
    How manatees got into hot water

    enApril 08, 2022
    What challenges do manatees face with renewable energy transition?
    Why is the Manatee Conservation Fund important according to Pat Rose?
    How have power companies historically helped manatee conservation?
    What role does personalized protection play for small business owners?
    What is the significance of the Manatee Viewing Center location?

    Podcast Summary

    • Manatee release highlights connection to nature and personalized protectionChoose personalized protection for small businesses, just like manatees are cared for in nature

      No matter how advanced our technology and global economy become, we are still deeply connected to the natural world. This was brought to light during a manatee release at a wildlife sanctuary, where a rescued manatee named Berkey was returned to his natural habitat. State Farm, a sponsor of this NPR broadcast, emphasizes the importance of personalized protection for small business owners, just as they care for the wellbeing of animals like Berkey. By choosing policies tailored to your specific needs, you can ensure that you and your business are protected, just like Berkey is in his natural habitat.

    • A Unique Partnership Saving ManateesEnvironmentalists and power companies formed an agreement in the 1970s, allowing power plants to operate while creating warm water canals for manatees, resulting in their survival but also making them dependent on fossil fuels.

      The Manatee Viewing Center in Florida, a nature preserve for these gentle sea creatures, is located near a power plant, which may seem unusual but is actually a result of a deal struck between environmentalists and power companies in the 1970s. The power companies agreed to save the manatees from extinction by creating warm water discharge canals for them, while the environmentalists allowed the power plants to continue operating. This unique partnership has saved the manatees, but it has also made them dependent on fossil fuels. Pat Rose, who made a documentary about manatees in the 1980s, describes manatees as peaceful and non-aggressive animals, and their scientific order is named for the sirens. The Manatee Viewing Center is a beautiful place where nature and technology meet, offering visitors a unique experience.

    • Teenage Encounter with Manatee Sparks Lifelong Passion for ConservationA teenage encounter with a manatee sparked a lifelong passion for conservation in Pat, leading him to move to Florida, study aquatic biology, and dedicate his career to saving this endangered species.

      Pat's encounter with a manatee during his teenage years ignited a lifelong passion to save this endangered species. Growing up in landlocked Missouri, Pat dreamed of becoming an underwater documentarian and was determined to find manatees in Florida despite their dwindling numbers due to hunting and habitat destruction. During his search, he had a memorable encounter with a manatee, which solidified his commitment to their conservation. After moving to Florida in the 1970s, Pat went to grad school for aquatic biology and dedicated his career to saving manatees through research, public awareness, and advocacy. Despite initial challenges in securing funding, Pat's determination and dedication led to significant progress in manatee conservation.

    • Florida Power and Light hires first chief ecologist to mitigate thermal pollutionCompanies can address environmental concerns and regulatory challenges by collaborating with environmental researchers and investing in scientific research.

      During the 1970s, Florida Power and Light, a major utility company in Florida, faced increasing environmental regulations, particularly regarding thermal pollution from their power plants. This issue, which involved the emission of hot water that could harm aquatic ecosystems, was a significant expense for the company. To mitigate this issue, Florida Power and Light hired Jay Ross Wilcox as their first chief ecologist. Wilcox and his team saw an opportunity to research manatees, an animal that thrives in warm water, as a potential solution to the problem of thermal pollution. This collaboration between the utility company and environmental researchers led to a three-year study mapping out manatee habitats, which benefited both the company and the environment. This innovative approach demonstrates how companies can address environmental concerns and regulatory challenges through scientific research and collaboration.

    • Manatees and Power Plants: An Unexpected PartnershipManatees' need for warm water led them to power plants, resulting in a unique partnership that benefited both species and the power company.

      The survival of manatees, an endangered species, is intertwined with human development in unexpected ways. As manatees require water temperatures above 68 degrees Fahrenheit to survive, and their natural habitats were being destroyed, they began congregating near power plants for the warm water. This discovery, made in the 1970s, led to a unique partnership between the Florida Power and Light company and scientists at the Audubon Society. The scientists conducted research on manatees and their relationship to power plants, with the condition that they would have full control over their findings. The results showed that manatees were indeed utilizing power plants for warmth, and this discovery helped ensure their protection while also benefiting the power company. This story highlights the complex relationship between human development and the natural world, and how sometimes, seemingly negative impacts can unexpectedly lead to positive outcomes.

    • Protecting Manatees and their HabitatsThrough advocacy and data usage, Pat and his team successfully passed the Manatee Sanctuary Act, protecting springs, power plants, and implementing boat speed limits in manatee sanctuaries, benefiting both manatees and power companies.

      Through persistent advocacy and effective use of data, Pat and his team were able to protect manatees and their warm water habitats in Florida. This included the passage of the Manatee Sanctuary Act, which protected springs, power plants, and implemented boat speed limits in manatee sanctuaries. The power companies, in turn, benefited from the positive public relations of being seen as stewards of the environment, which helped in their argument against costly regulation changes. While challenges remain, such as algae blooms and declining sea grass populations, the manatee population has significantly recovered since the 1970s, growing to over 6,000 by 2017.

    • Manatees Dependent on Power Plants for Warm Water SurvivalManatees heavily rely on power plants for warm water, but the transition to renewable energy poses a challenge for their survival. Solutions like creating artificial heaters or removing dams are expensive. Pat Rose advocates for a Manatee Conservation Fund, but power companies have not responded.

      The manatees in Florida are heavily dependent on power plants for their survival, with around 60% of the population relying on artificially heated water. However, this reliance comes with a dilemma: what will happen to them when we transition to renewable energy and the warm water stops flowing? Some solutions, like creating artificial heaters or removing dams, are expensive. Pat Rose, a manatee expert, is advocating for a Manatee Conservation Fund, which he believes is the least the power companies can do, given their significant savings over the years. While the power companies have been committed to working with agencies and organizations for manatee conservation, they have not responded specifically to the fund idea. The partnership between Pat and the power companies has helped the manatee population, but it raises ethical questions about enabling industries driving climate change to bypass environmental regulations. The manatees, which have survived for millions of years, may be better adapted to the warming world than humans. However, the future of manatee conservation remains uncertain and requires significant investment and collaboration.

    • Imagining a World with Manatees in ChargeNPR's Trump's Trials podcast breaks down legal proceedings against former President Trump and their implications for democracy, while Here and Now podcast goes deeper into important stories.

      Manatees, if they were to inherit the earth, could potentially create a peaceful world where they graze freely in naturally evolving shorelines and act as stewards of the environment. Meanwhile, in the real world, keeping up with the legal proceedings against former President Trump can be a complex task. To simplify this, NPR offers the Trump's Trials podcast, providing a weekly breakdown of the biggest news from each of his legal cases and their implications for democracy. NPR's commitment to editorial independence and integrity continues to make their podcasts a trusted source for news and analysis. Listeners can also explore the world through NPR and WBUR's Here and Now podcast, which goes deeper into the stories that matter and makes sense of the news.

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    enSeptember 11, 2024

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    This episode was hosted by Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Sally Helm. It was produced by James Sneed, and edited by Jess Jiang. It was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez and engineered by Gilly Moon. Planet Money's executive producer is Alex Goldmark.

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    enSeptember 06, 2024

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    enSeptember 04, 2024

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    enAugust 30, 2024

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    Take the 2024 Planet Money Summer School Quiz here to earn your personalized diploma!

    Find all the episodes from this season of Summer School here. And past seasons here. And follow along on TikTok here for video Summer School.

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    This series is hosted by Robert Smith and produced by Audrey Dilling. Our project manager is Devin Mellor. This episode was edited by Planet Money Executive Producer Alex Goldmark and fact-checked by Sofia Shchukina.

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    enAugust 28, 2024

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    enAugust 23, 2024

    Summer School 7: The Great Depression, the New Deal and how it changed our economy

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    Find all the episodes from this season here. And past seasons here. And follow along on TikTok here for video Summer School.

    When we last left the United States of America in our economic telling of history, it was the early 1900s and the country's leaders were starting to feel like they had the economic situation all figured out. Flash forward a decade or so, and the financial picture was still looking pretty good as America emerged from the first World War.

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    This series is hosted by Robert Smith and produced by Audrey Dilling. Our project manager is Devin Mellor. This episode was edited by Planet Money Executive Producer Alex Goldmark and fact-checked by Sofia Shchukina.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    enAugust 21, 2024

    The hidden world behind your new "banking" app

    The hidden world behind your new "banking" app
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    Today's show was hosted by Erika Beras and Sally Helm. It was produced by Sam Yellowhorse Kesler and Sofia Shchukina with help from James Sneed. It was edited by Jess Jiang and fact-checked by Kevin Volkl. It was engineered by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez with help from James Willetts. Alex Goldmark is our executive producer.

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    enAugust 16, 2024

    Summer School 6: China, Taiwan and how nations grow rich

    Summer School 6: China, Taiwan and how nations grow rich
    Episodes each Wednesday through labor day. Find all the episodes from this season here. And past seasons here. And follow along on TikTok here for video Summer School.

    In the middle of the twentieth century, China and its neighbors in East Asia were poor, mostly rural economies. China had been wrecked by a brutal civil war. Taiwan became the home of people fleeing from that conflict. Japan and Korea were rebuilding after their own wars. And then in the later half of the twentieth century, they started their comeback. The governments made some explicit choices that unleashed the power of individual incentives and free market forces and lifted millions of people out of poverty. We focus specifically on China and Taiwan during this time, when they showed a burst of economic progress rarely seen on this globe. Why then? Why there? Can other nations copy that? We'll try to find out.

    This series is hosted by Robert Smith and produced by Audrey Dilling. Our project manager is Devin Mellor. This episode was edited by Planet Money Executive Producer Alex Goldmark and fact-checked by Sofia Shchukina.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in
    Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    enAugust 14, 2024

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