
    How to Achieve High Performance in a Low Accountability Environment

    enMay 14, 2019

    About this Episode

    One of the big problems with our industry which I have talked about before in episode 44 is complacency.  That is, due to the nature of our environment, because we have so many challenges with logistics and lack of infrastructure and resources and the challenges with finding qualified staff, we become complacent and don’t hold ourselves to the standard we might ordinarily. 

    I can understand the reason behind this, I myself experienced it especially in environments like South Sudan, but it is a dangerous slippery slope.  And many times in part because of this complacency, we don’t hold our teams accountable for high performance. And before you know it, the culture within the country program becomes one of not holding individuals accountable for results, and the impact we want to see in our work does not materialize as a result.

    In this episode I share four tips to achieve high team performance, even if the expectations for holding people accountable within your country program are not clear. What’s there to lose by trying? Become the example of what is possible within your organization.

    if you find this episode helpful, please share it with someone you think can benefit from it!

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