
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Different Types of StressRecognize eustress as good stress, manage hypostress with new challenges, and mitigate hyperstress through relaxation techniques.

      Stress is a natural response to situations that upset our balance, but it's important to understand that not all stress is the same. Stress is not inherently bad, as it has benefits for our bodies. However, chronic stress can become problematic. There are three types of stress: eustress (or "good stress"), which helps us grow and perform at our best; hypostress, which is under-stimulation or boredom; and hyperstress, which is excessive stress. Understanding these different types of stress can help us manage it effectively and maintain balance in our lives. Remember, stress is a part of life, but it's important to recognize when it becomes chronic and take steps to address it.

    • Understanding Stress: An Internal ResponseStress is a natural response to threats, but chronic stress can negatively impact health. Taking ownership of our mindset and managing stress proactively is essential for well-being.

      Stress is primarily a mental and emotional response that originates from within us, despite external circumstances. When faced with a threat, our bodies naturally respond by releasing stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, preparing us for fight or flight. This response can increase heart rate, muscle tension, and sharpen senses, helping us react quickly to danger. However, chronic stress can have negative effects on our health if not managed properly. Therefore, taking ownership of our mindset and proactively managing stress is crucial for maintaining well-being.

    • Understanding Different Types of Stress: E-stress, U-stress, and R-stressRecognize the difference between good, harmful, and beneficial stress and learn to manage them effectively to maintain mental and emotional well-being.

      Our perception of situations determines whether they cause stress or excitement. Stress is a necessary mechanism for survival, but it can manifest differently for different people. There are three types of stress: E-stress, or good stress, which can be exciting and short-term, such as riding a roller coaster; U-stress, or distress, which is harmful and prolonged, like chronic stress; and R-stress, or eustress, which is beneficial and short-term, like the feeling of accomplishment after completing a task. It's important to recognize the difference between these types of stress and learn how to manage them effectively. Overall, our minds play a significant role in determining our experience of stress, and developing healthy coping mechanisms can help us navigate the challenges of daily life.

    • Embrace the Positive Side of StressPush out of comfort zone, set goals, and challenge yourself to experience eu-stress, the positive response to new challenges, while avoiding hypo-stress, the stress of understimulation.

      Stress, often perceived as negative, can actually be good for us. Known as "eu-stress," it's the positive response our bodies have to new challenges and experiences. Eu-stress enhances motivation, focus, energy, and creativity, while also providing feelings of hope, meaningfulness, and vitality. To create more eu-stress in your life, push yourself out of your comfort zone, set achievable goals, and embrace new challenges. Conversely, there's "hypo-stress," the stress of understimulation. This occurs when we have too little stimulation, leading to feelings of restlessness, boredom, and lack of excitement. To avoid hypo-stress, engage in new activities, set goals, and challenge yourself regularly. So, instead of fearing stress, embrace it as a natural part of growth and personal development. Remember, not all stress is bad.

    • Avoiding the Negative Effects of HypostressMix up routines, try new things, and challenge yourself to grow to avoid the subtle negative consequences of doing the same things every day.

      While stress can be stimulating and help us grow, a lack of stimulation or "hypostress" can lead to dissatisfaction, decreased motivation, and a general sense of unhappiness. This can occur when we do the same things every day without challenging ourselves or engaging in new experiences. Hypostress can be more subtle than the intense, overwhelming feeling of stress, but it can still have negative consequences such as decreased creativity and lack of drive. To avoid hypostress, it's important to mix up our routines, try new things, and challenge ourselves to grow. As one mentor once said, "you're either green and growing or brown and dying." So, if you're feeling stuck in a rut, try to add some excitement and new experiences to your life to avoid the negative effects of hypostress.

    • Understanding the Two Forms of Stress: Hypo and HyperRecognize signs of hypo and hyper stress, manage them with new experiences for hypo and one step at a time for hyper, and avoid negative consequences.

      Stress comes in two forms: hypo and hyper. Hypo stress, or under stimulation, can lead to feeling unmotivated and seeking out unhealthy ways to stimulate yourself, such as risky behaviors or substance abuse. Hyper stress, or over stimulation, is what most people think of when they hear the word stress. It's the feeling of being overwhelmed with too many demands or responsibilities, both in your daily life and in your mind. Hyper stress can manifest physically with exhaustion, headaches, and muscle tension, and psychologically with anxiety, irritability, and depression. It's important to recognize the signs of both types of stress and take steps to manage them. For hypo stress, try new experiences and challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. For hyper stress, focus on taking things one step at a time and seeking support when needed. Remember, it's normal to experience stress, but it's important to manage it in a healthy way to avoid negative consequences.

    • Managing Mental Load to Reduce StressWrite down tasks, prioritize, delegate, have conversations, practice mindfulness to manage mental load and reduce stress

      Stress doesn't come from the tasks we need to complete in the moment, but rather from thinking about all the deadlines and responsibilities coming up. It's the mental load of trying to manage it all at once that causes stress. To manage stress effectively, write down all your tasks and deadlines, prioritize what needs to be done today, delegate when possible, and have honest conversations when necessary. Practicing mindfulness, such as breath work, can also help calm your nervous system and allow you to take smarter action. Remember, it's not about doing it all at once, but rather taking small steps to chip away at what's stressing you out.

    • Manage stress holistically with exercise, sleep, hydration, and effective task managementExercise regularly, ensure adequate sleep, stay hydrated, prioritize tasks, practice mindfulness, and engage in stress-reducing activities for effective stress management

      Managing stress effectively involves a holistic approach. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper hydration are essential components of maintaining good physical health, which in turn helps manage stress. When feeling overwhelmed, it's crucial to prioritize tasks, practice mindfulness, and engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation and breath work. Balancing stimulation and avoiding both under- and overstimulation is also essential for optimal stress management. Remember, it's important to focus on one task at a time and make it your mission to make someone else's day better. So, prioritize your physical health, manage your tasks effectively, and strive for balance to reduce stress in your life.

    Recent Episodes from The Mindset Mentor

    How to Reinvent Yourself At ANY Age

    How to Reinvent Yourself At ANY Age

    It's never too late to start fresh and chase your dreams. We'll talk about how to actively search for what excites you, step out of your comfort zone, and try new things. I'll share an inspiring story about how my mom found joy by taking dance classes, showing that amazing things happen when you push yourself to explore new experiences. Let's make today the start of something new and exciting. Appreciate you all and have an amazing day!

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 05, 2024

    Stop Worrying And Replace It With This!

    Stop Worrying And Replace It With This!

    In today's episode we're tackling how to kick worrying to the curb and use that energy to create the life you want. Did you know that 85% of what we worry about never even happens? Instead of wasting mental energy on those "what ifs," I'll show you how taking action—any action—can not only stop the worry in its tracks but also boost your motivation and confidence. Whether it’s going for a run, tackling a small task, or just dancing around your house, you’ll learn how to replace worry with progress and keep moving forward. Tune in and let's transform that anxious energy into positive momentum together!

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    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 04, 2024

    4 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

    4 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

    I'm excited to share a super practical four-step process to help you manage stress and anxiety. We'll explore how to identify and avoid stressors, alter tough situations, accept what we can't change, and adapt by developing solid coping mechanisms. I'll also share some fantastic tips from the Mayo Clinic and explain how journaling can be a game-changer for your mental health.

    So, grab a pen and paper, and let's work together to build a more peaceful, stress-free life! Tune in and let's make this journey to better mental health a collaborative effort!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 03, 2024

    Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

    Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

    In today's episode, I'm sharing a game-changing perspective: stop trying to fix yourself as if you're broken and start embracing all parts of who you are—the good, the bad, and everything in between. After 17 years in self-development, I realized that constantly viewing myself as an unfinished project only created inner conflict. Instead, integrating and accepting every part of me has been the key to true self-love and growth. Tune in to discover how to embrace your whole self and transform your relationship with yourself.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    What Are You Addicted To?

    What Are You Addicted To?

    In today's episode, I'm taking a deep dive into how we can reclaim our brains from addictive living and stop numbing those tough emotions and past traumas. We’ll explore the fascinating world of our nervous system, understanding the difference between the stressed-out sympathetic state and the restful parasympathetic state. I'll share my personal journey with addiction, the common ways we numb ourselves (hello, workaholics and Netflix binge-watchers!), and how to develop better self-regulation and coping strategies. Let’s increase our self-awareness and start healing from the inside out, so we can truly create the life we want.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Today, we're exploring how our thoughts can sometimes trick us into seeing the world in a negative light. We're uncovering cognitive distortions—those sneaky ways our minds twist reality based on past experiences and beliefs.

    Join me as we uncover common distortions like All or Nothing thinking, Overgeneralization, Negative Mental Filters, Labeling, and Catastrophizing—ways of thinking that can keep us stuck in negativity without us even realizing it. Together, we'll learn how to spot these patterns, challenge them, and ultimately reframe our thoughts to lead more positive, fulfilling lives. If you're ready to take control of your mindset and break free from these mental traps, hit play and let's explore together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    Today, I'm exploring how our early experiences and surroundings shape who we become—and more importantly—how we can rewrite those scripts to create the life we truly want. Think of our minds like super-complex computers; they run on programs we pick up from childhood onward. These programs influence everything from our behaviors to how we think about ourselves and the world.

    From the moment we're born, we're soaking up information like sponges. It's fascinating to see how much of what we learn comes from observing those around us, especially during those crucial early years. I'll be sharing insights on how to uncover these subconscious programs, challenge them, and ultimately, rewrite them to align with your goals and dreams. If you're ready to take charge of your programming and steer your life in a new direction, this episode is for you!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can find more peace and happiness right now, without needing to achieve more or buy the latest thing. I'll talk about breaking free from the societal push for constant achievement, the pitfalls of materialism, and the power of gratitude. Plus, I'll explain why focusing on what truly matters and finding intrinsic motivation can lead to a more fulfilling life. Join me as we explore how to prioritize joy and peace in our everyday lives!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    Why You Get Triggered

    Why You Get Triggered

    In today’s episode, we're taking a closer look at why just reading books, going to conferences, or hiring a coach isn't enough for real personal growth. I'm here to show you that every moment in your life is a classroom, offering lessons for you to learn and grow. We'll talk about how to turn everyday triggers into opportunities for self-improvement and why it’s crucial to actively engage with life’s lessons. So, join me as we explore how to become more self-aware, curious, and ultimately free from the mental prisons we’ve built over time. Let's get started on this journey together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    With half the year behind us, it's the perfect time to revisit those New Year's resolutions. How are they coming along? Whether you're making great progress or need a boost, these seven steps will keep you on track. Be crystal clear with your goals, identify what you'll sacrifice, set a deadline, create a detailed plan, write a clear statement, use daily affirmations, and find ways to make it easier on yourself. I hope you find these tips helpful! 

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 20, 2024

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    Don't forget to hit SUBCRIBE/FOLLOW!   :)

    AFFIRMATION: I am shifting my mindset from all of my "have to's" to all of my "get to's"

    Home | Vibrant Moments (bigcartel.com) for affirmation cards

    Come hang out on Instagram! @journeytolimitless_
    my website: Journey to Limitless – Helping you to reveal your truth and purpose by loving yourself unapologetically

    Walking on Eggshells with a Tumultuous Boss.

    Walking on Eggshells with a Tumultuous Boss.

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    Can you relate? That is what I will be diving into today! Enjoy!

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching 

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Aligned U Eps 58 - Aligned & Thriving Interview Series S2 with Special Guest Diana Nguyen

    Aligned U Eps 58 - Aligned & Thriving Interview Series S2 with Special Guest Diana Nguyen

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    This weeks special guest is the Amazing Diana Nguyen! Diana's Mum wanted her  to be a doctor,  So she became an actor instead.

    Diana is  a creative entrepreneur. What does that mean? She is a writer, producer, director, theatre maker, guest speaker, drama facilitator, MC and performer, all above.
    She is a LinkedIn video content creator with 68k followers. Find her  as #DancingDiana, and she is the  host The SnortCast, a live interview on LinkedIn and Facebook.

    Diana recently did her first TedTalk in February called "Joy is my Caffeine - JoyFool."

    She is the co-creator and executive producer of #PhiandMeTV, the first ever Vietnamese Australian family comedy series released June 16th 2019. Watch all 5 episodes www.phiandme.tv.

    Diana has appeared on The Project, ABC Q&A in 2012, Fox Footy and Friday Front Bar is guest panelist. Since going back to school in 2016, I now work creatively full time, and have toured all over Australia, Orange County/USA and Edinburgh/Scotland.

    She's such an amazing lady... to connect with Diana go to her insta https://www.instagram.com/realdiananguyen/ or https://www.linkedin.com/in/realdiananguyen/ or her website https://www.diananguyen.com.au/

    To do the Body Stress Score Quiz Click this Link or Follow us on Insta or FB at aligned.u or drmariaz

    To see Dr M for Your Chiropractic Consultation go to www.mitchellrdchiropractic.com.au

    40. Navigating the Unknown: Coping with & Handling Uncertainty

    40. Navigating the Unknown: Coping with & Handling Uncertainty

    In a world filled with constant change and unpredictability, mastering the art of managing uncertainty has become a critical and much needed skill. In this transparent episode, I share something personal that I am currently navigating and I give you realistic techniques that can help you not only cope with uncertainty but thrive in it while shifting your mindset.

    Whether you're a business owner looking to seize new opportunities amidst chaos, a Gen Zer striving to maintain mental well-being in the face of uncertainty, or anyone seeking to make strategic life choices, this episode offers a treasure trove of tools to not only navigate the uncharted waters of uncertainty but to navigate and sail your own course towards a future filled with possibilities. The only constant in life is change, and it's time to embrace it!

    Episode 40's Affirmation:
    Even when I don’t know what will happen, I can handle, be at peace, and thrive in uncertain times. 

    Click here to connect with Alethea Felton!


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    Ep. 48 – How to go from being reactive to proactive - pt 3

    Ep. 48 – How to go from being reactive to proactive - pt 3

    How to form habits once you're positioned for success (i.e., coasting along in the sustainability matrix).  The final of three episodes covering how to go from reactive to proactive (RE: ep. 45, 46).

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    PLEASE READ:  The Perfect Stress podcast does not provide medical or nutritional advice, nor is it a substitute for medical or nutritional advice, and is not intended for the prevention, cure or mitigation of a medical condition or disease. This podcast provides information only. Please consult a physician or nutritionist for advice.