
    How Israel’s War with Hamas Could Escalate Into a Regional Conflict

    enJanuary 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Political landscape and information consumption have changed significantly since Obama era, especially in IowaThe Iowa caucuses, once a significant battleground, are now heavily influenced by information systems and social media algorithms. Global conflicts and tensions persist, including the ongoing violence in Gaza, raising questions about future consequences.

      The political landscape and information consumption have drastically changed since the Obama era, particularly in key states like Iowa. Ben Rhodes shares his experience of the stark contrast between their previous successful grassroots organization-building efforts and the current political climate. The Iowa caucuses, once a significant battleground, are now heavily influenced by the information system and social media algorithms. Meanwhile, global conflicts and tensions persist, including the ongoing violence in Gaza, where over 23,000 Gazans have been killed, and more than 80% of residents have been displaced. The situation raises questions about the future and the potential consequences when the war ends. In the coming episodes of Pod Save the World, they will discuss these issues and more, including the latest from Israel and Gaza, the changing politics of the war within the Democratic party, and the odd saga of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's medical issues and secret absence. Additionally, they will interview Emily Wu of Ghost Style Media about the Taiwan election and its implications for potential tensions or conflict with China.

    • Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Worsens Amidst Ongoing ConflictThe situation in Gaza is dire, with hospitals overwhelmed, civilian casualties mounting, and tensions between Israel and the international community running high. Humanitarian crisis has reached unprecedented levels, with severe injuries increasing and aid workers reporting never-before-seen conditions.

      The situation in Gaza is dire, with hospitals overwhelmed, civilian casualties mounting, and tensions between Israel and the international community running high. The Israeli Defense Forces have reportedly destroyed much of Hamas' military infrastructure and killed thousands of fighters, but the humanitarian crisis on the ground is worsening. Surgeon Nick Maynard, who recently returned from providing medical aid in Gaza, described the situation as "much, much worse" than before, with hospitals overcrowded, patients and their families occupying every square foot of ground, and increasing numbers of severe injuries. The international community, including the US, is pushing for Israel to limit civilian casualties and avoid broader conflict, but there are significant disagreements over post-war planning and the future of Gaza. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached unprecedented levels, with credible international aid workers reporting that they have never seen anything like it, and the scale and pace of the violence is unlike anything seen in recent conflicts.

    • Israeli military operation in Gaza causing unprecedented human sufferingThe US should shift its policy towards Israel's government, not providing assistance to a regime that displaces Palestinians and maintains open-ended Israeli reoccupation in Gaza.

      The current approach of Israel's military operation in Gaza, with its heavy use of force and siege tactics, is leading to unprecedented human suffering. The Biden administration's call for avoiding civilian casualties and letting more aid in has not been effective with this government. The Israeli government's policy includes mass displacement of people in Gaza and an open-ended Israeli reoccupation, which is not good for Israel's security or the people of Gaza. The US should shift its policy by not providing assistance to a government that envisions the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and an open-ended Israeli reoccupation. The Israeli government's policy is in discordance with US urging for something different. Either the Israeli government needs to change or US policy needs to change. The US has the leverage to push for the removal of extreme right-wing ministers in the Israeli government, who are calling for mass displacement and more air strikes on civilian areas. The damage is already done, and a ceasefire today would not have saved as many lives as it should have. The future of Gaza is the main difference between US and Israeli positions, with the US advocating for it to be under the Palestinian authority and some Arab assistance, while Israel still envisions de facto control over Gaza for an open-ended period of time.

    • US political debate on Israel-Hamas conflict shiftsSenators call for end to bloodshed, condition US aid, concerned about civilian casualties and indiscriminate use of US-provided weapons in urban areas

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has led to widespread civilian casualties and destruction, causing a humanitarian, moral, and strategic disaster. The scale of the destruction and civilian casualties has shifted the political debate in the US, particularly within the Democratic Party. Senators, like Bernie Sanders, are calling for an end to the bloodshed and conditioning US assistance to Israel if more aid is provided. There are concerns that US-provided weapons are being used indiscriminately in urban areas, leading to civilian deaths. The lack of representation for civilians in Gaza in political discussions is also a concern. The US has been involved in some controversial actions, such as providing intelligence to Israel without transparency, and supplying weapons that have been used in urban areas with civilian populations. These actions have raised questions about the message sent to the world and the potential consequences.

    • US aid to Israel amidst international criticismThe US providing military aid to Israel amidst international criticism raises moral and strategic concerns, overshadowing recent judicial developments in the country.

      The US providing emergency assistance and offensive weaponry to Israel, despite its ability to afford it itself, sends a message about the country's relationship with the US and raises moral and strategic concerns. This comes as the international community debates Israel's actions in Gaza, with South Africa accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice. Meanwhile, Israel's Supreme Court recently struck down Netanyahu's attempt to weaken the judiciary, but the country's focus on the crisis in Gaza has overshadowed this development. The risks of escalation in the region are high, with constant threats from Houthi rebels in Yemen and attacks against US forces in Iraq and Syria. The US has faced demands to hit Houthi targets in Yemen but is hesitant due to the fragile ceasefire. Overall, the US should carefully consider its support for Israel's government and its actions in the region.

    • Middle East conflicts increasing risks of escalationThe US and allies should exercise caution in their actions to avoid further destabilizing the Middle East, as potential consequences could lead to significant escalations and retaliation from groups like Hizballah and the Houthis.

      The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, particularly in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq, as well as tensions with Iran, are increasing the risks of escalation and potential dangerous escalations. The US and its allies should be cautious about their actions, especially when it comes to striking targets in Yemen or engaging in military actions in countries like Iraq that could further destabilize the region. The potential consequences of these actions could lead to significant escalations, including retaliation from groups like Hizballah and the Houthis, who have significant capabilities. The decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement has also contributed to the volatile situation in the region, and it's essential to address this issue to reduce the risks of further conflict.

    • Lack of diplomacy could lead to world warThe importance of diplomacy in preventing conflicts is being overlooked, potentially leading to a world war. Effective communication and trust in international organizations are crucial for finding peaceful solutions.

      The lack of diplomacy in international relations, particularly with countries like China, Russia, and Iran, could lead to a world war. The inability to negotiate and find peaceful solutions to conflicts is concerning, and the current state of diplomacy is mostly focused on putting out fires rather than preventing them. Vivek Ramaswamy, a potential presidential candidate, criticized the execution of past diplomatic efforts, such as the Iranian nuclear deal, but acknowledged the importance of trusting international organizations like the IAEA for monitoring nuclear programs. Trump's anti-war stance could pose a challenge for Biden, especially among younger voters who have grown disillusioned with endless wars. Biden will need to effectively communicate his plans for ending conflicts and de-escalating tensions if he hopes to maintain Democratic support.

    • Geopolitical tensions in Middle East: Israel, Iran, and beyondThe US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and other actions under the Trump administration have escalated tensions in the Middle East, leading to instability and unpredictability. To deescalate, address root causes and advocate for a ceasefire and negotiations.

      The current geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and its neighbors, are interconnected and have been escalating since the US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and other actions taken under the Trump administration. These actions, including the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, have led to retaliation and instability in the region. The situation in Gaza and the recent attacks on Israel by Hamas are just one piece of the larger puzzle. ISIS's recent attack in Iran also highlights the unpredictability of escalation and the potential for unintended consequences. To deescalate the situation, it's important to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards a ceasefire and negotiations. Individuals can make a difference by advocating for these actions to their elected officials.

    • Importance of clear and timely communication for high-level government officialsHigh-level government officials, like the Secretary of Defense, must prioritize transparency and clear communication to prevent PR problems and maintain trust. Procedures for delegating authority and notifying the White House should be reviewed to ensure proper communication.

      Transparency and communication are crucial, especially for high-level government officials like the Secretary of Defense. The recent incident involving Lloyd Austin's health issues and the delayed notification to the White House and his deputy highlights the importance of clear and timely communication. The Pentagon's rigidity in its procedures for delegating authority and notifying the White House led to a significant PR problem. This incident has prompted the White House to order a review of procedures for cabinet secretaries to ensure proper notification and communication in the future. The seriousness of Austin's condition adds to the significance of this story, emphasizing the importance of transparency, especially for individuals in high-stakes roles.

    • Lapses in US Government Communication During HolidaysDespite the holidays, clear communication and transparency are crucial in the US government to prevent potential lapses in protocol and allegations of corruption.

      During the holidays, communication in the US government can sometimes break down due to various reasons, leading to potential lapses in protocol. For instance, former Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's absence from duty during his hospitalization went unnoticed by the White House and Deputy Secretary of Defense for several days. Meanwhile, foreign corruption allegations continue to surface in US politics. Donald Trump is accused of receiving at least $7.8 million from Chinese entities during his presidency, and New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez faces new charges of accepting bribes from both the Egyptian and Qatari governments, despite their hostile relationship. These incidents underscore the importance of robust communication systems and transparency in government.

    • Politicians under investigation continue to hold powerDespite corruption allegations against politicians like Trump and Menendez, they continue to hold significant positions. Accountability and addressing illegal activities are crucial for maintaining democratic institutions.

      Despite the ongoing investigations into corruption allegations against politicians like Donald Trump and Bob Menendez, the latter continues to hold a significant position in the Foreign Relations Committee. Menendez's corruption has been a long-standing issue, and there are better political alternatives, such as Andy Kim. The discussion also highlighted Trump's novel legal theory that he is immune from prosecution due to his former presidency and his ongoing efforts to undermine the investigations into his businesses and potential ties with foreign entities. Additionally, the situation in Russia and Ukraine remains dire, with Russia continuing its offensive and causing significant casualties, while also receiving support from North Korea and potentially Iran. The discussion underscored the importance of holding politicians accountable for their actions and the potential consequences of ignoring corruption and illegal activities.

    • Europe and Asia: Shifting Geopolitical LandscapesEurope may be moving towards improved negotiations with Russia in Ukraine, while tensions escalate on the Korean Peninsula. Russia faces internal challenges and social media's influence on politics.

      The geopolitical landscape, particularly in Europe and Asia, is undergoing significant shifts, with potential implications for global security. In Europe, there are signs that the US and Europe may be shifting from a strategy of total victory over Russia in the Ukraine conflict towards one focused on improving Ukraine's leverage in negotiations. Meanwhile, in Asia, tensions on the Korean Peninsula are escalating, raising questions about the US's commitment to defending South Korea under a potential Trump administration. Additionally, Russia is experiencing its own internal challenges, with reports of casualties and a brain drain, which could impact Putin's hold on power. The Almost Party controversy in Russia serves as a reminder of the power of social media and the potential for public outrage to shape political discourse. Overall, these developments underscore the complex and interconnected nature of global politics and the need for continued vigilance and diplomacy.

    • Political instability and violence affect the wealthy elite in Russia and beyondDespite their wealth and status, the Russian oligarchs' party antics and political instability in countries like South Korea and the US highlight the vulnerability of all to backlash and violence.

      The increasing conservatism and political instability in Russia, as evidenced by the arrest of a rapper at an elite party, has made even the wealthy elite vulnerable to backlash. Meanwhile, political violence continues to be a concern in countries like South Korea, where opposition leaders have been targeted in attacks. The vulnerability of political candidates, even in the United States, was highlighted during campaign events. It's a reminder that political instability and violence can affect anyone, regardless of wealth or status. The Russian oligarchs' party antics, while seemingly trivial, can fuel public anger and potentially lead to more serious consequences. The anniversary of the January 6th Capitol attack in the US and recent political violence in South Korea and Japan serve as stark reminders of the potential dangers of political instability and violence.

    • Rise of Political Violence and Far-Right PartiesPolitical violence is increasing due to online conspiracy theories and grievances, with far-right parties capitalizing on issues like subsidy phase-outs to gain support.

      Political violence is on the rise due to the spread of conspiracy theories and grievances fueled by online information. This issue is not limited to the US, as seen in the recent anniversary of Brazil's insurrection. Another topic of interest is the political implications of Germany's plan to phase out diesel fuel subsidies for agriculture. The far-right party in Germany is using this issue to gain support and align themselves with a seemingly left position. Meanwhile, France's Emmanuel Macron appointed a new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, who is the first openly gay prime minister in French history, as he looks for a political boost ahead of the European parliamentary elections. The potential rise of far-right parties, such as the AfD in Germany and Marine Le Pen's party, is a cause for concern and a topic to watch closely in upcoming elections.

    • Taiwan's Elections: Significance and Front-RunnerTaiwan's upcoming elections on Jan 13, 2023, are crucial for Taiwan's stance on China and global security. Vice President William Lai, a pragmatic pro-independence politician, is the front-runner, potentially continuing current foreign policy.

      Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections on January 13th, 2023, are significant not only for the future of Taiwan's people but also for the global community. With 23 million people casting their votes, the election's outcome will shape Taiwan's stance on its relationship with China and global security. Taiwanese journalist and podcast host Emily Wu joined the discussion to provide insights into the current state of the election. Taiwan's political landscape has seen significant shifts since the country's transition to democracy, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT) holding contrasting views on China. The front-runner in the elections is Vice President William Lai, who has been perceived as a pragmatic pro-independence politician. His candidacy could potentially mean a continuation of Taiwan's foreign policy under Tsai Ing-wen's administration. However, the race remains uncertain due to the presence of a strong third party and the recent polling blackout. Taiwan's people are encouraged to get out and vote as the campaigns heat up, and the world eagerly awaits the election's outcome.

    • Taiwanese Presidential Election: Differences in Foreign Policy ViewsThe Taiwanese presidential election showcases varying foreign policy perspectives between DPP, KMT, and TPP, with domestic concerns also influencing voter decisions, potentially impacting sovereignty concessions.

      During the Taiwanese presidential election, the main parties, DPP, KMT, and TPP, have different views on foreign policy, particularly regarding China and the US. While DPP's William Lai aims to continue the status quo and strengthen ties with the US, KMT is more inclined towards engaging China through the "90-92 consensus," which acknowledges China's view of Taiwan as part of China. The electorate's focus on this issue varies, with some prioritizing domestic concerns like housing, salary, and labor. The split in opinions on China engagement raises questions about potential sovereignty concessions. The historical context plays a role in KMT's acceptance of the one China policy. Ultimately, the election outcome will depend on how voters weigh these factors.

    • Taiwanese election: War or peace vs democracy?China's power to attack and disinformation campaigns pose significant risks during Taiwanese elections, requiring a balance between vigilance and freedom of speech.

      During the Taiwanese election, the balance of risk between engaging in negotiations with China under the "one China" principle and the potential consequences of not engaging and facing provocation, is a significant concern. This risk calculation is a common topic among voters, with the threat of military conflict and loss of sovereignty being ever-present. The election discourse is framed as a choice between war and peace versus democracy, but it's important to remember that ultimately, China holds the power to attack regardless of who's in power. Additionally, Chinese disinformation campaigns are a significant concern during elections, with the volume of misinformation increasing during this period. The government and civil society groups are working to combat disinformation, but the challenge lies in striking a balance between vigilance and freedom of speech.

    • Taiwan's Upcoming Election: Hope and NervousnessYoung people in Taiwan are seeking alternatives to traditional parties and are drawn to a third party candidate who is less progressive and more open to ties with China, adding uncertainty to the election outcome.

      The upcoming election in Taiwan is a significant event, with a large portion of the population, especially young people, expressing both hope and nervousness. While there is optimism about the high election turnout and the potential for change, there are also concerns about the potential for a split parliament and the impact on Taiwan's engagement with the world. Young people, in particular, are looking for alternatives to the traditional parties and are drawn to a third party candidate who is less progressive and more open to ties with China. The outcome of the election is uncertain, but there is a shared hope that peace will endure in Taiwan.

    • Behind the scenes team members of a podcastA podcast requires a team of individuals including mixers, editors, audio support, studio technicians, and digital teams to bring it to life

      Creating a podcast involves a team effort. While the hosts may be the faces and voices of the show, there are many behind-the-scenes individuals who contribute to its production. These include the mixer and editor, Andrew Chadwick, the audio support team of Kyle Seglen and Charlotte Landis, and the studio technician, David Toles. Additionally, there's a digital team, Elijah Cohn and Phoebe Bradford, who upload the episodes and videos to YouTube. Without the collective effort of these individuals, a podcast would not be possible. It's a reminder that creating content is a collaborative process, and everyone involved plays an essential role.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    What Comes Next, After Surprise Hamas Attacks on Israel?

    What Comes Next, After Surprise Hamas Attacks on Israel?
    The death toll rose in both Israel and Gaza as the Israeli military and Hamas militants battled for a second day on Sunday. The surprise multi-pronged attacks by Hamas against Israel have killed at least 700 people, according to Israeli media reports.

    Israel's response has included air strikes gainst targets in Gaza. At least 400 people have been killed in Gaza, according to Palestinian officials. Thousands are injured in both Gaza and Israel.

    Host Scott Detrow speaks with NPR correspondent Aya Batrawy in Tel Aviv for the latest developments on the ground, and we also hear from NPR's Michele Kelemen about diplomatic efforts to try and contain the violence in Israel and Gaza.

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    LSE Plot Arrests, 100 Days Of War & Taiwan Election Impact

    LSE Plot Arrests, 100 Days Of War & Taiwan Election Impact

    On today's podcast:
    (1) UK police said they arrested six people over a plot to target the London Stock Exchange. Activists from the Palestine Action group were allegedly planning to cause damage to the LSE and to prevent the building from opening for trading Monday morning, the Met said in a statement. 

    (2) UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will address Parliament on Monday after his government said it's ready to carry out further strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen if the group continues to attack commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

    (3) As the Israel-Hamas war enters 100 days, the question remains whether it will spread from Gaza and turn into a wider conflagration. But with the appetite in Israel for war against Hezbollah growing and American influence on its ally seemingly waning, the answer is more likely to be found in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem than Beirut or Washington.

    (4) Taiwan elected current vice president Lai Ching-te as leader of the global chip hub at the center of US-China tensions, putting in power a man Beijing has branded an "instigator of war."

    (5) The US state of Iowa kicks off the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination today. Caucuses are set to take place this evening but there are fears sub zero temperatures of below -30 could dampen turnout. 

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    10/15/23: 1 Million Flee Gaza As Iran Warns Of War

    10/15/23: 1 Million Flee Gaza As Iran Warns Of War

    Krystal and Saagar bring you a breaking Sunday clip to give updates on the Humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza as Israel forces 1 million people to flee south.

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    12/27/23: Israel Declares “7 Front War,” Assassinates Top Iranian General

    12/27/23: Israel Declares “7 Front War,” Assassinates Top Iranian General

    Krystal gives a breaking update on Israel announcing a 7 Front War in the Middle East. 

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