
    How to Lead Your Team, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO8

    enJuly 28, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from Each Other: Teamwork and LeadershipSuccessful people value mentorship, authentic motivation, and helping others succeed. Teamwork and leadership are crucial for success, and everyone can learn from each other's experiences.

      Successful people, like Andy and his business partners, understand the importance of mentorship, authentic motivation, and helping others achieve their potential. During this podcast episode, they welcomed special guests Ben Newman and Will Compton to discuss teamwork and leadership. Ben, a professional public speaker and performance coach, shared insights from working with executives and elite athletes, including Will Compton, a third-year player with the Washington Redskins. Will, a humble and accomplished individual, having been a captain at the University of Nebraska, offered valuable insights into leading a team. The conversation touched on the importance of learning from each other and growing together. This episode emphasized that teamwork and leadership are essential for success and that everyone can learn from each other's experiences.

    • The power of teamwork and leadershipEffective teamwork and leadership are crucial for success. Learn from experts and mentors, create a good team culture, and remember that it's the team that makes the dream happen, not just the leader.

      Nothing great is achieved alone. Effective teamwork and leadership are essential for success in any field, whether you're leading a team of zero or thousands. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning about teamwork and leadership early on, as the experience can be tough without guidance. He recommends checking out apps like Periscope to learn from others and following social media accounts of experts. The speaker also mentions that leaders often receive the credit, but it's the team that makes the dream happen. Creating a culture of good teamwork and being a good leader is crucial for success in sports, business, and other endeavors. The speaker shares his personal experiences of falling and trying to do things alone, and encourages listeners to think about the people on their team who can help them when they're in a tough spot.

    • Embrace the power of teamwork and trustEffective leaders acknowledge teamwork's importance, trust others, sell vision, and guide team towards shared future. Leaders ensure their actions align and inspire team.

      Effective leadership requires acknowledging the importance of teamwork and trusting others to contribute to your goals. This is especially crucial for business owners looking to expand from a solo operation to a larger enterprise. Additionally, it's essential to sell your vision and mission to your team with passion and conviction, positioning yourself as the number one salesperson for your business. Remember, you are the leader, and your job is to inspire and guide your team towards a shared future. Before leading others, ensure that you have your own actions and mindset in order, as your personality and behavior set the tone for your team. In essence, embracing the power of many is the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving greater success.

    • Leadership starts with the leader themselvesLeaders must take pride in details, execute vision, bring someone along, and remember what it's like to be new to inspire others.

      Effective leadership starts with the leader themselves. It's not just about having a vision or a mission, but also about executing it through action. Leaders must take pride in the seemingly insignificant details and be consistent in their actions. This is the only way to truly lead by example and inspire others to follow. Moreover, once a leader has themselves right, they must also bring someone else along and hold them accountable. This is essential for the team's success, as both leader and teammate need to know how to swim. It's important for leaders to remember what it's like to be new and show others the way. Many people find themselves in leadership roles by default, but true leadership is about performance and bringing people along, not just owning a business or being the best player on the field. Unfortunately, some people may never want to put in the effort to become better leaders, but for those who do, the rewards can be great.

    • The Importance of a Growth Mindset for Personal and Business GrowthA growth mindset is essential for continuous learning and improvement in both personal and business life. Focus on learning and seeking better ways to do things for true growth.

      Having a growth mindset is crucial for personal and business growth. Some individuals may only want to own a business for the title and status, but true growth and improvement come from a desire to learn and constantly seek better ways to do things. A fixed mindset, on the other hand, may hinder growth and limit potential. Great leaders, like London Fletcher, embody a growth mindset and focus on learning and improving in multiple areas of their lives. To achieve true growth, it's essential to understand what drives us and why we want to do something in the first place. The most successful individuals are constantly learning and seeking new ways to improve.

    • Humility and growth mindset in leadershipGreat leaders embody humility and a growth mindset, constantly seeking knowledge and improvement, and extending learning beyond their profession.

      Humility and a growth mindset are crucial qualities for effective leadership. Domonic and Sue, an example given in the discussion, embodied these traits by constantly seeking knowledge and improvement, even with the help of mentors and teammates. Regardless of one's accomplishments or current position, there is always room for growth, and humility allows individuals to remain open to learning and self-improvement. This mindset sets great leaders apart from the rest. Additionally, learning extends beyond one's profession and encompasses all aspects of life. Surrounding oneself with the right people and continuously seeking knowledge are essential components of personal and professional growth.

    • Invest in personal growth through learning and actionContinuous learning and personal development are essential for individual growth and success. Negative thoughts and beliefs can attract negativity, while positive thinking and action lead to progress. Leadership and taking responsibility for personal growth are crucial for effective business management and progressing past mediocrity.

      Personal development through reading, listening to motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, and practicing positive thinking are essential for individual growth and success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of investing in one's future by learning from these resources and applying the knowledge gained through action. He believes that one's thoughts and beliefs shape their reality, and negative thinking can attract negativity. The speaker also highlights the importance of being a leader and taking responsibility for personal growth before leading others. He acknowledges that progressing past mediocrity in business requires organizing and leading people effectively. Overall, the speaker encourages continuous learning and personal development as keys to success.

    • Learn from successful leaders and inspire othersContinuous learning, surrounding yourself with better people, inspiring through passion and vision, focusing on controllables, and being a dedicated teammate can make you a strong leader.

      Being a good leader involves continuous learning and surrounding yourself with people who are better than you. Reading and studying successful leaders is essential, and developing the ability to inspire others through your passion and vision is crucial. Additionally, focusing on the things you can control, such as attitude, effort, and beliefs, can help you become a strong team player and leader at any level. It's not necessary to be the top dog to make a positive impact; being a dedicated teammate and holding others to a high standard can also contribute significantly to a team's success.

    • Lead by example and hold oneself to the highest standardsDemonstrating dedication and commitment through small actions builds respect and trust within teams or organizations, ultimately contributing to a positive and productive culture.

      Earning the respect of a team or organization requires leading by example and holding oneself to the highest standards. This can be demonstrated through small actions, such as completing tasks and maintaining a clean work environment, even when no one is watching. As the speaker mentioned, this concept was instilled in him through his experiences as a football player, where discipline and accountability were essential for team success. This principle applies not only to sports but also to business and any team or organizational setting. By consistently demonstrating dedication and commitment, individuals can build respect and trust with their teammates or colleagues, ultimately contributing to a positive and productive culture.

    • Focusing on small details and taking care of them is crucial for effective leadership.Effective leaders prioritize small tasks, set an example of accountability, and up their own performance to positively impact team culture and results.

      Effective leadership involves consistently focusing on the small details and taking care of them, as well as being accountable for one's team. Coach Bopelini, who inspired the speaker, emphasized the importance of discipline and attention to detail in football. Similarly, in a business setting, leaders should set the example by taking care of the small tasks and expecting the same from their team. Neglecting these small responsibilities can negatively impact the team's performance and culture. As Coach Jay Gruden and their new strength coach, Mike Clark, have demonstrated, leading by example and creating a culture of accountability and hard work can lead to great results. Ultimately, upping one's own performance and taking care of the small details can solve many issues in a work environment.

    • Attaching meaning to tasks inspires workersEffective leaders explain the significance of tasks to inspire pride and motivation, while poor leaders only demand tasks leading to resentment and lackluster performance.

      Effective leadership goes beyond just managing tasks and involves teaching and attaching meaning to those tasks. This approach not only helps create a culture of inspired workers but also eliminates distractions and enhances efficiency. Using the example of cleaning a toilet, a good leader would explain the importance of keeping the workplace clean for customers and the impact it has on the business and individual growth. By doing so, the leader inspires pride in the work and fosters a motivated team. Conversely, a poor leader may only demand the task without explaining its significance, leading to resentment and lackluster performance. Ultimately, attaching meaning to tasks is crucial for building a strong team and creating a successful organization.

    • Communicating the reason behind tasks inspires employeesLeaders should explain the purpose of tasks to inspire and motivate teams, making employees 90% more likely to comply and give their best efforts.

      Providing employees with a clear and meaningful vision drives better behavior and engagement in the workplace. This is similar to how a coach's motivation and explanation behind exercises can make a significant difference in a team's performance. According to the discussion, the psychologist Robert Cialdini's research shows that people are 90% more likely to comply with a request if they understand the reason behind it. Thus, leaders should communicate the purpose and meaning behind tasks to inspire and motivate their teams, rather than just assigning them meaninglessly. By doing so, employees will feel more invested in their work and be more likely to give their best efforts towards achieving the team's goals.

    • Speak to team's purpose and express gratitudeEffective leadership involves identifying team's purpose, expressing appreciation for team efforts, and motivating diverse team members.

      Effective leadership involves identifying and speaking to the purpose and goal of a team, while also expressing genuine appreciation for the efforts of team members. These two strategies can motivate and retain a diverse team, making the challenging role of leadership more manageable. While some individuals may be motivated by money or recognition, speaking to the team's purpose and expressing gratitude can resonate with everyone. By focusing on these elements, leaders can create a unified and motivated team, ultimately driving the success of their business.

    • Leadership actions that inspire and motivateSpeak with purpose, define your purpose, show gratitude, give credit, focus on the 'why' and reflect on the vision to inspire and motivate team members

      Effective leadership involves speaking with purpose, defining your purpose, showing gratitude, and giving credit to your team. These actions inspire and motivate team members, creating a strong team culture focused on winning. Leaders should not hog the spotlight or throw team members under the bus, but instead, share the credit and acknowledge individual contributions. By focusing on the "why" and constantly reflecting on the vision, leaders can keep their team motivated and committed to the long-term goal. As Will Smith's analogy illustrates, each day is an opportunity to lay a perfect brick towards building a successful business or achieving a significant goal.

    • Be intentional in your actionsChoose your actions intentionally, align them with your vision, focus on what you can control, and write down your plans to stay motivated.

      Being intentional is key to achieving your goals and living the life you desire. This means being honest with yourself about your actions and aligning them with your vision. It's about focusing on what you can control, such as passion, effort, attitude, and focus, and connecting to the why behind your actions. Great leaders help their people recognize what they can do intentionally each day to drive progress towards their goals. It's important to write down your plans and review them daily to remind yourself why you're doing something and to help you stay motivated when the going gets tough. Everything starts with a thought in mind, so choose to be intentional in your actions and live up to the standard you have set for yourself.

    • Choosing personal growthBe intentional, humble, and committed to continuous learning for personal growth and success.

      Choosing and embracing new standards for personal growth and success is a deliberate decision, not an inherent trait. Whether it's in sports, business, or any other aspect of life, individuals can learn and adopt the habits, mindset, and knowledge that lead to success. The key is to be intentional, humble, and committed to continuous learning. As Tony Robbins says, it's 20% mechanics and 80% psychology. It's not about having something that others don't; it's about putting in the effort to learn and cultivate the skills and habits that will help you reach your goals. Don't let excuses hold you back; go out and make the choice to be the best version of yourself.

    • Embrace humility for personal growth and successConsider criticism as a tool for improvement, act as if we're already successful to inspire others, and strive for continuous self-improvement.

      Humility is a crucial aspect of success and personal growth. It allows us to learn from criticism and feedback, even when it comes from difficult sources. Instead of dismissing criticism as hate, it's important to consider the truth in it and use it to improve ourselves. Acting as if we are already successful leaders, with the belief that everyone is watching us, can help us maintain a high standard of behavior and inspire those around us. As Vince Lombardi and Tony Robbins have emphasized, acting as if we are already great can help us become great in reality. So, embrace humility, be open to feedback, and strive to be the best version of ourselves every day.

    • Believe in yourself and act like a successful leaderActing like a successful leader and believing in yourself can help overcome skepticism and resistance, even for new entrepreneurs

      Adopting a mindset of self-belief and acting as if you are already the successful leader or entrepreneur you aspire to be can help you achieve your goals, even when faced with skepticism and resistance from others. This concept, often referred to as "I am statements," involves framing yourself and tricking yourself into believing in your abilities and vision, despite any initial doubts or criticisms. This mindset shift was exemplified by Muhammad Ali, who famously declared himself "the greatest" despite initial ridicule and disbelief. For entrepreneurs starting out, this stage can be the most challenging, as it's the time when belief in your vision and leadership is most crucial, yet hardest to come by. Expect resistance and skepticism from your team, but by cultivating strong leadership qualities, selling your vision with purpose and gratitude, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can turn initial support into a dedicated team that believes in your vision and helps you grow your business.

    • Believing in yourself can lead to personal growth and successBelieving in yourself and setting big goals can help turn visions into reality, leading to personal growth and success. Avoid settling for small goals and continue challenging yourself to become a great leader.

      Having a strong belief in oneself and claiming "I am" statements can significantly impact personal growth and success. The example of Will Compton, who told himself he was an NFL linebacker with the Washington Redskins before it became a reality, illustrates this concept. By believing in himself and putting in the necessary work, Will was able to turn his vision into a reality. It's important to continue challenging oneself and reframing goals, from making the team to being the best on the team, and ultimately becoming a great leader. Avoiding the pitfall of settling for small goals and stopping the progression towards greatness is crucial. Speak things into existence and believe in your potential to achieve greatness.

    • Great leaders help team members learn from mistakesGreat leaders approach mistakes with empathy and a focus on improvement, using them as stepping stones towards success.

      Great leaders not only embrace their own potential but also help others reach theirs. They understand that failure is a natural part of the journey and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. When a team member makes a mistake, a great leader approaches the situation with empathy and a focus on improvement. They understand that everyone, including themselves, is human and will make mistakes. The key is to learn from those mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards success. Great leaders also understand the importance of staying committed to their goals and finding joy in the progress and growth of their team. They lead by example and inspire others to do the same. In the face of failure or setbacks, they remain resilient and continue to fight for the sake of winning the fight.

    • Learning from MistakesGreat leaders view mistakes as opportunities for growth and development, fostering a culture where employees feel empowered to learn and focus on their tasks.

      Great leaders understand that mistakes are a natural part of growth, both for individuals and organizations. Instead of punishing employees for their errors, they use them as opportunities for learning and development. By having compassion and reinforcing the value of the employee, companies can save costs in the long run and foster a culture where employees feel empowered to take initiative and focus on their tasks at hand. As the speaker emphasized, "when you're afraid to make mistakes, you're not playing at your best." Therefore, it's crucial to encourage a growth mindset and view mistakes as valuable lessons. This approach not only benefits the individual but also the team and the organization as a whole.

    • Leaders' support impacts team performanceEffective leaders inspire growth through education and motivation, rather than punishment, fostering a positive team culture and helping individuals overcome fears and mistakes.

      The support and encouragement of leaders can significantly impact an individual's performance and the overall team dynamic. A single mistake can lead to fear and hesitation among team members, hindering creativity and morale. Effective leaders recognize this and use it as an opportunity for education and growth, rather than punishment. Coaches and mentors, such as John Wooden and Tony Robbins, are valued for their ability to inspire and motivate individuals to reach their full potential. By focusing on the process and providing constructive feedback, leaders can foster a positive team culture and help individuals overcome their fears and mistakes.

    • The value of tough coachingTough coaching can lead to personal growth and success, even if initially challenging. Focus on the process and competing every day, rather than just results, and learn from coaches with various leadership styles.

      Having a tough, demanding coach or leader can be challenging at first, but ultimately leads to personal growth and success. The speakers shared their experiences of initially disliking hard-nosed coaches like Bill Parcells and Bo Pelini, but later realizing the value of their mentorship. They emphasized the importance of focusing on the process and competing every day, rather than just focusing on results. The speakers also admired the leadership styles of Tony Dungy and Tom Osborne, despite their different personalities. They concluded that learning from coaches with various leadership styles can provide valuable insights into effective leadership and help individuals become better versions of themselves.

    • The Importance of Supportive PeopleSurround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in your abilities to achieve great things and make a positive impact on the world.

      The power of having supportive people in your life cannot be overstated. The speaker in this conversation expresses his admiration for a young man he's met, who despite being only 25 years old, has already accomplished great things. The speaker is grateful for the opportunity to meet him and learn from him, and he expresses his belief that the young man is destined for even greater success. Throughout the conversation, the speaker emphasizes that he himself has only been able to achieve what he has because of the people around him. He acknowledges that he hasn't made up the positive things he's said about the young man, but rather, he's repeating what others have told him. This conversation underscores the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you and your abilities. It's clear that the speaker feels fortunate to have such people in his own life, and he encourages others to do the same. By focusing on the people in our lives who lift us up and help us grow, we can achieve great things and make a positive impact on the world.

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    Intro music credit Bensound.com