
    How to Get Through Hard Seasons

    en-usSeptember 21, 2021

    About this Episode

    Over these past few months, I have walked through one of the toughest seasons of my life. My life went from the busiest it had ever been to being completely debilitated by an illness.

    No one anticipates tough seasons. We never expect loss or heartbreak or sickness or sudden life events. God never promised us that things would always be easy but He did promise us His Presence through it all. NO weapon formed against us will prosper, that's a promise!

    As you are walking through this tough season, let me ask you one question: are you giving yourself grace? Or are you finding yourself feeling weighed down by the standard that you have placed on yourself? As I have been navigating this tough season, I have realized that I had unrealistic expectations of myself.  I expected myself to be able to accomplish all that I was able to do prior to getting sick. I began beating myself up for needing to take time to rest and having go of a lot of obligations.

    The truth is, when things change, things need to change.  We need to lower the bar. Lower the standard that we have placed on ourselves. We need to partner with God's rest and let HIM walk us through this season.

    In this episode, I let y'all in on this last season of my life and all that God has been teaching me through it. 

    I pray that no matter what season of life you are in that you would let the God of Peace lead you. That you would truly let go of all control and fully enter into the rest of trusting Him.

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    Recent Episodes from Living Loved

    My 21-Day Challenge to You

    My 21-Day Challenge to You

    My sweet friends! Happy, happy new year! If you are anything like me, these last two years have not been easy. I think it's easy to say that most (if not all) of us are feeling a bit weary after all that we have walked through. But the Lord has really encouraged me to shake off the discouragement and He has filled me with hope for this coming year! I encourage you to let the Lord refresh you as you step into 2022.

    I am starting this new year off with a 21-day fast! I am creating space for the Lord to speak and am praying very intentionally about a few things. I would love for you to join me as we usher in this coming year! In this episode, I talk about how the Lord will reveal pieces of His heart to us so that we can partner with Him in them to see change happen.

    The 21-Day Challenge:

    1. Create Space for the Lord: Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for the next 21 days to be with the Lord and pray. You can also join me in fasting as well (from social media, something the Lord places on your heart, or a certain food-related fast such as the Daniel fast!)
    2. Create a Battle Plan & Pray: Write down 3 things that your heart aches to see change in. I encourage you to choose at least one world-wide or widespread issue as one of your three. What big thing has the Lord burdened your heart with that you so desire to see change in? Do you want to see abortion end, sex trafficking end, a certain nation to be saved? Write it down! Then choose two other personal things that are weighing on your heart right now. Maybe it's a broken relationship or a job you really desire or a healing you are contending for. Now, write down 5 people to pray for. I encourage you to choose at least two people that you do not personally know. These could be celebrities who are not walking with God, someone you know from social media, a politician. The Lord is no respecter of persons and I have seen Him work miracles through my prayers for certain celebrities! Then choose three other people that you personally know that you want to be praying for.
    3. Take Communion Every Day: There is so much power in the finished work of the cross! Seal the deal on all that you are contending for by pleading the blood of Jesus over each person and situation. You can take a small cup of juice and a small cracker or piece of bread. Or you can order a set of communion cups on Amazon (I use them every day!). 

    Your words are powerful! And our God is strong and mighty! He is in the business of miracles. Let this challenge stir up your faith and watch as your giants fall!

    Communion Prayer Example:
    Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You, and remember all that You have done for me on the cross. Thank You for loving me so much, You gave up heaven for me. Thank You for allowing Your body to be broken so that mine might be whole. As I partake, I receive Your resurrection life, health, and strength. By Your grace, I shall be completely strong and healthy all the days of my life. My eyes shall not grow dim, nor shall my strength be abated. No sickness can remain in my body because the same power that raised You from the grave flows through me. By Your stripes, I am healed. [Now eat the bread.]

    Lord Jesus, thank You for Your precious blood. Thank You for washing me clean of all my sins. I stand before You completely righteous and forgiven. Your blood has redeemed me from every curse, and today I can freely receive all the blessings that crown the head of the righteous. Amen! [Now drink.]

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    Finding Jesus in the Highs & Lows with Joy Groeschel

    Finding Jesus in the Highs & Lows with Joy Groeschel

    Hello my sweet friends! This is a very special week because we got to sit down with one of my newest friends, Miss Joy Groeschel!

    Joy is only 17-years-old but the wisdom she carries truly exceeds her years! Joy cracked open her heart, sharing her journey with a chronic illness she has been facing for the last few years. She talks about the sweet friendship she has with Jesus and how she has let Him carry her through this hard season.

    This was such a sweet conversation and I know that you will be so blessed by her heart!

    Joy's Instagram:

    Joy's Website & Blog:

    My Instagram: @brianneerman

    My YouTube:

    Refreshment for the Holiday Season

    Refreshment for the Holiday Season

    My beautiful friends! Happy, happy holidays!

    What a past couple years these have been, am I right?! I don't know about you but I have been feeling so jumbled and a bit overwhelmed right now. These last couple years have been difficult and they have been loud

    The Lord really pressed this message on my heart this week and I felt that He really wanted me to share it with you guys. The Lord is wanting us to cut out all of the negative chatter and make space for Him to speak. He is cleaning the rooms of our hearts and minds. He is bringing healing, refreshment, and clarity. 

    I pray that this holiday season would be a marking time for you and the Lord. That you would hear your Father's voice louder than any other voice around you. I pray that this would be a season of miracles and sweet intimacy with God.

    You're doing amazing! Love you!

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    Love the Bible & Let it Transform You with Ashley Hetherington

    Love the Bible & Let it Transform You with Ashley Hetherington

    What a special week this is! I got to chat with one of my sweetest friends, miss Ashley! I love how her ministry is called The Honey Scoop, because that is exactly what she is: a scoop of pure sweetness!

    Ashley has such incredible insight on the power of reading the Bible. She has seen how the Word of God truly is alive and active. She shares her journey with reading the Bible and tells us how we can learn to truly fall in love with it as well!

    I pray that this episode blesses you and inspires you to be molded by God's word above all else!

    Ashley's Instagram: @thehoneyscoop

    Ashley's TikTok: @ashleyhetherington

    Ashley's Bible Study:

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    To the Girl Just Wanting to Be Married with Samantha Coyle

    To the Girl Just Wanting to Be Married with Samantha Coyle

    This week, I got to hang with one of my new besties, miss Samantha Coyle! Sam has such a beautiful heart of humility and strength. She has such a powerful story and has personally inspired me so much.

    Sam shares her story of getting engaged and eventually breaking off the engagement. She tells us how the Lord used that situation to strengthen her and take her into a place of true contentment in Jesus.

    In a society that idolizes marriage, it is so important for us to be fully content in Christ and in Christ alone.

    I absolutely adore Sam and I know y'all will too! I am praying this episode encourages you and dives you into even deeper intimacy with Christ.

    God has an incredible spouse out there for you. Don't settle for good when God wants to give you His best!

    Samantha's Instagram: @heytheresam

    Samantha's Blog Post:

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    Moving Beyond the Mirror with Cambria Joy

    Moving Beyond the Mirror with Cambria Joy

    This was such a special episode! I got to sit down with my dear friend, Cambria Joy, to hear her story and heart behind all that she does.

    Cambria is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. She makes health and wellness videos on YouTube and is the author of her very own book, "Growing Strong." She is so knowledgeable on health and fitness and uses her education to help other girls become truly healthy.

    Cambria opens up about her past struggles with bulimia and binge eating and shows us how she was able to overcome her struggles. I love that Cambria includes her faith in all that she does, emphasizing that God is truly the key to all healing.

    I pray that this episode encourages you and that you truly find healing through her story.

    Remember: you are not alone in your struggles. God loves you so much and He is strong enough to carry you through.

    Cambria's Instagram: @cambriajoy

    Cambria's YouTube:

    Cambria's Book, "Growing Strong:"

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    Q&A: Life Update, When God Feels Distant, Singleness

    Q&A: Life Update, When God Feels Distant, Singleness

    Hello, hello friends! Life has been pretty wild for me recently so I thought it was time we caught up! 

    Thank you so much for sending in all of your questions! If you'd like to have your questions answered, make sure to follow me on Instagram so you don't miss the next Q&A!

    In this episode, I talk about:

    • My experience on the Christian dating show I was on (LOL), the Matchmaker
    • Health and life update
    • What God has been teaching me recently
    • How to pray in your season of singleness
    • What to do when God feels distant
    • How to stay in a place of humility

    I'm praying that our lil' chat brings you joy and blesses you! Have a great week guys!

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    All Things Dating & Relationships with Riley Sewell

    All Things Dating & Relationships with Riley Sewell

    Y'all this episode was so fun! Today, we are joined by my bestie, Riley Sewell, to talk all about dating and relationships! We asked you guys what you wanted to know and let me just say that y'all did not disappoint!

    In this episode we cover:

    • Riley's dating experiences and what her 'type' is
    • Is there such thing as "the one?"
    • Is it okay to date someone with a bad past?
    • Dating non-Believers?
    • How to be content in singleness
    • Honest thoughts on dating apps?
    • How to do a relationship well when you have no experience
    • Is it okay for the girl to pursue the guy?
    • Thoughts on casual dating
    • How to guard your heard in relationships 

    As you can see, we hit a lot of topics! I pray that this episode encourages you and gives you some answers to your pressing questions!

    Riley's Instagram: @rileywithcourage

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    How to Get Through Hard Seasons

    How to Get Through Hard Seasons

    Over these past few months, I have walked through one of the toughest seasons of my life. My life went from the busiest it had ever been to being completely debilitated by an illness.

    No one anticipates tough seasons. We never expect loss or heartbreak or sickness or sudden life events. God never promised us that things would always be easy but He did promise us His Presence through it all. NO weapon formed against us will prosper, that's a promise!

    As you are walking through this tough season, let me ask you one question: are you giving yourself grace? Or are you finding yourself feeling weighed down by the standard that you have placed on yourself? As I have been navigating this tough season, I have realized that I had unrealistic expectations of myself.  I expected myself to be able to accomplish all that I was able to do prior to getting sick. I began beating myself up for needing to take time to rest and having go of a lot of obligations.

    The truth is, when things change, things need to change.  We need to lower the bar. Lower the standard that we have placed on ourselves. We need to partner with God's rest and let HIM walk us through this season.

    In this episode, I let y'all in on this last season of my life and all that God has been teaching me through it. 

    I pray that no matter what season of life you are in that you would let the God of Peace lead you. That you would truly let go of all control and fully enter into the rest of trusting Him.

    My Instagram: @brianneerman


    College Advice: Building Community & Facing Fears

    College Advice: Building Community & Facing Fears

    In honor of back-to-school season, we are joined by my dear sister, Linnea, to hear about her college experience and all that she has learned from this season. Starting college can be scary and full of a lot of ambiguities! But through stepping out, building community, and exercising discipline, college truly is such a sweet season.

    I pray that this episode leaves you feeling excited and equipped for this next season of your life. The Lord is so present and He will provide for you in every way you need!

    Linnea's Instagram: @linneaerman

    My Instagram: @brianneerman
