your schedule and claim your 10% discount!

    Emotions in Harmony
    esAugust 12, 2022

    How do you Calm Anxiety?

    How do you Calm Anxiety?

    Do you find it difficult to control your anxiety?

    Experiencing high peaks of anxiety can be highly uncomfortable, it could hinder your activities and have you feeling exhausted by all worrying and overthinking.

    This may be caused by the alteration of chemicals in your body or your nervous system trying to adjust to your mental state. Although this is not your fault, you can do a lot to alleviate your symptoms. 

    In this episode, Dr. Carmen will tell us how to calm anxiety with some simple and quick breathing exercises, and will also explain the difference between what is considered "normal" anxiety and anxiety disorders


    Go to https://greminders.com/harmony to find out how you can start automating your schedule and claim your 10% discount!


    Emotions in Harmony
    esJuly 09, 2022

    Am I sad or depressed? Part Two.

    Am I sad or depressed? Part Two.

    "Am I depressed or just sad?"
    "Is depressed the same thing as sad?"
    "How do I know if I have depression?"

    If you have tried to Google these past three questions, then this episode is for you.
    Depression and "normal sadness" can be very similar in plain sight, however, when you observe them closely, you will notice that the differences can be huge.

    Depression is characterized by continuous feelings of sadness, hopelessness, irritability, having no motivation or interest in things, constantly not feeling in the mood to do things we used to love, difficulty making decisions, and not being able to perform tasks that we usually do on or daily basis.

    These symptoms are not necessarily limited only to being psychological but, depression can also manifest physical symptoms such as moving or speaking more slowly than usual, changes in appetite and even weight, unexplained aches, and pains, and lack of energy, in women the menstrual cycle could change, insomnia.

    But the thing is, that some symptoms of depression can also be present when it comes to "normal sadness". So how can we differentiate them?

    In this episode, Dr. Carmen will walk us through the differences between depression and sadness, how depression affects your brain and body, and what kind of treatments are available to help you or any of your loved ones to recover.


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    Visit our website and check out our services: https://www.emotionsinharmony.org

    Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/EmotionsinHarmony

    Meditate with me: https://insighttimer.com/carmenroman

    Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/EmotionsinHarmony

    Do you want to be our sponsor? Email us at info@emotionsinharmony.org

    Emotions in Harmony
    esJune 27, 2022

    Am I sad or depressed? Part One.

    Am I sad or depressed? Part One.

    Could you be depressed or are you just feeling sad?

    Sadness is a normal part of life, and everybody experiences this emotion in multiple stages of their life.

    However, nowadays, the term "depression" can be heard throughout society and social media as a common synonym for being sad. The common use of this term has made some people believe the misconception that depression is something that can come and go quickly and that people can get over it in the span of a few days.

    It is extremely important to understand that there are differences between being sad because of a difficult situation or traumatic event that we have been through for a short period of time and depression symptoms.

    Depression is characterized by continuous feelings of sadness, hopelessness, irritability, having no motivation or interest in things, constantly not feeling in the mood to do things we used to love, difficulty making decisions, and not being able to perform tasks that we usually do on or daily basis.

    The depression symptoms are not necessarily limited only to psychological symptoms but physical symptoms such as moving or speaking more slowly than usual, changes in appetite and even weight, unexplained aches, and pains, and lack of energy, in women the menstrual cycle could change, insomnia.

    But the thing is, that some symptoms of depression can also be present when it comes to "normal sadness". So how can we differentiate them?

    In this episode, Dr. Carmen talks about how we can differentiate depression from sadness, walking us through the symptoms of depression and giving us a thorough explanation of how it is diagnosed.

    As this is a long topic, we have divided this episode into two parts, so stay tuned for part two!


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    Emotions in Harmony
    esJune 18, 2022

    Could you be Suffering From Misophonia?

    Could you be Suffering From Misophonia?

    Are you one of those people that gets extremely annoyed when the sound of someone chewing with their mouth open hits your ears?

    This phenomenon is characterized as misophonia, a disorder that can cause a fight or flight reaction from certain individuals when they hear some every day sounds like, other people breathing, chewing, or yawning. 

    It has been identified that these sounds can cause worse than just a little discomfort for some people, leading to times of isolation and avoidance of social interactions in order to avoid these trigger sounds.

    So how can you know if you are suffering from such a disorder? Well, it's not enough to just get a bit annoyed at some sounds.

    Join Dr. Carmen today for a very interesting and unusual topic!

    Go to https://greminders.com/harmony to find out how you can start automating your schedule and claim your 10% discount!

    Follow us.

    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.emotionsinharmony.org/newsletter

    Visit our website and check out our services: https://www.emotionsinharmony.org

    Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/EmotionsinHarmony

    Meditate with me: https://insighttimer.com/carmenroman

    Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/EmotionsinHarmony

    Do you want to be our sponsor? Email us at info@emotionsinharmony.org

    Emotions in Harmony
    esJune 11, 2022