
    How The Opioid Crisis And The Trump Administration Are Changing Middle America's Economy

    enJanuary 29, 2018
    What is the role of Principal Asset Management?
    How does opioid addiction affect the workforce?
    What strategies does Jeff Porzenich suggest for investors?
    What challenges do employers face with drug testing policies?
    What are successful models for hiring ex-offenders?

    • Combining local insights and global expertise to identify the best investing opportunitiesPrincipal Asset Management uses a comprehensive approach to real estate investing, considering both local and global factors to identify top opportunities in public and private equity and debt.

      Principal Asset Management, a real estate investment firm, leverages a comprehensive perspective, combining local insights and global expertise to identify the best investing opportunities across public and private equity and debt. Meanwhile, during a visit to Annapolis, Maryland, the hosts of Odd Lots podcast noticed the polarization of American politics and media, as well as the increasing prevalence of addiction treatment center ads, indicating the significant impact of opioid addiction on the workforce and potential macroeconomic implications. This highlights how various societal issues can have far-reaching consequences. Principal Asset Management remains actively invested, and for more information, visit their website. The podcast, The Visibility Gap, explores similar topics, and you can download it wherever you get your podcasts. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

    • Impact of Opioid Epidemic on BusinessesThe opioid epidemic is significantly impacting businesses in industries like construction, manufacturing, and transportation due to employee drug use and related challenges such as long-term unemployment and recidivism.

      Key takeaway from this podcast is that the opioid epidemic is having a significant impact on businesses in the Midwest and beyond, particularly in industries like construction, manufacturing, and transportation. According to Jeff Korzenick, the chief investment strategist at 5th Third Private Bank, the opioid epidemic is just one piece of a larger puzzle that includes long-term unemployment and the incarceration recidivism cycle. Business owners have been reporting for years that finding employees who can pass a drug test has been a challenge, and the issue has only worsened with the prevalence of opioid use. This is just one of the many ways that the opioid crisis is affecting the economy, and it's important to consider these ripple effects as we continue to address this public health issue.

    • Labor Market Challenge: Finding Qualified, Drug-Free WorkersEmployers in safety-sensitive industries struggle to find qualified workers who pass drug tests, leading to a labor shortage. Successful models offer extended Employee Assistance Programs to integrate ex-offenders, but a comprehensive approach is needed for sustainability.

      The labor market in certain industries is facing a significant challenge due to the increasing difficulty in finding qualified workers who can pass drug tests. This issue is intensifying as the labor markets tighten and the problem extends beyond new hires to existing employees who are becoming addicted. Employers are looking for clean and sober workers in safety-sensitive industries, but the strict drug testing policies create hurdles. There is some flexibility in background checks for people with criminal records, but employers face liability concerns and may require additional steps to successfully integrate ex-offenders into the workforce. Successful models offer extended Employee Assistance Programs to address the unique needs of this population, resulting in low turnover rates and dedicated employees. However, the current pick-up in hiring ex-offenders is more haphazard, and sustainability remains uncertain. Employers need to consider a comprehensive approach to hiring and retaining this population to address the labor shortage effectively.

    • Opioid Epidemic's Economic ImpactThe opioid epidemic affects 1.4 million prime-age males outside the labor force and 11.5 million Americans misusing prescription opioids, causing underemployment and a need for substantial national policy response.

      The opioid epidemic is not just a social crisis but an economic one, affecting both those outside the workforce and those who are employed. According to economist Alan Krueger, over 1.4 million prime-age males are not in the labor force due to opioid addiction. Furthermore, there are 11.5 million Americans misusing prescription opioids and 2.1 million addicted individuals. This issue extends beyond unemployment to underemployment, as some individuals cannot secure jobs due to failed drug tests. While there have been some local and corporate responses, such as CVS limiting opioid prescriptions and Michigan's medical oversight board addressing overprescribing doctors, a substantial national policy response is yet to be seen. Overall, the opioid epidemic poses a significant challenge to the workforce and the economy.

    • Addressing the opioid crisis: Preventing overprescribing and helping those already addictedPolicies to prevent overprescribing are essential, but addressing the complex challenges faced by the 11 million plus individuals already addicted requires a comprehensive approach including community engagement and employment opportunities.

      Addressing the opioid crisis requires tackling both the issue of overprescribing and the challenges faced by those already addicted. Preventing overprescribing through policies is a crucial first step, but dealing with the 11 million plus individuals already misusing opioids is a more complex problem. These individuals often face barriers to recovery, such as criminal justice involvement and difficulty finding employment. The labor market tightness and potential wage increases could provide opportunities for those not addicted to painkillers, but the inflationary forces caused by these shocks to the system may also lead to higher wages for all workers. Overall, the opioid crisis requires a comprehensive approach to policy, community engagement, and employment opportunities for those seeking recovery.

    • Companies investing more due to tax savings and labor marketTax savings are leading to wage increases and capital investments as businesses respond to a tight labor market.

      The current state of the economy and the new tax regime are leading to companies making decisions to increase wages and invest more in capital, rather than just giving tax cuts to shareholders. This is due to the tight labor market, which makes it more likely that a greater percentage of the tax savings will flow to workers. Additionally, the ability to expense capital investments and the need to increase productivity when labor is scarce are driving companies to invest more. The optimism among small businesses in the US can be attributed to a combination of tax policies, promised infrastructure spending, and a positive shift in the American business climate.

    • Small business owners feel relief and optimism after electionSmall business owners are more confident to focus on growth due to a perceived stable regulatory environment, potentially leading to increased capital investment and economic growth.

      The election of a new president led to a sense of relief and optimism among small and medium-sized business owners, despite no significant reduction in regulations. This relief comes primarily from the perception that the regulatory environment will no longer be constantly changing, allowing these businesses to focus on growth rather than defense. This optimism has historically led to increased capital investment, which can drive economic growth. The impact of this shift in tone is particularly significant for small, family-owned businesses, which often take regulatory issues very personally. While the actual regulatory landscape remains the same, the change in tone has given these business owners a renewed sense of confidence and the ability to focus on growing their businesses. This shift is meaningful because small and medium-sized businesses are a significant contributor to job creation in the United States.

    • Diversifying beyond traditional equitiesConsider diversifying portfolios into real assets like REITs, infrastructure, MLPs, and gold as the best gains from the bull market may have already been realized.

      According to Jeff Porzenich, Chief Investment Strategist at 5th Third Private Bank, while the bull market is not over, the best gains may have already been realized. He suggests that investors consider diversifying their portfolios beyond traditional equities into real assets like REITs, infrastructure, MLPs, and even gold. This perspective is valuable as it offers insights not only from a macroeconomic standpoint but also from someone who understands the micro-level decisions made by small business owners. The opioid epidemic is another macroeconomic factor gaining more attention, with studies showing its impact on labor markets. Two notable works on this topic are "Where Have All the Workers Gone?" by Alan Krueger and "Prescription Opioids and Labor Market Pains." Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of understanding both the big picture and the details on the ground.

    • Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld Launch New Weekly Podcast 'Money Stuff'Finance experts Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld debut a new weekly podcast, 'Money Stuff', discussing Wall Street finance and related topics on popular podcast platforms.

      Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld, both well-known figures in the finance world, are teaming up to bring the popular Money Stuff newsletter to life as a new weekly podcast. The podcast, also named Money Stuff, will be released every Friday and will delve into Wall Street finance and other related topics, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the financial world. You can find and listen to Money Stuff on popular podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Additionally, be sure to follow Matt, Katie, and other relevant individuals, such as Joe Weisenthal, Tracy Alloway, Topher Forres, and Francesca Levy, on Twitter for the latest news and updates.

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    Only http://Bloomberg.com subscribers can get the Odd Lots newsletter in their inbox each week, plus unlimited access to the site and app. Subscribe at  bloomberg.com/subscriptions/oddlots

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    This episode is sponsored by Chrome Enterprise.

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    Only Bloomberg.com subscribers can get the Odd Lots newsletter in their inbox each week, plus unlimited access to the site and app. Subscribe at bloomberg.com/subscriptions/oddlots

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      enSeptember 13, 2024

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      Odd Lots
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      Odd Lots
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      Only Bloomberg.com subscribers can get the Odd Lots newsletter in their inbox each week, plus unlimited access to the site and app. Subscribe at  bloomberg.com/subscriptions/oddlots

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      Odd Lots
      enSeptember 06, 2024

      How Hedge Funds Discover the Next Superstar Trader

      How Hedge Funds Discover the Next Superstar Trader

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      Only Bloomberg.com subscribers can get the Odd Lots newsletter in their inbox each week, plus unlimited access to the site and app. Subscribe at bloomberg.com/subscriptions/oddlots

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      Odd Lots
      enSeptember 05, 2024

      The Black Hole of Private Credit That's Swallowing the Economy

      The Black Hole of Private Credit That's Swallowing the Economy

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      Odd Lots Newsletter: The Black Hole of Private Credit
      Private Credit Pushes Deeper Into Risk That Wall Street Is Fleeing

      Only Bloomberg.com subscribers can get the Odd Lots newsletter in their inbox each week, plus unlimited access to the site and app. Subscribe at bloomberg.com/subscriptions/oddlots

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      Odd Lots
      enSeptember 02, 2024

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      Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

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