
    How to communicate with different brains in a remote workplace

    enJanuary 23, 2021

    About this Episode

    Communicating in a remote workplace is much different than how you communicate with coworkers and others in person. We have all found this out since COVID-19 struck us. This podcast is going to go through how we can improve our communications when we have different brains, as well as communicating with other different brains.

    Back on the podcast is Grant Crowell the author of Grantasms- Twisted Creative Words for Cool People.

    Grant also serves as a trainer for various individuals and organizations and helps to train those with a neurodiverse background.  

    Grant and Dave discussed the fact that communication has changed and suffered in this new remote world we are living and working in. Grant talks about some of the biggest struggles with online communication and specifically for those with ADHD or other different brains.

    Grant discusses the differences between face-to-face meetings and online meetings as well as the challenges that both have presented us this past year.

    Grant talks about some of his strategies for better communication and he talks about how two different brains, for example, two people with ADHD can communicate more effectively with each other.

    Grant offers his tips for better communication including coming to commonality with others, the power of listening, the power of follow-ups, mimicking communication styles, and making sure you do not assume anything especially when it comes to communicating online. He also discusses the power of a communication audit in an organization.

    Find Grant’s book here: https://www.amazon.com/GRANTASMS-Creative-twisted-words-people-ebook/dp/B07ZY9JDPP

    Recent Episodes from Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD

    Learning more about living with inattentive ADHD

    Learning more about living with inattentive ADHD

    Cynthia Hammer is the founder and executive director of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition and the author of the book… “Living with Inattentive ADHD-climbing the circular staircase of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”

    Cynthia explains the mission of The Inattentive ADHD Coalition and what the organization does and how it provide much-needed resources for those of us with ADHD.

    She talks about what inspired her and prompted her to write a book about inattentive ADHD and speak about her personal journey with ADHD.

    She discusses what is very important for readers to take away from her writings.

    Cynthia also explains some of the strategies she has incorporated in her life that has allowed her to thrive with ADHD. And she talks about why humor and positive self-talk is so mission critical for adults with ADHD.

    And Cynthia gives some words of advice and inspiration for those busy adults with ADHD who may be struggling and working through challenges currently.

    Learn more about the Inattentive ADHD Coalition and Cynthia's work here.


    Adult ADHD and Executive Functions 101

    Adult ADHD and Executive Functions 101

    If you haven't figured it out yet, executive functions pretty much rule our life. From remembering to brush our teeth, working memory, planning our day, switching from one thing to the next, understanding time etc.

    If those of us with ADHD do not understand and get a handle on improving our executive functions, it makes it challenging to get through work, home environment and everything in between.

    This episode is dedicated to understanding executive functions 101.

    Dave's guest has been here before- Lara Honos-Webb….Clinical psychologist and author as well as Cofounder of Bonding Health which is an app that helps children with ADHD. She is the author of Brain Hacks life changing strategies to improve executive functioning and her new book 6 Super Skills for Executive Functioning.

    Dr, Lara gives listeners an overview of what our executive functions are. Attention and focus, planning and organization, emotional regulations, controlling impulses…

    She talks about why those of us especially with ADHD rely so heavily on executive functions to get through the day.

    Dave and Dr. Lara also discuss some examples many can relate to of how poor executive functions can hinder us as busy adults with ADHD.

    And Dr. Lara gives everyone some advice on some of the most effective ways to improve our executive functions.

    If you're really challenged with executive functions and getting projects and tasks completed, she recommends finding ways to make it more interesting, implement fun and of course ask for help.

    Find Dr. Lara Honos-Webb here. https://www.addisagift.com/

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Unlocking your career path as an adult with ADHD

    Unlocking your career path as an adult with ADHD

    If you are an adult with ADHD looking for career advice, this is a great episode of Overcoming Distractions. Whether you need to change careers or jobs or just need some adjustments in your current workplace, Shell Mendelson will give you some advice.

    Shell Mendelson is a career coach for adults with ADHD and the author of the new book Unlock Your Career Path: A Course for ADHD Adults and Teens. 

    Shell and Dave discuss her recent book and start out by talking about how ADHD can impact our careers including some examples listeners can relate to. One area some adults with ADHD can relate to is when placed on a performance improvement plan at work which as Shell puts it can be a soul crushing situation.

    When forging a new career, Shell talks about how many childhood experiences including things we like and hobbies could be an indicator as to our career direction.

    Shell also discusses why she's used the word preferred many times in her book. She says it is important to understand preferences and must-haves when analyzing your career. Those include:

    ·         Working conditions

    ·         Knowledge

    ·         Geography

    ·         Accommodations

    ·         money

    And Shell and Dave wrap up by talking about some of those must haves that adults with ADHD need to consider in their career path. They include clarity, learning more about yourself, owning your career path, building confidence and being ready.

    Find Shell and her new book here: www.careercoachingwithshell.com 

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Confidence 101 for Adults with ADHD

    Confidence 101 for Adults with ADHD

    In this episode, we are talking about confidence for adults with ADHD or for that matter confidence building for anyone.

    Back on the podcast is Alyssa Dver, founder of the American Confidence Institute. Alyssa is one of the leading authorities on the subject of confidence out there today.

    Confidence is something that allows adults with ADHD to thrive. Many of us struggle with self-doubt, which sometimes gets in the way of being our best selves, especially in our careers or the workplace.

    When we have confidence, then we can earn the trust of others in the workplace, leadership, clients, and others. And it's an awesome feeling when we can walk into work and be confident.

    Alyssa starts out by defining confidence in the simplest terms we can all understand.

    She talks about how lacking confidence can affect us in the workplace and our personal lives.

    Alyssa discusses with Dave about people who have come up with a breakthrough in building confidence and some of the things they say in how it affected their lives.

    Dave and Alyssa discussed the barriers to confidence not only in the workplace but in our home environments and some of the challenges we face daily that are disguised as a lack of confidence including some red flags.

    And Alyssa gives listeners a simple blueprint for starting your journey of building more confidence.

    Learn more about the American Confidence Institute and Alyssa Dver here.


    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    There's a big difference between stress and burnout with ADHD

    There's a big difference between stress and burnout with ADHD

    If you're wondering if you're experiencing stress or you're going through burnout, Dave takes time to discuss the differences between being stressed out and burnout.

    Busy adults with ADHD can experience stress at many levels, and if not addressed, it can eventually turn into burnout.

    Dave discusses the difference in the definition, causes of burnout, the impact of both stress and burnout as well as the basics of what you need to know when it comes to recovery for stress and burnout. They can be different.

    In short, stress can be a short-term experience, while burnout can be a more chronic issue that will require much more work to recover from.

    If you are a busy adult with ADHD and continue to feel more challenged in business and in life, you'll want to listen to this short podcast.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Managing Distractions with Willpower as an Adult with ADHD

    Managing Distractions with Willpower as an Adult with ADHD

    In this episode we are talking about managing distractions with the help of willpower.

    While many adults with ADHD may be put off by the concept of willpower, building that willpower muscle can be an effective strategy for thriving with adult ADHD.

    Back on the podcast is Giovanni Dienstmann, a sought-after meditation teacher and author of the books Practical Meditation, Mindful Self-Discipline, and ..Wise Confidence.

    Giovanni and Dave discuss the following on this episode of Overcoming Distractions.

    ·         Giovanni provides a well thought out definition of willpower and how it affects our lives.

    ·         He discusses why willpower must be a daily habit and how we build upon it, much like building muscle.

    ·         Dave and Giovanni discuss why distractions are another form of seeking energy.

    ·         How decision fatigue and willpower are connected and how increasing willpower can reduce decision fatigue.

    Giovanni goes through a simple framework for improving willpower in our ADHD lives. That includes working on our environment and working on ourselves. That includes both mental and physical environment. Working environment adjustments can include minimizing any type of electronic notifications such as your phone. Website blockers if necessary and decluttering your environment.

    And Giovanni discusses a process for slowing down and building effective intentions to help build  willpower.

    You can find Giovanni's books and his app here. https://www.mindfulselfdiscipline.com/

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Name Those ADHD Distractions Part 2

    Name Those ADHD Distractions Part 2

    Dave continues his on air checklist of distractions many adults with ADHD face. This is Part 2 and Dave discusses some not so obvious Distractions that enter our lives quite frequently.

    When we think of Distractions we think of the usual suspects including office noise, doom scrolling on social media and shiny objects.

    But there are many pieces of our day that when you come right down to it, end up being distracting. And maybe more so than the general distractions we always think about.

    This podcast, once again, is meant to get you thinking and to see if any of these Distractions David discusses are affecting you in your work and home.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Adults with ADHD-Name Your Distractions!

    Adults with ADHD-Name Your Distractions!

    We're talking about distractions in this podcast. And if you can't name them, then you can't deal with them.

    If you are a busy adult with ADHD, distractions are coming at you all day long. You're distracted at home, and distractions are most likely entering your professional life in some way.

    But the only way we can conquer our distractions is by self-awareness and owning them. Only then can we work towards minimizing distractions as adults with ADHD.

    This podcast is meant just to give you a brief checklist of some of the main distractions you know you're dealing with already. Dave wants to get you thinking about how you can minimize distractions.

    So if you have forgotten what's distracting you, let Dave remind you in this two-part podcast.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    Do NOT “schedule” procrastination when you have ADHD

    Do NOT “schedule” procrastination when you have ADHD

    There are huge misconceptions and misunderstandings about procrastination. And Dave tackles this because of a recent social media post he saw telling people that they should schedule procrastination to manage their time. That's bad advice to say the least and to a greater extent reckless, especially for adults with ADHD.

    There is an enormous difference between procrastination and strategic delay and Dave goes through both and offers a few tips on how to understand your own procrastination a little better.

    He also talks about how strategically delaying certain tasks or projects can actually work in your favor and help lower your stress.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min


    My two favorite words-clarity and control with Adult ADHD

    My two favorite words-clarity and control with Adult ADHD

    Dave talks again about his two favorite words when it comes to adult ADHD. Clarity and control. Because you can't talk about these two enough. They are mission critical to surviving as a busy adult with ADHD.

    Dave discusses briefly why clarity and being in control is such an important part of your ADHD life and gives some examples of how to gain more clarity and take back control. The more busy adults focus on these two areas of life, the less reactionary you'll be.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min