
    How to Hire the Right People When You're Starting | GVTV Classic

    enAugust 20, 2021
    What qualities should you look for when hiring team members?
    Why is it important to delegate tasks in business?
    How can recognition impact community engagement?
    What does Gary Vaynerchuk suggest about enjoying disliked tasks?
    How can perfectionism affect personal and team growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Hire team members who enjoy logistics and have a strong work ethicFind individuals who excel at tasks you dislike to free up time for higher-level tasks, even if they're not personal friends

      Effective delegation in business requires hiring people who are obsessed with logistics and have a strong work ethic, even if they are not personal friends. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of finding individuals who enjoy tasks that you dislike, such as managing calendars or Excel spreadsheets, in order to free up your time for higher-level tasks. In the early stages of your career, it can be challenging to demand excellence from friends or those who resemble you, but as you grow, it's crucial to prioritize finding the right team members who can help you scale your business. Remember, as the quarterback, you need offensive linemen who can handle the details and allow you to focus on the bigger picture.

    • Effective delegation and trusting your teamDelegate tasks, invest in training, build trust, have a clear vision, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, reconsider roles if necessary, and free up time for higher-level issues.

      Effective delegation and trusting your team are crucial for growth and productivity. The speaker shares his experience of being a micromanager who believed he could do everything better than his team members, but learned differently during his time at Bain. He advises delegating tasks to your team and investing time in training them to perform at your level or better. Trust is the foundation of delegation, and it's built through investment in your team. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and surrounding yourself with people who share it. If someone doesn't buy into your vision, it may be necessary to reconsider their role in your team or organization. The speaker's approach is to give his vision once and move on if someone isn't on board. Ultimately, effective delegation and trusting your team can free up your time to focus on higher-level issues and help you build a successful organization.

    • Recognize and delegate responsibilitiesAcknowledge your limitations, build a strong team, and delegate tasks to focus on exceptional abilities. Embrace teamwork and find the right people to complement weaknesses.

      Recognizing and accepting your limitations, as well as surrounding yourself with a strong team, can lead to greater success than trying to do everything on your own. The speaker expresses a sense of relief when responsibilities are delegated to others, allowing them to focus on their exceptional abilities. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's weaknesses and finding the right people to complement those areas. The speaker shares his observation that some individuals become stuck in their perfectionism or desire to be the best at every small thing, ultimately hindering their growth and potential for greater success. Instead, he encourages embracing the idea that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and building a team that can cover the gaps. He also acknowledges the challenge of motivating and bringing out the best in others, suggesting that if individuals cannot do so, they may need to reevaluate the people they have in their business.

    • Understanding team dynamics and adjusting leadership styleRecognize that everyone wants a leader, not just a friend. Improve as a leader by having a clear vision, holding people accountable, and having difficult conversations. Age is no barrier to effective leadership. Surround yourself with supportive individuals and learn to recognize and leverage team members' strengths and weaknesses.

      Effective leadership involves understanding the dynamics of a team and adjusting one's management style accordingly. It's possible that team members may be disengaging due to various reasons, including a mismatch between leadership styles and personal preferences. However, it's essential to recognize that everyone wants a leader, not just a friend. Being aware of this and taking steps to improve as a leader, such as having a clear vision and holding people accountable, can help bring out the best in team members. Moreover, age is not a barrier to effective leadership. Even at a young age, one can learn and grow into the role. It's important to be patient with oneself and to surround oneself with supportive and constructive individuals. One practical step towards becoming a better leader is to have a difficult conversation with an employee, providing critical feedback in a respectful and constructive manner. This can be a daunting task, but it's an essential skill for any leader to master. Finally, it's important to remember that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and the key to successful leadership is to recognize and leverage these differences to build a strong and effective team.

    • Having tough conversations with team membersApproach one-on-one conversations with care, frame as feedback sessions, use 'but' conversation approach, have a supportive friend or mentor, lead to growth and positive change.

      Having tough conversations with team members is a necessary part of leadership, and it's important to approach these conversations with care and honesty. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of having one-on-one conversations, setting the tone by framing it as a feedback session, and using a "but" conversation approach to express both positive and negative feedback. He also shares his personal experience of being reluctant to have difficult conversations and the importance of having a supportive friend or mentor to help build the courage to do so. Ultimately, having these conversations can lead to growth and positive change for both the leader and the team member. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of receiving feedback and taking it seriously, as it can help the team member improve and grow in their role.

    • Recognition Matters: A Heartfelt Review Inspires a Podcast HostAuthentic recognition can inspire and motivate listeners, creating a loyal community. Encouraging feedback and acknowledging it publicly can lead to positive engagement and increased engagement with your content.

      The value of a genuine shout-out or recognition goes a long way. In this podcast episode, the host expressed gratitude for a listener's heartfelt 5-star review, which went beyond just praising the entrepreneurial content. The listener shared that the podcast provided inspiration for everyone, not just entrepreneurs. In response, the host promised to give daily shout-outs to favorite reviews, encouraging listeners to leave their own. This simple act of acknowledgement can make a significant impact, as the listener felt appreciated and motivated to continue engaging with the podcast. Ultimately, the exchange highlighted the importance of authentic recognition and the power it has to build a loyal community.

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