
    How he turned funny into money! Jared Freid spent $80K to make a comedy special “37 and Single” and Netflix bought it! The secrets behind the $$$ and time deployed in the career of stand-up comedy!

    enAugust 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Proactively pursuing opportunities leads to successComedian Jared Fried's self-produced Netflix special and investor Michael James Berry's market prediction show the power of perseverance and self-initiative.

      Perseverance and self-initiative can lead to significant success, as demonstrated by comedian Jared Fried, who produced and pitched his own Netflix special after being rejected by 90% of streaming services. Additionally, in the financial world, experienced investor Michael James Berry, who famously predicted the 2008 stock market crash, recently made a large bet against the S&P and Nasdaq, signaling his belief in an upcoming market downturn. These examples highlight the importance of being proactive and confident in one's abilities, whether in comedy or finance.

    • Personal Convictions and Support SystemsSome individuals make big financial bets based on convictions, while relationships and support systems are crucial during challenging times. Healing from grief has no set timeline.

      Despite the criticism about market conditions and past successes, some individuals continue to make significant financial bets based on their convictions. Meanwhile, the importance of relationships and support systems, especially during challenging times, cannot be overstated. The speaker shares his personal experience of grieving and the realization that there is no set timeline for healing. In a lighter note, the episode also features an interview with comedian Jared Fried, known for his insights on millennial dating and relationships. With a large audience reach, Fried provides comedic commentary on modern dating trends.

    • Entrepreneurial spirit and dedication in comedyComedians often invest their own resources to produce and promote their work, demonstrating the importance of persistence and self-promotion in the entertainment industry.

      Persistence and self-promotion are key factors in achieving success in the entertainment industry, even if it means investing one's own resources. Jared Fried, a comedian who gained attention by yelling at the TV during The Bachelor, was able to secure a Netflix special despite not being discovered by the streaming giant. Instead, he produced and financed the special himself, demonstrating the entrepreneurial spirit and dedication required in the world of stand-up comedy. This approach is common among comedians, who often spend significant sums of money to produce and promote their work in the hopes of gaining wider recognition. The journey to success is not always easy, but those who are willing to put in the effort and believe in their abilities can ultimately reap the rewards.

    • The Journey of Creating a Stand-up SpecialComedians spend years perfecting their material, record and produce a high-quality special, and aim to sell it to streaming platforms for potential industry opportunities.

      Stand-up comedy is a niche industry with a specific structure, and performing a stand-up special is a significant milestone for comedians. The general format of a stand-up show includes a host, feature, and headliner. Comics spend years perfecting their material, with some jokes taking only a day and others taking years. Once a comic feels they've refined their act, they can record and produce a special to try and sell to streaming platforms like Netflix, HBO, Amazon, or Peacock. This process can be expensive, and comedians often finance it themselves through their business expenses. The goal is to create a high-quality special that will appeal to potential buyers and, if successful, can lead to greater opportunities in the industry. It's important to note that there's a misconception that comedy falls into clear-cut categories like "high" or "low" class, but there's a wide middle class of comedians with varying income levels.

    • Earning potential in stand-up comedyUnknown comedians may earn more per engagement at clubs but perform multiple shows over a weekend, while potential for greater financial rewards exists with comedy specials on streaming services, but control lies with platforms. Competition and evolving industry trends require dedication, resilience, and adaptability.

      The economics of stand-up comedy can vary greatly depending on the stage, with unknown comedians potentially earning more per engagement at clubs compared to theater performances, but with the added requirement of performing multiple shows over a weekend. However, the potential for greater financial rewards exists with the sale of a comedy special to streaming services, although the control lies with the platforms. The industry is competitive and constantly evolving, with newcomers exploring various avenues to gain exposure and build a fanbase. The transition to digital platforms and the emergence of new talent from unexpected sources, such as TikTok and reality TV, are significant shifts in the comedy landscape. Ultimately, success in stand-up comedy requires dedication, resilience, and adaptability.

    • The Road to Stand-Up SuccessDedication, commitment, and time are essential for stand-up comedy success. Develop an act, perform consistently, and avoid selling tickets prematurely. Write extensively before performing and learn from masters like Bill Burr.

      Becoming a successful stand-up comedian requires dedication, commitment, and time. The speaker shares his experience of starting in the comedy world and the importance of developing an act and performing consistently, even when it's challenging or uncomfortable. He also mentions the odds of success for those coming from reality TV, emphasizing the need to commit to improving behind the scenes and avoiding the temptation of selling tickets too early. The speaker also shares quotes from Bill Burr about the time it takes to develop new material and encourages aspiring comedians to write extensively before performing. Overall, the key takeaway is that stand-up comedy is a craft that requires consistent effort and dedication to master.

    • From finance to comedy: Overcoming challengesTransitioning to comedy from a stable job requires courage, dedication, and a thick skin, as comedians face unique challenges like criticism, offense, and constant recording by the audience.

      Starting a career in stand-up comedy involves overcoming various challenges, including the fear of bombing on stage, dealing with criticism, and the financial aspect. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from a stable job in finance to comedy, using his savings as a safety net. He emphasized the importance of finding what brings joy and fulfillment, and pursuing it relentlessly. The speaker also highlighted the unique challenges comedians face, such as being perceived as offensive by some people, and the constant recording and critique by the audience. Despite these challenges, the speaker encouraged persistence and a willingness to learn, as he did by taking improv and sketch writing classes. Ultimately, comedy, like any other career, requires dedication, hard work, and a thick skin.

    • Telling a unique and relatable storyAuthentically share personal stories about the couple, connecting them to the couple's personality, and practicing extensively can lead to successful storytelling.

      When it comes to storytelling, especially for important speeches like best man or maid of honor speeches, it's essential to tell a story that you've already told before but make it unique and relatable to the audience. The speaker has already lived and shared the story with the person they're speaking about, so they should focus on delivering it authentically and connecting it to the couple's personality. Additionally, successful comedians may not write their jokes on stage as some people believe but have already prepared and practiced their material extensively. Accepting our limitations and imperfections can help us grow and improve in our craft. The speaker's experience with comedians Pete and Katie illustrates this concept, as they both had the potential to become successful stand-up comedians but needed to put in the work and accept their unique styles to make it in the industry.

    • The Power of Letting Go of EgosSetting aside egos allows us to give others a fair chance and appreciate diversity. Be mindful of assumptions and make an effort to understand people for who they truly are.

      Ego can cloud our judgments and create unnecessary tension. In the discussion, the speaker shares an experience where his ego got in the way of acknowledging the potential of a new comedian. He had previously dismissed the comedian based on his own ego, but later discovered that the comedian was actually quite good. This incident highlights the importance of setting aside our egos and giving others a fair chance. Moreover, the speaker also shares his experience of making jokes about contestants on The Bachelor based on their profiles, without knowing anything about them. This behavior was driven by his desire for exposure and entertainment, but it also shows how easy it is to make assumptions and judgments based on limited information. It's important to remember that everyone has a unique story and background, and we should strive to understand and appreciate that diversity. In summary, the discussion underscores the power of letting go of our egos and being open to new experiences and people. It also reminds us to be mindful of the assumptions we make and to make an effort to get to know people for who they truly are.

    • Believe in your talent and dedicationBelieving in your passion and authenticity can lead to success, even if it takes time and effort

      Passion and authenticity can lead to success, even if it takes time and hard work. The speaker shared an analogy of meeting someone at a party who confidently believes they sing Disney songs better than anyone else, even if no one asked or mentioned Disney songs. This person may come across as arrogant, but they believe in their talent and are dedicated to it. Similarly, in a business context, such as entrepreneurship, it's essential to put out good work and believe in it, even if the financial rewards don't come immediately. The speaker emphasized that money is important but should not be the sole focus. Instead, focusing on creating quality content and putting it out there can lead to success in the long run. The speaker also shared their personal experience of starting a podcast and building an audience over time, even when they faced rejection or skepticism from others. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that staying true to your passion and authenticity can lead to success, even if it takes time and effort.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Modern DatingHonesty, understanding, learning from mistakes, and adapting to change are essential in modern dating.

      The dating landscape has significantly evolved over the years, from meeting people at bars to using social media and dating apps. This change brought about new challenges and questions for both genders. The speaker, who grew up during this transition, shares his perspective on dating, emphasizing the importance of honesty and understanding. He also discusses the importance of learning from failures, or "bombing," and using those experiences to improve. The speaker's motivation behind his work is not driven by monetary gain but rather the desire to provide honest insights and help people navigate the complexities of dating. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of adapting to change, learning from mistakes, and maintaining a positive perspective.

    • Turning disruptions into opportunitiesEffective communication and active listening are crucial for success. Adaptability and resilience are essential for handling unexpected challenges and turning them into opportunities.

      Effective communication and active listening are essential for a successful performance, whether it's a stand-up comedy show or a business interaction. The speaker in this discussion shared an experience where a woman in the audience persistently interrupted his act with irrelevant comments, despite his attempts to engage with her. Instead of letting her disrupt the show, he turned the situation around by making her a part of the act, which ultimately led to a hilarious moment for the audience. However, the underlying message is that if you're not fully present and engaged in a situation, you risk missing important information or opportunities. In a business context, this could mean missing out on valuable feedback, ideas, or even potential customers. Therefore, it's crucial to be fully present, listen actively, and adapt accordingly to ensure the best possible outcome. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges. He acknowledged that not every interaction will go as planned, but with the right mindset and approach, even the most disruptive situations can be turned into opportunities for growth and success.

    • Engaging with hecklers provides insights and opportunities for growthStaying consistent with one's act, repeating back hecklers, and continuously refining work are keys to success in comedy and other areas of life

      Engaging with hecklers or negative feedback, even in a positive environment, can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth. Repeating back what they say gives the comedian time to think and understand the audience's perspective. It's essential to stay consistent with one's act and not switch it for the audience. The comedian's motto, "write to edit," emphasizes the importance of continually refining and improving one's work. This mindset applies not only to stand-up comedy but also to other areas of life, such as investing, where taking calculated risks and learning from mistakes are crucial.

    • Embracing new experiences: The unexpected benefits of stand-up comedyTrying new experiences like stand-up comedy can lead to unexpected skills, personal growth, and opportunities. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

      Participating in new experiences, like stand-up comedy, can offer unexpected benefits and skills that can be applied in various aspects of life. Jared Fried shared his experience of trying stand-up comedy and how it led him to create a Netflix special and new comedy material. He emphasized the importance of stepping out of comfort zones and being open to learning from new experiences. Additionally, Jared encouraged listeners to watch his Netflix special, "37 and Single," and announced upcoming comedy shows. David, a frequent guest on the show, expressed his appreciation for Jared's episode and shared his unique perspective on the Money Mafia podcast. Overall, the episode emphasized the value of embracing new experiences and the potential for personal growth that can come from them.

    • Taking a break from social media improves mental healthTaking a break from social media can lead to improved mental health and emotional balance. Personal growth and well-being should be prioritized during challenging times.

      Taking a break from social media can lead to improved mental health and better emotional balance. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling overwhelmed and stuck, but after two weeks off social media, she reported that the highs were starting to outweigh the lows. She acknowledged that the grief she was experiencing was the hardest she had ever encountered, but she was focusing on making small steps towards a more stable future. The speaker also appreciated the support of her community and encouraged transparency during this personal navigation. During a previous episode, they welcomed a comedian guest who brought a lot of humor and valuable advice, making for an enjoyable conversation. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of focusing on personal growth and well-being, even during challenging times.

    • Protecting Personal Assets with an LLCCreating an LLC offers personal liability protection and potential tax savings for business owners, allowing them to separate business liabilities from personal assets and reduce taxable income.

      Creating a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can offer personal liability protection and tax advantages for business owners. Jared Fried, a comedian, shared how he used an LLC to pay for his comedy special and reduce his taxable income. An LLC protects personal assets by keeping business liabilities separate. Revenue flows into the LLC, and expenses are deducted, reducing taxable income. While LLCs can be beneficial for side hustles and various business structures, the specifics depend on individual circumstances. Further discussion on different business structures and their advantages will be explored in future episodes.

    • View setbacks as opportunities for growthAnalyze reasons behind setbacks and make adjustments to prevent future occurrences. Create opportunities for yourself and showcase unique strengths and talents.

      We should view setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than insurmountable obstacles. Comedian Matt Rife's approach to bombing on stage and using it as a chance to edit and improve resonated strongly with the idea of continuous learning and adaptation in various aspects of life. Whether it's in business, hockey coaching, or personal relationships, it's essential to analyze the reasons behind setbacks and make necessary adjustments to prevent similar situations from happening in the future. Additionally, creating opportunities for yourself and not waiting for them to come to you is a crucial lesson to remember. Everyone has unique strengths and talents, and it's up to us to find ways to showcase them and put ourselves in positions to succeed.

    • The power of pausing before reactingPausing before reacting can lead to better outcomes in arguments, negotiations, and public speaking. Consider repeating back what someone says for a thoughtful response.

      Taking your time to process information and respond, rather than reacting instantly, can lead to better outcomes in various situations, including arguments, negotiations, and even public speaking. This was a key point made by a podcast guest, and it resonated strongly with the speaker. The speaker also noted the similarity to negotiation tactics, such as repeating back what someone says to give you time to think. The listener who shared their experience was inspired by an episode featuring Corey Warren, who emphasized the importance of taking action despite the potential for failure. Overall, the podcast offers valuable insights and advice for setting oneself up for future success. To engage further, listeners are encouraged to leave a review, follow the podcast on social media, and consider attending a potential live tour.

    • Embracing criticism and learning from past experiencesSharing experiences and learning from criticism in a supportive community can lead to growth and entertainment

      Embracing constructive criticism and learning from past experiences can lead to growth and entertainment. During a recent episode, the guest shared his electric energy and hilariously roasted the host during her time on The Bachelorette. This moment left both the host and the audience in stitches. As we navigate through our own journeys in work and trading, let's remember to share our experiences and learn from each other in the Trading Secrets Facebook group. Don't shy away from criticism, as it can lead to valuable insights and even a few laughs along the way. So, keep challenging yourself and embracing the learning process, just like the host did on the show.

    Recent Episodes from Trading Secrets

    178. More Than Money: Retire like a badass! Robert Pagliarini breaks down financial terms, his secrets to retirement, and how to be successful with your money

    178. More Than Money: Retire like a badass! Robert Pagliarini breaks down financial terms, his secrets to retirement, and how to be successful with your money
    This week, Jason is joined by retirement specialist, Robert Pagliarini!

    Robert is the president of Pacifica Wealth Advisors and has some serious credentials. He’s earned a PhD in financial and retirement planning, a certified financial planner and an enrolled agent with the IRS. He specializes in serving sudden money recipients to help clients overcome sudden wealth syndromes. Robert reveals his simple, yet effective equation for saving for retirement, what an IRA is versus a 401k, when it is time to retire, how to utilize PERK, not to get emotional when it comes to finances, and even answers some questions from the Money Mafia! What kind of questions should you be asking to an advisor? What is part time retirement? 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Robert Pagliarini

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    Cort Furniture:
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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 27, 2024

    177. Jesse Solomon is unapologetically himself! Summer House fan favorite reveals the key to his success in reality TV, finance, working as a music agent, and future business plans

    177. Jesse Solomon is unapologetically himself! Summer House fan favorite reveals the key to his success in reality TV, finance, working as a music agent, and future business plans
    This week, Jason is joined by the newest cast member on Bravo’s Summer House, Jesse Solomon! 

    Jesse joined season eight of the hit reality show after working a career in corporate finance and the music industry. Throughout this season, Jesse has become a fan favorite of the show and even opened up about being a cancer survivor after being diagnosed with testicular cancer back in 2017. Jesse gives insight to leaving his corporate job to pursue social media and reality TV, how Summer House found him, breaking down his career path from college for music business to networking his way up, behind the scenes of working for WME, being unapologetically himself, and his current dating status. Jesse also reveals his business plan while navigating the digital world, still working in finance, the decision to share his cancer journey, the importance of going to the doctor as an adult, what market he wants to get into, and what he considers his own personal red flags. How did he and his former business partner raise over $11M for their startup? Has he run into any issues when working with an investor group? 

    Jesse reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Jesse Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 24, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    175. Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!

    175.  Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!
    This week, Jason is joined by Love is Blind Season 4 and Perfect Match’s Micah Lussier! 

    Although Micah’s time on the show did not end in marriage, she most certainly got the full experience of the experiment, having split from her partner Paul on their wedding day. After her time on the show, Micah has leveraged her newly generated platform into various brand partnership opportunities.

    Micah gives insight to the two sides of her life in reality TV and previously working in tech, how the Love is Blind reunion was, what she thinks makes a season thrive or flop, a teaser about her time on Perfect Match, how she would describe her brand, how success can be defined in the tech space, and how she ended up on Love is Blind. Micah also reveals the behind the scenes of the timeline for Love is Blind, the departure process for her job in tech, how they talk about money on the show, and what she enjoys about going on reality shows. What other reality shows would she consider? When did she tell her job that she was on a hit reality TV show? 

    Micah reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Micah Lussier

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 17, 2024

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur in talent acquisition professional, Colleen Pelly!

    Colleen is the founder and CEO of the Linchpin Company, a full service people operations group offering custom recruitment and consulting services. Having worked for major brands such as Tesla and Lululemon, she gained experience in full cycle recruitment from entry level to executive level roles in developing and executing training programs. Colleen gives insight to what people don’t know about the recruitment industry, how she came up with the idea for Linchpin Co, and the difference between in house and external recruiting. Colleen also reveals the grant application process,  how connections are a key element to successful recruiting, how she keeps track of her mistakes in business, what can give you an edge over other applicants, what a recruitment scorecard is, and so much more. 

    If you're looking to make passive income, this is a way to do it. You will get 10 percent off your first invoice with the first role that The Linchpin Co places when you go to https://www.thelinchpinco.com/contact and tell them Trading Secrets sent you! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: The Linchpin Co CEO and Founder Colleen Pelly 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 13, 2024

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally
    Episode Description:
    This week, Jason is joined by Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple and fan favorites Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson! 

    Joey walked away from his lead role on The Bachelor this past season after asking Kelsey to marry him. Since their season wrapped, Joey and Kelsey have spent their time traveling and spending as much time together as an engaged couple. Having come from two different career paths and geographical locations (Joey a tennis pro in Hawaii and Kelsey a project manager in New Orleans), they are now faced with the deciding factor of what is next for them personally and professionally. 

    Joey and Kelsey reflect on meeting fans at CMAfest and their impact on their audience, what goes into teaching tennis, where they saw their careers going prior to the show, how Kelsey and Joey ended up on the show, what role Jason played in Joey’s journey, and having important conversations in the fantasy suite. Kelsey and Joey also dive into the decision for Joey to move in with Kelsey in New Orleans, where they see their careers moving post show, discussing the influencer space and navigating other people being worried about their finances, and a few rapid fire questions. How many times has Kelsey been nominated for The Bachelor? Where do they plan on moving after the lease ends? What other reality show would they love to do? 

    Kelsey & Joey reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    The Washington Post:
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    Zocdoc is a FREE app and website where you can search and compare highly-rated, in-network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Once you find the doc you want, you can book them immediately —no more waiting awkwardly on hold with a receptionist and these docs all have verified reviews from actual, real patients.  Go to Zocdoc.com/TRADINGSECRETS and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. 

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    Trading Secrets
    enJune 10, 2024

    172. More Than Money: Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!

    172. More Than Money:  Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!
    This week, Jason is joined by the Curious Canadian David Arduin to break down the Kyle Cooke episode!

    Jason and David dive in to why they think that Kyle felt comfortable coming on to Trading Secrets to talk about the drama and using business facts over gossip, how Kyle showed a different side of himself on the episode, what a vesting period is and what it means for a company, what current ratio is, the different kinds of SBA loans, how they think the drama will impact the businesses, navigating business with friends and family, and playing devil's advocate.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    The Farmer's Dog:
    This spring, brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 06, 2024

    171. Bravo’s Kyle Cooke on navigating hard lessons when friendship and love meets business, importance of transparency, landing a $4.2M SBA loan, and the truths behind entrepreneurship

    171. Bravo’s Kyle Cooke on navigating hard lessons when friendship and love meets business, importance of transparency, landing a $4.2M SBA loan, and the truths behind entrepreneurship
    This week, Jason is joined by reality TV personality and entrepreneur Kyle Cooke for the second time! 

    Kyle was last on the show two years ago to talk about his sparkling hard teas and canned cocktail company Loverboy in addition to his experience being on Bravo’s hit show, Summer House. In more recent news, Kyle has been in the hot seat for some recent drama regarding his friend and Summer House co-star Craig Conover partnering with a competing brand of Loverboy. Kyle gives insight to the conflict between Loverboy and competitor Spritz Society on Watch What Happens Live, what he would do differently looking back in hindsight, the behind-the-scenes of the business of Loverboy, how he found out about the collaboration from Craig and the conversation they had, the importance of honesty and transparency, and how the situation is more gossip than an actual business case. Kyle also reveals what really goes into entrepreneurship, qualifying for an SBA loan worth millions, clearing up the truth and falses between business and pop culture, and how he balances his relationship and his business. Who has equity in the business? How much did he raise initially? 

    Kyle reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Kyle Cooke

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Monarch Money:
    Unlike other personal finance apps, Monarch's simple, intuitive design makes it so easy to set up, customize, and use. Monarch has built-in features to collaborate with your partner, family, or financial advisor. Go to monarchmoney.com/SECRETS for an extended 30 day free trial.

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    *Message and data rates may apply. See terms for details.

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 03, 2024

    170. More Than Money:  Diving into all things Reality TV & Pop Culture with Zachary Reality!

    170. More Than Money:  Diving into all things Reality TV & Pop Culture with Zachary Reality!
    This week, Jason is joined by social media personality, entertainment news host, and reality TV expert, Zachary Weinberg aka Zachary Reality!

    Zachary and Jason dive into all things reality TV, starting with the Bachelor franchise and where Zachary provides his overall thoughts about where Bachelor Nation is heading. Zachary gives insight to how we are currently in the era of crossover TV, which shows he thinks is the hottest, rapid fire rating of current reality TV shows, how he feels about other reality TV content creators, what he loves about content creation and how he got started, and his best advice! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Zachary Reality

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    The Farmer's Dog:
    This spring, brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enMay 30, 2024

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