
    How I Met Your Mother - Relationships, Dating & Meeting Your "Fuck Yes"

    enSeptember 06, 2022

    About this Episode

    Episode 069 of course had to be about relationships!

    In this episode we kick off with the “fairy tale in spandex” – the backstory of how we met, and how we knew it was a “fuck yes” almost immediately.

    We go on to discuss what it takes to meet – AND ATTRACT – your “fuck yes” in the first place, how to fall in love with the process of dating, and how to exude genuine confidence and sexiness that creates magnetic attraction.

    Finally, we discuss how to establish the most important emotional foundation of all – which of course is your relationship with yourself.

    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Rachel@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    To be added to the waitlist for Chase Life Intensive – our flagship programme for eliminating your struggles with binge eating, emotional eating, stress, overwhelm, or low self esteem – please send an email with the title, “Wait List” to Rachel@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    To find out more about who we are and what we do go to: www.ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    Recent Episodes from The Chase Life Podcast

    Personal Leadership, Rachel’s F**k Ups & The Mindset Of Leaders & Entrepreneurs

    Personal Leadership, Rachel’s F**k Ups & The Mindset Of Leaders & Entrepreneurs

    Leadership is vital skill for any entrepreneur, but it’s also a vital life skill for everybody.

    If you don’t lead your own life, you’ll drift and end up with a life by default instead of a life by design.

    In entrepreneurship – as in life – we encounter difficult, scary, and risky decisions.

    We come face to face with the TRUE nature of life which is uncertainty. 

    Many people really struggle to handle uncertainty…

    They want to predict the unpredictable & control the uncontrollable…

    They want guarantees and protection that bad things, painful things, or unwanted things will NEVER happen…

    They want to avoid failure… at ALL costs… 

    They agonise over making the RIGHT decision…

    They’re terrified of making the WRONG decision…

    A poor relationship with uncertainty is a recipe for over analysing, over planning, worry, anxiety, indecision, hesitation, and procrastination.

    In this episode David & Rachel discuss what it takes to be confident, bold and decisive in the face of uncertainty and change… WITHOUT being reckless.

    How are we able to make strong decisions and move forwards with certainty, confidence, and conviction, when we don’t have guarantees that we’ve made the “right” decision?!

    We deconstruct Rachel’s mindset and discuss some of the ways that she has “won” and “lost”, and the life & business lessons learned along the way.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    Making Menopause Your Bitch with Esther Blum

    Making Menopause Your Bitch with Esther Blum

    After 35, your body changes. You have physiological considerations that cannot be ignored. 

    Changes in your body - as a result of age, or working in a high pressure environment for many years, or starting a family.

    Changes such as hormonal changes, perimenopause or approaching perimenopause, systemic imbalances from chronic stress such as adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, or issues with your gut health.

    The diet and exercise games you used to play no longer work. 

    But this is the easy part. 

    In this episode of The Chase Life Podcast, we welcome back special guest Esther Blum on how to make menopause your bitch! 

    Esther has been a trailblazer, disrupting the industry with her no BS and passionate approach to Women’s Health, HRT and Nutrition for women to THRIVE in their 40s and beyond.

    Rachel and Esther discuss the #1 roadblock most women over 35 are missing or not addressing to take control of their health and happiness and Esther courageously shares her story for the first time publicly, and what drives her to passionately lead the way in women's health, hormones and happiness.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    Why Successful Career Women Can’t Lose Weight – The simple framework to succeed physically as well as professionally

    Why Successful Career Women Can’t Lose Weight – The simple framework to succeed physically as well as professionally

    Most people will never understand the mindset, or the lives of high achievers. They don’t get the drive, the work ethic, or how you’re able to get so much done.

    They also don’t understand how time poor you are. 
    Of course, “I don’t have time” is indeed a cheap excuse. 

    However, we can’t ignore the fact that you really are time poor. 

    We also can’t ignore the fact that you consistently handle more problems, responsibility, uncertainty, and high level decisions than most people could fathom on a daily basis.

    Which means that you’re stressed and frequently on the verge of decision fatigue a lot of the time.

    Furthermore, if you’re beyond your mid 30s, your physiology and hormones are already changing.

    All this must be catered for if you want to lose weight and optimise your physical health and mental performance permanently, instead of yo-yoing in and out of shape. 

    In this episode we provide a simple framework for what to prioritise, and in what order, if you want to lose weight and optimise your physical health and mental performance, without having to sacrifice your career or your hard-earned reputation.

    We also point out some of the most important blindspots that are consistently… predictably… and yet unnecessarily keeping high achieving women who are successful in their careers, frustrated, disheartened, and UNsuccessful with their body and health habits.

    This episode contains invaluable information which, if implemented, will end years of struggle and frustration, and allow you to be as successful with your body and health as you are in your career.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    You Can’t Hate Yourself Skinny – The role of self worth & self acceptance in lasting weight loss

    You Can’t Hate Yourself Skinny – The role of self worth & self acceptance in lasting weight loss

    A huge area of confusion for so many women when it comes to weight loss and fat loss is the subject of self love and self acceptance.

    We frequently speak to two different groups of people, both of whom are confused. 

    The first group says, “If I learn to love and accept myself as I am, I’ll just end up lowering my standards and settling. If I accept my body as it is, and my eating habits as they are, then I won’t be motivated to change.”

    The second group says, “I’m scared to pursue a weight loss goal because it feels like I’m punishing myself. I feel called to be much more loving to my body and myself.”

    Both groups are confused, and both groups are wrong. Which is why both groups constantly suffer with internal conflicts where part of them wants one thing, part of them wants another thing, they feel torn in two directions, and they’re constantly disappointed and frustrated.

    In this episode we dive deep into the role of self worth and self acceptance in weight loss, and cover all of the following in detail:

    • The structure of motivation and which forms are destructive and which forms are useful.
    • The end result of using self judgement as motivation to lose weight, and why it backfires every time.
    • Why self acceptance gives you the emotional freedom to chase the right things for the right reasons, and…
    • Why self acceptance gives you the emotional stability to handle the ups and downs without overreacting, getting disheartened, or losing motivation.
    • The difference between healthy eating as a form of punishment and healthy eating as a form of self love.
    • How to raise your kids with clear values and boundaries around food, without giving them an eating disorder.
    • Why self discipline is not self punishment.
    • Is it wrong to value aesthetics, and the role of aesthetics in your overall motivation.

    If you’re serious about losing weight but have found yourself struggling for years, this episode will be invaluable in establishing the foundations you need to eliminate self sabotage and rebound and make a life-long change.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    How To Stay In Shape When You’re Busy

    How To Stay In Shape When You’re Busy

    One of the most powerful weight loss “secrets” is to switch your mindset from…

    “What’s the fastest way to get back on track?”


    “How do I maintain the most basic consistency when life is at its most stressful?”

    One of the worst false assumptions people make in weight loss, is when they believe that if they go all in to getting in shape as quickly as possible, that they will somehow have some magical momentum that keeps them in shape when the next season of chaos and stress comes along.

    We’re about to see millions of people make this mistake in January.

    Instead, the magical formula is to develop a system that enables you to maintain the absolute basics of healthy eating, even when life is at its most stressful, chaotic and unpredictable.

    This episode explains exactly how to do that.

    We cover a lot of ground including:

    • Binge eating, emotional eating, compulsive eating, stress eating, grazing, snacking & mindless eating.
    • The minimal effective dose we recommend to our clients.
    • How we’ve had our perception of “normal” distorted by marketing, advertising, and modern culture.
    • The reasons people get seduced into rapid fat loss plans, even when they know it’s unhealthy and doesn’t work long term.
    • The REAL reasons people rebound after losing weight.
    • How to get in shape and STAY in shape year round, even when work and life are busy, stressful and chaotic.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    Wealth, Health & Life's Chaos with Alison Simmons

    Wealth, Health & Life's Chaos with Alison Simmons

    Join Rachel and Alison in a candid conversation about navigating life's challenges – from the complexities of expat living to overcoming miscarriages, building businesses, and thriving in a high-stakes career. 

    Together, they shed light on the genuine struggles women face, juggling the demands of work and motherhood, and provide valuable insights on where women can commence their journey to financial growth.

    With a background spanning two decades in finance, trading, and banking, Alison is the visionary founder of the incredible F3 Collective. 

    This episode delves into Alison's mission: empowering women to take charge of their finances, invest wisely, and cultivate enduring wealth for the freedom and security they rightfully deserve. 

    Tune in to discover the transformative F3 Blueprint Program – a game-changing, step-by-step strategy for women to become savvy investors and master their financial destinies.

    Visit: www.f3-collective.com
    Use the code “rachelgodfrey101” and get £250 off at checkout.

    Connect with Alison on IG: @f3.collective



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    How To Lose 10-20kg As A High Performer - What you need to know about fat loss from 20+ years experience

    How To Lose 10-20kg As A High Performer - What you need to know about fat loss from 20+ years experience

    Successful, lasting fat loss is so much more than “eat less & exercise more”.

    If you’re the archetypal “high achiever” who is successful in their business or career, but struggled for years with your weight and your body, you’ll be painfully aware that there has to be more to it than that!

    It's just that you feel like you’ve tried everything, you’re overwhelmed with information, everything seems contradictory, and you don’t know where to start.

    Episode 093 will get you started down the right path. In this episode, Rachel and David discuss:

    • What it really takes to change your body forever.
    • Why you can’t transform your body long term without upgrading your life to the next level.
    • How to transform and upgrade your sense of identity.
    • How to eliminate FOMO.
    • What it takes to go from feeling like you’re on a “diet” to falling in love with your new lifestyle.
    • When it’s appropriate to temporarily take a more aggressive approach.
    • How to handle peer pressure.
    • What your new lifestyle means for your social life.
    • How alcohol affects your body.
    • Eliminating physical cravings and emotional cravings around food.
    • How to get to “food freedom” where food no longer controls you or your thoughts.



    At Chase Life Consulting our mission is to empower half a million female entrepreneurs and executives globally to embrace and fulfil their true potential, unapologetically. 

    We aim to inspire them to courageously pursue their passions, knowing who they are, what they stand for and where they are going in life. 

    To optimise their physical and cognitive health; elevate performance standards and ultimately become a better version of themselves.

    Our commitment is to support their transformation into a physically fit, compassionate, resilient, influential leader and high value woman.

    Accelerating their journey toward an amazing body, improved health, wealth, fulfilment and impact while creating a deeply fulfilling and inspiring life for themselves and their family.

    Welcome to the team - www.chaselifeconsulting.com xx

    If you have any questions for the podcast or would like to discuss consulting options please contact: rachel@chaselifeconsulting.com

    IG - @therachelgodfrey / @dxgodfrey

    Why Female Entrepreneurs & Senior Executives Struggle To Optimise Their Health & Get Into Shape

    Why Female Entrepreneurs & Senior Executives Struggle To Optimise Their Health & Get Into Shape

    When you’re looking to optimise health, enhance mental & physical energy & get into outstanding shape as a busy executive or successful entrepreneur…

    … you can’t follow the advice of 25 year olds for 25 year olds!

    You have unique challenges that must be catered for:

    • A lot of demands and responsibilities
    • Limited time
    • A more stressful lifestyle, but a less youthful physiology and therefore less of a buffer against that stress

    In this episode, Rachel and David discuss the big picture of getting into exceptional physical shape, health and mental performance when you’re busy, successful, experienced and stretched thin.

    You’ll discover:

    • Why what works for a 20 something isn’t going to work when you’re in your 30s, 40s and beyond.
    • Why you’ve been chasing the wrong rabbit down the wrong hole, and which rabbit you should be chasing!
    • The underlying psychological blindspots that keep high achievers stuck in stress & overwhelm in their professional lives, and in endless cycles of on-the-wagon off-the-wagon with their health and lifestyle habits. 



    Strategic Health & Performance Consulting:
    Helping experienced female business owners & senior executives supercharge their energy, productivity and influence...by rewiring the mental & emotional “turbulence” involved in running a high performing operation and optimising their physical health from "acceptable" to exceptional.

    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Rachel@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    Taking Control of Your Life & Breast Cancer Support with Tania Sibley

    Taking Control of Your Life & Breast Cancer Support with Tania Sibley

    Tania Sibley, RTT and clinical hypnotherapist joins Rachel to discuss taking control of your life and emotional support with breast cancer. 

    Tania has lived in the Middle East (predominantly in Bahrain) since she was 5 years old. 

    Sadly, her Grandmother passed from Breast Cancer, but her attitude and mindset throughout her diagnosis right to the end was phenomenal. 

    This, along with Tania’s own traumatic experience, were the building blocks to kick starting her career. 

    Tania specialises in helping women who are in remission from cancer with chronic anxiety, as well as ladies who have developed fears, phobias and unwanted habits. 

    You can connect with Tania at www.rapidmindtherapy.org or IG @rapid_mind_therapy_ 



    Strategic Mindset & Performance Consulting:
    Ending Chronic Stress, Overwhelm & Burnout and Accelerating Freedom In Multi 6-7+ Figure Entrepreneurs and Experienced Professionals.

    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Rachel@ChaseLifeConsulting.com

    How To Manage Your Children’s Behaviour With Renee Collins

    How To Manage Your Children’s Behaviour With Renee Collins

    In this episode Renee Collins, Clinical Director at Super Kids Consulting shares her experience in managing toddlers and children, running her business and being a mummy of two herself. 

    We Cover: 

    • How Renee got into behaviour analysis & supporting families.
    • Reasonable and age appropriate expectations of toddlers and children.
    • Taking a function-based approach to child behaviour: Determining why behaviours occur and why this is important to understand so you know how to minimise and respond - these are all learning opportunities for both child and parent. How you respond determines what your child is more likely to do next time.
    • How to avoid tantrums and undesirable behaviours.
    • How to – and how not to – respond when these undesirable behaviours do happen, and how to make them stop in the moment if needed. Keep boundaries fair, firm and predictable.

    You can connect with Renee here:




    Strategic Mindset & Performance Consulting:
    Ending Chronic Stress, Overwhelm & Burnout and Accelerating Freedom In Multi 6-7+ Figure Entrepreneurs and Experienced Professionals.

    If you have any questions for the podcast please send them to: Rachel@ChaseLifeConsulting.com