
    How does Labour plan to raise taxes and spend?

    enNovember 22, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Labour Party's Manifesto: Super Rich Taxes and NHS Winter CrisisLabour Party proposes new income tax rates for high earners, concerns about NHS winter crisis, and rental sector decline

      During this week, we received the manifestos from the Liberal Democrats and Labour Party in the ongoing UK election, while we're still waiting for the Conservatives'. The Labour Party's manifesto, which was labeled as "For the Many, Not the Few," introduced the concept of a "super rich rate of income tax" from £125,000 and an additional rate from £80,000, although the exact rates were not disclosed. These proposed tax increases are expected to be controversial, and people earning high incomes might be willing to pay more if they believe the funds are being used effectively. Additionally, the health of Britain's rental sector is declining, and there are concerns about a potential winter crisis in the NHS related to pensions. Lastly, there's a term called the "registration plate lotto" that has been gaining attention. Stay tuned for more updates on the election and other money-related news at This Is Money.

    • Labour Party's Tax-and-Spend Manifesto with Brexit FocusThe Labour Party promises tax hikes for high earners, free broadband, industry nationalization, and Brexit prevention, while also increasing paternity leave, maternity pay, and taxes on second homes and corporations.

      The Labour Party's manifesto proposes significant tax increases for the wealthy, including those earning over £125,000, while also implementing policies such as free broadband, nationalizing certain industries, and stopping Brexit. The party aims to be the choice for those opposed to Brexit. However, some of their proposals, like the removal of the capital gains tax allowance and dividend allowance, could impact a larger population than intended. The manifesto also includes plans for increased paternity leave and maternity pay, as well as a second home tax and corporation tax increase. Overall, the Labour Party's manifesto can be described as a tax-and-spend proposal with a focus on redistributive policies and stopping Brexit.

    • Affordable transportation, childcare, and NHS funding discussed in election conversationSpeakers emphasized the importance of addressing affordable transportation, childcare, and NHS funding in the upcoming election due to their significant impact on voters' personal finances and well-being.

      During their discussion, they touched upon several key issues that are important to voters in the upcoming election. Renewable energy was mentioned as a growing trend, with frequent fly attacks and free childcare being other topics of interest. However, the most resonated issue for the speaker was the potential for freezing train fares, as they expressed frustration over the consistent price increases and the impact on their personal finances. Another pressing concern was the ongoing crisis in the National Health Service (NHS), with reports of a winter crisis and the government's plan to foot pensions tax bills for doctors as a temporary solution. The introduction of the taper tax in 2016, which has resulted in unexpected tax bills for NHS workers, was also discussed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of affordable transportation, childcare, and a well-funded NHS as key issues for voters in the upcoming election.

    • Unintended Consequences of UK Pension Tax Taper Policy on NHSThe UK pension tax taper policy, intended to limit high earners' pension benefits, has resulted in unexpected tax bills for doctors, worsening NHS staffing shortages.

      The current pension tax taper policy in the UK is causing unintended consequences, specifically in the NHS. This policy, aimed at limiting high earners' pension benefits, has led to a crisis in staffing due to doctors being hit with unexpected tax bills. This situation is a result of successive governments' failure to adequately fund the health service and plan for future needs. The taper policy, which has been criticized for its complexity, was implemented due to fear of appearing to favor the wealthy. However, it has backfired, contributing to a shortage of doctors and exacerbating the NHS's ongoing staffing issues. The solution proposed is to scrap this policy and focus on addressing the root causes of the NHS's staffing crisis, such as inadequate funding and training.

    • Rising costs and falling profits leading more landlords to exit UK rental marketThere's a 40% increase in buy-to-let repossessions and a 9% increase in tenants in arrears due to changes in mortgage tax relief, increasing costs of regulation, and longer legal processes for evicting tenants. Despite challenges, most landlords continue to provide essential rental homes.

      The rental market in the UK is facing challenges as more landlords plan to exit due to rising costs and falling profits. According to recent data, there has been a 40% increase in buy-to-let repossessions and a 9% increase in tenants in arrears. The main reasons for this trend include changes in mortgage tax relief, increasing costs of regulation, and longer legal processes for evicting tenants. The Residential Landlords Association also points to the backlog of cases caused by changes in the way lenders calculate borrower debt as a contributing factor. Despite these challenges, it's important to note that the majority of landlords provide vital rental homes for people, and the situation is complex with both landlords and tenants facing difficulties. The extent of these trends and their impact on the rental market in the coming quarters remains to be seen.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Tenants and LandlordsGood landlords are necessary for rental properties, but they should maintain their properties and address issues promptly to keep tenants happy and financially beneficial for both parties.

      The relationship between tenants and landlords is a complex one. While tenants face challenges in saving for a deposit and dealing with subpar living conditions, it's essential not to label all landlords as evil. Good landlords are necessary because they provide rental properties for people. Landlords should take responsibility for maintaining their properties and addressing issues in a timely manner. Delays in repairs can be frustrating for tenants, but they should understand that homeowners also face challenges in securing services like plumbers. Letting agents play a crucial role in ensuring landlords treat tenants fairly and maintain their properties. Ultimately, happy tenants who stay in their rentals benefit both parties financially.

    • Challenges for letting agents and inheritance tax refundsLetting agents face ethical challenges and rising repossessions, while inheritance tax refunds increase due to falling house prices in London and the southeast.

      The letting agent industry is facing challenges, with some agents engaging in unethical practices leading to a ban on certain fees. Repossessions are on the rise due to financial pressures on landlords, and tenants have limited options if their property is being repossessed as the landlord is ultimately at the mercy of the lender. Additionally, falling house prices are impacting inheritance tax, with more people receiving refunds due to properties being sold for less than their valued price at the time of inheritance. A Freedom of Information request by NFU Mutual revealed that over 4,500 people were able to reclaim tax paid on their inherited properties in the last two years due to the market slump in London and the southeast. The probate system requires a market valuation of the property at the time of death, but if the property sells for less, the estate may receive a refund of the inheritance tax paid.

    • Possibility of reclaiming capital gains tax and Reg Plate LottoYou might be able to claim back capital gains tax on assets sold below market value. Shares and investments may require expert advice. Enter the Reg Plate Lotto for a chance to win a substantial cash prize, but be aware of potential data usage.

      If you've sold a property, shares, or investments for less than their market value, you might be able to claim capital gains tax back. This can potentially result in significant savings. It's not limited to real estate; it applies to other assets as well. However, the process can be more complex with shares and investments. If you find yourself in this situation, consider reaching out for expert advice. Another intriguing topic discussed was the Reg Plate Lotto, which offers a chance to win a substantial cash prize by entering your vehicle registration number. The prize isn't actually a lifetime supply of fuel, but rather a large sum of money that could theoretically cover the cost of fuel for 70 quid per week for 73 years. While it's free to enter, be aware that you'll be providing your personal information, including your email address. Ensure you read the terms and conditions carefully before participating to understand how your data will be used.

    • Considering the odds of winning a prize drawDespite long odds, prize draws can offer potential rewards and enjoyable experiences, especially when odds might be shorter than anticipated with numerous entrants.

      While receiving unsolicited emails can be annoying, some promotions, like a prize draw with steep odds, could still be worth considering due to potentially shorter odds than anticipated. The 796,100 pound promotion discussed is indeed expensive for the organizers but could result in a significant number of new customers. The odds of winning such a large sum might seem daunting (55,000,000 to 1), but the number of entrants could influence the actual odds. Additionally, people often underestimate their chances of winning prizes and should consider entering attractive offers, as the experience of winning even smaller prizes can be rewarding. While investing in stocks and shares could potentially yield higher returns, having a go at a prize draw can be an enjoyable and potentially successful experience.

    • Don't miss out on potential winnings by not playing the lotteryStay informed about the latest money news and participate in the lottery for potential winnings, don't miss out.

      Even though the outcome of participating in a lottery might not always result in a significant win, it's important to take part because you don't want to miss out if others do. As the saying goes, you can't win if you don't play. Moreover, staying informed about the latest money news can help you make better financial decisions. So, visit thisismoney.co.uk or download the app to stay updated. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email the team at editor@thisismoney.co.uk or tweet @thisismoney. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast on iTunes to help others discover it.

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    Daily podcast team:
    Podcast producer - Annie Joyce
    Podcast producer - Nicola Eyers
    Interviews producers - Oli Foster
    Interviews producers - Tatiana Alderson
    Interviews producers - Megan Coutts
    Archive - Simon Windsor
    Music - Steven Wheeler