
    About this Episode

    Have you ever had to deal with a difficult person? Does it sometimes feel like these "difficult" people follow you in the course of your life? We can be so quick to label someone as difficult but, oftentimes, we have trouble in knowing how to deal with these people. In this episode, we get to the root of why someone can be "difficult" for us. Listen in and learn some practical ways to handle these relationships in a healthy way for your own well-being and sanity! Please don't forget to subscribe and share the love with a friend if you know someone who needs to hear this today. Visit us at claudinesweeney.com and mindoverchaos.com for free resources.

    Recent Episodes from Rise Up and Shine Podcast

    Ep 175 When is it time to push pause

    Ep 175 When is it time to push pause

    Is there an area of your life you feel you may need to hit the pause button? Maybe a goal you were pursuing? Maybe your schedule needs a little slow down time? Today we talk about why a pause is a good idea, what exactly that may look like, and what areas we should NOT take a pause. 

    Ep. 174 Self Worth is an Inside Job

    Ep. 174 Self Worth is an Inside Job

    Have you recently taken a deep look within and asked yourself what your honest opinion you have of yourself is? Oftentimes, we don't have a positive view of ourselves and we may seek our self-worth from outside factors. Today we talk about some common outside sources we may go to, how this causes unnecessary suffering in our lives and what steps you can take to cut those ties and be free to feel confident and worthy from within.

    Ep. 173 Quiet Quitting in Your Marriage

    Ep. 173 Quiet Quitting in Your Marriage

    Are you feeling hopeful in your marriage or hopeless?

    Do you feel  fully invested and engaged or have you chucked out emotionally?

    If the latter resonates with you, chances are you have quietly quit your marriage. This is a new concept buzzing around right now and many of us are doing this and may not even realize it.

     Listen in and learn what quiet quitting is all about, how it may be hurting your relationship and what steps you can take toward a marriage that you love.

    If you have enjoyed this podcast, please give us a 5 star rating and share with a friend.

    Visit us at MindOverChaos.com or ClaudineSweeney.com for more resources.

    Ep. 172 Behind the Stories We Tell Ourselves

    Ep. 172 Behind the Stories We Tell Ourselves

    Did anyone ever tell you that you are a great story teller? Well, guess what? You are. But, the stories we are talking about here may not be the stories you are thinking of. These are the stories that are driving our emotions and our choices and are very much woven into every facet of life. These stories affect our careers, relationships and even our health and well-being. Listen in to find out what these stories are and how they just might be driving your life.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a 5 star review.

    More resources at claudinesweeney.com and mindoverchaos.com.

    171 When Things Don't Go as Planned

    171 When Things Don't Go as Planned
    Do you ever have an ideal, whether it be in marriage, your career, parenting or even your calendar and things begin to deviate from your plan?
    Well, welcome to life, ladies. Life has so many twists and turns and it won't always comply with our plans, unfortunately.
    Today, we talk about what we can do when things don't go according to our plan so we don't continue to get bogged down by the annoyance and frustration but rather keep our peace of mind and roll with it anyway.

    Thank you for listening to The Rise Up and Shine Podcast. Please follow and leave us a 5 star review if you like it.

    For more resources, please visit MindOverChaos.com or ClaudineSweeney.com

    170 When Someone Does Not Like You

    170 When Someone Does Not Like You

    We all want to be liked. We’re human; it's wired in our DNA. But the truth is not everyone will like us. What do we do and how do we feel when someone does not like us? Learning how to cope with rejection is a helpful skill. Listen is today as we share what happens when we think someone doesn't like us.

    Thank you for listening to The Rise Up and Shine Podcast. Please follow and leave us a 5 star review if you like it.

    For more resources, please visit MindOverChaos.com or ClaudineSweeney.com

    169 Managing Expectations

    169 Managing Expectations

    We all have expectations. Expectations of ourselves and of others and, if they go unmet, we are left feeling disappointed or frustrated. Do expectations really serve us well in our lives? Are they worth holding on to? Today, we talk about what expectations we may be holding on to that could be hurting us and our relationships more than helping. We will offer a new perspective that you can apply in your own lives that will leave you feeling less shame or disappointment and more peace and joy.

    For more info or to schedule a free call, go to:



    Rise Up and Shine Podcast
    enFebruary 23, 2023

    168 The Power of Self Reflection

    168 The Power of Self Reflection

    Why is it important to self reflect? How often do you do it? It's not always easy, or comfortable, to take an honest look at our choices, thoughts or behaviors. If we want to be our best and live our best life introspection in crucial. Most of us want to live with intention so using self reflection is a great tool to gain greater awareness of who we are and what our needs are. It is impossible to rise up and shine our best life without self-reflection. 

    Rise Up and Shine Podcast
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    167 Slow Down The Busy

    167 Slow Down The Busy

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    166 Don't Outsource Your Happiness

    166 Don't Outsource Your Happiness

    Is your happiness dependent on others or your circumstances? When life isn't playing by your expectations does it affect your mood? Most of us do this. Today we talk about how to experience more happiness even in the midst of unmet expectations or disappointments. Should we be happy 100% of the time? Absolutely not. But oftentimes, we can control how we feel more than we may realize. Listen in and learn how.

    Rise Up and Shine Podcast
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