
    About this Episode

    There has literally never, in our lifetime, been a point when it was so important to have a good doctor.  One that you can trust.  One that helps you get well.  One that doesn’t just tell you to drink the kool-aid.  All through the Bible, we see God separate his people out from non-believers.  And we are watching this same pattern occur right before our very eyes in so many areas, healthcare being one of them.  If the past two years have taught us anything, it should be that we need a good doctor, or two, in our corner.


    Today we are going to be discussing some of the different types of holistic doctors.  In the last two episodes we talked about the qualities you should look for in a doctor and the differences in natural healthcare and conventional medicine.  If you missed either one of those episodes, you may want to go back and listen to those first.  There is also a free download with episode 23, that contains more information about what qualities you want your doctor to have in order to get the best care.  

    All of the doctors we are going to talk about today are holistic, meaning that they treat the entire body as one unit.  I think we can all agree that factors such as sleep, nutrition, lifestyle, and stress have a significant impact on our health.  A holistic doctor will look at these factors and their impact on your connected body systems.  Most holistic doctors have some common beliefs.  They believe in preventing illness and treating the underlying root cause of the disease.  They develop a relationship with their patients with the goal of keeping them well.  Many times they will choose the least invasive or least intrusive treatment options first.  Sometimes they combine alternative medicine and traditional medicine.  And one of the most important differences in my opinion, is that they don’t believe a diagnosis should define you.

    One of the main objections that I hear to seeking out a holistic doctor is that it doesn’t work as well as traditional medicine, and that simply is not true.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  It works much better than conventional medicine in most circumstances.  

    So, let’s assume that you have decided to give alternative medicine a try, how do you know what kind of doctor to even look for?  What’s out there?  Who can be trusted?  How do you find them?  What should you expect when you get there?  So many questions…

    Let’s start with what your options are.  In this episode, I will introduce you to five types of holistic doctors: integrative, chiropractic, osteopathic, functional, and naturopathic.  Choose the type that speaks to you.  Find one in your area, and give them a try.  Be sure to use The Seven Qualities to Look for in a Doctor download to help you find the best one.  Click below for the free PDF.  My goal is to see you healthy!


    Recent Episodes from The Healed Podcast

    Healing Cancer Your Way

    Healing Cancer Your Way

    The cancer had spread. Amy was given six months to a year to live. She got her affairs in order, planned her funeral, and started checking items off her bucket list. However, some of her friends had other plans. They essentially had a medical "intervention" and brought her the medicine they knew in their hearts that she needed. And they made her take it. God used those precious friends to give Amy a new lease on life. She is cancer free and been told by her doctor to keep doing whatever she is doing. These life changing circumstances have set a fire in Amy's heart to share what she has learned with others. Her story could be your story too. Take a listen.

    Amy's List of Supplements to Consider

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    Is Back Surgery My Only Option? Featuring Michael Perry

    Is Back Surgery My Only Option? Featuring Michael Perry

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    Redeem Chiropractic Knoxville, TN

    Interview with Dr. Pete

    Nutrition For a Back Injury? It worked for Tara!

    If you found this helpful, please leave a review so that more people can benefit from Michael's story.  

    Let's connect on Facebook.

    Meet me over on the Gram!

    Intermittent Fasting as a Way of Life Featuring Shonda Whitworth

    Intermittent Fasting as a Way of Life Featuring Shonda Whitworth

    Like most of us at one time or another, Shonda found herself dieting for an upcoming event.  However, no matter how strict she was, she found that she couldn't get the weight off and keep it off.  That is when she discovered intermittent fasting.  What she also discovered was that not only did she lose weight, but her health greatly improved as well.  Like any good author, she did her research and found that intermittent fasting boosts your immune system and sets your body's self-cleaning mechanism into motion.  She looks great, feels amazing, and is full of life and energy now, and she wants to share that with you.  Shonda is such as inspiration!  If you have ever struggled to get your weight under control, you will want to take a listen.

    Shonda Whitworth is a faith-based author and speaker and a writing and publishing coach from Lubbock, Texas.  You can learn more about her book, "Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven" and her coaching services by connecting with her on instagram.



    We Are In A Health Crisis, So Why Don't I Care?

    We Are In A Health Crisis, So Why Don't I Care?

    In today’s episode, we are going to discuss complacency.   We have become complacent about our health during the exact time that we need to be the most concerned with protecting it. 

    The death rate is up 40%.  A 14% increase would indicate that something catastrophic had occurred.  But it isn’t up 14%; it is up 40%.  

    The birth rate is down for the first time ever.

    Miscarriages, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, blood disorders, anxiety, and depression rates have gone through the roof.  As have many others.  

    We have never seen a health crisis like this before. 

     And the crisis was not just in 2020.  The crisis is continuing.  

    Why are we so unconcerned with our health when it is under attack like never before? 

    Join me over on Facebook and Instagram to continue this discussion.  I'm interested to hear what you think.

    Let's connect on the gram!

    Or hit me up on Facebook!

    Next week, we will be discussing the spiritual apathy involved in going through pandemic.

    The Secret To Sticking To Your Diet

    The Secret To Sticking To Your Diet

    Join me on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00pm via Zoom at my Free 2023 Goal Setting Workshop

    This week we are going to be talking about how to make a diet stick. 

    Getting up the courage to go on a diet is the first step. 

    Setting about learning what we need to eat is step two. 

    Sticking to it is step three, and that third step is a doozy!  Right? 

    This episode is for you today, if you know what to eat, but just can’t stick to it.  And please hear my heart that this episode is just as much for me as it is for you.  Maybe more.  I do not ever want to come across like I’ve got this thing nailed down and I’m telling you what to do.  This is what the Lord has spoken to me, for my life, and I am sharing it with you.  None of us have it nailed down, even if or when we look like we do.  


    Okay, tell me if you have ever done this.  You decide to eat healthier.  You get rid of all of the junk in the house.  You go to the grocery and stock your kitchen with healthy food.  And then you are too tired to cook, so you run through the drive through, eating a LESS  healthy version of the food you just got rid of.


    Or, you meal plan and meal prep.  You bring your lunch to work, but someone decides to order out.  So you leave your lunch in the fridge and get what everyone else is having?  You don’t want to feel deprived.


    Or maybe you have lost weight, gotten rid of all your bigger clothes, vowing that you will NEVER gain that weight back.  Only to be out shopping for that size again a year or two later.


    The struggle is REAL, friends!  So let’s talk about solutions.  Because every one of the scenarios I just mentioned makes us feel discouragement, guilt, and shame.  And that is not where we are meant to live.  


    Recent studies tell us that about 42% of adults are trying to lose weight.  That means 45 million Americans go on a diet each year and spend $33 billion, with a b, dollars a year on weight loss products.  20-25% of those people trying to lose weight will develop an eating disorder.  

    Paul says in Romans 7, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.”  

    We are taking this problem on as a physical problem, when in truth, it is a spiritual problem.  We are trying to make our soul not crave the things of the world.  That is the wrong strategy.  We need to fight this battle in the spiritual realm; not the physical.

    If you would like more help putting this strategy into practice, I have good news!  I have created a very affordable membership program that focuses on a mindset issue, or basically, a lie, and replacing it with God’s truth.  We focus on one issue a month because this takes time.  We meet in a private facebook group and on zoom.  You have access to an app that will educate you about what to eat and give you all of the tools to make it happen.  You can learn more by attending one of my free goal-setting workshops in the month of January.  Just click on the link in the show notes and download our planning worksheet.  I would love to see you there!





    Your Mindset Could Be Holding You Back In Your Health

    Your Mindset Could Be Holding You Back In Your Health

    Today we are going to be talking all about your mindset around health.  There are 3 factors that I want to discuss today that went into the creation of your mindset about your own health.  We will dig into that, and then I will tell you how you go about changing these mindsets, and finally, I will tell you about a program that I have created that can support you in making these changes.

    Let me start by asking you a couple of questions. 

     Have you ever started a diet, only to fall off the wagon and feel defeated in a few short weeks?

    Have you ever joined a gym and only attended in January?  

    Have you ever disregarded the thought that you could eat healthier and move more and put your hope in a medicine or diet pill, knowing that isn’t really the answer to the problem?  

    I can answer yes to all of those questions, and you probably can too.  If so, today’s episode and the next couple of episodes are for you!  I have really felt the Lord speaking into me about this so strongly lately.  I know His words are for me, but I want to share them because I believe they are for some of you as well.

    If mindset may be an issue for you, take a listen to today's episode.  If you are interested in learning about my Reclaim Your Life Health Membership, go back and listen to last week's episode A Health Membership Just For You

    You can also sign up for our group Goal Setting Workshop during the month of January.  It occurs at 7:00pm EST via Zoom. Sign up here.

    And, of course, I would love to see you over on Instagram.  Let me know if this episode was helpful or if you have a question. Join me on the Gram!

    The Healed Podcast
    enJanuary 09, 2023

    A Health Membership Just For You

    A Health Membership Just For You

    I am so excited about this episode.  God has been speaking into me about creating a health membership for a couple of years now.  The Reclaim Your Life Health Membership includes admission into our private Facebook group, where we can share recipes, prayers, and encourage one another.  It also give you access to the Practice Better app, where you can track your food and other health goals.  You can journal there as well.  We will meet weekly for goal setting, accountability, and prayer.  There will also be a monthly meal planning session and a monthly mindset goal to help us reframe our identity.  A big part of being healthy and staying healthy is viewing yourself as a healthy person.  I tell you all about it in this episode, so take a listen.

    I also reference the book, "Experiencing God," by Henry Blackaby.  Here is the link Experiencing God on Amazon

    I am hosting a free 2023 Goal Setting Workshop on Tuesday, January 3rd, at 7:00pm EST via a Zoom call.  Click on the link to join.  If it is past this date, you will find the next session with this link as well.  2023 Goal Setting Workshop

    Why I Am Not Making A New Year's Resolution and You Shouldn't Either

    Why I Am Not Making A New Year's Resolution and You Shouldn't Either

    Ya’ll, this is the last episode this year!  In some ways, I can’t believe 2022 is coming to an end, and in another way, I am ready to get 2023 started.  What about you?   In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about New Year’s Resolutions and why I am NOT going to be making one this year. And I don’t think you should make one either.  Before we get started, I want to invite you to a special goal setting workshop on Tuesday, January, the 3rd at 7:00pm EST.  It will be a zoom meeting.  You will receive a goal setting worksheet to help you keep track of your goals and actions steps, and you will have the opportunity to hear about a membership group that I am creating just for you, because I don’t think health should be expensive.  I think we need a community to hold us accountable, a little education, and some encouragement from friends who are striving towards the same goals.  Just click on the link to be added to the meeting.  I hope to see you there!

    2023 Goal Setting Workshop

    The Power of One More by Ed Mylett

    Have you ever set a New Year's Resolution and then not stuck with it?  And afterwards, you take all of the consequences of not sticking to your resolution and heap the guilt on yourself and decide to carry it through the rest of the year.  Or you say… I can’t help it.  It is just the way I am.  Or “Screw it!  I’m eating what I want.  I shouldn’t have to deprive myself, right?”  And you defend your inaction.  

    We have all done this!  I’ve done it, more than once.  In fact, only 16% of us actually stick to their resolutions.  And if I were a betting girl, and I’m not, I would bet that they were already doing the things.  That statistic means that 84% of people are in the same boat we are in. 

    Here is where I want to challenge you.   It isn’t your fault.  The New Year’s Resolution is faulty, in and of itself.  If it weren’t, more people would succeed.  So, can we start this discussion off in agreement that typically, New Year’s Resolutions do not work for most of us?  Yes?

    Alright, let’s dive into why they don’t work and what we can do about it.  Because honestly, failure sucks.  Being unhealthy sucks.  Barely having the energy to make it through the day sucks.  And that is where most of us are. But we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  If we aren’t going to make a resolution, what are we going to do?  Here are my thoughts.

    Why You Need To Be Intermittent Fasting Right Now

    Why You Need To Be Intermittent Fasting Right Now

     In this episode, I am going to introduce you to intermittent fasting.  Some of you may have heard of intermittent fasting, or maybe even tried it, but today I hope to give you an understanding of exactly what it is and tell you about some of the amazing health benefits of this type of eating.  Now, I say this type of eating, because some of you may have heard about intermittent fasting as a way to diet.  But losing weight is really the icing on the cake, so to speak.  The real benefits are what it does for your health.  If you are looking for an episode on losing weight, this isn’t it.  However, if your goal is to lose weight, why not improve your health while doing it?  That seems like a no brainer.  There is no other diet that will have the beneficial health benefits of intermittent fasting.  There is even a lot of research saying that intermittent fasting is one of the best ways to combat the long term effects of covid and the covid vaccine. And I hope you will listen to this episode for just that reason, if nothing else.  I hope you will send it to a friend and help get the message out there.  We are being very censored right now, and there is help out there for people, but they are not getting the information.  But we still have the power to communicate with one another face to face, and we need to be doing that. 

    Autophagy is your body’s self-cleaning cycle.  When your body is not having to spend its energy on digestion, it goes to work cleaning up cellular damage, which is exactly what we need after dealing with this virus and the side effects of what we did to prevent the virus.  Autophagy reduces inflammation in the body, which can improve autoimmune issues and even cancer.  It repairs our DNA.  I could say so much about this.  Our DNA is our identity.  It is who we are.  If you are a child of God, that is your DNA, and you need to claim it as such.  The devil’s attack on us is clearly on our identity.  I see it everyday.  From our DNA being affected the last 2 years, to the idea that we can choose our gender, and everything in between.  That is an attack on our identity, and we need to claim who we are.  We have the power to do that.  So many things happening in our world right now are causing us to think we are powerless, and we are not.  Okay, autophagy…improves blood glucose levels, increases metabolism, amps up our immune system, prevents neurological disorders.  It does WONDERS for your gut health, by helping your body get back to a state of homeostasis.  And we all know by now that gut health is tied to everything else.  It improves heart health, circulation, cholesterol and blood pressure.  And we all need this benefit, whether or not you know it yet… back to the censorship issue.  Have I sold you on the health benefits yet???  I sure hope so!  When I was sick, I found out a big secret.  Nothing works better at healing your body than your body itself.  We just have to give it the things it needs, like rest, water, light, nutrition, exercise.  It will do the rest.  We have an amazing God, who created the body to heal itself.  I firmly believe that we have to quit making doctors and medicines our gods, and let the true healer, God, work in our lives and in our bodies.  He loves you and will do that for you.

    Tune in to hear two other huge benefits to intentional intermittent fasting.  

    The old saying, “How do you eat an elephant?”  applies here.  You eat it one bite at a time.  We have to start somewhere and make small but meaningful steps in the right direction and ask God to bless it and accelerate it.  But it is up to us to make the first step.  It almost always is.  I am excited to announce that I will be offering a way to take these first steps beginning in January.  I am creating an affordable membership program where you can set small weekly health goals and have support implementing them.  God created us to be in community and I know we will experience more success if we work together and encourage each other onward.  More information will be coming on future podcasts and on my instagram page about this program, so be sure to connect with me over there.  If you would like to be added to my email list to make sure you get the information, just send me a direct message on instagram that says add me.  This is a program that God has been speaking into me for awhile now, and I can’t wait to share it with you!  

    Until then, if you would like a resource to learn more about intermittent fasting, I will post a link to my favorite book on the topic, “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting,” by Jason Fung, MD.  The Complete Guide To Intermittent Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung

    If you feel like you are in a health crisis and can’t get answers, you can download the free resource, “Seven Qualities to Look for in a Doctor.”  There are so many doctors out there having success and getting people well.  You may just not have the right doctor.  Let me tell you from my own experience, your doctor makes all the difference in the world.  7 Qualities To Look For In A Doctor

    Alright friends, our time today has come to an end.  I hope I will see you back here next week, when we will be talking about why you should NOT set a New Year’s Resolution.  Have a great week!