
    How To Heal The Brain And Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

    enJanuary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Personalized Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease: Beyond AmyloidAlzheimer's disease is not just a brain disease and requires a personalized medical intervention targeting multiple factors. Modifiable factors such as diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep can greatly impact brain health. Environmental factors should also be considered.

      Alzheimer's disease is not a brain disease, but a systemic disease that affects the brain. Alzheimer's, like any other chronic disease of aging, requires a personalized, medical intervention targeting multiple factors, such as biological sex, medical conditions, blood factors, and cognitive function. Amyloid is just a marker, and Alzheimer's needs a multimodal, evidence-based, and safe approach that includes lifestyle interventions, exercise, and certain targeted drugs. Four modifiable factors that have a huge impact on the brain are what we eat, how we exercise, how we handle and manage stress, and how we sleep. Environmental factors such as heavy metals, the microbiome, latent infections, and mold can also affect brain health.

    • A Holistic Approach to HealthcareTraditional medicine may not be enough to address all the factors affecting a person's health. A personalized, holistic approach is necessary to consider nutritional deficiencies, genetic variations, gut issues, and environmental factors in order to achieve optimal health.

      The story shared by Dr. Mark Hyman highlights the importance of looking at various factors affecting a person's health, beyond just conventional medicine or research parameters. The patient had severe insulin resistance, high homocysteine levels, methylation problems, and genetic variations affecting B vitamin metabolism, all of which are risk factors for Alzheimer's. Additionally, the patient had nutritional deficiencies, gut issues, and high mercury levels due to living in a polluted environment. By addressing all these factors through functional medicine, the patient was able to regain his cognitive abilities and return to a normal life. This story emphasizes the need for a personalized, holistic approach to healthcare.

    • The Challenges of Proving Medical Theories and TreatmentsMedical professionals must do their best with the available evidence, but limitations in understanding and diagnostics means some issues may be difficult to address. However, exciting developments are happening in brain health and disease treatment.

      In this conversation, Mark Hyman and his guest discuss the challenges of proving medical theories and treatments. They agree that as clinicians, they must do the best they can with the evidence available to them. However, some things are hard to study and prove, and there are often many factors that can affect a patient's health. The limitations in our understanding and the available diagnostics means that some practitioners may not know how to address specific problems, such as repairing a damaged microbiome. Despite these challenges, there are many exciting new developments in the study of brain health and the treatment of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

    • Moving Towards Preventative Medicine with Emerging TechnologiesMedicine needs to shift towards preventive measures instead of solely relying on treating diseases with one drug. By using advanced technologies and understanding the complex connections in health, there is growing evidence that preventative medicine is beneficial.

      The field of medicine needs to move away from treating diseases using one drug and instead focus on preventative measures. With advances in quantified self metrics and machine learning, it is now possible to understand the complex connections between various factors affecting health, including the microbiome and metabolomics. Prevention studies can be expensive because of the need to follow patients for years, but there is now a growing body of evidence to support the benefits of preventative medicine. Despite skepticism from some colleagues, doctors like Dr. Richard Isaacson continue to push for preventative measures for diseases like Alzheimer's.

    • The Need for More Nutritional Research in Alzheimer's TreatmentResearch is needed to determine the effectiveness of nutrition in treating and reversing Alzheimer's. Treatment studies, focusing on biomarker evidence and the role of exercise, may provide quicker outcomes. More knowledge can progress medicine.

      Mark Hyman and Richard Isaacson discuss the need for more research in nutrition and its impact on Alzheimer's. They argue that medicine progresses when those who resist new knowledge die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. There is a need for more studies on nutrition and its ability to treat and reverse Alzheimer's. While there is anecdotal evidence of its success, more definitive biomarker evidence is required to prove its effectiveness. The studies should be treatment studies, not reversal studies, to see quicker outcomes. Exercise is a big driver to make brain size bigger, and the hippocampus may increase in volume.

    • The Positive Effects of Exercise on Your BrainExercise can improve cognitive function, memory, and reduce belly fat, which leads to a healthier brain. Regular exercise combined with other lifestyle changes can even prevent and reverse Alzheimer's disease.

      According to research, exercise can increase the size of the hippocampus, leading to improved cognitive function and memory. Additionally, exercising can decrease belly fat, which can lead to an increase in the size of the memory center in the brain. The aim of further research is to show that Alzheimer's disease can be prevented and even reversed with exercise and other lifestyle changes. It is essential to incorporate exercise into our daily routine, along with a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and stress management to maintain good brain health.

    • Meditation and Supplements for Optimal Brain HealthPrioritize lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management, while also considering deeper layers of health like heavy metal levels, microbiome health, inflammation, and nutrient status. Early detection and optimization of brain health can prevent cognitive decline and dementia.

      Mark Hyman discusses the importance of meditation for brain function and the regulation of biological age. He also recommends a few important supplements to support brain health, including a multivitamin with methylating nutrients, fish oil, vitamin D, and magnesium. He emphasizes the importance of addressing foundational lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management, as well as deeper layers of health, such as heavy metal levels, microbiome health, inflammation, and nutrient status. Early detection and optimization of brain health in our twenties, thirties, and forties can help prevent and even reverse cognitive decline and dementia.

    • Improving Brain Health and Repairing Cognitive FunctionOur brains are capable of repairing and healing, and we can modify our risk for cognitive decline by identifying reversible causes such as mercury poisoning, mold toxicity, and Lyme disease. Regular brain scans, such as a spec scan, can help monitor blood flow in the brain.

      Dr. Mark Hyman says that at any age, we can modify our risk for cognitive decline and improve our brain health. He shares his own experience of having a brain scan that showed hypofunctioning of the brain when he was 40, but was able to reverse it by clearing the reversible causes of cognitive function and decline such as mercury poisoning, mold toxicity, and Lyme disease. He emphasizes that the brain is capable of repairing and healing, and that we can make new brain cells and increase connections in the brain through neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Different types of brain scans are available, but Dr. Hyman recommends a spec scan that looks at blood flow in the brain.

    • The Importance of Lifestyle Interventions in Cognitive DeclineOptimizing diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and nutrient levels, along with personalized biomarker analysis and multimodal interventions, can delay or reverse cognitive dysfunction. Lifestyle interventions have proven more effective than drug therapies.

      Dr. Mark Hyman underwent a SPEC scan at the Amon Clinic twice and discovered that his brain wasn't functioning optimally. Although he led a relatively healthy lifestyle, he had sleep issues and was under high stress as a single father working long hours in the emergency room. These factors were not the main cause of his cognitive dysfunction, but rather external factors such as heavy metal poisoning, mold exposure, and Lyme disease. By aggressively optimizing diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and nutrient levels along with personalized biomarker analysis and using multimodal, multidimensional interventions, cognitive decline can be delayed or even reversed. Lifestyle interventions have been found to be more effective than drug therapies.

    • The Importance of a Brain-Healthy Diet and Vitamins for Brain HealthA diet high in carbs, starch, and sugar can lead to brain inflammation and insulin resistance. A brain-healthy diet should be plant-rich and include healthy fats, omega-3s, choline, and B vitamins. Proper vitamin supplementation can also improve brain function for some.

      A diet high in carbs, starch, and sugar can lead to brain inflammation and insulin resistance, which is linked to Alzheimer's and other age-related diseases. Instead, a brain-healthy diet should be plant-rich and include colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like olive oil and avocados, and omega-3s from small fatty fish or fish oil. Choline and B vitamins like B6, B12, and folate are also important for brain health, as they support the methylation process critical for brain and body function. A patient with high homocysteine and methyl acid levels was cured by receiving B12 shots and high doses of methyl folate and B6.

    • The Gut-Brain Connection: Taking Care of Your Body Can Improve Cognitive HealthBy prioritizing gut health and addressing underlying issues such as heavy metal toxicity, functional medicine can improve cognitive health and potentially prevent or delay the development of Alzheimer's. Personalized care and root cause treatment are essential.

      The communication between our brain and body is more significant than previously thought, and taking care of our gut health has a crucial role in maintaining a healthy brain. Functional medicine doctors can help diagnose and treat underlying gut issues that may be causing cognitive problems like Alzheimer's. Heavy metal toxicity, such as mercury from fillings or environmental pollutants, can also contribute to dementia, and addressing these issues through detoxification can improve symptoms. Ultimately, personalized care and treating the root causes of cognitive decline can lead to better outcomes and potentially even prevent or delay the development of Alzheimer's.

    • Heavy Metal Toxicity and Hormonal Imbalances: Possible Contributors to Alzheimer's DiseaseMercury, found in heavy metal toxicity, can increase amyloid production and induce tau, leading to cognitive decline. Hormonal imbalances, such as a lack of trophic factors, can also be a contributor. Functional medicine and hormone replacement therapy can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

      Heavy metal toxicity, specifically mercury, can contribute to Alzheimer's disease in 3 to 5% of all Alzheimer's patients. Mercury binds to a metal region on the RNA that makes amyloid in the brain, increasing its production and inducing tau as well. The accumulation of mercury in the body can lead to cognitive dysfunction and dementia. It is crucial to check for metal toxicity in everyone, as it is a big problem that can be addressed through functional medicine. Hormonal imbalances, specifically the lack of trophic factors like estradiol, progesterone, pregnenolone, testosterone, thyroid hormone, and vitamin D, can also contribute to Alzheimer's disease. Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

    • The Role of Nutrition in Cognitive DeclineLack of proper nutrition, including choline and appropriate fiber and phytonutrients, can increase the risk of cognitive decline. It's essential to optimize our diets to ensure we're getting enough essential nutrients for brain health.

      The lack of proper nutrition is a major risk factor for cognitive decline, and there are widespread nutritional deficiencies in our diets due to poor soil quality, processed foods, and lack of fiber and phytonutrients. One of the most common deficiencies is choline, which is needed to make acetylcholine, a critical neurotransmitter for memory. Other important nutrients for brain health include appropriate fiber for detox and the microbiome, niacin, and phytonutrients. It's important to optimize what we eat and ensure we're getting enough nutrients to reduce our risk of cognitive decline.

    • The Power of a Rainbow-Colored Diet in Protecting Your Brain and Preventing DiseasesEating a rainbow-colored diet with half your plate being vegetables, and consuming foods high in flavanols and flavonoids, can lower dementia risk. Nutritional deficiencies in vital minerals and vitamins are common and require a balanced diet, not just supplements.

      Eating a rainbow-colored diet, with half your plate being vegetables, can protect your brain and prevent many diseases. Flavanols and flavonoids found in foods like strawberries, grapes, and blueberries, can lower dementia risk. Nutrient deficiencies in vital minerals like zinc, magnesium, iodine, and potassium, and vitamins like D and B12, are more common than we think and may lead to poor outcomes in diseases like Alzheimer's and Covid-19. Nutritional deficiencies cannot be fixed by just taking supplements, but rather it is important to look at the whole system and have a balanced diet.

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    The Goddess You is on sale as we speak - click here.
    Jeanne Street
    The Goddess YouInspirit Healing StudioKari Designs

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    Bob believes that an understanding of how our brain is processing our experience of reality empowers us to create NEW realities with a simple decision – and you’re not required to believe any “law of attraction” ideas if you’re not comfortable with metaphysical conversations.
    This is a perfect conversation as we bring the year 2020 to a close and embark on the coming year and envision all we wish to create moving forward. If you have wishes, aspirations or a life you wish to create, this show is a must listen as we talk about a “no-genie needed” wish fulfillment and manifestation kind of living your be life now!
    Bob Doyle’s company, Boundless Living Inc., has been in the business of helping people create lives they love using Law of Attraction principles since 2002. To learn more about him or connect with him visit www.MeetBobDoyle.com.
    Thank you, amazing listeners, around the world for listening to the Aging GreatFULLy show! If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and family or leave us a show review on your favorite platform. To connect with our show, download, stream, share or subscribe, visit our official host page at www.CTRNetwork.com/holleykelley. We appreciate our listeners and always remember, you rock and role model!

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    • Retraining your brain to improve your body’s responses to life events.
    • Using your brain’s ability for change to make conscious decisions.
    • Breaking your body’s stress cycles so you can live intentionally.
    • Visualizing the implications of a decision before implementing it.
    • Using your energy wisely so you don’t waste your time.
    • Understanding biological brain and body connections.

    Check out the brief highlight clip!
    Listen by searching Ep.74 HIGHLIGHT I Using visualization to reduce stress, or use this direct download link: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/52598841/download.mp3

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    Regulation Station: https://vital-side.com/pages/regulate-retraining-maintenance “REGULATE15”
    Elevate: Brain Retraining 2.0: https://vital-side.com/pages/elevate-brain-retraining

    Lindsay Mitchell is the founder of Vital-Side, a membership program that empowers those with chronic illness and limbic system impairment to retrain their brain out of the chronic stress response so they can get relief from their symptoms and find freedom in their lives.

    Having dealt with chronic Lyme disease herself, Lindsay found that the common practices used to treat it were limited. She began focusing her efforts on retraining her brain to get out of a constant state of fight-or-flight and into growth-and-repair mode. This set her body up for success, making it possible for her to make a full recovery.

    Shortly after her recovery from Lyme disease, Lindsay completed her training in neurolinguistic programming (NLP), the emotional freedom technique (EFT), and thought field therapy (TFT) modalities.

    This training, in addition to her background in internal medicine as a physician assistant, and her experience with Lyme disease makes Lindsay uniquely qualified to assist others in learning how to shift their response and experience positive changes to their symptoms.

    Over the past five years, Lindsay has worked with thousands of people from all over the world, teaching them about the healing properties of the brain and giving them the tools needed to access their natural resilience through practical, self-directed, and science forward neuroplasticity techniques.

    Tales From The Trance With Jill Thomas

    Tales From The Trance With Jill Thomas
    Tales From The Trance With Jill Thomas As an Intuitive Hypnotherapist, Clairvoyant Reader, Author, Medium and Vocal Channel, Jill K Thomas, CHT is able to help clients move past limiting beliefs, discover their authentic selves and create a life of peace and harmony. Jill has helped thousands of people realize lifestyle and wellness goals they could never before achieve, including losing weight, overcoming debilitating phobias, healing toxic relationships, enhancing athletic performance, and attracting prosperity and success. Among many of her accomplishments, her most recent book, Tales From the Trance, published by Ozark Mountain Publishing, was released this April. Jill has also authored and published with Ozark, her well known weight loss book Feed Your Real Hunger: Getting off the Emotional Treadmill that Keeps you Overweight. She has appeared on numerous radio shows, maintains her popular online blog”Confessions of a Hypnotherapist”, and has authored articles for magazines read across the nation. Her “30 Day weight loss Jumpstart” CD has also helped many people finally lose the pounds, after years of trying. Website Link:  ========================================================== Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have their fair share of misconceptions and myths. Stereotypically, hypnosis is viewed as mind control. Hypnosis is used to make people do bizarre things like quack like a duck or bark like a dog. Or hypnosis will make you lose control. If you believe everything that Hollywood movies and Las Vegas stage acts portray, then you have a lot to learn about the power of hypnosis and Jill K. Thomas is here to help. In Tales from the Trance: The Sad, the Strange, and the Solvable where she opens the doors of her office to give readers an insider’s glimpse of what hypnotherapy is really like by sharing intimate stories from real-life clients. Tales from the Trance reveals the feelings and issues that keep ordinary people stuck and offers guidance to conquer debilitating fears in order to live vibrant, purposeful lives. These stories will surprise, entertain, sadden, and inspire. Regardless of the reaction, every reader will find something of themselves among its pages. Jill knows that changing peoples’ attitudes toward their own problems is usually the difference between their continuing to suffer or choosing to seek help. “This is why I was drawn to hypnotherapy,” says Jill, “I enjoy helping people get a different outlook and clearer understanding of their difficulties. Hypnosis is safe, effective, fun, and can bring about deep and lasting change for the better! I encourage everyone to give it a try at some point. Who knows? It might just change your life.” hypnosis, hypnotherapy, healing, psychic, subconscious mind, brain power, trance, Jill Thomas, Ryan McCormick, Mental Health News Radio Network, Outer Limits of Inner Truth