
    About this Episode

    As a mentor, businessman, and former Microsoft General Manager and Partner, Mario Pipkin has navigated the workplace and discovered the importance of being true to one's values - especially when assuming positions of power. Discover how you can create and retain a talented team by developing a growth mindset and establishing community within your workspace by listening to the second episode of The Color of Wisdom hosted by Mel Mitchell.

    Mel and Drive Influence:



    Mario Pipkin:


    Recent Episodes from The Color of Wisdom Podcast

    How Taking a Stand Creates Change

    How Taking a Stand Creates Change

    Speaking out against injustice allows you to be heard. Elijah Coles Brown is a motivational speaker, social justice activist, and podcaster who has volunteered on both Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s campaigns. He has been featured in Time magazine and the Richmond Free Press along with various other news sources. With an impressive resume, it may be a surprise to learn Elijah is still in high school. On this episode of the Color of Wisdom with Mel Mitchell, you’ll learn about the importance of creating uncomfortable dialogue and to always respond rather than react to injustice.

    Mel and Drive Influence:

    Elijah Coles Brown
    @elicolesbrown on Twitter
    @motivational_youth_speaker on Instagram
    Elijah Coles Brown Show on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

    Being an Agent of Change

    Being an Agent of Change

    Your career can be a clean slate for equity and diversity inclusion, and your self-determination and faith can lead you to success. As the School Climate Improvement Specialist, Dr. Humes has professional and personal experience facing the hardest challenges. She is a motivational speaker, influencer, and entrepreneur who is dedicated to making a difference in her community and transforming culture. On this episode of The Color of Wisdom with Mel Mitchell, you’ll learn about working against implicit bias to create change and how strong faith can lead you to where you’re supposed to be.

    Mel and Drive Influence:

    Dr. Velicia Humes

    The Art of Networking

    The Art of Networking

    Our communities can help us flourish as individuals and lift us up in times of trouble if we have the wisdom to engage with them effectively. As a software portfolio advisor, program manager, and business operation manager, Aries has professional experience with business networking and office politics. She hosts the Scratching and Surviving podcast and co-hosts the Bold Black Girls podcast. Being involved in her community and the Alliance of Technology and Women (ATW), she is a networking and socializing expert. On this episode of Color of Wisdom with Mel Mitchell, you’ll learn not only about the power of networking but also the art of truly connecting with others, which offers growth in both your personal and professional life.

    Mel and Drive Influence:

     Aries Webb-Williams

    Transition Periods & The Value of Art

    Transition Periods & The Value of Art

    Art curation is more than just selecting beautiful works of art. It is a reflection of life and history. Onaje Henderson is the managing director of ZuCot Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, which is the largest African-American fine art gallery in the Southeast. With his enhanced gallery experience, he manages the day-to-day operations, employees, and all financial aspects of the gallery. He hosts art tasting seminars and connects both seasoned and new art collectors with artists who speak to their soul. On this episode of The Color of Wisdom with Mel Mitchell, we’ll dive deep into the art world, pivoting career paths, and the importance of African-American art in our society because ultimately what you hang on your wall is a reflection of you.

    Mel and Drive Influence:

    Onaje Henderson & ZuCot Gallery

    Finding Purpose in the Face of Adversity

    Finding Purpose in the Face of Adversity

    Our life experiences can impact our mindsets, as well as the way we guide and motivate those around us. Mother of two, spin class instructor, and former Shiloh's Place resident, Silberia Garcia has learned to face adversity with positivity. On this episode of The Color of Wisdom with Mel Mitchell, discover how reflection and spirituality can be a critical self-help strategy if you're looking to grow and fulfill your purpose in life. 


    Mel and Drive Influence:



    Silberia Garcia:





    Purpose Entrepreneurship for Growth-Driven Individuals

    Purpose Entrepreneurship for Growth-Driven Individuals

    Your startup's growth and equity potential rests on the founder's ability to network and take advantage of the business community's networking opportunities. On this episode of Coworking with Mel, Dr. Roshawnna Novellus, CEO and founder of EnrichHer, shares how and why she strategizes ways to equip stellar women-owned businesses with necessary advancement resources such as financial consulting, capital guidance, and more.

    Mel and Drive Influence:



    Dr. Roshawnna Novellus: 








    How to Unveil Your Potential as a Leader Through Self-Discovery

    How to Unveil Your Potential as a Leader Through Self-Discovery

    As a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, researcher, and former national chairperson for the National Society of Black Engineers, Dr. Sossena Wood has experience both empowering others and herself to become community leaders in a unique way. Learn how you can unveil your potential as a leader through self-discovery by listening to the third episode of The Color of Wisdom hosted by Mel Mitchell.

    Mel and Drive Influence:



    Sossena Wood:


    How Self-Awareness Leads to Stronger Teams

    How Self-Awareness Leads to Stronger Teams

    As a mentor, businessman, and former Microsoft General Manager and Partner, Mario Pipkin has navigated the workplace and discovered the importance of being true to one's values - especially when assuming positions of power. Discover how you can create and retain a talented team by developing a growth mindset and establishing community within your workspace by listening to the second episode of The Color of Wisdom hosted by Mel Mitchell.

    Mel and Drive Influence:



    Mario Pipkin:


    Welcome to the Color of Wisdom

    Welcome to the Color of Wisdom

    Grow in wisdom with the host of The Color of Wisdom, Melerick Mitchell. Learn how "the power of the extra" and Mel's experience "failing forward" influenced his life path on the first episode of The Color of Wisdom.

    Mel and Drive Influence:

