
    About this Episode

    In this episode, we discuss the new digital frontier for artists and creators that are using NFTs to get paid for their work. We also discuss a new Farnam Street blog that breaks down how we are wired to make bad decisions.

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    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    Recent Episodes from The Money Huddle

    New Year, New Regulations: Here Comes SECURE Act 2.0

    New Year, New Regulations: Here Comes SECURE Act 2.0

    While we were celebrating the holidays, Congress was busy at working passing a massive 1.7 Trillion Dollar Omnibus bill. Part of this bill included language for The Secure Act 2.0--- even more provisions that can impact Americans who are planning for their retirement years. 

    In this episode we briefly highlight several areas which include:

    • New rules for required minimum distributions
    • Additional areas for consideration in ROTH IRAs & 529 Accounts
    • Changes to employer matching & catch-up provisions inside employer sponsored plans

    One of the realities of financial planning is that rules and regulations can always be subject to change. This is why planning is a process---not an event.

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enJanuary 12, 2023

    IUL Policies: The Retirement Account of the Future? Or Just Hype?

    IUL Policies: The Retirement Account of the Future?  Or Just Hype?

    One of the most commonly misrepresented financial products is Indexed Universal Life insurance. You may have heard these described as:

    • MPI strategy
    • Compound Accounts
    • Millionaire's ROTH IRA
    • The Secret Sauce that Millionaire use

    ...and the list goes on and on. 

    In this episode, we talk to an insurance specialist in an attempt to separate fact from fiction when it comes to Indexed Universal Life products. Take a listen!

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enDecember 30, 2022

    Are Annuities The Devil?

    Are Annuities The Devil?

    One of the most polarizing financial products in the marketplace is annuities. Love 'em or Hate 'em, annuities are not going away. 

    In this episode, we sit down with 2 industry experts that specialize in the fixed insurance space--specifically, working with annuities. Some areas we discuss:

    • how opinions on annuities are influenced by advisors & compensation
    • understanding how annuities can mitigate risk
    • what annuities can do that other asset classes can't do
    • how annuities can protect one's lifestyle in retirement 

    Please take a listen---and don't forget to subscribe to our podcast!

    An Annuity is a long-term financial product designed largely for asset accumulation and retirement needs. All guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enDecember 16, 2022

    Lighter Than Expected (2 minute drill)

    Lighter Than Expected (2 minute drill)

    The next 48 hours could be significant investors, as they attempt to digest several important economic data points:

    • CPI comes in lighter than expected at 7.1% vs 7.3%
    • The Fed has its December rate announcement on Dec. 14th
    • Could we see some dovish comments or more doublespeak?

    Also, SBF was arrested.... strangely, he was taken 1 day before he was scheduled to testify. Odd timing for sure. More and more, this FTX thing appears to be another scam where custody is at the heart of the issue.

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enDecember 13, 2022

    The Market Bounce, Dad Jokes, and The Bumpy Road into 2023

    The Market Bounce, Dad Jokes, and The Bumpy Road into 2023

    In this episode:

    • ChatGPT writes us a new intro
    • The coming Fed decision
    • The latest market moves and economic data we're watching
    • When to get started with Retirement Planning
    • Sneak peek into upcoming Money Huddle episodes

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enDecember 08, 2022

    The Midterms Are Over (2 minute drill)

    The Midterms Are Over (2 minute drill)

    In this episode, we make a quick recap of several news stories we are monitoring:

    • the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections 
    • some canaries in the economic coal mines
    • a major political announcement

    We end with a response to an age-old question: "What do you think of gold as an investment?"

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    Nobody is Coming to Save You

    Nobody is Coming to Save You

    In this episode, our conversation focuses on the idea that someone, somewhere is going to ride in and save us from financial failure. 

    Americans have become champion consumers, yet we need to be champion savers. We need to shake off the feelings of malaise and get focused on our long-term financial goals. 

    While this doesn't mean that we cannot "live" some today, it does mean that many of us need to get re-oriented towards a retirement future that is going to look quite different than retirement of today.

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enSeptember 07, 2022

    The Inflation Enhancement Act

    The Inflation Enhancement Act

    Please see show webpage for summary and resources related to this episode.

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enAugust 15, 2022

    Bear Market Rally 2.0

    Bear Market Rally 2.0
    The last 2 months have been brutal for investors, as the market has posted 7 straight losing weeks.... that is, until this week. 

    Are we seeing a reversal in the downtrend? 


    Is this a bear market bounce? 


    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enMay 30, 2022

    Master of The Twitterverse

    Master of The Twitterverse
    Elon Musk steps in to buy Twitter.

    Negative GDP print for Q1 2022.

    Student loan debt forgiveness and borrowing trends.

    Annuities should be part of Retirement...but maybe not why you think?

    Thanks for checking out our podcast!

    We make every effort to discuss topics that we believe are relevant for the families that we serve. If you have any topics that you'd like us to cover, you can email us at:

    Interested in working with our team? You can create a FREE report using our Asset-Map software program. Click here to get started!

    The Money Huddle
    enMay 03, 2022