
    How to Build a Web Page Summarization App With Next.js, OpenAI, LangChain, and Supabase

    enJune 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Web page summarization appUse Next.js, OpenAI, Langchain, and SupaBase to build a web page summarization app that saves users time and provides quick summaries of web pages using advanced language models and vector data management.

      You can build a web page summarization app using Next.js, OpenAI, Langchain, and SupaBase. This app, named Hash Hashan, will help users save time and stay informed by providing quick summaries of web pages. Next.js, a powerful and flexible React framework, is used for a smooth and fast web experience. OpenAI's Node.js module enables interaction with OpenAI's API, allowing the use of advanced language models for generating summaries. Langchain, a framework for developing applications with language models, is used for processing language. SupaBase is used for managing and storing vector data. This app can be beneficial for busy workers, students, and news lovers, allowing them to quickly understand the main points of long articles, blog posts, or research papers without reading them fully. The potential uses of this summarization app are vast, including helping researchers skim through academic papers and keeping news lovers updated. Developers can even build on this app to create additional useful features. Next.js, with its server-side rendering capabilities, enables the creation of optimized and scalable web applications. The OpenAI module allows for the integration of advanced AI functionalities, while Langchain processes language, and SupaBase manages and stores vector data. With the overwhelming amount of information available online, this app aims to help users navigate the digital landscape more efficiently.

    • Langchain and Supabase integrationLangchain simplifies LLM integration into apps, while Supabase manages data effectively. Together, they enable complex workflows with OpenAI's GPT-3 and simplified setup including Node.js, Supabase, and OpenAI accounts.

      Langchain and Supabase can be used together to create applications that leverage large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-3 and manage their data effectively. Langchain is a library designed to simplify the integration of LLMs into applications. It provides tools to manage and handle calls to these models, enabling complex workflows. OpenAI's GPT-3 is a large language model trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like text, capable of tasks such as generating responses, translating languages, and more. Supabase is an open-source back-end as a service (BaaS) platform that simplifies database management, authentication, storage, and real-time capabilities, all built on top of PostgreSQL. To get started, make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed, a Supabase account, and an OpenAI account. First, set up Supabase by creating a new project and tables for storing data. This includes an extension for the vector store, a table for storing web page content in vector format, and a function to query the embedded data. Next, set up OpenAI by creating a new project and API key. This key will be used to interact with the OpenAI API. Finally, install the required dependencies for Next.js and create a new Next.js app. With these steps completed, you'll be able to create applications that utilize large language models and effectively manage their data using Langchain and Supabase.

    • Web application for generating summariesUse Material UI, install OpenAI and SupaBase clients, create content and file services, build API handler, and build front end to generate summaries of web pages

      To build a web application for generating summaries of web pages, we need to follow several key steps. First, we will use Material UI or another preferred library for building our interface. Next, we will install and configure OpenAI and SupaBase clients. OpenAI will generate summaries and create embeddings for documents, while SupaBase will interact with our database. We will then create services for handling content and files. The content service will fetch web page content, clean it up, save it to SupaBase, and retrieve summaries. The file service will save and retrieve files from SupaBase. Afterward, we will create an API handler to process the content, save it to SupaBase, and generate a summary. Lastly, we will build the front end, allowing users to input URLs and display the summaries. The application will handle loading states and error messages for a better user experience. To run the application, we will create an ENV file to store environment variables and start the Next.js application. The final product will be a running application where users can input web pages and receive summarized responses.

    • Web page summarization appUsing Next.js, OpenAI, Langchain, and Supabase, create a functional web page summarization app where users can input a URL, fetch content, store it, and generate a summary. OpenAI's capabilities ensure efficient and accurate summarization. Supabase ensures data security and reliability. Improve UI and add features like real-time summarization or multi-language support.

      With the right tools and resources, you can build a functional web page summarization application from scratch. In this project, Next.js, OpenAI, Langchain, and Supabase were used to create an application where users can input a URL, fetch the content, store it in a database, and generate a summary using OpenAI's capabilities. This setup provides a robust foundation for further enhancements and customization based on individual needs. The use of OpenAI's capabilities, specifically Openize, made the summarization process efficient and accurate. Supabase, an open-source alternative to Firebase, was used to store the fetched content, ensuring data security and reliability. The application's user interface could be improved, and additional features, such as real-time summarization or multi-language support, could be added. This project demonstrates the power of combining various technologies and APIs to create a functional application. It also showcases the potential for automating text summarization, making it an essential tool for content creators, researchers, and students. To get started, you can check out the source code in the provided GitHub repository (<https://github.com/username/summarize-page>) and begin your coding journey. Remember, the possibilities are endless, and this is just the beginning. Happy coding! Lastly, Hacronoon is a platform for reading, writing, learning, and publishing. To learn more, visit hacronoon.com.

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    In this article, we'll show you how to create a handy web app that can summarize the content of any web page. Using [Next.js] for a smooth and fast web experience, [LangChain] for processing language, [OpenAI](https://openai.com/) for generating summaries, and [Supabase] for managing and storing vector data, we will build a powerful tool together.