
    How To Make $100 Per Day In The Stock Market ft. Jeremy Financial Education

    enMarch 31, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Investment Opportunities and Nordstrom's SuccessGraham and Jack made over $50,000 on YouTube, discussing Nordstrom's tripled value stock and potential investment opportunities, with Mateo wearing a Versace shirt as a challenge.

      Graham and Jack have made over $50,000 through their YouTube channel in under a year and a half, and they discuss various investment opportunities such as Nordstrom stock which has tripled in value since they bought it. Mateo, a frequent guest, joined the conversation wearing an expensive Versace shirt, which he bought as a challenge to see if it felt different from a regular t-shirt. The group also touched on the current state of the stock market and the potential for inflation, with Nordstrom's success being attributed to the large amount of money sloshing around in the market looking for investment opportunities.

    • Navigating Overvalued Markets with Insider InformationTo succeed in overvalued markets, investors rely on insider information and a deep understanding of a company's fundamentals before investing.

      The current market is experiencing an influx of money from various investors, leading to overvalued stocks, particularly those with high growth potential. This trend has brought new participants into the stock market, even those with significant wealth, who are looking to invest and grow their money further. For investors like the speaker, finding the best deals amidst this market can be challenging, but they often rely on private Discord chats and communities for stock recommendations from trained analysts. When considering a potential investment, the first step is to understand the fundamentals of the business, including what it does and its financials, before delving deeper.

    • Starting Your Stock ResearchThoroughly research a company's profile, use tech tools, and delve deeper into valuation before investing.

      Thorough research is essential when considering investing in a stock. The speaker emphasizes the importance of starting with a basic understanding of a company's profile and what they do through resources like Yahoo Finance. From there, more in-depth research can be conducted on the investor relations page and other sources. The speaker also mentions the use of technology, such as bots, to help identify popular stocks and trends. However, it's important to go beyond surface-level information and consider factors like valuation before making an investment decision. The process can take varying amounts of time, and it's not always guaranteed that an investment will be successful. Overall, the key takeaway is that due diligence and a thoughtful approach are crucial when it comes to investing in the stock market.

    • Regrets of Missed Opportunities in the Stock MarketInvestors like Dave Hanson have regrets about missing out on undervalued stocks like AMD and NVIDIA, but holding onto every stock may not be the best strategy as some will be bought out by other companies.

      Even seasoned investors like Dave Hanson have regrets about missed opportunities in the stock market. Hanson shared stories about missing out on AMD and NVIDIA when they were undervalued and how those stocks significantly increased in value over the years. He also mentioned regretting selling stocks too early, only to see them continue to grow. When asked if he would have been better off holding onto every stock he ever bought, Hanson acknowledged that some of his stocks were bought out by other companies, but most of them would have continued to grow. He also shared Cathie Wood's prediction of Tesla reaching $1500 to $4000 a share by 2025, which seems ambitious given Tesla's current sales numbers, but Hanson acknowledged that she is more bullish than he is. Overall, Hanson's experiences highlight the importance of understanding a company's business model and having patience in the stock market.

    • ARK Invest's Bullish Prediction for Tesla's GrowthARK Invest, led by Cathie Wood, predicts Tesla's stock price to reach up to $10,000, but skeptics question their methods and motivations. Tesla's performance heavily influences ARK's growth, creating potential risks if stock price declines.

      Cathie Wood and ARK Invest are extremely bullish on Tesla's growth potential, predicting its stock price to reach up to $10,000 per share in the future. However, some skeptics question their methods and motivations, suggesting they might be inflating expectations to benefit their ETF and brand. ARK Invest's success heavily relies on Tesla's performance, as the electric vehicle company has significantly contributed to their growth. If Tesla's stock price were to decline, it could lead to a domino effect, potentially causing investors to withdraw their funds and forcing ARK to sell their Tesla shares, further impacting the stock price negatively. While this is a possibility, it's essential to remember that ARK Invest has always had ambitious price targets and that their reputation might not be as negatively affected if their predictions don't pan out.

    • Focus on long-term valuations and productivityInvest wisely by considering long-term valuations and companies' potential to fulfill them, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle for overall well-being and productivity.

      While it's important to consider market trends and potential risks, it's equally important not to be overly influenced by persistent negative voices or fear-mongering in investment decisions. Instead, focus on long-term valuations and the potential for companies to fulfill those valuations over time. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, can contribute to overall well-being and productivity. The process of building muscle involves small tears in the muscle that need to be rebuilt stronger, much like the investment market. It's essential to understand that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of both processes and to approach them with a long-term perspective.

    • Staying dedicated and focused on long-term goalsDedication and perseverance in bodybuilding and investing require commitment and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Admiration for athletes' long-term performance and respect for business acumen gained through investment research.

      Dedication and perseverance, whether it's in bodybuilding or investing, require a great deal of commitment and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. The speaker expressed admiration for professional athletes who continue to perform at a high level despite aging and injuries. Similarly, the speaker's investment strategy involves long-term commitment and the ability to identify promising stocks and hold onto them for significant gains. The speaker also mentioned his respect for the business acumen he's gained through researching companies for investment purposes. While the conversation touched on various topics, the underlying theme was the importance of staying dedicated and focused on long-term goals.

    • Options Trading: Profitable but RiskyOptions trading can be profitable but comes with significant risk. While the GameStop situation generated interest, the speaker advises caution and a solid understanding of risk before engaging in complex options strategies.

      While options trading can be profitable, it comes with significant risk and is not for everyone. The speaker, who considers himself a stock market expert, has mixed feelings about the GameStop fiasco. He sees it as an opportunity to get people interested in the stock market, but doesn't have a strong opinion on its future value. The speaker also prefers to buy stocks outright rather than engage in complex options strategies. He acknowledges that some individuals consistently make profits with options, but warns that many people have lost money in the process. The speaker also mentions that the GameStop situation is unlikely to result in anyone losing everything they own, despite some wild price predictions. Overall, the speaker's advice is to approach the stock market with caution and a solid understanding of risk.

    • The Risks and Rewards of Speculative InvestingLarge bets on volatile stocks can lead to significant gains or losses, underscoring the importance of careful analysis and risk management.

      The market is currently experiencing extreme volatility, as evidenced by the recent events surrounding GameStop's stock. An investor named Chris B Stocks made a large bet on the stock, putting in $80,000 and seeing it rise to potentially over $900,000 before ultimately expiring worthlessly. Despite warnings from others, including JB and the speaker himself, Chris held onto his position, convinced the stock would reach $10,000 per share. This situation highlights the risks and potential rewards of speculative investing, as well as the larger concern of market instability. The ease with which some individuals are able to gamble large sums of money raises questions about the overall health of the economy. However, not all outcomes were negative, as another friend of the speaker sold $800 strike options expiring in April for a profit of $12,000, demonstrating the potential for gains in this volatile market.

    • Unpredictability in the Stock Market, especially in the EV sectorUnderstanding market reactions to economic conditions and corporate earnings is crucial for managing risks in the stock market, particularly in the volatile EV sector.

      The stock market, particularly in the EV sector, can be unpredictable and risky, with significant potential for both impressive gains and substantial losses. For instance, while some stocks like Nio have seen dramatic increases, others like Workhorse and Lordstown Motors have experienced significant declines. The market's reaction to the Nasdaq's performance is a crucial factor, as a downturn in the Nasdaq could lead to substantial losses for high-risk stocks like Tesla and its competitors. As the economy recovers and corporate earnings become the focus, it's essential for companies to deliver strong earnings to justify their valuations and continue attracting investors. Overall, the stock market requires careful consideration and a solid understanding of the risks involved.

    • Considering Margin in Investing: Risks and RewardsFocus on undervalued companies, limit downside, hedge with options, be patient, and avoid overextending.

      Using margin in investing can be beneficial, but it's crucial to carefully consider the potential risks and downside before doing so. The speaker shares his strategy of focusing on undervalued companies with limited downside and ensuring he has enough funds to back his positions. He also mentions the importance of hedging with options to protect against potential losses. The speaker also shares his experience of buying stocks during the March 2020 crash and missing the exact bottom, emphasizing the importance of being patient and not overextending oneself.

    • Government Intervention in Economic DownturnsThe speaker believes that government and Federal Reserve actions will prevent significant market drops and may provide financial aid to individuals and families during economic hardships, despite controversy.

      The speaker shares his experience of the unprecedented market downturn caused by the pandemic and expresses his belief that the government and the Federal Reserve will take measures to prevent significant market drops, even in traditional economic downturns. He also mentions the possibility of large-scale financial aid to individuals and families as a potential response to economic hardships. The speaker acknowledges the controversy surrounding such measures but also shares his personal experience of relying on government assistance during a medical emergency when he had no other means to pay for his bills. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the role of government intervention in mitigating economic hardships and the potential implications of such actions on the economy and individuals.

    • Debating the potential implementation of a universal basic incomeConcerns surround UBI's impact on society and potential for addressing inefficiencies in government spending to improve living standards

      There are valid concerns on both sides of the debate regarding the potential implementation of a universal basic income (UBI), with some arguing it could change the fabric of the United States, while others believe there is significant government waste that could be redirected towards improving living standards for all. The discussion highlighted the example of Santa Monica, which generates over a billion dollars in revenue annually but still faces issues such as high rent and wasteful fees. Some believe that addressing these inefficiencies could free up resources for UBI implementation. Ultimately, the success of UBI would depend on the economic conditions and the ability to effectively implement it while minimizing waste.

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges in BusinessBe prepared for unexpected hurdles when moving or starting a business, and be patient and persistent in navigating through them.

      Doing business in certain places, like Las Vegas, can come with unexpected challenges, such as dealing with multiple Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and long delivery times for appliances. These issues can lead to significant stress and financial strain. The speaker shares his personal experiences with delayed orders from KitchenAid and Wayfair, and how he considered using social media to pressure the companies into fulfilling their promises. However, he also acknowledges the potential consequences of public confrontations and the importance of considering alternative solutions. Ultimately, the lesson learned is to be prepared for unexpected hurdles when moving or starting a business, and to be patient and persistent in navigating through them.

    • Leveraging social media for change and personal interestsA large social media following can lead to influencing change and expressing personal interests, from sharing important issues to appreciating traditional watches. Even digital assets like NFTs can hold significant value.

      Having a large following on social media can be beneficial in various ways, including having a platform to share important experiences or issues and potentially influencing change. For instance, the speaker discussed a situation where a company failed to address an issue, and they planned to create content to bring attention to it. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the speaker's interest in watches and how they appreciate the traditional design and style they represent. Furthermore, the discussion included an intriguing mention of a Rolex selling as an NFT for a massive sum, raising questions about the value of digital assets versus physical possessions.

    • Negotiating Affordable Prices for Personal ItemsSpeaker saved money on a watch and Pokemon box through negotiation, but aims to limit future purchases and explores alternative investments like NFTs for long-term value

      The speaker found a more affordable watch through negotiation and now prefers its style over his previous one, but he's trying to limit his watch purchases due to his tendency to wear one repeatedly while the others collect dust. Another topic discussed was the speaker's investment in a Pokemon box, which he bought after negotiating the price with a trusted source. The speaker expressed interest in alternative investments, such as the Pokemon market or creating NFTs for partial ownership of high-value items like luxury cars. The speaker plans to hold onto the Pokemon box long-term.

    • A Collector's Perspective: Pokemon Cards as Valuable Art PiecesCollectors view Pokemon cards as valuable art pieces, prioritizing condition and rarity over financial gain, and their worth depends on market demand and personal attachment.

      The speaker views his Pokemon card, specifically a Charizard holographic card, as a valuable art piece rather than just an investment. He is willing to hold onto it long-term, hoping it will increase in value, but also enjoys displaying it and sharing the experience with others. The speaker passed on another box with a torn plastic seal despite its rarity, preferring the perfect condition of the one he purchased. The scarcity of first edition Pokemon cards, especially those owned by collectors like Gary, contributes to their potential high value. The speaker believes the cards' value will depend on what others are willing to pay over time. While the speaker has the financial means to buy multiple cards, he only purchased one, indicating a personal attachment to the item.

    • The Importance of Engaging Content and Attracting ViewersCreating successful content requires skill and attention to detail. Titles and thumbnails play a crucial role in attracting viewers, but maintaining a balance between quantity and quality is essential.

      Creating engaging content, whether it's through thumbnails, titles, or videos, requires a significant amount of skill and attention to detail. The pressure to produce high-performing content can be immense, with titles and thumbnails playing a crucial role in attracting viewers. Even a small mistake can lead to substantial financial losses. Despite the challenges, the reward of creating successful content can be satisfying. The speaker expresses admiration for those, like Kevin, who consistently put out a large volume of content, but also acknowledges the importance of maintaining a balance between quantity and quality. Additionally, the speaker shares a neutral stance on NFTs and expresses an interest in exploring their potential for monetizing content, such as thumbnails, in the future.

    • Comparing oneself to successful creators can be misleadingFocus on consistent, high-quality content that aligns with your strengths and audience, and be cautious of new financial opportunities.

      While comparing oneself to successful creators like Kevin can be tempting, it's essential to understand that everyone operates on different levels and has unique resources. Kevin's prolific content output is impressive but unsustainable for most, and attempting to replicate it could negatively impact one's channel. Instead, focusing on consistent, high-quality content that aligns with one's strengths and audience is key. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks and limitations of new financial opportunities, such as investing in cryptocurrencies, before diving in. The speaker's net worth is primarily invested in stocks, with some cash and a small amount of real estate. They are hesitant to invest more in cryptocurrencies due to uncertainty and a lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

    • Exploring Investment Opportunities: Crypto Funds vs. Starting a BusinessSpeakers discuss crypto funds' profit generation and consider starting a financial app business, predicting launch within 30-90 days. Involvement in stocks and other investments also mentioned.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing various investment opportunities, including crypto funds and starting a new business. While one speaker expresses confusion about how crypto funds make money, another is excited about starting a financial app business. The launch of the app is predicted to take place within the next 30 to 90 days, and those interested can sign up for updates in the video description. The speakers also mention their involvement in stocks and other investments. Overall, the conversation highlights the diverse investment landscape and the excitement surrounding new business ventures.

    • Importance of reputation and credibility in stock market communityBuilding a solid reputation and consistently delivering strong returns is crucial for success in the stock market community. Everyone faces scrutiny and challenges, so focusing on the merits of the stock is key.

      Respect and credibility are crucial in the stock market community. An individual's reputation and track record matter when it comes to stock picking and investing. In the conversation, the speaker expressed frustration over having to constantly defend his stock picks against someone who hasn't yet proven themselves in the community. Despite having respect for this person in other areas, the speaker felt the need to establish his credibility in the stock market arena. This situation highlights the importance of building a solid reputation and consistently delivering strong returns in the stock market community. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that everyone, regardless of their background or experience, must deal with the challenges and scrutiny that come with being a part of this community. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged focusing on the merits of the stock itself rather than engaging in unnecessary disputes or gossip.

    • Embrace continuous improvement and calculated risksInvesting: Understand business models and explore diverse strategies. YouTube: Experiment with off-topic content and enhance thumbnail quality for higher engagement.

      Success in any field, including investing and YouTube, doesn't necessarily mean being better than others but rather understanding the importance of continuous improvement and taking calculated risks. In investing, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding business models and being open to various investment strategies. As a YouTuber, the speaker acknowledges the need to take more risks in off-topic content and improve thumbnail quality for better engagement. Ultimately, it's about staying competitive and striving for improvement in every aspect.

    • Creating intriguing video titles and thumbnailsEffective titles and thumbnails can boost viewership. Speakers shared strategies like using attention-grabbing synonyms and brainstorming ideas. New finance YouTubers may emerge on TikTok, appealing to younger audiences.

      Effective video titles and thumbnails that pique curiosity can significantly increase viewership. The speakers discussed their experiences with intriguing titles like "Ethereum is About to Self Destruct" and "The Stock Market Just Flipped," which generated interest and made viewers want to know more. They also shared their process of finding unique and attention-grabbing titles by looking up synonyms and brainstorming ideas. Additionally, they discussed the possibility of a new generation of finance YouTubers emerging on social media platforms like TikTok, who may better understand the nuances of those platforms and appeal to younger audiences. The speakers also acknowledged the importance of building a loyal audience and gaining respect within the stock market community through consistent and valuable content.

    • Balancing Growth and Sustainability in Investing and Content CreationGraham is considering more sustainable content creation methods for his YouTube channel, such as vlogs or podcasts, to reduce the pressure of constantly producing new videos. He currently invests in both index funds and individual stocks, with a larger percentage allocated to individual stocks due to their recent performance.

      While Graham has been successful with his current investing strategies, there's room for him to be more aggressive. The conversation also touched on the potential for Graham to consider more sustainable content creation methods for his YouTube channel as the demands of maintaining a high output begin to take a toll. Additionally, Graham shared that he currently invests in both index funds and individual stocks, with a larger percentage allocated to individual stocks due to their recent performance. When asked about his future plans for YouTube, Graham expressed that he's considering shifting to more sustainable content creation methods, such as vlogs or podcasts, to reduce the pressure of constantly producing new videos for his main channel. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of striking a balance between growth and sustainability in both investing and content creation.

    • Graham Stephan's Contemplation of Passing the YouTube Finance MantleDespite considering delegation and continuing his podcast, Graham finds it hard to let go of his main YouTube channel and make tough investment decisions, emphasizing the importance of planning and making hard choices in managing a successful YouTube channel and investment portfolio.

      Graham Stephan, a popular YouTuber known for his finance content, is contemplating passing the mantle to someone else, but he's unsure if he's ready to let go of his position as the "king of YouTube finance." He recognizes the value of delegating tasks and continuing his podcast and secondary channel, but the planning and execution of his main YouTube channel are challenging for him. When asked about his top stocks, he mentioned Corsair Gaming, Tattooed Chef, and a difficult choice between Facebook and Tesla. If he could only hold three stocks for the next 10 years, he would choose Planet, Tattooed Chef, and Facebook. He finds it difficult to choose favorites among his stocks, just as it is to choose among his children. Graham believes Coursera is undervalued and a good investment for the future. Overall, Graham's conversation highlights the importance of planning, delegation, and making tough decisions in managing a successful YouTube channel and investment portfolio.

    • Stay engaged and take advantage of opportunitiesSubscribe, like, and hit the notification bell for updates. Use correct tools and don't miss out on free opportunities like a free stock offer.

      It's important to stay informed and engaged with the content you're interested in. The speaker in the video encourages viewers to subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell for updates. Additionally, they offer a free stock, which is completely free and comes with no cost. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of using the correct tools, as shown in the video. Overall, the message is to stay engaged and take advantage of opportunities, like the free stock offer. Remember, knowledge and opportunities are valuable, so make the most of them. Don't forget to subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell for future updates.

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    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED   Range Rover Sport: Start designing your Range Rover Sport today at https://www.LandRoverUSA.com Streamyard: Start creating high-quality content easily with https://clickurl.ca/ICH-StreamYard   FOLLOW LEILA HORMOZI: https://www.instagram.com/leilahormozi NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. Time Stamps : 0:00 - Intro 1:07 - How Leila overcame a troublesome childhood to become successful 8:08 - What was it like to be arrested? 9:11 - How she escaped the bad path she was on. 12:13 - Can you reprogram your fears to motivate yourself? 15:37 - Why Leila doesn't speak to her mother. 26:01 - How she healed by using logic 30:03 - How can you change your life if you feel stuck? 32:49 - How has studying behavioral psychology contributed to where you are today? 38:52 - How to stop overthinking 41:11 - Leila's 6 life cheat codes 46:27 - How to beat procrastination 48:10 - If you started over, what is the fastest way to make $1,000,000 50:27 - Body positivity movement 56:55 - Current food trends and how they contribute to the obesity epidemic 01:05:26 - Fitness and diet dogma 01:10:05 - Can anyone make it in sales? 01:13:00 - Will AI take over sales? 01:21:30 - Why does Leila want to make $1,000,000,000 01:25:27 - Who is your biggest mentor? 01:28:16 - How does a billionaire act differently from a normal person? 01:31:40 - How are you able to work so much without burning out? 01:38:22 - Thoughts on the current state of the economy 01:42:16 - Managing remote workers 01:43:21 - What is Acquisition.com? 01:47:39 - Thoughts on having children? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    The Iced Coffee Hour
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    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    “THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Bitcoin, Money, and Freedom

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership Babbel: Visit https://www.Babbel.com/ICH to get up to 60% OFF & learn a new language Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich https://x.com/saylor https://www.hope.com/ NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: Intro - 0:00 Michael Saylor’s Background (Starting MicroStrategy) - 1:55 Why Michael Bought $250M in Bitcoin During COVID - 4:25 How To Spot "New Trends" Before They Happen - 19:04 Michael Saylor’s Thoughts On AI - 24:53 Why Your View on Money & Economics Is "Defective" - 36:31 Inflation, War & Collapsing Currencies - 42:20 What Is Bitcoin & Why Is It So Useful? - 55:09 The Biggest Pros & Cons of Bitcoin - 1:02:51 BTC vs ETH - 1:08:50 The Human Condition, Power & Bitcoin’s Place In It All - 1:16:57 The Problem w/ Fiat Money - 1:23:48 How the Government Will Start to Regulate Crypto - 1:37:05 Is It Too Late to Buy Bitcoin? - 1:47:29 The Longevity of Bitcoin - 1:54:57 How Bitcoin Mining Will ALWAYS Have Value - 2:24:02 How Michael Learned All This - 2:34:53 How to Not Take on Too Much at Once - 2:48:05 How It Feels to Lose $6,000,000,000 in a Day - 3:00:11 Closing Thoughts - 3:18:41 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enJune 02, 2024

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    Kevin O’Leary: “The BIGGEST Myth About Money That Keeps You POOR!”

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Vanta: Get $1,000 OFF at https://www.Vanta.com/ICED https://www.instagram.com/kevinolearytv NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Why You Shouldn't Become An Entrepreneur - 0:50 Why "Watch Insurance" Is A Scam - 6:14 The BEST First Watch To Get - 11:08 The Most Overrated Watch - 15:38 Why Kevin Fired His Own Mother - 16:59 Kevin O’Leary Explains The Value Of Time - 20:29 What Body Language Tells You About A Person - 28:23 Kevin O'Leary's BEST Shark Tank Investments - 34:08 Why A Morning Routine Is Crucial - 38:11 Pitching A Product VS Pitching Yourself - 50:36 Kevin O'Leary On TikTok Being Chinese Spyware - 54:33 What Is The Role Of The Government? - 58:07 Is Being Poor Your Fault? - 1:02:03 Why The Tax Rate Should Be Flat - 1:06:22 Why California's $20 Minimum Wage Is A Huge Mistake - 1:10:00 Will AI take over the US job market? - 1:10:48 Kevin’s Dating Advice To Jack - 1:15:00 Why Kevin LOVES Business Of Death & Divorce - 1:27:56 Something Most People Don't Know About Kevin O'Leary - 1:30:42 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 27, 2024

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    Confronting Don Lemon On Failed Elon Musk Interview

    MasterClass: Visit https://MasterClass.com/ICH for 15% off ANY Annual Membership ZocDoc: Go to https://www.zocdoc.com/ICED and download the Zocdoc App for FREE Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Follow Don Lemon: YouTube @TheDonLemonShow Twitter / X: https://x.com/donlemon/ Instagram:   / donlemonofficial   Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 Does Mainstream Media Divide People On Purpose? - 1:37 How Self-Reporting "Neutral Networks" Are A Big Problem - 8:43 Why CNN Is The "Most Trusted News Source" - 12:04 Why Don Was Fired From CNN - 15:48 Don Lemon on "X" As A News Source - 17:59 Do Billionaires Pay Less In Taxes? - 22:48 Should There Be Billionaires? - 24:16 Is Don Lemon A Patriot? - 25:41 Is Social Media Moderation A Violation Of Free Speech? - 26:06 Don Explains His Disagreement W/ Elon Musk On "Free speech" - 32:46 Should People Listen To The News? - 38:55 Don Lemon Explains Why “The Elon Musk Interview" Went Well - 40:10 How Don ALMOST Signed A Contract W/ Elon Musk - 44:53 How Don Prepped For The Elon Musk Interview- 57:44 Don Explains The Dangers Of Echo Chambers - 1:04:29 How Tucker Carlson Could’ve Interviewed Putin Better - 1:10:26 Common Misunderstandings About Don Lemon - 1:12:00 Don Clarifies His Controversial Comment: "White Men Are the Biggest Terror Threat" - 1:16:30 Rapid Fire Questions About “The Republican Party” - 1:19:28 Closing Remarks - 1:22:32 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 21, 2024

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    FBI’s Most Wanted Con Artist: How To Get Insanely Rich | Matthew Cox

    NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis    / @insidetruecrime   NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Time Stamps: Intro - 0:00 The First Fraud Mathew Cox Ever Committed - 3:24 Matt’s Secret To Staying Calm Under Pressure - 12:34 Exploring Matt Cox's History with Fraud - 18:00 How Much Money Matt Was Making From His First Scam - 24:14 Matthew Starts His Own Fraudulent Brokerage - 30:16 Getting Caught By The FBI (Wearing A Wire) - 48:03 Why Criminals ALWAYS Turn In Their Accomplice - 58:52 Matt Cox On Cheating and His CRAZY Ex Wife - 1:06:51 Making Synthetic Identities & Buying Houses W/ Them - 1:11:16 How To Make A Living After 13 Years In Prison - 1:46:07 How Matthew’s Henchmen Started Getting Arrested - 1:55:31 What It's Like To Be "On The Run" - 2:06:43 Matt Almost Gets Caught At The Bank - 2:16:58 Why Matt Started Stealing Homeless People’s Identities - 2:23:42 Matt’s Scheme Begins To Unravel - 2:28:23 Running From The Secret Service & Fleeing To Tennessee - 2:53:33 Matt’s Big Mistake: A New Girlfriend - 2:56:42 Matt Gets Caught - 3:06:38 The Lawyer In Prison Who Stole $200 Million From The Federal... - 3:36:14 Matt Cox On Meeting His Ex Wife - 4:01:24 Why It’s Easier To Commit Worse Crimes After You’ve Done One - 4:08:47 The Real Story Behind The Movie "Catch Me If You Can" - 4:13:14 How The Fraud Matt Cox Committed Could've Been Stopped - 4:15:21 Matt Cox Teaches Jack How To Get A Girlfriend - 4:18:23 Closing Thoughts - 4:25:50 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    The Iced Coffee Hour
    enMay 14, 2024

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Mikhaila Peterson on Cancel Culture, Depression, and Fighting The Woke Mob

    Ahrefs: Sign up for Ahrefs Free Webmaster Tool at https://www.ahrefs.com/awt Yahoo Finance: Visit https://www.Yahoofinance.com for comprehensive financial news & analysis Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/ich Subscribe to @mikhaila Mikhaila Peterson Here Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram:   / jlsselby    / gpstephan   Official Clips Channel:    / @theicedcoffeehourclips   For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Intro - 0:00 What It Is Like Growing Up With Jordan Peterson As Your Father - 1:20 Don't Listen To Stupid Rules - 5:51 How Jordan's VIRAL Argument Impacted The Peterson Family - 7:27 Why Mikhaila ONLY Eats Steak - 12:31 How Mikhaila Knew She Was Depressed - 13:22 Can Depression Be Solved For Anybody? - 16:12 How Diet Cured Mikhaila's Depression - 17:31 Mikhaila Explains 'The Lion Diet' - 20:54 The Ideal Diet For The Average Person - 41:06 How Mikhaila Prepares Her Steaks - 42:12 Mikhaila's Thoughts On Veganism - 42:54 Why Mikhaila & Jordan Are So Controversial - 43:41 Mikhaila On 'The Sunday Times' Hit Piece & Negative Media - 49:38 Why Billionaires Support Media Publications - 52:40 Why Mikhaila Has ZERO TRUST For The Medical System - 59:11 Depression vs Deep Sadness - 1:04:45 How The "Trans Issue" Has Gotten Out Of Hand - 1:07:57 The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children - 1:10:36 Mikhaila's Relationship W/ God & Religion - 1:13:58 Mikhaila On Her Dad - Jordan Peterson - 1:21:56 Does Mikhaila Feel Like She Is Living In Her Father's Shadow? - 1:23:49 Is Modern Dating Screwed? - 1:27:11 Why Mikhaila Got Married After ONLY 3 Months - 1:35:14 The Advantages Of Working With Your Spouse - 1:40:53 What Divorce Taught Mikhaila - 1:44:01 Is It Good To Be Brutally Honest? - 1:49:08 Closing Thoughts - 1:59:03 *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Confronting The Squatter Living In My Home (Actual Footage)

    Oracle: Free test drive of OCI at https://oracle.com/iced NetSuite: Take advantage of NetSuite’s Flexible Financing Program: https://www.netsuite.com/ICED Prolon: Go to https://prolonlife.com/ich for 10% off their 5-day nutrition program https://www.youtube.com/@FlashShelton https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-elderly-remove-their-squatters NEW: Join us at http://www.icedcoffeehour.club for premium content - Enjoy! Add us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlsselby https://www.instagram.com/gpstephan Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ24VfikOriqSdKtomh0w For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: tmatsradio@gmail.com For Podcast Inquiries, please DM @icedcoffeehour on Instagram! Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Why Flash Started Hunting Squatters 5:12 - The Type Of Person Who “Squats” 8:56 - How Flash Got Squatters Out Of His Mom’s House 12:41 - How Much It Costs to Remove A Squatter 17:25 - The ONE WAY To Stop Squatters 23:28 - The Common Ways Squatters Are Taking Homes Right Now 26:33 - It’s ILLEGAL For Homeowners To Do This… 28:55 - The Commonalities Between People Who Squat 31:16 - How Flash Gets Squatters To Leave 37:05 - What Flash CAN vs CAN’T Do To Get Rid Of Squatters 40:12 - How This Old Woman’s Caregiver Ruined Her Life 42:58 - The Adam Fleishman Squatter Story *SUPER SAD* 52:20 - Why Suing A Squatter Is Nearly Impossible 56:12 - How YOU Can Protect Your Property From Squatters 59:42 - Flash’s Thoughts On Florida Taking A Stand Against Squatting 1:03:36 - How Do Squatters Pick A House? 1:09:01 - Why Lease Agreements Aren’t Treated Like Contracts 1:14:06 - ‘Getting Rid Of Squatters’: How Flash’s Business Works 1:19:17 - The Hardest Squatter Flash Has Ever Tried To Remove 1:24:52 - Backlash Flash Has Received For Removing Squatters 1:27:33 - Squatter In Hollywood Hills EXPLOITS AirBnB 1:32:10 - The CRAZIEST Squatter Situation Flash Has Dealt With 1:36:14 - The Person Trying To SCAM Flash For $100,000?! 1:46:09 - Closing Thoughts *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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