
    About this Episode

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    Common Sense Advice for Uncommon Success

    Life is a game, yet unlike most games…it does not come with an instruction manual.

    The assumption of most players is that MASSIVE ACTION, CONSISTENCY and PERSEVERANCE is how you win the game.

    Recent Episodes from Finish Strong

    How to Turn Your Life Into One Long Winning Streak

    How to Turn Your Life Into One Long Winning Streak

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    A winning streak is an uninterrupted sequence of wins.

    We often associate WINNING STREAKS with sports…and whether it’s a team winning several games in a row or an athlete finding a way to get on the score sheet every night, streaks in sports are some of the most demanding accomplishments to achieve.

    If You Never Try, You’ll Never Know

    If You Never Try, You’ll Never Know

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    For the purposes of this message, I want to shine a bright light on the word TRY…on the significant role that TRYING HARDER plays in your life…and discuss the things YOU must do to make the most of your life while there’s still time on the clock.

    Don’t Do It…Especially if You Know What’s Good For You.

    Don’t Do It…Especially if You Know What’s Good For You.

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    This message is personal.

    It’s a plea from me to you…

    And it’s the best possible advice you can hear as it relates to your hopes, dreams, goals and desires.

    And that is…

    DON’T DO IT.

    Stay Strong in Body, Mind and Spirit

    Stay Strong in Body, Mind and Spirit

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    Listen to this…if you want to win the greatest battle of your life.

    A hungry person wants food.

    A thirsty person wants water.

    A homeless person wants shelter.

    What do you want right now?

    I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb with the following statement.

    If You’re Not Useful, Your Useless

    If You’re Not Useful, Your Useless

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    We are living links in a chain of wisdom, handed down through history.

    One axiom developed in that chain is to…BE USEFUL.

    The Best Bet In Life Will Always Be On Yourself

    The Best Bet In Life Will Always Be On Yourself

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    No one is going to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.

    We’re all familiar with the phrase I Owe You (IOU) which means that you are indebted to someone for something.

    But about what You Owe You (UOU) as in what do you owe yourself…what are you indebted to do with this one life you’ve been given?

    Leave a Legacy, Not an Inheritance

    Leave a Legacy, Not an Inheritance

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    Every move we make and don’t make has generational impact.

    What do these distinguished and infamous people…all have in common?

    • Martin Luther King
    • Adolf Hitler
    • Mother Theresa
    • Osama bin Laden
    • Harriet Tubman
    • Josef Stalin
    • Mr Rogers

    Punch Fear in The Face and Fast Track Your Goals

    Punch Fear in The Face and Fast Track Your Goals

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/


    Because everything you want to achieve is on the other side of fear.

    You consistently lean into the things that you’re afraid of doing and prove to yourself that your dreams are bigger and more important than any fear.

    How To Break Through The Blocks That Hold You Back

    How To Break Through The Blocks That Hold You Back

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/ 

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    Common Sense Advice for Uncommon Success

    Life is a game, yet unlike most games…it does not come with an instruction manual.

    The assumption of most players is that MASSIVE ACTION, CONSISTENCY and PERSEVERANCE is how you win the game.

    Do What’s Hard So Life Becomes Easy

    Do What’s Hard So Life Becomes Easy

    Get The Superhuman Manifesto - 75 Ways to Supercharge Your Growth https://100daychallenge.com/super-human/

    For more life-transforming strategies and free webinars, visit: https://100daychallenge.com/blog/

    Master this lesson and anything is possible…and I mean anything!

    When people ask me what I do for a living…I often say that I'm the crash test dummy for productivity solutions.

    I see myself as a human guinea pig…open and game for anything that will get me (and you) to operate at peak levels.

    Throughout the course of my career, I've experimented with conventional and unconventional ways of making myself more productive…both physically and mentally.

    In this lesson, you're going to learn why the most important element in your strategy to win the battle for goal achievement and optimal performance…is your own psychology.