
    How Downtown Preservation Drives Economic Growth with Chad Banks

    en-usSeptember 28, 2023

    About this Episode

    Have you heard these common myths about the importance of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation? Myth #1: Downtown revitalization is only for big cities. Myth #2: Cultural centers are just for entertainment and not essential for the community. Myth #3: Investing in downtown revitalization is a waste of resources. In this episode, our guest Chad Banks sheds light on the significance of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation.

    Host Emy DiGrappa and co-host Lucas Fralick engage in conversation with Chad Banks, Director, Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency. They discuss the critical role of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation and economic growth. The episode highlights the significance of historic preservation in Wyoming, where funds are limited. Chad Banks shares the inspiring story of the restoration of the Wyoming capital, which faced resistance but ultimately preserved the building's beauty and history. Chad emphasizes the need for community-driven initiatives and partnerships between local governments, Main Street programs, nonprofits, and various agencies. 

    Chad Banks, a dedicated Rock Springs resident, whose roots in the town trace back to five generations, vividly shared his journey of discovering the importance and need for preserving downtowns and cultural centers. It all began with a casual trip to a small town in Utah for his daughter's dance competition. What caught his attention was the town's blandness, its lack of unique identity, a stark contrast to the vibrant and historic downtowns he was familiar with. This experience sparked a realization in Chad. He saw how these downtowns, with their historic buildings and unique stories, were the pulse of the community, providing a sense of identity and continuity. Chad took this realization back to Rock Springs and into his role with the city's Main Street program, where he has since worked to reinvigorate the downtown area, preserve its rich history, and enhance its unique identity. 



    • Explore the Main Street program and its revitalization programs for locally owned, locally driven prosperity. 

    • Learn about the Smithsonian Sparks exhibit, Spark Places of Innovation, which highlights innovation in rural America. 

    • Stay tuned to learn more about the locations around Wyoming that will host the Sparks exhibit. 

    • Explore the Main Street program and its revitalization programs for locally owned, locally driven prosperity. 

    • Stay tuned to learn more about the locations around Wyoming that will host the Sparks exhibit. 

    •  Encourage children and adults to learn about and appreciate the history and heritage of their communities. 

    • Contact the Main Street Urban Renewal Agency for information on downtown development and revitalization programs. 

    •  Support local businesses and entrepreneurs by shopping and dining in downtown districts. 

    •  Encourage children and adults to learn about and appreciate the history and heritage of their communities. 


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    Recent Episodes from Winds Of Change

    Rural Wyoming Museums: Preserving Heritage & History

    Rural Wyoming Museums: Preserving Heritage & History

    Our mission is to cultivate a rich educational space for the diverse international community served by and rooted in the American western legacy of Cheyenne Frontier Days. - Morgan Marks

    Just because you aren't the president of the United States or not someone important in the state doesn't mean your history isn't important. It built this state, it built this community, and it's a legacy for the rest of the people who come after us. - Karina Ike

    It's really helpful for us in our research and in figuring out different histories. And then it's also an important thing to be able to hear the stories and directly from the source, from their voiceAlexandra Deselms

    In this episode of Winds of Change, you'll hear from museum professionals Morgan Marks, Korina Ike, and Alexandra Deselms, offering valuable insights into the importance of community engagement in museums. 

    Morgan Marks, director of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum, shares the museum's mission and programs, emphasizing its significant ties to the history of Cheyenne. Meanwhile, Korina Ike, director of the Hulett Museum and Art Gallery and Alexandra Deselms from the Meeteetse Museums District discuss their recent projects, and the significance of oral history projects in preserving the past. Their diverse perspectives and experiences underscore the crucial role of museums in reflecting and preserving the local community's history and culture. 

    Through their engaging conversation, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the efforts made by museum professionals to create inclusive and interactive experiences for visitors, and the impact of collaborative initiatives in enhancing the museum scene in small towns like those in Wyoming. 

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    •  Discover the secrets to preserving history and cultural heritage in museums, unlocking the power of the past. 

    •  Uncover the importance of community engagement in museums and learn how to create meaningful connections with your local community. 

    •  Explore the collaborative nature of museums in Wyoming, uncovering the magic of teamwork in preserving and sharing stories. 

    •  Explore the impactful world of grants on museum projects, discovering how funding can transform and elevate museum experiences. 

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit Thinkwy.org for more information about Wyoming humanities and their programs. 

    •  Check out the Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum's website at oldwestmuseum.org to learn more about their exhibits and programs. 

    •  Discover the Hulett Museums: https://hulettmuseum.com to learn more and enjoy their exhibits and programs.

    •  Consider visiting the Meeteetse Museums in Meeteetse, Wyoming to experience their collections and exhibits in person. 

    •  Subscribe to the Winds of Change podcast to never miss an episode and hear more stories from Wyoming. 


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    Winds Of Change
    en-usFebruary 29, 2024

    Rod Miller: The Constant Force of Change in the Cowboy State

    Rod Miller: The Constant Force of Change in the Cowboy State

    The Constant Force of Change in the Cowboy State

    “The economic profile of Wyoming will change like everything else in the state has changed, and it will not be because of things we have done as Wyomingites. The economic life of Wyoming will change because of the marketplace, because of risk cap being put to work in Wyoming and returning a reward.” - Rod Miller 

    Hey, Wyoming residents! Ever wondered what a columnist born into a ranching family since 1867 has to say about change and identity in Wyoming? We unravel some informative insights of columnist Rod Miller. Listen to his perspectives on Wyoming's identity and the ongoing changes that are reshaping the state. Stay tuned to hear his thoughts about Wyoming's past, present, and future. You won't want to miss his journey through Wyoming's history and its evolving identity. Are you ready to embrace the winds of change in Wyoming? 

    My special guest is Rod Miller 

    Rod Miller, a prominent columnist for the Cowboy State Daily, is a native Wyomingite with a deep-rooted connection to the state's history and culture. Growing up on a cattle ranch in northern Carbon County, Rod's family heritage in Wyoming spans back to 1867, giving him a unique and authentic insight into the state's identity and the changes it has undergone. With a keen understanding of Wyoming's past and present, Rod's perspectives on change and identity in the state offer a genuine exploration of the topic. His personal experiences and knowledge provide an engaging and thought-provoking angle that resonates with those seeking to understand Wyoming's evolving identity.

     Explore Wyoming's Evolving Economic Profile

     Discussing Wyoming's economic future, Rod Miller highlights the critical role of the marketplace and the invested risk capital in shaping the state's economic profile. Emphasizing that changes will be driven by market forces rather than the initiative of Wyoming's residents, he underpins the importance of an adaptive response. The nuances of the resulting economic diversification in the state form a complex discussion dividing local opinions on change in Wyoming.


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    Golden Eagles in the Changing American West with filmmaker David Rohm

    Golden Eagles in the Changing American West with filmmaker David Rohm

    When species are in decline, there's a reason they're in decline. And sometimes it's not human cause, sometimes it's another cause. And through our films, if we can inspire people to care or maybe take a look at this a little different, we can save many species, even our own. - David Rohm 

    In this episode of Winds of Change, filmmaker David Rohm provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by golden eagles in the changing American West. As one of the founders of Wild Excellence Films, specializing in bird behavior and conservation, Rohm's expertise and dedication to wildlife preservation shine through in the conversation. He discusses the detrimental impact of climate change, invasive species, and energy development on golden eagle populations, offering a unique perspective on the issues faced by these majestic birds. Rohm's personal journey from Pennsylvania to Wyoming, and his passion for showcasing the beauty of wildlife through filmmaking, adds a compelling narrative to the episode. Furthermore, the discussion on Dr. Charles Preston's conservation efforts and the struggle to protect golden eagles in the Bighorn Basin emphasizes the importance of balanced development and conservation. Rohm's insights and commitment to raising awareness about wildlife conservation make this episode a valuable listen for nature enthusiasts and individuals concerned about the preservation of golden eagles in the evolving landscape of the West. 

    Filmmaker David Rohm's Impact

    David Rohm, an award-winning filmmaker, and co-founder of Wild Excellence Films is dedicated to telling natural history stories and advancing bird conservation. With a passion for wildlife and nature, David's work focuses on bird behavior, research, and scientific advancements, reflecting his commitment to protecting the environment. Wild Excellence Films, Golden Eagles Witnesses to a Changing West, sheds light on the challenges faced by these majestic birds in the rapidly evolving American West. Through his collaboration with wildlife experts, David brings a unique perspective to the conversation on golden eagle conservation efforts.

    About Wild Excellence Films

    Wild Excellence Films is an award-winning film production company that specializes in telling compelling natural history stories that promote conservation and science, educating audiences while immersing them in the beauty of the natural world. Their primary focus is bird behavior, bird research, and scientific advancements in bird conservation. Our films are factual yet personal, dramatic, and cinematic. From development to filming, editing to narration and script, Wild Excellence Films is a complete production company. 

    #GoldenEagles #WildlifeConservation #ChangingWest #NatureEnthusiasts




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    Inviting You to Dig In: The Impact of Archaeology and Public Engagement

    Inviting You to Dig In: The Impact of Archaeology and Public Engagement

    "Archaeology is just one avenue of trying to understand the human experience and finding out how we are alike, in what ways we are different. It's a real intellectual challenge, and that challenge is something I really enjoy engaging in." - Bruce Bradley

    Have you ever wondered about the hidden stories buried beneath the surface? The ancient mysteries waiting to be uncovered? Well, in our latest episode of Winds Of Change, we delved into the fascinating world of archaeology and the secrets it holds.
    We had the pleasure of speaking with archaeology experts George Zeimens and Dr. Bruce Bradley, as we explored the archaeological significance of Sunrise, Wyoming. From the ancient past to the present day, we uncovered the multiple uses of red ochre and its cultural, artistic, and symbolic importance throughout history. But what truly stood out was the importance of public engagement in archaeology. We discussed how each and every one of us can play a part in preserving our shared heritage. By staying updated with ongoing discoveries and advancements, we can be at the forefront of archaeological research and contribute to our understanding of the ancient world.

    About George Zeimens and Dr. Bruce Bradley

    George Zeimens, executive director of the Sunrise Historic and Prehistoric Preservation Society, an experienced archaeologist, got involved in the field of archaeology through a fortunate encounter with Dr. George Frison, the state archaeologist in Wyoming, back in the 1970s. This meeting led to an invitation to work on several archaeological sites in Wyoming, including the iconic Paleo-Indian sites. The Sunrise site revealed a surprising aspect of human behavior, as ancient people put significant effort into mining red ochre, a type of iron oxide. This discovery challenges our preconceived notions about the abilities and motivations of ancient civilizations. George's continued engagement in archaeology stems from his fascination with understanding the human experience and uncovering the similarities and differences between cultures throughout history. His work at the Sunrise site is just one example of the intellectual challenges and rewarding discoveries that await in the field of archaeology.

    Dr. Bruce Bradley is an experienced archaeologist with a specialization in lithic technology. His expertise in the study of stone tools has made him a valuable asset in the field of archaeology. Throughout his career, Bruce has worked on numerous archaeological sites in Wyoming, including the Horner site and Agate Basin site in Casper. His contributions to publications and research have solidified his credibility as a respected archaeologist. Bruce's passion for understanding the human experience through material culture has driven him to explore ancient civilizations and their capabilities. Currently serving as a co-principal investigator at the Sunrise archaeological site in Wyoming, Bruce continues to uncover valuable insights into the Paleo Indian people who once inhabited the area. His dedication to archaeological research and commitment to preserving our cultural heritage make him a valuable contributor to the field.

    Discover the ancient past

    Understanding the ancient past is key in revealing the patterns and intricacies of human civilization. Unearthing relics and artifacts, like the red ochre found in Sunrise, Wyoming, provides crucial insight into the lives and practices of our ancestors. This deeper understanding of history doesn't just enrich our knowledge of archaeology, but also gives us vital context about how such ancient cultures have influenced modern society.

    Uncover the secrets of red ochre

    Red ochre is a fascinating material with deep-rooted significance in prehistoric cultures worldwide. Its pigment properties gave it versatile uses, including being used as a preservative and an abrasive, but its spiritual and ritualistic implications truly demonstrate its cultural significance. Unraveling the secrets behind the use of red ochre at the Sunrise site gives us a truly unique insight into the lives and beliefs of Paleo-Indian society.

    Explore Prehistoric Cultures

    Studying prehistoric cultures offers a thrilling opportunity to delve into the roots of human civilization. The archaeological site at Sunrise, Wyoming, demonstrates a sophisticated ancient community that challenges previous beliefs that early societies were merely hunter-gatherer bands. The shifts in projectile point styles, the sophisticated mining operations, and the link to red ochre all offer a captivating exploration of how these ancient humans lived, worked, and innovated.

    • Listen to the Winds of Change podcast on Wyoming humanities website or your preferred podcast platform. 

    • Learn more about Sunrise, Wyoming and its significance as a mining camp and archaeological site. 

    • Explore the history and stories of Wyoming through the perspectives of its people and communities. 

    • Visit the Sunrise, Wyoming archaeological site during the summer months to witness ongoing research. 

    • Read publications and articles by Bruce Bradley and George Zeimens on various archaeological sites in Wyoming. 

    • Consider the capabilities and achievements of ancient civilizations and how they may have been underestimated in modern times. 

    • Stay curious and open-minded about what archaeology can reveal about our shared history and cultural diversity. 


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    The Power of Theater: Inspiring Civic Engagement with Anne Mason

    The Power of Theater: Inspiring Civic Engagement with Anne Mason

    "Theater is not just about making fun things with like-minded people; it's about challenging ourselves to witness other perspectives and celebrate the shared qualities of humanity." - Anne Mason

    Discover the power of theater to ignite dialogue and inspire change! In this episode of Winds of Change, hosted by Emy DiGrappa, you'll get to hear from Anne Mason, the producing artistic director of Relative Theatrics in Laramie, Wyoming. Anne and Emy dive into the power of theater as a platform for dialogue and civic engagement. They discuss how Relative Theatrics uses thought-provoking plays to stimulate deep reflection and spark conversations about societal issues. Anne shares the success of their program, Read, Rant, Relate, which brings people together to read and discuss plays, even during the pandemic. They also explore the importance of accessibility in the arts and the ability of virtual platforms to connect individuals during times of social isolation. Throughout the conversation, Anne's passion for theater as a catalyst for personal and collective growth shines through. If you're a theater enthusiast or a community activist looking for ways to engage with societal issues, this episode is a must-listen. Get ready to be inspired and learn how theater can create positive change in our world. With a mission to present thought-provoking theater that examines the joining qualities of the human race, Anne and her team at Relative Theatrics strive to create a community gathering place where ideas can be exchanged about society, culture, and the power of creativity. Relative Theatrics is a Wyoming Humanities Grant Recipient!

    #TheaterForChange, #CivicEngagement, #InclusionInTheArts, #BreakingBarriers #CommunityEngagement, #RelativeTheatrics, #WyomingHumanities, WindsOfChange

    About Anne Mason and Relative Theatrics:

    Founded by Laramie native Anne Mason, Relative Theatrics has been bringing live theatre to Southeast Wyoming since the summer of 2013. After gaining academic and professional experience nationwide, Anne returned to Wyoming with a goal to bring a fresh theatrical experience to the Laramie community. They strive to create an intimate black-box setting that puts the audience into the world of the play. With the hope that all good storytelling causes a reaction in the audience, each Relative Theatrics performance is followed by a chat-back session with the cast and director, giving the community an opportunity to start a dialogue about their experiences and reactions to the play.  

    Artistic Accessibility and Inclusivity

    Art must be accessible and inclusive to reflect the full spectrum of human experience. As shown by the work of Anne Mason and Relative Theatrics, unique approaches such as the Read, Rant, Relate program can remove barriers and open up the world of theater to a broader audience. Inclusivity not only enriches the art form but also strengthens the social fabric, fostering personal growth, and stimulating conversations around societal issues.

    •  Visit the website of Relative Theatrics to learn more about their thought-provoking theater productions and upcoming events. 

    •  Connect with local nonprofits to learn about ways you can get involved and make a difference in your community. 

    •  Explore the Grant Opportunities provided by Wyoming Humanities 




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    Revolutionizing the Symphony: William Intriligator on Engaging New Audiences

    Revolutionizing the Symphony: William Intriligator on Engaging New Audiences

    “The whole idea of orchestral music being something that people come back to time and again to become enriched and inspired and entertained.” -William Intriligator

    In the world of music, a symphony orchestra holds the power to transport us to extraordinary realms of emotion and wonder. But what if I told you that behind the captivating melodies and harmonies lies an unexpected twist that forever changed the course of one man's life? Picture this: a young graduate student, eager to explore the depths of musical expression, crosses paths with a mentor who unknowingly ignites a flame within him. Little did he know that this chance encounter would eventually lead him to become the music director of the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra. Listen as the story unfolds, revealing a journey filled with passion, dedication, and a desire to revolutionize the way we experience orchestral music.

    William Intriligator is an experienced orchestra leader and the conductor of the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra. With a tenure of 15 seasons, he has played a pivotal role in expanding the reach and diversifying the programming of the orchestra. His vision for the orchestra centers around building partnerships, reaching new audiences, and promoting local musicians and artists. By collaborating with other organizations in Cheyenne and beyond, the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra has been able to organize unique concerts and educational programs for a wide range of audiences. Through his leadership, William has brought a fresh perspective and a commitment to innovation to the orchestra, ensuring its continued growth and engagement with the community.

    • Learn about our Special Guest: William Intriligator
    • Learn about the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra
    •  Discover the transformative role of a conductor in an orchestra and unlock the secret behind their ability to bring the music to life. 

    •  Explore how innovative programming can break down barriers and captivate new audiences, expanding the reach of your arts organization like never before. 

    •  Learn the importance of inclusivity and partnerships in orchestral programming and how they can enhance the audience experience and foster a sense of community. 

    •  Uncover the power of integrating classical composers with new collaborations to create an unforgettable season that blends tradition and innovation in perfect harmony. 

    #ArtsOrganization #Innovation #Programming #Inclusivity #CommunityEngagement #ClassicalMusic #Leadership

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    How Downtown Preservation Drives Economic Growth with Chad Banks

    How Downtown Preservation Drives Economic Growth with Chad Banks

    Have you heard these common myths about the importance of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation? Myth #1: Downtown revitalization is only for big cities. Myth #2: Cultural centers are just for entertainment and not essential for the community. Myth #3: Investing in downtown revitalization is a waste of resources. In this episode, our guest Chad Banks sheds light on the significance of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation.

    Host Emy DiGrappa and co-host Lucas Fralick engage in conversation with Chad Banks, Director, Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency. They discuss the critical role of downtowns and cultural centers in community preservation and economic growth. The episode highlights the significance of historic preservation in Wyoming, where funds are limited. Chad Banks shares the inspiring story of the restoration of the Wyoming capital, which faced resistance but ultimately preserved the building's beauty and history. Chad emphasizes the need for community-driven initiatives and partnerships between local governments, Main Street programs, nonprofits, and various agencies. 

    Chad Banks, a dedicated Rock Springs resident, whose roots in the town trace back to five generations, vividly shared his journey of discovering the importance and need for preserving downtowns and cultural centers. It all began with a casual trip to a small town in Utah for his daughter's dance competition. What caught his attention was the town's blandness, its lack of unique identity, a stark contrast to the vibrant and historic downtowns he was familiar with. This experience sparked a realization in Chad. He saw how these downtowns, with their historic buildings and unique stories, were the pulse of the community, providing a sense of identity and continuity. Chad took this realization back to Rock Springs and into his role with the city's Main Street program, where he has since worked to reinvigorate the downtown area, preserve its rich history, and enhance its unique identity. 



    • Explore the Main Street program and its revitalization programs for locally owned, locally driven prosperity. 

    • Learn about the Smithsonian Sparks exhibit, Spark Places of Innovation, which highlights innovation in rural America. 

    • Stay tuned to learn more about the locations around Wyoming that will host the Sparks exhibit. 

    • Explore the Main Street program and its revitalization programs for locally owned, locally driven prosperity. 

    • Stay tuned to learn more about the locations around Wyoming that will host the Sparks exhibit. 

    •  Encourage children and adults to learn about and appreciate the history and heritage of their communities. 

    • Contact the Main Street Urban Renewal Agency for information on downtown development and revitalization programs. 

    •  Support local businesses and entrepreneurs by shopping and dining in downtown districts. 

    •  Encourage children and adults to learn about and appreciate the history and heritage of their communities. 


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    Once Upon A Meadow: Exploring Harmony & Diversity in a podcast created for children

    Once Upon A Meadow: Exploring Harmony & Diversity in a podcast created for children

    “If you're going to do a kid’s podcast, you have to have kids voices on the show. It can't just be grown-ups talking at the kids.” - Jeff Lockwood

    Step into the enchanting world of Willow Belden and Jeff Lockwood, where a labor of love and journey unfolded, weaving together the threads of creativity, perseverance, and dedication. At first, their vision to create a children's podcast seemed like an exciting challenge, but little did they know the intricate tapestry it would become. From composing mesmerizing music for each character to recording the whimsical voices of forest animals, their project blossomed into a symphony of talents from around the country. 

    Join the Winds of Change team, Emy diGrappa, Chloe Flagg and Lucas Fralick, as we invite Willow Belden and Jeff Lockwood, two creative artists, share their insights on how to elevate your child's listening experience and provide them with valuable educational content. Discover the secret to transforming your child's podcast experience into a journey of knowledge and growth, benefiting their development in a way that is both fun and engaging.

    Be eager to learn about the fascinating world of podcasting. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies behind the scenes and the effort that goes into creating engaging content. It's time to break free from the cycle of passive listening and unlock the secrets behind your favorite podcasts.

    Meet our special guests Jeff Lockwood and Willow Belden:

    Our guests today are Willow Belden and Jeff Lockwood, the dynamic duo behind the captivating podcast, Once Upon A Meadow. 

    Willow Belden

    Willow is an award-winning journalist and creator of Out There, an internationally recognized podcast that explores big questions through intimate stories outdoors. 

    Jeff Lockwood

    Jeff is a writer, ecologist and professor of natural sciences and humanities at the University of Wyoming. He’s published numerous books, essays, and even operas, and he loves making up bedtime stories with animal characters.


    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Listen to the podcast Once upon a Meadow featuring Willow Belden and Jeff Lockwood.

    • Visit the Wyoming Humanities Council website for more information about their programs.

    • Check out Willow Belden's podcast Out There for stories about the outdoors.

    • Explore the activities and coloring pages available on the Once upon a Meadow website.

    • Share the podcast with parents, educators, or anyone interested in children's stories with social and environmental justice themes.

    More Links:

    Credits for Once Upon a Meadow include:

    • Trailer script, production, and narration by Willow Belden

    • Animal voices by Jeff Lockwood 

    • Music by Nadav Amir-Himmel 

    • Illustration by Gracie Canaan


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    Pioneering Wildlife Viewing: Challenges and Triumphs with Tom Segerstrom

    Pioneering Wildlife Viewing: Challenges and Triumphs with Tom Segerstrom

    We were modeling appropriate ecotourism and making sure that the monies generated hired local people, bought local products, and stayed in local hotels, all to keep the money in Wyoming.’ - Tom Segerstrom

    Tom Segerstrom had a lifelong desire to forge a bond between man and wildlife. Born and raised in the suburbs of Minneapolis, an early obsession with wildlife led him to major in Montana State University. His passion for wildlife spilled over into his career with Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Despite the success, something didn't sit right with Tom. He noticed a widening gap between the public and their interaction with wildlife. Inspired by Harvard studies, he realized people's perception of wildlife was skewed by a lack of interaction. He was determined to bridge this gap, to show people the beauty he saw in wildlife. Tom took the road less travelled, moving to Jackson Hole and launching his own business to give people a whole new wildlife experience. He saw potential in a market that overlooked wildlife's appeal, creating a novel niche that thrived on people's curiosity and desire to connect with nature. With eyes sparkling with passion, young Tom Segerstrom set off from his home in Minneapolis, dreaming of connecting people to the wildlife he had loved since childhood. The next step? Jackson Hole. Here, Tom endured the obstacles of securing permits, learning the area, and establishing his company. Tom had a clear vision and an unwavering determination. He gave tourists the chance to observe, appreciate, and learn about animals in their natural habitat. He was able to turn the tide of the tourism industry, emphasizing the importance of wildlife and pioneering a new form of engagement.

    My special guest is Tom Segerstrom

    Meet Tom Segerstrom, a naturalist at heart and a trailblazer in the field of eco-tourism. Growing up with an unwavering interest in wildlife, Tom expanded his passion into a commendable career. As a certified wildlife biologist, he broke the mould by initiating the concept of wildlife viewing ecotourism in the Greater Yellowstone area. Notably known for his innovative approach, Tom embarked on a journey to make wildlife experiences accessible for people who are not necessarily hunters or fishermen. His success in setting up participatory conservation experiences have opened a new dimension in wildlife stewardship. Despite the high stakes and varied challenges, his relentless dedication gives his audience the chance to tangibly partake in wildlife conservation.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:00 - Introduction to Wildlife Viewing Ecotourism,
    00:02:07 - Creating Opportunities for Wildlife Experiences,
    00:08:05 - The Controversy and Expansion of Wildlife Viewing,
    00:11:16 - Researching Wildlife Migration Routes,
    00:13:59 - Modelling Appropriate Ecotourism,
    00:15:20 - Deliberate Move to Jackson,
    00:16:10 - Working with Landowners,
    00:19:24 - The Role of Conservation Districts,
    00:21:56 - Wildlife in Greater Yellowstone,
    00:24:29 - Balancing Human Activity and Wildlife,

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    Ecotourism Adventures: A Conversation with Kevin Taylor

    Ecotourism Adventures: A Conversation with Kevin Taylor

    “Moving to Colorado was like coming home to a place I'd never been before.” - Kevin Taylor

    Join host Emy diGrappa and co host Lucas Fralick and Chloe Flagg as they delve into the world of ecotourism and wildlife conservation with Kevin Taylor, a passionate guide at Teton Science Schools. Discover the fascinating intelligence of animals and their surprising use of humans for protection, while exploring the controversial debates and tough decisions that surround the conservation efforts of this vast ecosystem.

    Our special guest is Kevin Taylor

    Meet Kevin Taylor! Hailing from Illinois, Kevin discovered his fascination for ethology during his university studies. This interest changed his trajectory, leading him on a journey back West. Here, he familiarized himself with the Rockies, developed a deep love for Wyoming, and finally made a home in Jackson. Kevin has been a significant part of Teton Science Schools since 2002, underpinning his broad understanding of the local fauna and flora. His expertise is apparent through the refreshing and exciting wildlife expeditions he leads into Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. As a naturalist, Kevin's interests span all areas of ecology, which continues to fuel his passion for learning and teaching others about our environment.

    “I want to share this landscape with others. Our shared experiences in these parks are such a part of the experience in this place.” - Kevin Taylor 

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    •  Delve into the critical aspect of ecotourism and unravel why safeguarding our natural surroundings and wildlife is vital. 

    •  Uncover the surprising ways wildlife intelligently adapt to human proliferation and infrastructure. 

    •  Explore the world of wildlife expeditions and how they democratize the stewardship of nature. 

    •  Recognize the power of dialogue, collaboration, and mutual understanding in ecotourism and wildlife preservation. 

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    •  Listen to the Winds of Change podcast to hear stories about the people, places, history, and stories of Wyoming. 

    •  Join a wildlife expedition tour with Kevin Taylor and the Teton Science Schools to explore Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. 

    •  Explore the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and go birding to discover the diverse bird species in the region. 

    •  Submit your bird sightings to eBird, a platform for birders to document and share their observations. 

    •  Appreciate the natural beauty of Wyoming and take time to observe and learn about the plants, animals, weather, and geology of the area. 

    •  Take a moment to see the world through someone else's eyes and appreciate the wonders of nature that may be familiar to you but new to others. 

    Listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts and many more.


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