
    How to Build a Website — The Show For Beginners

    enAugust 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Your First Website: The BasicsLearn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, databases, servers, and domain names to build a foundational website without frameworks or build steps

      Building a website from scratch involves understanding the fundamental pieces, even for absolute beginners. The email received by the podcast hosts inspired them to create an episode on how to make your first website, covering the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, databases, servers, and domain names. This will be a bare bones approach, without the use of frameworks, bundlers, or build steps, to help learners grasp the foundational concepts. The hosts believe that understanding these fundamentals is important and is the starting point for any web development project.

    • HTML provides structure, CSS adds design, and JavaScript brings functionality to a website.HTML builds the foundation, CSS enhances the look, and JavaScript adds interactivity to a website.

      HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are essential components in building and designing a website. HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, serves as the foundation and structure of a website. It consists of various elements, such as paragraphs, images, and headers, which define the content and its structure. HTML elements are like building blocks that help create the basic layout of a website. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, comes next and plays a crucial role in making the website visually appealing. CSS is responsible for the design and styling of a website, including colors, fonts, and layout. It adds the "clothes and skin" to the HTML structure, making it visually engaging for users. Lastly, JavaScript brings the website to life by adding interactivity and functionality. It's the "person doing things" on a website, enabling dynamic content and user interactions. Together, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript form the backbone of modern web development.

    • Understanding CSS for website design and layoutCSS is essential for controlling website design, layout, and visual effects. Use link tags, style tags, or inline styles to apply CSS, with link tags being the most common method.

      CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a crucial aspect of web development for controlling the layout, design, and visual effects of a website. The cascade feature in CSS allows one style to be applied to multiple elements across a site, making it an essential concept to master. CSS includes various sections such as Grid and Flexbox for layout, animation, painting, and positional properties. To apply CSS to a webpage, there are three primary methods: link tags, style tags, and inline styles. The most common approach is using a link tag to connect an external CSS file to the HTML document. Style tags allow CSS to be written directly within the HTML file, and inline styles can be applied specifically to individual elements. The browser processes CSS quickly, allowing for efficient rendering of websites.

    • Using selectors for efficient CSS applicationUse selectors to target specific HTML elements and apply CSS styles efficiently. Inline styles can be useful in certain situations but should be used judiciously due to potential organization and maintenance issues.

      Instead of using global CSS to change the appearance of specific HTML elements, it's more effective to use inline styles or add CSS directly to the HTML element using a style attribute. However, it's important to note that inline styles are generally considered a less desirable practice due to potential issues with organization and maintenance. Instead, it's recommended to use selectors, such as class or ID, to target specific elements and apply CSS styles in a more efficient and organized manner. The speaker explains that inline styles can be useful in certain situations, such as when editing content via a WYSIWYG editor or when adding styles dynamically with JavaScript. However, they can lead to unorganized and sloppy CSS if not used carefully. When building websites, it's important to understand the different ways to apply CSS styles and choose the most effective method for each situation. By using selectors and organizing CSS into separate files, developers can maintain a clean and efficient codebase. The speaker also emphasizes that while it's important to follow best practices and advice from experienced developers, it's also important to learn from experience and make mistakes in order to fully understand the concepts. In summary, the takeaway is to use selectors to target specific HTML elements and apply CSS styles efficiently and effectively, while being mindful of the potential drawbacks of inline styles and using them judiciously when necessary.

    • Using CSS Selectors and Properties to Style HTML ElementsCSS selectors target specific HTML elements, while properties define the styles to be applied. Class selectors offer a flexible and reusable way to apply consistent styles across a website.

      In CSS, selectors and properties work together to apply styles to specific elements in an HTML document. Selectors define which elements to target, while properties determine what styles to apply to those elements. To identify HTML elements for styling, you can first use general selectors based on element types, such as all paragraphs having the same style. However, for more specific styling needs, you can use class selectors. Assigning a class to an HTML element in the markup allows you to define and reuse a set of styles in your CSS. For instance, a "call to action" class could include bold, red text with a larger font size and different background color. To summarize, selectors are used to target specific elements in an HTML document, and properties define the styles to be applied to those elements. Class selectors provide a flexible and reusable way to apply consistent styles across your website.

    • Understanding CSS SpecificityTo effectively use CSS, learn to target elements appropriately and manage specificity to ensure desired styles take effect, embracing the cascade and using naming conventions like BEM.

      While CSS may seem simple with selectors, properties, and values, the real mastery comes from understanding specificity. Specificity is the rule that determines which style takes precedence when multiple styles target the same element. To effectively use CSS, it's essential to learn how to target elements appropriately and manage specificity to ensure your desired styles take effect. The cascade, a fundamental aspect of CSS, can make things complicated, but embracing it and learning its intricacies will help you become a proficient CSS developer. Additionally, using systems like BEM for naming conventions can help prevent naming collisions and make your CSS more manageable as you build more complex websites.

    • CSS Pseudo Selectors: Interactivity and Dynamic ContentUse pseudo selectors for interactivity and dynamic content, but avoid overusing 'important' keyword, consider accessibility, and be cautious with third-party libraries.

      CSS, while primarily used for stylistic purposes, also includes pseudo selectors for interactivity and dynamic content. However, it's important to avoid overusing the "important" keyword, which can bypass the cascading order and make it difficult to maintain consistent styles. Instead, opt for more specific selectors or proper planning. Additionally, be mindful of accessibility by considering keyboard users when applying hover effects. Lastly, be cautious when using third-party libraries for CSS, as they can introduce inconsistencies and make it harder to customize your designs. Instead, consider learning them as tools for experimentation rather than reliance.

    • Start with CSS basics before using frameworksFocus on CSS fundamentals and stay updated with modern features for a strong foundation in web development.

      When learning CSS, it's best to start with the basics and avoid using frameworks right away. While frameworks can make development faster and easier, they can also hinder the learning process and make it harder to understand the underlying CSS concepts. As the speaker points out, there have been several generations of CSS frameworks, and they will continue to change throughout your career. Therefore, it's essential to have a solid foundation in CSS to build upon. Additionally, the speaker recommends learning about CSS variables or custom properties, which are a modern and powerful feature that will likely become commonplace in websites in the near future. Custom properties allow you to define and reuse values throughout your site, making it easier to maintain and update. The speaker also mentions Sentry, a sponsor of their discussion, which is a powerful error tracking tool that can help developers quickly identify and address issues in their applications. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on learning the fundamentals of CSS and staying up-to-date with modern features to build a strong foundation for your web development career.

    • Exploring the Role of JavaScript in Web DevelopmentJavaScript powers interactivity and dynamics on websites, complementing HTML and CSS, with its own base language, DOM manipulation, standard library, and unique role in creating visually appealing web experiences.

      JavaScript is an essential programming language for adding interactivity and dynamics to websites, complementing HTML and CSS. It has its own base language with features like variables, functions, and data structures, as well as a Document Object Model (DOM) for manipulating web page elements. The base language also includes a standard library with common functionalities, making it a powerful tool for web development. HTML is a markup language for structuring content, while CSS is used for styling it. The debate over whether CSS is a programming language or not is ongoing, but ultimately, it doesn't matter, as all these languages serve unique purposes in creating dynamic and visually appealing websites. To try out Sentry for error tracking and monitoring, visit century.i0.com with the coupon code "tasty treat" for a free 2-month trial.

    • JavaScript: The Interactive ComponentJavaScript manipulates the DOM for real-time website interactions, from simple alerts to complex website transformations.

      JavaScript is the interactive component of a website, working in conjunction with HTML and CSS. It's like the person performing actions, while HTML and CSS serve as the structure and appearance. JavaScript interacts with the Document Object Model (DOM), which is how the browser understands the website, allowing for targeted manipulations and updates in real-time. These manipulations can range from simple, like displaying an alert, to complex, like flipping the entire website upside down. Learning JavaScript involves understanding its role in flow control and logic, which can take time to grasp, but is essential for creating interactive websites.

    • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript create dynamic websitesHTML structures, CSS styles, and JavaScript functions create engaging and responsive websites without requiring a page reload

      HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to create dynamic and interactive websites. HTML provides the structure, CSS adds the style, and JavaScript brings functionality. JavaScript can be used to fetch information from external sources using the fetch command, add or remove HTML elements, and respond to user events. By using these technologies in conjunction, developers can create engaging and responsive websites without requiring a page reload. It's important to note that there are many other aspects to building a website, such as command line terminal usage, serving and hosting, and databases or domain names, which will be discussed in future sessions.

    • MUX: A Developer-Friendly Video Streaming PlatformMUX is a developer-focused video platform for easy video uploading, tracking, and streaming with expertly configured CDNs for efficient delivery. Recommended for devs seeking control over video content.

      MUX is a developer-focused video streaming platform that offers easy uploading, tracking, and streaming of videos, along with expertly configured CDNs for efficient video delivery. The host, Wes Bos, shares his personal experience using MUX for Level Up Tutorials and highly recommends it as a solution for developers who want more control over their video content. Additionally, Wes shares his "sick pick" of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 remaster for the Nintendo Switch, expressing his excitement about the game's return and the nostalgic feelings it brings back.

    • Appreciating the value of things and saving up for desired itemsLearning to appreciate the value of things and saving up for desired purchases is a valuable skill. Personal experiences, like longing for a pair of shoes or teaching kids about saving, can illustrate this concept.

      The value of things, whether it's a pair of expensive shoes or a desired toy, can be deeply felt by individuals, and the ability to save and appreciate the value of money is a valuable skill. The speaker shares a personal story of his longing for a pair of Osiris shoes and the disappointment of having them stolen. He also shares an experience of teaching his son the importance of saving up for desired items. The speaker also expresses his recent experience of investing in a mini-split air conditioner for his office, which he finds to be a worthwhile investment due to its efficiency and quiet operation. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of appreciating the value of things and the significance of saving and making thoughtful purchases.

    • Todd's Excitement for His New Full Stack Development Learning Community and Free JavaScript NotesTodd shares his JavaScript notes for free, starts a new learning community 'Todd's Hut', and promotes Level Up Tutorials for premium courses and content creation opportunities.

      Todd is excited to start his own full stack development learning community, which he's calling "Todd's Hut," and he's also sharing his extensive beginner JavaScript notes for free on his website. Additionally, he mentioned Level Up Tutorials and encouraged listeners to check out their courses and sign up to become a content creator. Westboss.com is where you can find Todd's courses on various topics like JavaScript, Gatsby, React, ES 6, CSS Grid, and Node. Level Up Tutorials offers both free and paid courses, with a new tutorial series released every month for premium subscribers. Kobe Fayock's recent Next JS and ecommerce course is a great example of the high-quality content available. If you're interested in creating tutorials and earning royalties, sign up using the form in the show notes.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
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    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
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    Sick Picks

    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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