
    How to Break Free From Toxic Money Culture with George Kamel

    en-usJanuary 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring Clean Your Finances with Policygenius, Fundrise, and George Campbell's BookSecure affordable life insurance through Policygenius, invest in real estate with Fundrise, and learn money management skills from George Campbell's book for financial growth and security.

      Spring is an excellent time for both home and financial decluttering. For your finances, consider securing life insurance through Policygenius for peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones. Prices start at an affordable $292 per year for $1,000,000 coverage, with some options offering same-day approval and no medical exams. Meanwhile, in the realm of investing, Fundrise makes real estate investment accessible with their flagship fund, which plans to expand its portfolio during falling market prices. Lastly, George Campbell's new book, "Breaking Free from Broke," shares valuable insights on overcoming toxic money culture and achieving financial success, drawing on his personal journey from debt to net worth millionaire by age 30.

    • Escaping the Toxic Money Culture of DebtDitch debt and become your own bank by using income to build wealth instead of following the traditional path of good grades, education, and credit building.

      The toxic money culture we're often immersed in, which is built around debt, can significantly harm our financial health. Author Georgia McFarland shares her personal experience of feeling trapped by debt despite following the traditional path of good grades, education, and credit building. She argues that ditching debt and becoming your own bank by using your income to build wealth is a more effective approach. McFarland's journey from being broke and in debt to becoming a millionaire in her early thirties serves as an inspiring example of this concept. Her book "The Debt-Free Millionaire: How I Burst Free from the Middle Class and Achieved Financial Freedom Without Wall Street" provides a detailed analysis of the toxic money culture and offers a practical path forward. It's essential to be aware of the risks associated with debt, no matter how it's being utilized, and consider alternative strategies for financial growth.

    • Simplifying Finances for Wealth BuildingDebunking myths and paying for things in cash can help individuals regain control of their finances and build wealth

      Simplifying your financial situation can lead to building wealth, despite common financial myths that may steer you in the wrong direction. George's book emphasizes this concept, sharing personal experiences and debunking myths such as the necessity of a credit score or the value of credit card rewards. These myths often benefit debt companies and can lead to harmful financial decisions, like accumulating unnecessary debt. By paying for things in cash and avoiding deceptive financial products, individuals can regain control of their finances and ultimately achieve their financial goals. The billionaire mentor of the speaker is a prime example, having built wealth by paying for everything in cash and having a low credit score as a result.

    • Teaching kids about finances is crucial for their futureTeaching kids financial skills early can help them avoid debt and financial hardships later in life, leading to debt freedom through aggressive repayment methods like the debt snowball.

      Financial education is crucial for individuals, especially at a young age. It's important to teach kids about finances as preventative medicine, as learning financial skills early can help them avoid debt and financial hardships later in life. The lack of financial literacy can lead to misinformation and poor financial decisions, making it essential to spread this message and provide accurate resources. To achieve debt freedom, individuals need to be aggressive and go beyond minimum payments, using methods like the debt snowball to pay off debts in order of smallest balance first, regardless of interest rate. It's a long-term commitment, but the benefits of being debt-free are worth the effort.

    • Pay off debts in order of size for psychological motivationThe debt snowball method offers quick wins and keeps people motivated to pay off their debts by focusing on smallest debts first, but it's crucial to eventually afford debts in full and build wealth for the future.

      The debt snowball method, which involves paying off debts from smallest to largest while making minimum payments on the others, is an effective way to get out of debt despite not offering the mathematically optimal solution. This method is beneficial for human psychology as it provides quick wins and keeps people motivated to continue paying off their debts. However, the system keeping people broke and stressed is the mentality that focuses on managing monthly payments instead of saving up for things in cash or building delayed gratification. This complicated and stressful situation can lead to financial instability, making it essential to shift towards a mindset of affording debts in full before making any new purchases. The debt snowball method can help people make this shift and build wealth for the future.

    • Living Paycheck to Paycheck is Common, Even for Those Making Six Figures70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, including high-income earners. Financial stress affects millions, leading to debt, stress, and sleepless nights.

      Despite the common belief that financial stress and anxiety only affect those with low incomes, the reality is much more complex. According to the statistics, 7 out of 10 people live paycheck to paycheck, including those making six figures. The US has reached a record-breaking $1,000,000,000,000 in credit card debt, and over 59% of people worry about money daily, with 46% losing sleep over their finances. These issues can lead to a cycle of stress, debt, and payments, regardless of income level. For those facing real hardships, such as single parents or those with health problems, managing expenses and finding ways to increase income, even if only slightly, can help alleviate financial stress. Empathy and understanding are crucial for everyone, regardless of income level, as the pressure to keep up with lifestyle creep and payments can be overwhelming. The key is to break the cycle and focus on maximizing wealth and savings instead.

    • Overcoming personal finance challengesFocus on moving forward, build a supportive community, and follow proven financial strategies to overcome debt and achieve financial freedom.

      Personal finance challenges can stem from various circumstances, including personal mistakes and unforeseen life events. However, it's essential to focus on moving forward and not dwell on the past. Building a supportive community and following proven financial strategies, like the ones outlined in Financial Peace University, can help individuals overcome debt and achieve financial freedom. Success stories abound, from young couples paying off their homes to older individuals retiring debt-free. Regardless of one's starting point, taking control of finances and focusing on the next steps is key. The past may have influenced our financial situations, but it doesn't define our future. Ultimately, the most significant factor is the determination to change one's financial situation and the courage to take action.

    • Achieving Financial Freedom: Overcoming DebtBudgeting, focusing on problems, and overcoming debt leads to improved mental health, wealth, and community impact.

      Financial freedom is key to building wealth, helping communities, and improving mental health. Debt can be overwhelming, but it's possible to overcome it by making a budget, choosing your reality, and focusing on the problem rather than the anxiety. Building a budget is not restrictive, but rather freeing as it allows you to tell your money what to do and put it towards things that matter. Overcoming debt can lead to physical and emotional improvements, making it worth the effort. Remember, you have the power to change your financial situation and break the cycle of debt for future generations.

    • Staying Ahead in Personal Finance: Caution and ConsiderationStay informed about new trends, use proven strategies, be cautious of fancy offerings, utilize budgeting tools, and invest in quality workspaces for productivity and health.

      In the future of personal finance, it's important to be aware of potential traps and trends that may not have your best interests at heart. Classic, proven strategies like investing in the stock market, maxing out retirement accounts, and staying debt-free with an emergency fund are still effective. Be cautious of new offerings that may have fancy names but are essentially the same as old traps. Use budgeting tools like Every Dollar to help stay focused and avoid distractions. Look for financial information that benefits you, not just the person sharing it. And when it comes to physical workspaces, consider investing in a quality standing desk like Uplift Desk for improved productivity and health.

    • Managing Debt Wisely for Financial GoalsCombine incomes, find accountability, prioritize debt repayment, delay gratification, reduce expenses, and focus on intentional financial decisions to achieve a debt-free life

      Managing debt wisely is crucial for achieving financial goals. Debt is a significant hindrance to wealth building, and getting rid of it as early as possible is essential. Combining incomes in a marriage or finding an accountability partner can help in this process. Delayed gratification and prioritizing debt repayment before investing are recommended steps. Additionally, making lifestyle changes, such as reducing eating out expenses due to the significant markup, can contribute significantly to saving money. Overall, focusing on debt repayment and making intentional financial decisions can lead to a debt-free life with less money stress. Visit upliftdesk.com/pfp for 5% off your order to start your journey towards a debt-free life.

    • Simple daily changes for significant savingsShopping at discount stores, auditing subscriptions, re-evaluating insurance, and reading books for emotional well-being and financial insights can lead to substantial savings and happiness.

      Making simple changes in your daily expenses, such as shopping at discount stores like Aldi for groceries, auditing and canceling unnecessary subscriptions, and re-evaluating insurance policies, can lead to significant savings. For instance, Aldi helps reduce the grocery bill, while cutting down on subscriptions and renegotiating insurance can save hundreds of dollars monthly. Additionally, reading books like "Building an Unanxious Life" by Dr. John Delony can help improve emotional well-being and provide valuable insights into managing finances effectively. Moreover, identifying the aspects of your work life that bring you the most joy, like being part of a writer's room, can contribute to overall happiness and fulfillment.

    • Balancing education and entertainment in personal financeUsing humor and relatable experiences can make complex financial concepts more engaging and accessible for a wider audience. Seeking professional advice and exploring tax strategies and college savings plans are important steps for financial growth.

      Entertaining and humorous approaches to personal finance education can help make complex topics more accessible and engaging for a wider audience. The speaker, who works on a popular personal finance YouTube channel, emphasizes the importance of balancing education with entertainment to attract viewers and make financial concepts more enjoyable. The speaker also shares his personal fear of scarcity and the importance of finding an abundance mentality, especially as a new father. Additionally, the speaker discusses his plans to level up his own finances by seeking advice from financial professionals and exploring tax strategies and college savings plans.

    • Setting financial goals and working towards themGeorge and his wife prioritize saving for their future, aiming to pay cash for their next house and eventually buy a 'boujee mom luxury car'. Starting young and saving for the future is emphasized, as is the sense of accomplishment and personal growth that comes with reaching financial goals.

      Setting financial goals and working towards them, no matter how large or small, can bring great reward and satisfaction. George and his wife are dedicated to saving for their future, with the ultimate goal of paying cash for their next house and eventually buying a "boujee mom luxury car." They find motivation in having something to aim for and the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching their goals. George also emphasizes the importance of starting young and saving for the future, rather than focusing on material possessions. He wishes he could tell his 15-year-old self to have faith in the journey of life and to prioritize saving and investing over accumulating more stuff. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of having financial goals and the role they play in personal growth and future security.

    • Unlocking More Options, Margin, and Joy with WealthWealth is more than money, it's about freedom and options. Build it patiently like the tortoise, not rushing like the hare.

      Wealth is not just about having a large amount of money, but rather it's about achieving freedom. George Campbell, the author of "Breaking Free From Broke," emphasizes that wealth is the key to unlocking more options, margin, and joy in life. However, it's essential to build wealth patiently, just like the tortoise in the famous fable, rather than rushing like the hare. During the interview, George also mentioned that his book, available for pre-order at ramseysolutions.com/store, includes bonus items for those who order before January 16th. He encourages listeners to follow him on social media and shares his excitement about the impact this book could have on those trying to get out of debt and build wealth. Additionally, Andrew recommends checking out the "All the Hacks" podcast for money-saving tactics and productivity-boosting routines.

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    How Do I Set-Up My Finances As A New Couple?! - Money Q&A
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    Cut These Expenses to Reach Millionaire Status (By Age!)

    Cut These Expenses to Reach Millionaire Status (By Age!)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to talk about the expenses that you need to cut to reach millionaire status by age.  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  How to Maximize Your Travel and Get the Most Out of Your Credit Card Points Points with Chris Hutchins How We Travel The World Completely Free! (Travel Hacking 101) How Much Do You Spend on Alcohol? Should You Pay Cash or Finance A Car? (This May Surprise You!) How to Skyrocket Your Net Worth By Building an Amazing Network with Jordan Harbinger Here is the total cost of ownership calculator: https://mastermoney.co/total-cost-of-ownership-calculator/  Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best Accounts for Kids, Social Security in Retirement, and How to Block Spam Texts - Money Q&A

    The Best Accounts for Kids, Social Security in Retirement, and How to Block Spam Texts - Money Q&A
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about the best accounts for kids, social security in retirement, and how to block spam texts. Today we are going to answer these questions: Question 1: The Best Accounts for Kids  Question 2: Should I factor Social Security in my Retirement Plan?  Question 3: The Ultimate Guide to Blocking Spam Texts  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  10 Incredible Benefits of a Taxable Brokerage Account! Which is Better a 529 or Roth IRA for Your Kids? Money Q&A Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and Income 04:49 Rocket Money 06:49 Ooppe… 10:00 Stupid debt! 12:05 INSANE spending 17:59 SPEND SPEND SPEND 22:57 Cut them up! 28:32 What a mess… 29:32 ITS TIME TO BUDGET! 33:40 He's F'd… 38:24 Please just try this… 45:55 Hammer Financial Score

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    Investment masterclass: The psychology of money

    Investment masterclass: The psychology of money

    ‘If you can tell a good story,’ says Morgan Housel, ‘you’ll get people to line up and listen to you.’ In this episode of Money Clinic, Morgan shares some of those stories with host Claer Barrett and challenges us to think differently about our attitude to wealth and wealth creation. 

    To sign up for Claer's Sort Your Financial Life Out money series, visit FT.com/moneycourse

    More information on Morgan Housel and his books: https://www.morganhousel.com/

    Follow Claer on social media @Claerb and contact the Money Clinic team via money@ft.com

    Presented by Claer Barrett. Produced by Philippa Goodrich. Our executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound design by Breen Turner, with original music from Metaphor Music. Cheryl Brumley is the FT’s global head of audio.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    How To Organize Your Finances To Pursue Multiple Financial Goals

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    Link to episode: https://podcast.thoughtcard.com/organize-your-finances-with-danielle-desir/ 

    Investing in Multi-Family Real Estate with Willie Mandrell

    Investing in Multi-Family Real Estate with Willie Mandrell

    Episode 135: Taught lessons of real estate investing from his self-made grandmother, Willie Mandrell talks about real estate, creating his own path, and the power of niching down.

    Guest Biography

    As a lifelong resident of Boston, Willie is very familiar with the city’s neighborhoods and has a deep, intuitive understanding of the local Real Estate market. He spent his early years watching his grandparents acquire and manage rental property throughout the city and was able to learn many aspects of the business early on. Now, as a current landlord and Real Estate investor, he prides himself on staying current with local sales and rental trends. Willie has a real passion for the multi-family industry and specializes in buying, repositioning, and managing income-producing property.

    Prior to entering the Real Estate field, Willie spent several years working in the banking and financial services industries. During his corporate years, he earned several industry licenses, including the series 7, 24, 65, & 53. This valuable experience in the investment world has allowed Willie to become an expert in evaluating the risk and rewards of various investment assets, including Real Estate. Willie earned his Bachelor's degree (finance concentration) from Boston’s Northeastern University.

    Willie married his wife (Lana) in 2014 and they now have 2 children (Josephine and James.) His dream would be to get his children involved in the family business and continue the legacy his grandparents started.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • Why sometimes the best time to start a new venture is during a crisis.
    • The power of niching down in business, for Willie, this means focusing on multi-family investments.
    • The power of organizing and leading a Meetup group.

    Show notes: http://www.inspiredmoney.fm/135

    Find more from our guests:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Runnymede Money Tip of the Week

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    Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.