
    About this Episode

    💥iCoach Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Trudy 💥in this podcast talks about How to help your kids succeed with online schooling

    The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    Recent Episodes from The Feel Good Podcast™

    10 Minutes Loving-Kindness meditation

    10 Minutes Loving-Kindness meditation

    💛 Guided Daily Meditation to Energize your mental health - Transform Your Life with Metta Meditation: A Guided Practice for Love and Kindness-10 minutes

    I practice meditation in the morning before my routine. While you may not see an impact immediately, my clients have noticed a change in their mental health and feelings at peace after 2 weeks. The key Is to train your brain to think positively. You can do it too.

    Listening to Meditations & Positive Affirmations has been such a huge part of my own self-development journey and I am so excited to be able to provide these meditations and affirmations as a tool specifically designed to help you on your own journeys to empowerment and enlightenment.

    This guided meditation has been inspired by   @JayShettyPodcast.   and Jay's latest book the 8 rules of love. In this session, we explore the practice of Metta meditation, also known as Loving-Kindness meditation. Metta meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and kindness towards ourselves and others. In this guided meditation, we will take you through the steps of Metta meditation and teach you how to develop a sense of inner peace and connection to the world around you. With regular practice, Metta meditation can help you reduce stress, improve relationships, and foster a sense of well-being and contentment in your life. Join us for this transformative experience and learn how to harness the power of loving-kindness in your daily life.

    💥How to get started?💥

    Start small: To develop a meditation habit, it's important to start with small, manageable sessions. Even just a few minutes of meditation per day can make a big difference. Gradually increase the length of your meditation sessions as you become more comfortable with the practice.

    Create a routine: Establishing a regular time and place to meditate can make it easier to stick to your meditation habit. Try to meditate at the same time every day, and choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on your practice.

    Be consistent: Consistency is key when developing a meditation habit. Even if you miss a day or two, try to get back on track as soon as possible. Regular practice can help build momentum and make it easier to stick to your habit.

    Find a style that works for you: There are many different styles of meditation, such as mindfulness, loving-kindness, and transcendental meditation. Experiment with different styles to find the one that works best for you.

    Be patient: Developing a meditation habit takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you find it difficult to stick to your habit at first. Remember that developing a new habit takes time and consistency, so be patient with yourself and don't give up.

    Overall, developing a meditation habit requires patience, consistency and finding the right approach that works for you. With time and consistency, meditation can become a valuable and beneficial habit that could bring positive changes to your life.

    Connect with me here: 


    ✨ Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 
    BeOnTheMove is not associated with nor sponsored by Jay Shetty. This podcast was purely inspired by his love and compassion and book.

    Disclaimer: This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.  DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO SLEEP MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS.

    10 Minutes Guided Meditation

    10 Minutes Guided Meditation

    Welcome to Season 3 - Focusing on mental health

    I practice meditation in the morning before my routine. While you may not see an impact immediately, my clients have noticed a change in their mental health and feelings at peace after 2 weeks. The key Is to train your brain to think positively. You can do it too.

    Listening to Meditations & Positive Affirmations has been such a huge part of my own self-development journey and I am so excited to be able to provide these meditations and affirmations as a tool specifically designed to help you on your own journeys to empowerment and enlightenment.

    💥How to get started?💥

    Start small: To develop a meditation habit, it's important to start with small, manageable sessions. Even just a few minutes of meditation per day can make a big difference. Gradually increase the length of your meditation sessions as you become more comfortable with the practice.

    Create a routine: Establishing a regular time and place to meditate can make it easier to stick to your meditation habit. Try to meditate at the same time every day, and choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on your practice.

    Be consistent: Consistency is key when developing a meditation habit. Even if you miss a day or two, try to get back on track as soon as possible. Regular practice can help build momentum and make it easier to stick to your habit.

    Find a style that works for you: There are many different styles of meditation, such as mindfulness, loving-kindness, and transcendental meditation. Experiment with different styles to find the one that works best for you.

    Be patient: Developing a meditation habit takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you find it difficult to stick to your habit at first. Remember that developing a new habit takes time and consistency, so be patient with yourself and don't give up.

    Overall, developing a meditation habit requires patience, consistency and finding the right approach that works for you. With time and consistency, meditation can become a valuable and beneficial habit that could bring positive changes to your life.

    Connect with me here:


    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    PEACEFUL AND POSITIVE Morning Affirmations for a bright DAY - Season 3

    PEACEFUL AND POSITIVE Morning Affirmations for a bright  DAY -  Season 3

    Welcome to Season 3 - Focusing on mental health

    PEACEFUL AND POSITIVE Morning Affirmations for a bright  DAY
    These affirmations will teach you the scientific way to tap the realm of infinite power within you, enabling you to get what you really want in life. You desire a happier, fuller, energetic and richer life. These working affirmations can be listened to daily in the morning to positively impact your life, mood, solve business problems and bring harmony in family and friends relationships. Begin your day today anew. I recommend using headphones or earbuds for a richer experience.

    I use these affirmations in the morning while doing my morning routine or while having breakfast. While you may not see an impact immediately, I have seen a change in my customers after 21 days. The key Is to train your brain to think positively. You can do it too.

    Connect with me here: 


    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟 


    About me: I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal). I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast. 

    ✨Thanks so much for watching!

     ✨ Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Disclaimer: This video was created by iCoachHypnosis for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic, and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Hypnotherapist Trudy is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.  DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO SLEEP MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS.

    Worried! Your Kid is gone to College! Lonely? [Season 2]

    Worried! Your Kid is gone to College! Lonely? [Season 2]


    You know that moment when you wake up, and walk to your teenager's room and realize they are gone to college and the room is empty? I have a program that helps parents cope successfully with Empty Nest Syndrome, I thought I would share some tips to help you start addressing this challenge.

    If you’re resonating with what you’re hearing on the podcast and are ready to learn what’s been holding you back so far, click here to learn how you can work with me and get some help to move forward! 

    💥What You’ll Learn from this Episode:💥

    ✅Ways to cope with Empty Nest Syndrome
    ✅What you can do starting today
    ✅How to Deal With it
    ✅Empower your kid
    ✅Link to My Blog posts https://icoachhypnosis.com/newsletter

    Featured on the Show:

    Ready to start making a serious impact in yourself?  Schedule a free strategic session with me here:

    Connect with me here: 


    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟 


    About me: I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal). I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast. 

    ✨Thanks so much for watching!

     ✨ Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Disclaimer: This video was created by iCoachHypnosis for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic, and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Hypnotherapist Trudy is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.

    How to Kick Toxic People Out of Your Life and take control back of your well being.

    How to Kick Toxic People Out of Your Life and take control back of your well being.

    ✨Allowing toxic people into your inner circle of friends can have a devastating impact on your outlook and your life. Those toxic attitudes are contagious, and if you allow them in, you risk falling victim to the venom.

    Toxic attitudes can be problematic in your personal life, but devastating to your professional life and career. If not properly addressed, those toxic attitudes can do more than derail your career goals -- they can wreck your life.

    💥 In this edition, I talk about how to Kick Toxic People Out of Your Life and take control back of your well being.

    If you’re resonating with what you’re hearing on the podcast and are ready to learn what’s been holding you back so far, click here to learn how you can work with me and get some help to move forward! 

    💥What You’ll Learn from this Episode:💥

    ✅The 4 keys to kick Toxic People out of your life

    ✅Why Toxic attitudes can be problematic in your personal life

    ✅How to Deal With Toxic People in the Workplace

    ✅Why identify your feeling is key

    ✅Link to My Blog posts https://icoachhypnosis.com/newsletter

    Featured on the Show:

    Ready to start making a serious impact in yourself?  Schedule a free strategic session with me here:


    Connect with me here: 



    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟 







    About me: I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal). I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast. 

    ✨Thanks so much for watching!

     ✨ Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Disclaimer: This video was created by iCoachHypnosis for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic, and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Hypnotherapist Trudy is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.

    Stop Catastrophizing, Take Control of your Fears!

    Stop Catastrophizing, Take Control of your Fears!

    Season 2

    💥iCoach Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Trudy 💥 In this edition, Trudy talks about How to top catastrophizing!
    Catastrophizing is when someone assumes that the worst will happen. Often, it involves believing that you're in a worse situation than you really are or exaggerating the difficulties you face. For example, someone might worry that they'll fail an exam.

    Link to My Blog posts

    We're back with Season 2 of The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network. The Feel Good Podcast is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    Disclaimer: This video was created by Rajipo LLC for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic, and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Hypnotherapist Trudy is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.

    how to tap into your memories [Season 2]

    how to tap into your memories [Season 2]

    Link to My Blog posts

    We're back with Season 2 of The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network. The Feel Good Podcast is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for Listening! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    Ways to Reduce Visceral Fat (Season 2)

    Ways to Reduce Visceral Fat (Season 2)

    Season 2

    💥iCoach Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Trudy 💥 In this edition, Trudy talks about Ways to Reduce Visceral Fat.

    Link to The Art of Forest Bathing:

    We're back with Season 2 of The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network. The Feel Good Podcast is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    Art of Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku (Season 2)

    Art of Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku (Season 2)

    💥iCoach Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Trudy 💥 In this edition, Trudy talks about the Art of Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku

    We're back with Season 2 of The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network. The Feel Good Podcast is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟


    Let's talk Thoughts

    Let's talk Thoughts

    💥iCoach Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Trudy 💥in this Podcast talks about Thoughts!

    Season 2 is here!

    The Feel Good Podcast on the icoachhypnosis Network is your go-to resource for improving your well being, achieving a growth mindset and reprograms your thoughts to achieve positive change.  

    About me:  I am Trudy. I help people with their journey of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to increase or build self confidence, or find fulfillment in a passion project, it can be challenging to understand how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal).  I deliver regular tips and guidance to help you create the future you desire, Don’t delay - reach your goals today, listen or watch the Feel Good Podcast.

    ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨

    Sending you all my love! If you think others will benefit from this video, please share it 💛 

    Join my email list: https://icoachhypnosis.com/list

    Connect with me here: 

    Visit icoachhypnosis.com to kickstart your Journey to better living and schedule a 15mns free consultation.

    🌟Get my free guide, the Top 5 tips to improve your well being today🌟
