
    How to Reopen the Country: With Scott Gottlieb and Steve Forbes | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 91

    enApril 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Living with coronavirus: Balancing public health and economic needsTemperature checks and antibody tests have limitations, emphasizing the need for multiple layers of protection like testing, contact tracing, and personal protective equipment to safely reopen businesses and schools.

      The coronavirus pandemic is not going away anytime soon and we need to learn to live with it while taking necessary precautions to reopen the economy. Temperature checks have limited utility in identifying asymptomatic carriers, and antibody tests, which detect past infections, may not provide accurate information about current infectiousness. The former FDA commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, emphasizes the importance of multiple layers of protection, including temperature checks, testing, and contact tracing, to safely reopen businesses and schools. The ongoing challenge is to balance public health concerns with economic needs, and the conversation with Dr. Gottlieb will delve deeper into these complex issues.

    • Antibody tests may not detect early infectionAntibody tests have limited use for individual diagnosis due to low sensitivity, but are useful for understanding community infection levels.

      Antibody tests are not very sensitive and may not detect the infection until the body has developed long-term immunity, which may have already passed if the person was infectious and spread the virus. These tests are more useful for understanding the extent of infection in communities rather than individual diagnosis. Real-time PCR tests, which detect the presence of the virus's genetic material, are more accurate and can return results relatively quickly, but turnaround times can vary depending on the number of samples being processed and the efficiency of the testing facility. The accuracy and turnaround time of these tests have improved significantly since the early days of the pandemic. Regarding the testing regimen across the country and the possibility of more people having COVID-19 than previously thought, those topics will be discussed in more detail in the upcoming part of the conversation.

    • Scaling up testing to fully lock down the virus in a country of 330 million is not realisticA broad testing regime with easily accessible testing for those with symptoms can help mitigate large outbreaks and reduce the rate of transmission. A capacity of 3 million tests a week could be sufficient for sentinel surveillance.

      While ramping up COVID-19 testing to identify hotspots and lower transmission rates is important, it may not be realistic to suggest scaling up testing to the extent that we could fully lock down the virus in a country of 330 million people, especially when a significant amount of spread comes from asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic individuals. Instead, having a broad testing regime with easily accessible testing for those with symptoms, even mild ones, can help mitigate large outbreaks and reduce the rate of transmission. A capacity of 3 million tests a week, which is higher than our current capacity, could be sufficient for sentinel surveillance, allowing for the detection of outbreaks before they become large. This approach increases the odds of identifying outbreaks earlier and intervening accordingly.

    • Contact Tracing and Self-IsolationEffective contact tracing and self-isolation help contain outbreaks, prevent financial hardship for infected individuals, and provide valuable population data through antibody testing.

      Effective contact tracing and self-isolation are crucial components in containing an outbreak and preventing it from becoming epidemic. When an outbreak is identified, interviewing infected individuals to trace their contacts and offering them testing is essential for cutting down the spread. Self-isolation is necessary for infected individuals, but policies should be put in place to ensure they're compensated to avoid financial hardship. Antibody testing can provide valuable information about the prevalence of the disease in a population, potentially bringing down the case fatality rate but also highlighting the high transmissibility of the virus. Ultimately, the goal is to implement layers of protection through least intrusive measures to protect against large outbreaks and prevent epidemic spread.

    • Impact of COVID-19 on Different Age Groups and PopulationsOlder populations have a higher risk of mortality, but young people can still get infected and experience severe illness; factors like diabetes, pulmonary disease, obesity, heart disease, and immunocompromise also increase the risk of severe illness and death; accurate infection rate data is limited due to asymptomatic cases and limited testing.

      The COVID-19 pandemic affects different age groups and populations differently, with older populations having a much higher risk of mortality compared to younger individuals. However, young people are not entirely immune, and a significant number of them have been diagnosed with the virus. The number of diagnosed cases is likely a small fraction of the actual number of infections due to the large number of asymptomatic cases. For instance, in New York, it's estimated that only a small percentage of the population has been diagnosed, yet the case fatality rate is still significantly higher than the flu. Other risk factors beyond age, such as diabetes, pulmonary disease, obesity, heart disease, and immunocompromise, also increase the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Therefore, it's essential to consider these factors when discussing the impact of the pandemic and potential measures to mitigate its spread. The antibody tests currently available may not provide an accurate representation of the true infection rate due to the large number of asymptomatic cases and the limited number of tests administered. Sweden's approach of allowing young, healthy individuals to return to work while implementing safety measures may be a viable long-term solution, but it's crucial to continue monitoring the situation closely and adjusting measures as needed.

    • Sweden's Approach to COVID-19: Balancing Public Health and Economic ConsiderationsSweden's approach to COVID-19 involves allowing younger, healthier individuals to resume normal activities while protecting the elderly and vulnerable, but long-term consequences of lockdowns and potential for a second wave must be considered.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents complex challenges for public health and economic considerations. Younger, healthier individuals are generally at lower risk, but still contribute to the spread of the virus. Sweden's approach of allowing younger, healthier individuals to resume normal activities while protecting the elderly and vulnerable has been debated. The long-term consequences of lockdowns, including decreased vaccinations and delayed medical treatments, must also be weighed against the potential public health cost of the virus. As the United States exits the epidemic phase, a phased return to work is planned, with vulnerable populations asked to stay home initially to prevent a second wave. However, the potential for a second wave remains, particularly in densely populated areas like New York City. The best solution may be a federalist approach, allowing for regional responses tailored to population density and other factors. Ultimately, the full cost of the pandemic and the measures taken to mitigate it will only become clear with time.

    • COVID-19 response varies by regionExperts expect a gradual return to work, potential resurgence in fall, and importance of testing and adaptability in recovery process

      The COVID-19 pandemic requires a tailored response due to varying risks and resources in different regions. Local officials and governors have been given significant discretion to make decisions based on their unique circumstances. The transition back to work in May and June is expected to take several weeks to months, with the summer potentially acting as a natural barrier to transmission. However, there are concerns about a potential resurgence in the fall when people return to schools and offices. The availability of testing and therapeutics is hoped to mitigate the risk of a second wave. It's important to note that experts are still learning about the virus, and models have been subject to criticism due to their evolving nature. Overall, the road to recovery will require continued caution and adaptability.

    • Models underestimated initial impact of COVID-19Initially, COVID-19 models overestimated deaths and ICU beds needed due to simple projections, but with more data and mitigation measures, predictions have become more accurate. However, uncertainty remains about a potential second wave and difficult-to-control areas like schools and workplaces.

      The models used to predict the impact of COVID-19 were based on historical data and simple projections, rather than accounting for the impact of policy decisions. These models, such as the University of Washington model, were initially criticized for overestimating the number of deaths and ICU beds needed. However, with more information and the implementation of mitigation measures, the predictions have become more accurate. Looking forward, there is concern about a potential second wave of infections, but it is hoped that new tools and mitigation strategies will help prevent a severe outbreak. The uncertainty lies in areas where social distancing measures are difficult to enforce, such as schools and workplaces. Overall, the situation is improving, with declining infection rates in most areas, except for a few hotspots. It is important to remain vigilant and continue to follow guidelines to prevent further spread of the virus.

    • Measuring to prevent and contain COVID-19 outbreaksOngoing efforts include school closures, reduced public transportation, telework, and closures of indoor entertainment spaces to prevent the need for national shutdowns, and could also lead to reduced flu transmission, benefiting the economy.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will require ongoing efforts to prevent and contain outbreaks, with potential measures including school closures, reduced public transportation schedules, telework for employees, and closures of indoor entertainment spaces. These measures aim to detect and address outbreaks earlier and prevent the need for national shutdowns. The pandemic is expected to continue, with regional spikes and changes to societal habits such as increased focus on hygiene and mask-wearing. The good news is that these measures could also lead to reduced transmission of the flu, leading to economic benefits. The COVID-19 Reopening Council, which advises the president, operates as an advisory board, with the same advice being given publicly as privately. Looking back, it appears that more serious measures could have been implemented earlier than March, but the focus has shifted to safely and efficiently reopening the economy in a staged manner.

    • Earlier implementation of testing and mitigation measures in US could have controlled COVID-19 betterThe US could have minimized the spread of COVID-19 by acting sooner with testing and stricter measures like Europe did.

      The United States' response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the early stages could have been more effective with earlier implementation of diagnostic testing and mitigation measures. The discussion highlighted the example of Europe, specifically France and Germany, which implemented stricter measures earlier than the US. The speaker emphasized the importance of diagnostic testing, particularly for individuals with flu-like symptoms who test negative for the flu, as a means of detecting coronavirus outbreaks earlier. However, cities and states in the US were slow to implement such measures and mitigation steps, such as closing schools and businesses. As a result, outbreaks in places like New York and Seattle ended up seeding the virus in other parts of the country. While there is pressure to reopen the economy faster, the speaker suggests a more cautious approach to ensure effective control of the virus.

    • Returning to work post-lockdown will be gradual and vary by region and industryExpect a gradual return to work post-lockdown, with some regions and industries allowing employees back earlier than others based on local conditions

      The timeline for returning to work post-lockdown will vary greatly by region and industry. Some states may allow people back to work as early as end of April or early May, while others may wait until mid May or even later. Factors such as the severity of outbreaks, healthcare system capacity, and testing availability will influence these decisions. The return to work will likely be gradual, with some categories of workers going back before others. Older workers or those with comorbidities may be asked to stay home for a longer period. Businesses that can allow telework should continue to do so. Physical distancing measures, such as limiting meeting sizes and creating closed workspaces, will be implemented. The process will involve identifying groups of workers to return, waiting to see if there's an increase in infections, and then sending another group back to work. This gradual evolution is expected to play out over the course of May and June.

    • Personally endorsing Helix Sleep mattress and offering discountAcknowledging the importance of individual comfort and balance in economic reopening, while addressing the psychological and mental health costs of prolonged lockdowns, and expressing disappointment in the federal government's aid to small businesses.

      Prioritizing a good quality mattress is essential as we spend a significant amount of time on it every night. I, Ben Greenfield, personally vouch for the Helix Sleep mattress, which is custom-made for individual comfort. Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders for our listeners today. Meanwhile, Steve Forbes, chairman and editor in chief of Forbes Media, discussed his role on President Trump's economic reopening council. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging the private sector and the need for a balanced approach in weighing economic and public health interests. Forbes also highlighted the psychological and mental health costs of prolonged lockdowns and the importance of testing for reassurance and prevention. However, he expressed disappointment in the slow response from the federal government in providing aid to small businesses during this crisis.

    • Government's role in economy during crisisGovernment's stimulus programs face fairness concerns, but immediate relief like suspending payroll taxes could benefit both workers and employers, sparking debate on role and balance in economy.

      The current economic crisis necessitates bold action from the government, but there are valid concerns about the fairness and effectiveness of certain stimulus programs. The small business sector, in particular, is lagging, and some argue that these measures amount to a governmental taking without just compensation. However, there is a need for immediate relief, such as suspending payroll taxes, which could provide significant short-term benefits for both workers and employers. Ultimately, the debate revolves around the role of government in the economy and the balance between providing aid to businesses damaged by government action and addressing potential systemic changes that could lead to long-term failures.

    • Supporting entities during crises and the role of community banksDuring crises, extending loan lengths and supporting viable entities can help mitigate damage, even with potential waste. Community banks distribute funds quickly and understand their customers, making them essential players.

      During times of crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, unconventional measures are necessary. The length of loans should be extended, and entities that can survive should be supported, even if it means some damage and potential waste. Community banks play a key role due to their ability to distribute funds quickly and their knowledge of their customers. Testing is crucial for social distancing and allowing people to interact safely. Treatments like hydroxychloroquine can help mitigate the impact of the virus. Spending without limit during a crisis is necessary, but it's important to remember that the dollar's strength is tied to the strong American economy. The danger of inflation down the road exists, but the Fed knows how to combat it. Long-term bonds with low coupons can be used to finance the crisis without printing new money. Tooth fairy monetary theory doesn't work, and history shows that trust in a currency is based on the underlying economy.

    • Balancing financing of economic rescue programsEffective financing is crucial to prevent inflation and keep economy running. Striking right balance, understanding demographic impact, and nuanced approach with widespread testing are key.

      Effective financing of economic rescue programs is crucial to prevent inflation and keep the economy running. The discussion highlighted the importance of striking the right balance in financing these programs and the potential implications of overly restrictive measures. The varying responses from governors in handling the crisis were also discussed, with the conclusion that a nuanced and sophisticated approach, aided by widespread testing, will likely be the most effective strategy. The interview also touched upon the importance of understanding the demographic impact of COVID-19 and the need for a more targeted response. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need for flexibility and adaptation in managing the crisis.

    • Adapting to the Changing COVID-19 LandscapeCompanies are producing testing equipment, promising vaccine developments, and potential treatments prioritize resources for significant impact. Return to work may start in parts of the US, but safety guidelines should be followed, and individual risk tolerance considered.

      The COVID-19 situation is evolving rapidly, and while there is hope for testing, vaccines, and potential treatments, it's essential to prioritize resources and focus on areas that can make a significant impact. Companies like Abbott are quickly adapting to produce testing equipment, and there are promising developments with vaccines and treatments. By the end of May, Americans may start to return to work in various parts of the country, but it's important to remember that the situation is not one-size-fits-all, and there will be variations within states. As for risk tolerance, individuals should consider their personal circumstances and follow guidelines to ensure safety. Stay informed and stay safe.

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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