
    How Irish comic David Nihill went from stage fright to stand-up storyteller

    enJanuary 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Montreal winterAn unexpected harsh winter in Montreal during an exchange program led an Irish comedian to discover his passion for comedy instead of being academically focused.

      Irish comedian David Nyhill shares a humorous experience about his first encounter with Montreal's harsh winter during his exchange program at McGill University in 2000. He arrived with only a Reebok sweatshirt and was caught off guard by the closed stores and unexpected blizzard, leaving him stranded in deep snow. This experience was a turning point for him, as it led him to explore other options beyond academia and eventually discover his passion for comedy. Despite the initial shock, Nyhill now looks forward to performing at the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal this Sunday, showcasing his unique sense of humor to a large audience.

    • Facing FearsOvercoming deep-rooted fears can lead to personal growth and new opportunities through immersive practice like David Nyhill did with stand-up comedy

      Fear can be a powerful motivator. David Nyhill shares his personal experience of having a deep-rooted fear of public speaking, which he hid for years due to dyslexia and Tourette's symptoms. However, when he was asked to host a charity event, he saw it as an opportunity to face his fear head-on. Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's theory of practicing for 10,000 hours to master a skill, David decided to immerse himself in stand-up comedy to overcome his fear. He found comfort in the idea that comedians are masters of public speaking. David's bold move paid off, as he discovered the liberating feeling of stepping out of his comfort zone. This story serves as a reminder that facing our fears can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. David Nyhill will be performing at the Just for Laughs show at Club Soda this Sunday night at 7.30.

    • Continuous LearningAcknowledging the importance of learning from others and adapting can lead to unexpected successes despite personal insecurities and competition.

      Even in the face of intense competition and personal insecurities, continuing to learn and improve can lead to unexpected successes. In the story shared, a man recounted his experience in a stand-up comedy competition where he was outperformed by a woman who had used his own book as inspiration. Despite his initial shock and embarrassment, he acknowledged the importance of reading and learning from others. The experience left him with a newfound respect for the power of knowledge and determination. Furthermore, the man revealed that he still experiences nerves before performing, highlighting that fear and self-doubt are common feelings that can be managed with preparation and resilience. Overall, this anecdote underscores the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the face of challenges.

    • Public Speaking FearPractice and self-belief can help overcome fear and nervousness during public speaking engagements, leading to successful speeches and positive audience response.

      Experience and confidence built over time can help overcome fear and nervousness during public speaking engagements. The speaker recalled an incident from the Montreal Just for Laughs festival where they had to give a speech in a venue that had been hosting British shows all week. Despite feeling nervous initially, they gained confidence through repetition and belief in themselves, and the speech went well. The audience responded positively, and the speaker felt a sense of belonging and ownership in the space. This experience highlights the importance of practice and self-belief in overcoming fear and delivering successful speeches. David Nihill is set to perform at Club Soda in Montreal on Sunday at 7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased online.

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