
    How Much Is My Allowance?

    enMarch 16, 2024
    What are the main savings options offered by Kroger?
    Who is Harper Zilmer and what was revealed about her?
    How does the speaker's learning style differ from his peers?
    What humorous anecdote did the speaker share about his friend?
    What experiences did the speaker have growing up in Great Britain?

    Podcast Summary

    • Harper Zilmer's Surprising BackstoryDespite her wealth, Harper Zilmer presented herself as a regular person on the podcast, but her backstory was surprisingly different. She claimed to play pickleball at a local court and have a backyard, but later it was revealed she was an independent, wealthy young woman who bought her own things, including a unique sock collection.

      Kroger offers a wide variety of delicious meal options at everyday low prices, along with additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. During the podcast, the hosts discussed the rich background of their guest, Harper Zilmer, who despite being wealthy, claimed to play pickleball at a local court and have a backyard, which were later found to be false. Harper, who only wears socks to the podcast and has a unique collection of socks, was revealed to be a rich, independent young woman who buys her own things. The hosts also mentioned their upcoming studio where they will be able to wear shoes during recording, and teased a club video where Michael was wearing specific socks. The discussion ended with a reference to a flame thrower, encouraging listeners to check out their club channel for the explanation.

    • Growing up with Privilege: Complexities and NuancesPrivilege can lead to unique experiences, but also misunderstandings and misconceptions. Being mindful of others' perspectives is crucial.

      Wealth and privilege can create unique experiences and opportunities, but they can also lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. The discussion revolves around a group of people jokingly searching for a flamethrower in someone's house, with the person expressing concern about the potential danger and the possibility of getting demonetized. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's upbringing in a wealthy family and living in Great Britain. They share stories of having multiple infinity pools, golf courses, and pickleball courts, as well as growing up with a nanny and sometimes setting her on fire as a joke. While these experiences may seem extravagant, the speaker also acknowledges the potential for misunderstandings and the importance of being mindful of others' perspectives. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of growing up with privilege and the importance of being aware of how one's actions and words may be perceived.

    • Celebrating Birthdays in Hotels: A Fun Change of SceneryHotels provided unique and memorable birthday experiences with amenities like pools, decorations, and breakfast buffets, but not everyone could afford this luxury.

      Birthdays were often celebrated in hotels growing up, providing a fun and exciting change of scenery from home. Hotels offered amenities like swimming pools, decorations, and breakfast buffets, making for memorable birthday experiences. However, not everyone had the means to celebrate in this way, and some grew up in small towns with limited resources. Despite any challenges, people often found joy in their childhood experiences and wouldn't have wanted to grow up anywhere else. The conversation also touched on various topics, including Alicia Keys' performance at the Super Bowl and miscommunications on social media.

    • Actions can unintentionally disappoint or cause hardshipEven well-intentioned actions can lead to unintended consequences, and the perception of scarcity can exacerbate disappointment

      Sometimes our actions, no matter how well-intentioned, can unintentionally cause disappointment or hardship for those around us. In the discussed story, the speakers ate all the Oreos intended for their sister's birthday party, leaving her without any for her guests. Similarly, in the context of betting, making a bet on a longshot, like an alien invasion at the Super Bowl, can result in a small payout despite the significance of being correct. The speakers in the conversation felt they deserved a larger reward for their correct predictions. The conversation also touched upon the theme of financial stress and the perception of scarcity, with one speaker's mother often creating a sense of financial hardship, only to later reveal unexpected financial security.

    • Perspectives on Wealth, Identity, and TechnologyThrough their conversation, the characters reveal the complexity of their perspectives on wealth, identity, and technology, highlighting the importance of open communication and the richness of diverse perspectives.

      The conversation between the characters in this text reveals their complex and sometimes conflicting perspectives on various topics, including wealth, identity, and technology. For instance, they joke about Carmen's perceived poverty and his desire for expensive items, but they also acknowledge that he may have valid reasons for feeling insecure about his financial situation. They also discuss their cars and their experiences with autopilot, leading to a misunderstanding about Elon Musk's race and a broader conversation about the meaning of being "African American." Despite the occasional misunderstandings and jokes, the characters engage in a lively and often humorous exchange of ideas, highlighting the importance of open communication and the richness of diverse perspectives.

    • Identity, Race, and Personal FinanceDiscover the importance of self-identification and being mindful of labels. Save money by canceling unwanted subscriptions with Rocket Money, averaging $720 annually for 5 million users.

      The labels we use to define ourselves and others can be complex and nuanced. During a discussion on identity and race, it was pointed out that everyone can trace their ancestry back to Africa, making the term "African American" inclusive for all. However, the importance of individual self-identification was emphasized, as well as the need to be mindful of the potential sensitivity of certain labels. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of unwanted subscriptions and the financial impact they can have. The speakers shared their frustration with the difficulty of canceling subscriptions and the seemingly endless stream of money being spent on them. They introduced Rocket Money, a personal finance app that helps users cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and negotiate lower bills, saving an average of $720 a year for its 5 million users. Another topic that arose was the importance of kindness and connection, with the suggestion that holding hands with strangers can be a simple yet powerful way to build understanding and foster community. However, it was also emphasized that personal boundaries and safety should always be considered. Throughout the discussion, the speakers demonstrated the importance of open-mindedness, empathy, and practical solutions to everyday challenges.

    • Exploring Unconventional Learning StylesEmbrace individuality in learning, find joy in unique methods, and avoid following traditional methods blindly.

      The speaker in this conversation had a different approach to learning compared to his peers. He didn't enjoy singing opera as assigned by his teachers and preferred listening to classical music instead. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about a friend who claimed to have watched a video on how to become a millionaire and started taking baths with chocolate and bath salts. The conversation showcases the speaker's disinterest in following traditional methods of learning and a preference for finding joy in his own way. It's a reminder that everyone's learning style is unique and that it's essential to embrace individuality in the pursuit of knowledge and skills.

    • A conversation about wealth and mortality leads to a discussion on pop culture and its impact on our livesWealth conversations can lead to unexpected topics, including mortality and the impact of pop culture on our lives. Reflecting on these topics can provide a deeper appreciation for the things we enjoy.

      Wealth and the desire for it can bring about unexpected and sometimes morbid conversations. During a conversation, the speakers joked about the potential wealth of one of them and how it would be distributed upon their death. However, the conversation took a turn when they realized that mortality is inevitable and that one day, they may all be deceased. This realization led to a discussion about how they would feel about looking back on their lives and the pop culture they consumed, with a particular focus on how many of the cast members of their favorite movies and shows have passed away. The speakers also shared their current cultural pursuits, with one expressing their newfound interest in classic movies and another sharing their current obsession with keeping up with the lives of movie casts. Despite the morbid topic, the conversation showcased the speakers' shared love for pop culture and their desire to appreciate it fully.

    • Movies Shape Our Perspectives and RelationshipsMovies can influence our understanding of relationships and perspectives, but they may not accurately represent reality. Sharing movie experiences can reveal differences in viewing styles.

      Movies can influence our perspectives and relationships. The speaker often mixes up two different films and reflects on how they portray romantic relationships. She acknowledges that these movies might not represent reality and can even give a false sense of what a marriage should look like. The speaker also shares her annoyance about her companion spoiling movies for her mid-viewing, which makes her realize how different their viewing experiences are. Despite these differences, they continue to enjoy movies together, acknowledging their unique ways of engaging with the content.

    • Navigating feelings and work issues leads to confusionClear communication and focusing on the topic at hand are crucial for resolving complications effectively.

      Communication can be complicated and misunderstandings can easily arise, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. In the discussion, the group was trying to help Alex navigate her feelings for her crush, but the conversation became sidetracked with various topics, leading to confusion. Additionally, the issue of fair compensation at work also came up, causing further complications. Despite these challenges, the group tried to lighten the mood by attempting to sing the national anthem, but ended up singing the wrong song. In the end, clear communication and paying attention to the topic at hand are essential for resolving issues effectively. The conversation also showcased the group's unique dynamics and their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • Exploring the dynamic of a podcast conversationListeners enjoyed the unique personalities, humor, and sense of community created during a podcast discussion, highlighting the importance of adaptability and improvisation in engaging audiences.

      During a podcast discussion, the participants showed their unique personalities and sense of humor, with topics ranging from forgetting favorite artists to the possibility of going on tour with a new podcast. Despite some misunderstandings and playful banter, they managed to keep the conversation engaging and light-hearted. It's clear that their dynamic adds to the overall appeal of the podcast, showcasing their ability to adapt and improvise even when things don't go as planned. The listeners were encouraged to engage with the content by sharing their own opinions and comments, creating a sense of community and interaction. Overall, the podcast showcases the power of humor and camaraderie in creating an enjoyable and entertaining listening experience.

    • Playful Distraction Leads to Exciting New ProjectFriends' playful energy and dynamic interactions led to a new podcast and potential channel for women, showcasing their entertaining and engaging content.

      The group of friends, LOL Bros, are starting a new podcast and potentially a new channel for women called LOL Girls. They were inspired by the success of their current channel and have some exciting gifts to share with their audience. During the recording, they became distracted by a new toy, slime, which led to a fun and playful segment. Despite some initial hesitation, they discovered that the slime was actually quite enjoyable and engaging. The friends' dynamic and playful energy are a key part of their content, making their podcast and potential channel an entertaining and engaging experience for their audience.

    • Creating Slime: A Series of Mishaps and FailuresCreating a new business involves unexpected challenges and setbacks. Stay optimistic, learn from mistakes, and keep trying to perfect your product.

      Despite their best intentions, the duo's attempt at creating and testing a new slime business ended in a series of mishaps and failures. From getting the slime stuck on various surfaces, including their clothes and carpet, to accidentally activating Alexa to play music at inopportune moments, their first batch of slime proved to be more trouble than expected. However, they remain optimistic and plan to continue refining their recipe and selling the slime once they've perfected it. Kate, who proved to be an expert in handling the slime, reassured her friend that accidents are part of the process and that they'll learn from their mistakes. The duo ended the episode by encouraging viewers to check out their new podcast, LOL Bros, and asking for support in growing their channel. Despite the setbacks, their sense of humor and determination to succeed shone through.

    Recent Episodes from The LOL Podcast

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    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

    Social Media Platforms :
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyConsultingLLC
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fluency_consulting/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fluency-norah-jones

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    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

    Social Media Platforms :
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyConsultingLLC
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fluency_consulting/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fluency-norah-jones

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    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

    Social Media Platforms :
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyConsultingLLC
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fluency_consulting/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fluency-norah-jones

    220: Blended - Immigration and Identity

    220: Blended - Immigration and Identity

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    [03.04] Introductions to our Blended panelists.

    • Stefanie – Product Manger at Terminal 49
    • Martha – Global Snr. IT Manager of Enterprise & Corp Systems at McKesson
    • Sneha – Demand Planning/Operations Program Manager at Crane
    • Shana – Associate Director of Product Management, International Supply Chain at Wayfair

    “It wasn’t actually until I went to college that I had my first experience where I felt different.” Shana

    [08.57] The group defines the word ‘immigration.’

    [12.13] The panel discusses their personal experiences of immigration.

    “I learned to appreciate how diverse my home city of Mombasa was, and I saw that in the US it’s often not as tolerant as it should be for a first world country – it was a huge surprise.” Martha

    [34.47] The group reflects on their accents, and the impact of ‘sounding different.’

    • Bias
    • Self-consciousness
    • Identity
    • Integration

    “I tried to hide my accent, that bias is there… but my accent is a core part of my being so I don’t hide it anymore and I’m happy with the way I am – but it took me some years to learn that.” Sneha

    [47.23] The panel discusses the word immigrant, and what it means to them.

    • Context: facts vs assumptions
    • Intention, bias and misuse
    • When do you stop calling someone an immigrant?
    • The controversial use of the word 'alien'

    “There’s always a culture struggle of ‘who do I identify with?' Do I let go of my Asian culture so I can blend in more, or be more Chinese but have a conflict of ‘who am I?’” – Stefanie

    [56.55] The group reflects on the widespread Asian hate experienced following the start of the pandemic, and the nuances around the word ‘Asian.’

    • The fear felt by many Asian communities
    • One word to represent so many different people
    • Two-way communication – being open to both asking, and answering, questions
    • Allyship

    “We all come from a different ethnicity, we all have our own unique identities – and we would like to be respected for where we come from.” Sneha

    [1.19.42] The panelists each give their sum-up from today’s discussion around what we can we do to celebrate diversity through immigration, to create opportunities and to elevate voices.

    • Be a change agent: use your position to amplify voices – Shana
    • We have a responsibility to each other as human beings, and everything begins with love – Martha
    • Leaders need to have more empathy, and connect with immigrants more – Stefanie
    • Embrace everyone, and stop filtering people by ethnicity or immigration status - Sneha



    You can connect with Stefanie, Martha, Sneha and Shana over on LinkedIn.

    Check out our other podcasts HERE.

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    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

    Social Media Platforms :
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FluencyConsultingLLC
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fluency_consulting/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fluency-norah-jones

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