
    How to harness plant medicine for meaningful impact

    en-gbDecember 19, 2023
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    About this Episode

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Adam Quiney. Adam is an executive leadership coach specialising in working with the “Smartest People in the Room.” A former software developer and attorney, Adam’s learned the hard way about the costs that come from keeping your heart safe and chasing after external rewards to feel whole and complete.  From love, Adam is connection, passion, presence, wit and brilliance. From fear, he is awkward, robotic, apathetic, irrelevant and arrogant. He’s learned to embrace all these parts of himself, and works with others to do the same in their own lives. Living with his beautiful wife and their dog in Victoria, B.C, he is a man on a mission to bring the world to a more inspired and fully-expressed place.


    In today’s episode, Adam and I explore how to harness plant medicine to create meaningful impact in the world - in particular, discussing the power of plants as ancient “medicine” - in whatever form they are worked with, whether herbal, psychedelic, or archetypally.  We begin to understand how plant medicine can help us heal and step more deeply into the meaningful work we are born to do, and how we can integrate the journey with plant medicine to fully express our gifts.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • The purpose of plant medicine is to help us to  heal. We think that we already have “medicine” in the world, but the medicine we know in the Western world is actually “drugs” that temporarily halt the symptoms and disconnect us

    • Instead, “medicine” is something which supports us to do our own healing and reconnect us to our soul’s wholeness.  This is often more challenging because we have to confront the wound that got created in us that has been stored for years

    • Genuine healing, like this, can feel like we are getting ‘worse’ before we get better - because we have to go through ‘breakdown’ - or healing response - before the ‘breakthrough’ - the hardest part is staying the course in the midst of us doing that whilst everyone else is popping pills

    • We have learned to relate to ourselves as “this is just the way I am ” - which has us numb our possibility.  Possibility often looks like ‘impossibility’ because it’s found in the unknown and creates us to fear that “there’s no way I can do that”

    • What plant medicine does is to support us to come out of our conscious mind, drop our ego and personality - and connect with pure spirit - so that we can lean into the areas we have shut the door on - unconsciously - and visit them to reveal and face the fears we have and start to heal them, making them conscious

    • The more healing we do - the more wounds we heal - the more we reconnect to who we were born as, and the more we can discover our true purpose. In fact, the more we heal, the more magnetic we become to be around, and the more of a clear channel we are as healing activators of others - aka the more we can step into our gifts as healers.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:



    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    Recent Episodes from The Secret Witch Show

    How to deconstruct blame, shame and guilt for deeper self-trust

    How to deconstruct blame, shame and guilt for deeper self-trust

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Shanti Zimmerman. Shanti described herself as “a human, just like you”.  She has learned how to navigate being human with deep integrity, clarity, and a focus on growth and real life. She has complex and compound trauma from her childhood that, for a portion of her life, made it hard to be alive. The work that she facilitates is based on how she found her way to a life worth living.  She had a whole lot to unlearn and a ton of adult skill-sets she had to develop and practice and she shares everything she knows from her lived experience. She believes that liberation is our natural default setting as human beings and she contributes to it in every moment of her life.


    In this episode we explore the notion of ‘healing’ and the language around it - and especially how we don’t need to outsource our power to ‘quick fixes’, but if we learn to deconstruct blame, shame and guilt, we can learn to embody our adulthood, make new choices and embody deep self-trust.  Shanti describes blame, shame and guilt as “synthetic” constructs - “behaviour controllers”  that are not our innate natural emotions - and narratives that invoke emotional response, or a ‘habit’ that creates somatic response in our bodies - exploring how it is possible we can alchemise shame and radically refuse to engage with our self-oppression.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • Blame, shame and guilt are the foundational ‘root’ of other ‘synthetic’ emotions that feel awful in our bodies - that’s usually how we know we are experiencing them

    • Yet, blame, shame and guilt are not ‘natural’ emotions to us as human beings; they’re what we’ve been taught and conditioned into

    • We each have our own ‘inner Gollum’ who helps us actively engage in these shame habits by beating ourselves up - yet we would never dream of speaking to others in this way, and our innate self wouldn’t think like that

    • We didn’t do it to ourselves; shame was usually done to us, but as *soon* as we become ‘aware’ of that, we can no longer say that because we are beginning to do it to ourselves - and now, we have a new choice

    • The deconstruction of these ‘unnatural’ emotions requires us to become curious and open to more awareness.  From there, we can choose to grow into adulthood and begin to take radical care of ourselves - from the inside - most often we have an “adolescent mind-frame” (because we’ve learned to, innocently) - as we grow in awareness we can begin to say “no, thank you”

    • As aspiring ‘healers’ - real healers - it is so important that we embody healing shame and embody what we are teaching for ourselves first (or be in the practice of) - we need to feel absolutely 100% in our own bodies with lived experience of being grounded in that role.

    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to step off the Drama Triangle to embody your power as a healer

    How to step off the Drama Triangle to embody your power as a healer

    In this unique, ‘experiential’ episode, Nicole mixes up the format, sharing the signs we are being called into our power as a healer, hosting a little bit of a ‘workshop’ around the ‘Drama Triangle’ to help you illuminate the 3 ways you might be leaking your power (because Secret Witches often innocently misuse their power to create drama).  She explores how Archetypal Aurum (the essence of ‘Gold’, and universal symbol of ‘power’) can help, guiding you in a ritualistic and ceremonial journey with Aurum’s Archetypal Remedy to help you begin to activate and reclaim your inner Feminine soft-power, to become a healer.  Disclaimer: there’s healing activation in this one - listen only if you’re ready!


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • There are some key wounds we struggle with as aspiring healers - and this is a normal part of the journey of becoming a healer - one of those wounds we need to heal is reclaiming our power

    • Often we have missed our initiation into Feminine power - which traditionally happened at first bleed, in ancient times - and along with that, we don’t get to choose into being an adult woman

    • This leaves us trapped on the Drama Triangle as a little girl in a woman’s body, never knowing our power to choose ‘off’ the triangle and create from Feminine soft-power - or womb wisdom and our heart-led, soul-led truth

    • Self-illumination is key to that initiation - and in particular, self-illuminating where we are on the ‘Drama Triangle’ - i.e. in ‘victim, persecutor or rescuer’ - holds gold to be reclaimed in honestly looking here

    • The power centre of women is in our hearts and wombs - only we often don’t let those Feminine power-centres lead; because we are used to a ‘Masculine powered’ way of being - and in that way, we armour up

    • When we learn to love our little girl and enter an initiation to reclaim our Feminine soft-power, that’s when we can step off the Drama Triangle, and become the healers we were born to be - also having improved relationships, and living magical lives, all round.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to parent powerfully when you're a sensitive mum with ‘sensitive’ or ‘challenging’ (or ‘neurodivergent’) children

    How to parent powerfully when you're a sensitive mum with ‘sensitive’ or ‘challenging’ (or ‘neurodivergent’) children

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Lian Brook-Tyler. Lian is one of my own long-standing, trusted guides - she’s a shamanic healer, teacher of wild magic, podcaster and co-founder of Waking The Wild. Her mythical journey truly began when she was ruptured open to Spirit with the sudden death of her father – which led to her mysteriously recovering from 15 years of chronic pain, panic attacks and anxiety. That inexplicable transformation inspired her to leave a leadership role in the corporate world to immerse herself in discovering what creates pain and struggle, and conversely, how to create a life overflowing with love, magic, beauty and truth.


    In this episode we explore the crucial work of soul and sovereignty through the lens of ‘parenting.’  We dive into the common challenges that many women face around parenting children who can be often be experienced and labelled as ‘sensitive’, ‘different’ or ‘challenging’ in some way - perhaps also labelled as ‘neurodivergent - and how we can navigate this when we ourselves are sensitive (and possibly neurodivergent) ourselves.  We explored how parents of the ‘sensitive young souls’ of the world often heartbreakingly feel like ‘bad mums’, and what we really mean by ‘sensitivity’, how it is actually a superpower rather than a disadvantage - and how we can begin to parent from our power, meeting everyone’s needs and modelling a new way of love and understanding.

    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • We can often judge ourselves as “bad mothers”, yet what this really means is we are feeling “my children are not behaving in a way that my family, culture or school deems is an okay way to behave” - we are actually making ourselves and our children wrong for something that is a neutral difference (or ‘divergence’) to the cultural norm

    • If we look at indigenous cultures, we can see we are all innately wired to be sensitive. Humans weren’t born for the modern world and its bright lights, smells, chemicals, electricity, devices - and so we learn to close down, to even just function

    • If we have been raised in a culture that has us try and fit nicely into a system where we follow the rules, we will value ‘fitting in,’ and it will require us to heal those wounds and free ourselves from the conditioning to welcome these sensitive aspects of ourselves and our children, and free ourselves from judgement

    • The things we think are our ‘problems’ are actually literal gifts.  Those wounds and gifts will be different for everyone, depending on what our soul is here for, but, for example, Lian’s sensitivity to what’s going on and her heightened awareness to spirit, was a gift as she was here to be a shaman.  Sensitivity is a gift if we are here to be healers

    • To parent powerfully, we need to know and honour our boundaries - without that we won’t be able to parent - at least not in a conducive and sustainable way. Yet, that’s been made culturally wrong, too.  We’re told we should be “access all areas” to our children and not have time to ourselves - that we shouldn’t have needs - and it takes deep healing to recognise we need boundaries in place

    • Powerful parenting requires leadership - which needs us to look sovereignly at what’s right for us as parents, and what’s right for our children, and make powerful aligned choices.

    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to stop people-pleasing in relationships so you can open to your gifts as a healer

    How to stop people-pleasing in relationships so you can open to your gifts as a healer

    On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is speaking to one of the common patterns of the many sensitive souls who were born here with healing gifts: people-pleasing.  Exploring how people-pleasing is almost a ‘sign’ of being a healer, she dives into the fears and patterns beyond people-pleasing, and how self-illumination is a powerful tool to help women begin to heal themselves of this wound.


    In this episode Nicole explores how and why our culture has had us learn to run around looking after everyone else first, along with the importance of self-healing inner work around people-pleasing - and especially why it’s one of the most important patterns to liberate if you’re wanting to help others heal themselves.  And, why vulnerability is the key to it all!

    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • People pleasing is often a sign of being a healer - because healers commonly want to ‘help’ people

    • It’s also a wounded pattern, learned in childhood - possibly when our own needs weren’t met, and we shamed our own needs, and learned to put them last

    • We leak our true healing power by people pleasing - especially if we are here to be healers of others - often we will go into ‘rescuer’ mode 

    • Loving self-illumination is the key to beginning to heal this pattern - noticing what’s underneath our automatic unconscious way of relating in the world this way is really powerful to help us begin to liberate ourselves

    • The other important thing in reclaiming our ‘inner people-pleaser’ is learning to show up vulnerably and share our truth and our own needs.  The Feminine expresses her feelings, rather than rebelling and being a tyrant who sets hard outer boundaries.  It’s our energetic ‘inner boundaries’ that matter most.

    • If we don’t heal this wounding, we will end up ‘quick fixing’ people, instead of allowing people who come to us for healing to experience their own healing initiations and reclaim their gold


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,


    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to attune to your Feminine body and hormones to receive your highest-level abundance

    How to attune to your Feminine body and hormones to receive your highest-level abundance

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Dr. Stephania Sciamano. Stephania is a doctor, metaphysical specialist, and awakening mentor to high-achieving women. She specialises in helping successful women open wide to receive at their highest potential, but in a way that is good for the feminine body. Stephania’s protocols are simple, elegant, and powerful. Her clients lose the anxiety and the body dips, create a more spacious life, begin a love affair with their Divinity, become sexy again to their partners and themselves, and watch life come to them like a ravenous lover.


    In this episode we explored how the modern woman innocently exhausts and depletes herself by trying to keep up with men, in a culture that is so oriented towards ‘success’ and ‘goals’, and Stephania explained the impact of this on our hormones and our Feminine bodies - which are coded differently to men’s.  We dived into how the secret to wealth - in all areas of wealth: Money, Love, Life-force, Spirit and Freedom - is to learn to attune to our Feminine body and hormones, and reclaim all the ‘clairs’ (our senses) so we can physiologically soften and open to receive abundance.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • Women learn culturally to operate from a logic-based paradigm, when they are really built to be in their bodies - logic dries women out

    • When we push, push, push and are ‘goal’ oriented, as women in Feminine bodies, everything becomes very high adrenaline and cortisol and we become impulsive, irritable, exhausted, anxious and depleted 

    • These hormones compete with our Feminine progesterone hormone biochemically, which helps us align with our natural Feminine cycles and soften and open (dilate) to being more receptive - and this competition needs to be healed, for us to receive our heart’s desires

    • There are some simple and practical things that we can do to improve our hormones - which Stephania dived into in the show - including more sunlight and less blue light, more protein in the morning, incorporating healthy carbs for evening meals and integrating electrolytes - which can make a difference in even 3 days

    • These simple and natural swaps - like going out in the sunshine first thing, instead of being on our phones - can often be a challenge in a world where we are used to ‘quick fixes’ where we just go and get more supplements, but they are important for our hormones - and our wealth

    • The true secret to wealth - in all areas of wealth: Money, Love, Life-force, Spirit and Freedom - is to learn to attune to our Feminine body and hormones, and reclaim all the ‘clairs’ (our senses) so we can physiologically soften and open to receive abundance

    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to rise tenderly into adult womanhood and become a confident, powerful healer - with Archetypal Gold

    How to rise tenderly into adult womanhood and become a confident, powerful healer - with Archetypal Gold

    On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is exploring the commonly missed initiation into ‘womanhood’ that so many sensitive women, who were born to be ‘healers,’ often experience - and how this can leave them feeling ‘powerless’ and ‘unconfident’, and fearing that the path of becoming a healer isn’t for them (when in fact it is).


    In this episode Nicole dives into the rites of passage into adulthood that we often miss in today’s busy, chaotic culture - which often sees the true heart-led ‘softpower’ of the Feminine as ‘weak,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘shameful’, and leads us to suppress ourselves and people-please to fit in.  She explores how - even when we feel powerless, and like a little girl in an adult’s body - we are really being called into learning to heal our wounding around power so that we can become confident women - and healers who lead powerfully from body wisdom, heart and soul.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • Women in today’s crazy modern culture will often miss the ‘initiation’ into adult womanhood that our Ancestresses would have had, which leaves them feeling a lack of power - or like a ‘little girl stuck in an adult woman’s body’

    • When we don’t know our power, we will doubt ourselves and lack confidence - and fear that we aren’t cut out to be a healer - and this isn’t true, it’s just a sign that we have wounding around our power to heal first

    • What’s required is for us to tenderly learn to heal our wounding around ‘power’ and learn to embody our true Feminine ‘soft-power’ - the Feminine power that is innate in us that is soft, tender, open, relaxed and soul-led (which gets shamed in our society as ‘weak’ and ‘lazy’)

    • Archetypal Remedy, Aurum is the antidote to this, initiating us into our Feminine soft-power and helping us to begin to illuminate and self-heal our power wounding, with self-love and compassion

    • Without choosing into an initiation - or rite of passage - into our soft-power, we will feel stuck with our inner little girl (innocently) running the show - and largely she is making decisions from a place of fear and a ‘fight, flight, freeze or fawn’ nervous system response

    • For those sensitive women who are here to become healers - those of us who want to discover and express our gifts - we need to embody our power so that we can face the common challenges along the path of becoming a healer; and this is why our power wounding is so important to heal.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox

    How to harness plant medicine for meaningful impact

    How to harness plant medicine for meaningful impact

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Adam Quiney. Adam is an executive leadership coach specialising in working with the “Smartest People in the Room.” A former software developer and attorney, Adam’s learned the hard way about the costs that come from keeping your heart safe and chasing after external rewards to feel whole and complete.  From love, Adam is connection, passion, presence, wit and brilliance. From fear, he is awkward, robotic, apathetic, irrelevant and arrogant. He’s learned to embrace all these parts of himself, and works with others to do the same in their own lives. Living with his beautiful wife and their dog in Victoria, B.C, he is a man on a mission to bring the world to a more inspired and fully-expressed place.


    In today’s episode, Adam and I explore how to harness plant medicine to create meaningful impact in the world - in particular, discussing the power of plants as ancient “medicine” - in whatever form they are worked with, whether herbal, psychedelic, or archetypally.  We begin to understand how plant medicine can help us heal and step more deeply into the meaningful work we are born to do, and how we can integrate the journey with plant medicine to fully express our gifts.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • The purpose of plant medicine is to help us to  heal. We think that we already have “medicine” in the world, but the medicine we know in the Western world is actually “drugs” that temporarily halt the symptoms and disconnect us

    • Instead, “medicine” is something which supports us to do our own healing and reconnect us to our soul’s wholeness.  This is often more challenging because we have to confront the wound that got created in us that has been stored for years

    • Genuine healing, like this, can feel like we are getting ‘worse’ before we get better - because we have to go through ‘breakdown’ - or healing response - before the ‘breakthrough’ - the hardest part is staying the course in the midst of us doing that whilst everyone else is popping pills

    • We have learned to relate to ourselves as “this is just the way I am ” - which has us numb our possibility.  Possibility often looks like ‘impossibility’ because it’s found in the unknown and creates us to fear that “there’s no way I can do that”

    • What plant medicine does is to support us to come out of our conscious mind, drop our ego and personality - and connect with pure spirit - so that we can lean into the areas we have shut the door on - unconsciously - and visit them to reveal and face the fears we have and start to heal them, making them conscious

    • The more healing we do - the more wounds we heal - the more we reconnect to who we were born as, and the more we can discover our true purpose. In fact, the more we heal, the more magnetic we become to be around, and the more of a clear channel we are as healing activators of others - aka the more we can step into our gifts as healers.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:



    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How Understanding your 'Personality Type' can Reveal your Soul Plan

    How Understanding your 'Personality Type' can Reveal your Soul Plan

    On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is diving into all things ‘personality profiling’, exploring how ‘psychology type’ tools can be harnessed powerfully for deep healing, via self-enquiry and self-illumination.  She explains why she believes we were each born with a unique soul purpose to live out - and how exactly we can reveal the soul plan and more meaningful purpose that’s in store for us, via archetypal personality mapping tools (and specifically, her uniquely magical Archetypal Soul Readings).


    In this episode she explores how ‘Archetypal Remedies’ (which we work with in the Archetypal Apothecary path) are personality profiles that can be mapped out to ascertain our unique “soul plan” - especially with reference to sensitive souls who were born with healing gifts.  She shares the 4 “layers” of our soul plan, and how knowing each of these layers - and our unique Archetypal Remedies - can support us to learn to heal ourselves (rather than outsource our healing to others), discover our gifts, and journey through the layers of wounding in the way of us actualising our purpose. She also invites us into a simple exercise to begin to reclaim the gifts in our wounds.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • Psychological personality profiling is something that is primarily used for deeper self-illumination, to understand aspects of ourselves that we hadn’t seen before - our core personality, our gifts and our challenges

    • You could call these ‘personality types’ Archetypes, or mirrors to our soul - and the combination of Archetypes with Homeopathy is what created “Archetypal Remedies” - which help us to understand ourselves for deeper healing and discovery of our gifts

    •  Archetypal Remedies have distinct patterns that make our wounds - and our healing of them - and our gifts identifiable.  They are like personality types, only much more magical.

    • We are born into this world with unique gifts - a plan that our soul came here to live out - and that means that our soul has particular “remedy relationships” it came here to live out, which can be “mapped” to provide a clear roadmap for our next steps - even (and especially) when we feel lost

    • We are all like an onion - whole in the middle, with lots of layers of wounding over the top.  There are 4 layers of an Archetypal Soul Map - 1. our Birth Constitution, 2. our Soul Remedy (our core wound, which holds our gift), 3. our Surface Layers and 4. our  Ancestral Layers - and working through healing each of these layers allows us to become who we were born to be.

    • When we understand our Archetypal Soul Map, we can learn to work with it to heal ourselves, rather than outsource our healing to others. This is important because healers need to heal themselves first.

    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to reclaim the magic in our sensitivity and neurodivergence

    How to reclaim the magic in our sensitivity and neurodivergence

    On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Lucy Pearce. Lucy is the author of multiple life-changing non-fiction books, including Nautilus Award silver winners Medicine Woman, Burning Woman, and Creatrix. Her writing focuses on women’s healing through archetypal psychology, embodiment, historical awareness and creativity. An award-winning graduate in History of Ideas with English Literature from Kingston University, and a PGCE from Cambridge University, Lucy founded Womancraft Publishing, creating paradigm-shifting books by women for women, in 2014. The mother of three children, she lives in East Cork, Ireland


    In this episode we explore how to reclaim the magic in our sensitivity - and in particular, neurodivergence.  We dive into what “neurodivergence” is, and means, and what signs might help sensitive souls illuminate that they are neuro-diverse - as well as why and how women who resonate with this label must meet their sensitive needs, rather than try to mask and fit into a culture that doesn’t suit them.  Most importantly, we shared our important worldview on how neurodivergence can actually be a gift - and especially a super-power that allows magical women to be powerful healers, teachers and guides.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • Highly sensitive women are often also ‘neurodivergent’ - a word which is commonly understood by labels such as autism, ADHD or things like dyslexia or dyscalculia - and mean that we have different from ‘typical’ brains

    • Neurodivergence (ND) can show up in lots of different ways, but the main way it can present itself is having a sensitive nervous system that is over-primed - as well as feeling burned out, touched out and overwhelmed by our senses (we have a deep sensitivity to noise, scents, clothes on our skin, lights, electricity, and other things)

    • The label of neurodivergence can be really helpful in aiding us to see that there’s actually nothing wrong with us as a sensitive soul - and that we are just wired differently, and struggling to fit into a world that wasn’t built for us; owning it this way can help us learn to navigate the world in an aligned way

    • As sensitive women, and ND women, we must learn to honour and meet our own needs, so that we aren’t constantly overwhelmed and our nervous systems don’t reach meltdown.  As we do meet our needs, we can reclaim the gifts in our sensitivity

    • And there are many gifts - creativity, brilliant minds, the capacity to spot patterns, entrepreneurial skills, deep passion for things, high empathy and sensitivity to other worlds (in other words, all the ‘clairs’ - e.g. clairvoyance), a capacity for lucid dreaming, a high importance for truthful expression, hyper-focus and a real affinity with nature

    • It is common for these gifts to make sensitive souls excellent ‘healers’ - as long as we can reclaim the gifts in our sensitivity.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:



    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!


    Thank you,


    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox


    How to discover the hidden underlying patterns causing your body's symptoms

    How to discover the hidden underlying patterns causing your body's symptoms

    On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is diving into the worldview that our body’s physical sensations and symptoms are revealing hidden, underlying patterns that want to be loved for deep self-healing.  She explores the common lenses that contribute to this ‘holistic health’ worldview, sharing her own embodied journey and experiences with what she has been guided to see by her body’s wisdom that has allowed her to heal herself and powerfully reclaim her soul path as a healer, teacher and guide.


    In this episode Nicole explores how to take responsibility for your own healing, by listening to your body’s deeper wisdom, sharing the core elements required to self-illuminate your unconscious patterns and begin to manifest health (and your heart’s deep desires) - and how the body is really guiding you into your soul’s deeper plan as a healer.


    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


    • The holistic worldview of the body is one that widely accepts that there are ‘hidden patterns’ under our body’s symptoms; right from the early days, Louise Hay illuminated that - and yet, often this wisdom is still often journeyed with from a ‘quick fix’ perspective

    • Our physical symptoms or sensations are usually calling us into some form of ‘initiation’ - they’re an invitation into seeing what we need to feel, heal or reveal and owning our power to do so (and that can feel like a lot of responsibility at first, but it’s so worth it)

    • Self-illumination is how we discover those patterns - we have to open to the journey of hearing our bodies, love ourselves enough to have the courage to go there (amidst the fear), embody our power and go into the body to truly listen; all of our Archetypal Remedies help women do this

    • What’s also key is understanding the *true* laws of manifestation - so often these are related to as if we have to make a wish and ask the universe to provide something; yet the truth is, we are already creating health, just largely *unconsciously*.  This is usually the reason we have physical symptoms - because we have been creating what we *don’t* want, without knowing, based on wounding.  Healing is making that process conscious, so we can create differently by healing that wounding  

    • We each came here with a ‘soul plan’ - a group of remedies to live out, if you like, with set physical manifestations and patterns - and the work we do in this path of mapping out our soul path, with Archetypal Remedies, helps us to reveal where our healing is, because each of them holds a mirror to our particular patterning of health (including physicals)

    • For example, Archetypal Phosphorus - which is our typical listener - is the energy of the substance on the end of a match.  Phosphoric women tend to physically burn out because they are wildly sensitive, like fire, which illuminates how we need to honour our sensitivity.  Burn out equals the manifestation of the deeper underlying pattern of not honouring our sensitivity.


    Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


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    Thank you,

    Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox



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