
    How to Become Self-Confident

    enOctober 16, 2023
    What are the two main components of self-confidence?
    How can past experiences influence our beliefs about ourselves?
    Why is a process-oriented mindset important for confidence?
    How can supportive social structures affect self-determination?
    What approach can empower individuals in dating situations?

    Podcast Summary

    • Self-confidence: Belief and ProcessSelf-confidence involves both believing in abilities and maintaining a positive attitude during challenges to achieve goals

      Self-confidence is more than just the belief in our abilities. It's also about having an expectation that we can achieve our goals and maintaining a process-oriented mindset that keeps us trying, learning, and bringing our heart to our endeavors. Dr. Rick Hanson, a clinical psychologist and best-selling author, explained that confidence has both an expectation component and a process component. While the expectation component relates to our belief in our ability to achieve a specific outcome, the process component is about maintaining a positive attitude and continuing to try and learn despite challenges. By understanding this dual nature of confidence, we can work on building both aspects to become more self-confident and better navigate life's ups and downs.

    • Developing Confidence Through Experiences and Internalizing SuccessesConfidence is not a fixed trait, but can be developed through positive experiences and internalizing successes. Focus on the process and let good feelings of success land within to build confidence.

      Confidence is not an immutable trait, but rather something that can be developed over time through positive experiences and the internalization of successes. The difference between confident and less confident individuals may not lie in their capabilities, but in their perception and experience of their accomplishments. People who have had positive emotions associated with their repetitions and learning processes are more likely to become self-confident. Confidence can be categorized into different aspects, including the ability to produce results, the process of acquiring capabilities, and expectations towards others' reactions. To build confidence, it's essential to let the good feelings of success land within and counteract tendencies towards self-doubt. Interestingly, Dr. K, a Harvard psychiatrist, suggests that we don't necessarily gain confidence but release insecurity, as children exhibit extreme confidence before the world shapes their perceptions.

    • Understanding the origins of confidence and insecurityHumans have an innate drive towards growth and exploration, but external pressures and past experiences can impact our confidence levels. Self-determination theory supports this idea, emphasizing our natural inclination towards personal growth.

      The way we express ourselves and our levels of confidence are shaped by both internal and external factors. We learn behaviors and insecurities based on our individual experiences and societal pressures. However, it's important to remember that everyone is different and experiences a range of emotions and confidence levels. The natural state of humans is to move towards growth, exploration, and mastery when we're not hindered by fear or external pressures. This innate drive can be thought of as the updrafts that help us soar to new heights, like a hot air balloon shedding ballast. Social theories such as self-determination theory support this idea, suggesting that humans have an innate drive towards growth and exploration. Confidence and insecurity are both important aspects of the human experience, and understanding their origins can help us better navigate social situations and reach our full potential.

    • External influences and social structures can hinder self-determinationFocus on love, sincerity, service, and artistic talent to build confidence, shift focus from self-criticism to something greater, and be an ally to others in their dreams.

      The presence of unsupportive social structures and external influences can hinder self-determination and lead to feelings of insecurity. These sources of insecurity can include criticism or lack of support from others, as well as personal experiences of failure or lack of recognition for successes. To build confidence, it can be helpful to tap into positive and wholesome currents or forces that are universal, such as love, sincerity, service, and artistic talent. This can help individuals move beyond self-criticism and doubts, and instead give themselves over to something greater. For example, in the context of dating, focusing on the desire to connect and build meaningful relationships rather than solely on the outcome of whether someone wants us can be a more empowering approach. Overall, being an ally to others in the encouragement of their dreams and providing supportive feedback can also help foster confidence and self-determination.

    • Shift focus from outcomes to enjoying the processInstead of fixating on desired outcomes, broaden definition of 'good enough' and embrace the journey for increased confidence and satisfaction

      Instead of focusing on trying to make others want us or fixating on desired outcomes, we should shift our mindset to finding the good and enjoying the process. By broadening our definition of what's good enough and embracing the journey, we can increase our confidence and overall enjoyment of experiences. This approach can be particularly helpful in situations where outcomes are uncertain, such as online dating or other social interactions. Additionally, this way of thinking can help us move away from suffering caused by constantly desiring something better and instead appreciate the present moment. It's important to remember that we can't control others' opinions or luck, but we can control our attitude and response to the situation. Embracing the process and focusing on the intrinsic rewards can lead to greater confidence and overall satisfaction.

    • Exploring Emotions and Practical Resources for Personal GrowthLearn to tolerate emotions, open up to goodness, use practical resources, prioritize physical health, and focus on simple solutions for personal growth.

      Our emotions, whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, can lead us to various responses, and it's essential to learn to tolerate and have space for a range of emotions without being triggered into negative responses. The discussion also touched upon the importance of being more than just self-doubt or self-confident and opening ourselves up to the fundamental processes of goodness and good nature that flow through us. Another key takeaway is the value of practical resources, such as the Doctor John DeLaney show, which offers direct and practical advice for navigating life's challenges. Additionally, taking care of our physical health is crucial, and reliable sources of information, like the ZOE Science and Nutrition podcast, can help us make informed decisions about our well-being. Lastly, the simplicity of solutions, like OneSkin's OS01 face topical peptide, can make a significant difference in our daily lives, allowing us to focus on what truly matters.

    • Unlocking the power of food and self-confidence through science and supportEmbrace your true self, build confidence, and seek supportive relationships to address insecurities, while focusing on inner resources and embracing uncertainty for growth.

      The Zoe Science and Nutrition podcast, as described by avid fan Stephanie, offers a life-changing, science-based approach to understanding how food affects our bodies. It encourages listeners to embrace their true selves and build confidence, which can be a transformative experience for many. However, achieving this level of self-assurance isn't an easy feat and may require significant practice, as well as addressing underlying insecurities. For those seeking ways to release impediments and build confidence, relationships with supportive individuals who believe in you are crucial. Finding that person might take time, but focusing on your inner pilot light and seeking out opportunities for success can help in the meantime. Additionally, it's essential to be realistic about your expectations of success and build your inner resources to support your growth. Another interesting approach is to step outside the frame of positive or negative expectations and embrace the uncertainty of not knowing if something will succeed. By adopting this mindset, we can approach challenges with a fresh perspective and potentially discover new opportunities for growth.

    • Questioning the origins of limiting beliefsExplore past experiences to update beliefs and challenge limiting narratives, practice asking 'what if', maintain a beginner's mind, and engage in positive experiences for self-confidence growth

      Developing self-confidence involves acknowledging uncertainty and re-examining the stories that shape our beliefs about ourselves. Our beliefs, which can be rooted in past experiences, may no longer serve us in the present. By questioning the origins of these beliefs, we can update them with current information and challenge limiting narratives. This process, paired with present-day actions like asking "what if," maintaining a beginner's mind, and engaging in positive experiences, can lead to significant growth in self-confidence. Both reflecting on the past and living fully in the present are essential parts of this journey.

    • The relationship between self-confidence and self-worthBelieving in your inherent worth fosters a stable self-confidence, reducing focus on external validation, while self-confidence is the ability to handle life's challenges without taking them personally.

      Having a deep sense of your own innate worth and goodness can lead to a more stable and unconditional self-confidence. This inner trust in oneself can reduce the preoccupation with external accomplishments and recognition. Self-confidence and self-worth are related but distinct concepts. Self-confidence can be seen as the ability to handle life's ups and downs without taking them too personally, while self-worth refers to a person's belief in their inherent value. Narcissism and self-confidence are not the same thing. While some people may express concern about becoming too self-confident and developing narcissistic tendencies, this is often an unfounded fear. The key is to strive for a healthy balance between self-acceptance and self-improvement.

    • Understanding the Roots of Self-DoubtTo build genuine confidence, focus on realistic expectations, engage in skillful steps towards success, recognize the value in others' encouragement, and overcome fears of expressing oneself authentically.

      Narcissism often stems from feelings of devaluation and a constant need to validate one's self-worth. To build genuine confidence, it's essential to understand the root causes of self-doubt and recognize that harsh self-criticism isn't necessary for motivation. Instead, focusing on realistic expectations and engaging in skillful steps towards success can lead to confidence without the need for negative self-talk. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize the value in others' encouragement and stop listening to the inner critical voice. A significant impediment to self-confidence is the fear of what might happen if one expresses oneself authentically. People may have experienced negative consequences in the past, leading to a deep-rooted fear of change. To overcome these fears, it's helpful to recognize that there are people who thrive on bringing others down and that everyone has the capacity to grow and adapt. Embracing vulnerability and seeking support from loved ones can also be valuable in facing these fears.

    • Healing from rejection: Acknowledge, process, learn, and surroundAcknowledge the pain, process emotions, learn from experience, and surround self with positivity

      Experiencing rejection or criticism, especially during formative years, can be deeply hurtful and leave lasting impacts. To heal and move forward, it's crucial to acknowledge the shock and hurt, allow yourself to feel anger, learn from the experience, and focus on being in environments where you're appreciated and celebrated. First, be honest with yourself about the impact of the rejection or criticism. Recognize that it can be particularly wounding when it comes from those with more power or influence, like family members, teachers, or peers. Second, embrace your anger about the injustice of the situation. It's natural to feel angry when we've been unfairly treated, and acknowledging and processing this emotion can be an essential part of the healing process. Third, learn from the experience. Understanding the cultural norms and expectations of different situations can help us navigate similar experiences in the future. Fourth, focus on being in environments where you're wanted and appreciated. Instead of trying to win over those who have rejected or criticized us in the past, we can channel our energy into building relationships with people who value and support us. In essence, the key takeaway is to acknowledge the pain of rejection, process our emotions, learn from the experience, and surround ourselves with positive and supportive relationships. By doing so, we can heal and grow, ultimately finding freedom from the past and the possibility of rejection.

    • Be mindful of social situations and express yourself fairlyImagine a camera recording every moment to stay focused and considerate, balance self-expression with respect for others, and recognize that others' reactions often reflect their biases or preferences, not our worth.

      It's important to be mindful of the amount of time we take up in various social situations and strive for fairness. Imagining a camera recording every moment can help us stay focused and considerate of others. Self-expression is generally safe and beneficial, but for some, finding a balance between expressing themselves and holding back can be challenging. When others seem uninterested or dismissive of what we have to say, it's often a reflection of their own preferences or biases, rather than a judgment of our worth. Similarly, when faced with direct opposition, it's essential to recognize that it's usually more about the other person's issues than our self-expression. Ultimately, being mindful of our impact on others and staying resilient in the face of criticism can help us grow more confident and authentic in our interactions.

    • Releasing past insecurities and building present confidenceExamine past experiences and beliefs, focus on wins and reframing, and surround yourself with supportive people to grow confidence

      Becoming more confident involves both releasing insecurities from the past and building confidence in the present. Releasing insecurities means examining past experiences and beliefs that limit our confidence and self-expression. This can be done through various methods such as narrative therapy and self-reflection. Building confidence in the present means focusing on experiencing wins, no matter how small, and reframing what qualifies as a win. Confidence is not a fixed trait, but something we can learn and grow. It's also important to be mindful of the people we surround ourselves with, as they can either support or hinder our confidence. Lastly, supporting the deep confidence of others by being a person who lifts them up rather than tears them down is essential. Confidence is not just about personal success, but also about how we feel as individuals along the way.

    • Effective Communication: Building Strong Relationships and Achieving SuccessFocus on active listening, empathy, clear language, and cultural sensitivity to build strong relationships, achieve success, and create a more inclusive world.

      Effective communication is key to building strong relationships and achieving success. During our conversation, we discussed various aspects of communication, from active listening to expressing empathy and using clear, concise language. We also touched upon the importance of body language and tone in conveying messages. Effective communication not only helps in building strong personal relationships but also in professional settings. Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities. By focusing on active listening, empathy, and clear communication, we can build trust, foster collaboration, and achieve common goals. Another important aspect of communication is being mindful of cultural differences. Understanding and respecting cultural nuances can help us avoid misunderstandings and build stronger, more inclusive relationships. In summary, effective communication is an essential skill that can help us build strong relationships, achieve success, and create a more inclusive and harmonious world. By focusing on active listening, empathy, clear language, and cultural sensitivity, we can improve our communication skills and make a positive impact on those around us.

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    Dealing with Other People’s Defenses
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    If You’re “Too Self-Aware,” Listen to This

    If You’re “Too Self-Aware,” Listen to This
    Have you ever felt like you knew yourself a little too well? While self-awareness is usually helpful, it can sometimes lead to overwhelm, anxiety, confusion, and self-consciousness. In this episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore what we can do if we feel like we’re “too self-aware.”  They begin by identifying some of the issues that can arise with self-awareness, differentiating it from self-consciousness, and highlighting how conflict between different parts can stop us from becoming who we want to be. They then discuss how developing ego strength can help us become more authentic and free in our behavior. Rick then guides Forrest through a role-play exercise aimed at reducing self-consciousness and social anxiety, and addressing parts of ourselves we may not like. You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:40: Can we be "too self-aware?" 3:55: Three ways self-awareness can cause problems, and four stages of growth 8:25: Outside-in vs. inside-out change, and self-consciousness 14:20: Authenticity, feeling stuck, and internalizing judgment 18:45: Ego strength, and what helps people navigate overwhelm 29:10: What not to do, and a roleplay example with Forrest 35:00: Showing interest in others, and rumination 40:15: More roleplay with Forrest, anxiety, overanalysis, and shame 53:25: Qualities we like and can embrace about an exiled part 1:01:30: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/beingwell.  Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. Go to Seed.com/BEINGWELL and use code 25BEINGWELL to get 25% off your first month.  OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Why You’re Stuck, and How to Fix It

    Why You’re Stuck, and How to Fix It
    Most of us have gone through a time in life when it felt like we were stuck: unable to deal with our issues, change in useful ways, or make our lives the way we wanted them to be. It’s often not for lack of trying. You read the books, you followed the exercises, you maybe even saw a therapist…but it just didn’t help. On today’s episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore why this happens, and what we can do about it.  Rick shares a simple framework we can approach change through before Forrest digs into the six key factors that prevent us from changing. They talk about self-acceptance and how we can relax our attachment to the current version of ourselves, before moving on to factors that affect motivation. They then discuss working with fears, becoming courageous, and leaning into a more authentic version of who we are.  You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:25: What we can (and can’t) change 4:15: Taking inventory: What hasn’t worked? 9:00: Seeing what’s true 15:25: Holding onto an identity, recognizing your defenses, and experimenting 29:55: Motivating yourself, and releasing feelings of guilt 36:35: Secondary gains 46:30: Courage, boredom, and fear of the unknown 50:20: Appreciating how our environment influences us 55:40: Seeing what’s already working, and getting new inputs 1:04:00: Authentically being you 1:06:55: Recap I am now writing on Substack, check out my work there.  Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at shopify.com/beingwell.  Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. Go to Seed.com/BEINGWELL and use code 25BEINGWELL to get 25% off your first month.  OneSkin focuses on delivering more than superficial results for your skin. Get started today with 15% off using code BEINGWELL at oneskin.co.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website

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    Here are 3 key takeaways from our discussion:

    1️⃣ Choose Discomfort over Comfort: It’s easy to stay within our comfort zones, but true growth happens when we push ourselves beyond our limits. Embrace discomfort and challenge yourself to achieve your goals.


    2️⃣ Prioritize Self-Care and Accountability: Self-care and taking care of your own well-being are crucial. Make time for yourself, prioritize activities that nourish your soul, and invite others to hold you accountable to make positive changes in your life.


    3️⃣ Integration of Creativity and Relationships: Podcasting, like other creative endeavors, is a beautiful integration of creativity, business development, and relationships. Use storytelling as a powerful tool to connect with others, help people, and make a positive impact.


    Connect with Jim Gray:

        •    Website: https://hitlabstudio.com/

        •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimgrayonline/


    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

        •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjustinmoseley/

        •    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJustinMoseley

        •    Free Resources: https://www.mindshiftlinks.com


    Join Dr. Justin Moseley's Free Facebook Group:




    Watch Dr. Justin Moseley’s TEDx talk: https://bit.ly/DrJustinTEDx

    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Rewired Guidebook- 24 Questions to help your rewire your subconscious mind to attract success and happiness into your life:



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Life Purpose Meditation: 



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Baseball Technique that helps you prime your subconscious mind so that you can achieve your desired results 3-5x faster:



    Interested in joining a Mastermind Group?  Check out Dr. Justin Moseley’s MindShift Mastermind:


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    Schedule a FREE 1-2-1 Zoom Call with David Here: https://go.oncehub.com/DavidHulman1/

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    Schedule a FREE 1-2-1 Zoom Call with David Here: https://go.oncehub.com/DavidHulman1/

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    l'Instant Loose épisode 5 _ Emilie @studio_hachiko

    l'Instant Loose épisode 5 _ Emilie @studio_hachiko

    Hello et bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode !

    On se retrouve aujourd'hui avec Emilie, Bras droit et deuxième cerveau qui a du apprendre à dire non et à prendre soin d'elle pour prendre soin de ses clientes!

    Je te laisse découvrir cette jeune femme attachante, souriante et plein de bonne humeur !

    Ou la retrouver ?



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