
    How to Skyrocket Your Net Worth By Building an Amazing Network with Jordan Harbinger

    en-usFebruary 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring Cleaning and Financial PlanningSecure life insurance through Policygenius during spring cleaning, invest in real estate with Fundrise, and network for opportunities with Jordan Harbinger's tools.

      Spring is an excellent time for both home cleaning and financial planning, including securing life insurance through Policygenius. Meanwhile, for those interested in real estate investment but without the desire to manage tenants and properties, Fundrise offers an accessible solution. Furthermore, networking, as discussed with Jordan Harbinger, is crucial for expanding opportunities in various aspects of life and can be achieved through dedication and effective tools. Building genuine relationships and honing negotiation skills are essential in networking, ultimately contributing to personal and financial growth.

    • Open to unexpected opportunitiesNetworking and being open to unconventional opportunities can lead to significant outcomes, even if they initially seem unappealing or unconventional.

      Being open to opportunities, both planned and unplanned, can lead to significant outcomes. The speaker shares an experience from law school where he missed the On-Campus Interview (OCI) sign-up process and instead relied on a social connection to land an interview. He admits to feeling like an imposter and underprepared, but his friend's recommendation got him in the door. Although there was an element of luck, the speaker emphasizes that following through on networking opportunities was crucial to securing the job. This story illustrates the importance of networking and being open to unexpected opportunities, even if they seem unconventional or unappealing at first.

    • The Power of Being Cool, Trustworthy, and Likable in BusinessBuilding a strong network can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. Being cool, trustworthy, and likable in business settings can open doors to opportunities and contribute to your net worth.

      Building a strong network can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. The speaker, Jordan, shared his personal experience of how showing up and being likable helped him secure a job at a major Wall Street law firm despite not being the most qualified candidate on paper. He emphasized the importance of being cool, trustworthy, and likable in business settings, as these qualities can open doors to opportunities and keep you from being let go. Jordan also highlighted that having a great network can contribute to your net worth and is a common trait among successful individuals in various fields. While there are exceptions, such as individuals who have made it far based on exceptional talents, having a strong network is generally a crucial factor in achieving success.

    • Building a strong network is crucial for successIdentify key contacts, maintain relationships, attend curated events, and focus on internal connections to build a strong network for long-term success

      Building a strong network is crucial for success, especially before achieving fame or wealth. Networking plays a significant role in various industries, including entertainment, corporations, and the military. While some individuals may get lucky or exceptionally talented, most successful people have established networks that help them advance in their careers. To build a strong network, start by identifying key contacts and maintaining relationships with them, even before needing their help. Attend curated events and focus on internal connections as well. Remember, networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships over time.

    • Authentic networking relationships and work environmentFocus on giving value, reconnect sincerely, and invest in a high-quality workspace for personal and professional growth.

      Building and maintaining authentic relationships in networking is crucial for both parties involved. When reaching out to contacts after a long period, it's essential to reconnect without an agenda to avoid coming across as insincere. By focusing on giving and providing value before asking for anything, you can build trust and strengthen the relationship. This approach not only benefits you in the present but also increases the likelihood of receiving help or opportunities in the future. As the saying goes, "give before you get." Moreover, having a solid foundation for your work environment, such as a reliable standing desk, can significantly improve your productivity and overall well-being. Investing in a high-quality desk, like the Uplift Desk, ensures a stable and customizable workspace, which is essential for podcasters and professionals alike. By prioritizing both personal and professional growth, you can maximize your potential and achieve success in various aspects of your life.

    • Maintaining relationships through networking: Connecting the dotsStay in touch with people in a low-pressure way, provide value, and systematize networking efforts for meaningful interactions and potential benefits.

      Building and maintaining relationships through networking can be achieved by staying in touch with people in a low-pressure way, such as sending brief messages or making occasional calls. This approach, often referred to as "connecting the dots," involves reaching out to people in your network to check in on them and offer help when possible. By doing so, you not only keep the relationship alive but also create opportunities for mutual benefits. For instance, you can use a script to reach out to people and maintain the conversation, as demonstrated in the example of texting four people daily. This simple yet effective method can lead to meaningful interactions and even generate social capital through referrals. It's essential to remember that you don't have to be best friends with everyone in your network. The goal is to stay top of mind and provide value where possible. By systematizing your networking efforts and focusing on authentic connections, you can build a strong and scalable network that benefits both you and those around you. Moreover, it's important to understand the difference between automating and systematizing. While automation involves using technology to perform tasks, such as sending an initial message to new LinkedIn connections, systematizing refers to creating a consistent and efficient process for managing relationships. By combining both approaches, you can effectively grow and maintain a valuable network.

    • Maintaining relationships through systemsEffectively network by using systems to keep in touch and engage in meaningful conversations, ensuring authentic communication and building valuable relationships.

      Effective networking involves intentional and consistent communication, even with people you don't interact with frequently. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using systems, such as CRMs and social media, to keep in touch and engage in meaningful conversations. These systems help ensure that you're not only reaching out when you need something but also maintaining relationships and staying top of mind. The speaker also emphasizes that this approach is not inauthentic, as long as the communications are genuine and not solely driven by self-interest. By implementing these systems and regularly checking in with people, you can build and maintain relationships that can lead to valuable opportunities and serendipitous connections.

    • Regularly reach out to strengthen connectionsFocus on helping others in your network, reconnect with weak ties, and actively listen to build a strong network for personal and professional growth.

      Building and maintaining a strong network of connections is essential for personal and professional growth. Jordan Harbinger, the guest in the discussion, emphasizes the importance of regularly reaching out to people in your life, whether they are friends, family, or business contacts. He uses a tool called Connection Fox, a CRM he co-owns, to help manage his contacts and ensure he stays in touch. The key to effective networking is not asking for anything in return, but rather focusing on how you can help others. The best CRM, according to Jordan, is the one at the bottom of your texts. He encourages reaching out to weak and dormant ties, as reconnecting with them can lead to new opportunities and a powerful network. Jordan also emphasizes that networking is a skill that can be learned and improved. To become the person that people know, like, and trust, focus on active listening, being genuinely interested in others, and providing value. Building this talent stack takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it.

    • Build genuine relationships through networkingFocus on helping others achieve their goals while working towards yours in networking interactions

      Effective networking is about building genuine relationships, not just making sales or trying to persuade others. It's a collaborative process where you help others get what they want while also focusing on your own goals. You don't have to be an extrovert or charismatic to network successfully. Instead, be willing to converse and offer assistance to others. When networking face to face, focus on what you can do for the other person rather than what you want from them. This approach can help reduce the awkwardness and make the experience more enjoyable for both parties. Remember, good salespeople are good at building relationships, not just making sales. So approach networking as an opportunity to connect with others and help each other grow.

    • Help others first to build stronger relationshipsFocusing on others' needs and showing genuine interest can help build stronger relationships and make it easier to ask for assistance when needed

      Asking for help on behalf of others can make it easier to build relationships and ask for assistance when you need it. This strategy, also known as "helping others first," can help overcome the initial discomfort of asking for help. Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" emphasizes the importance of being interested in others and helping them get what they want. By focusing on others' needs and showing genuine interest, you can make them feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to stronger connections and a more positive perception of yourself. Remember, the goal is not to manipulate or use others but to build genuine, mutually beneficial relationships.

    • Networking and building relationshipsSurround yourself with the right people, learn from podcasts, and assist successful professionals to grow personally and professionally.

      Networking and building meaningful relationships, whether in person or digitally, can significantly impact your career and personal development. Surrounding yourself with the right people, as the saying goes, can make you an average of the five people you spend the most time with. While physical engagement is still valuable, digital engagement through podcasts and other platforms allows for intimate learning experiences and the formation of parasocial relationships. Additionally, being an assistant to a successful professional can provide invaluable insights into how go-getter individuals operate, teaching skills that can't be learned elsewhere. Ultimately, the goal is to learn from those around you, observing their actions and asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of how they achieve success.

    • Investing in experience and learning from expertsEarly career dedication and hard work can lead to greater success and earnings later on. Learn from industry experts, prioritize experience over salary, and save costs by working closely with them.

      Gaining valuable experience and learning from industry experts, even if it means taking a lower salary or working long hours, can lead to greater success and earnings later on. This principle was emphasized through various examples, including the importance of being around successful individuals and the idea that work-life balance may not be a priority for young professionals aiming for significant career growth. The speaker also highlighted the potential cost savings from working closely with experienced professionals and the importance of learning various aspects of a job before delegating tasks. Overall, the message was that dedication and hard work in the early stages of a career can lead to substantial rewards later on.

    • Understanding jobs and negotiating raisesLearn how every job in your company functions, delegate effectively, innovate, master persuasion for raises, focus on employer benefits

      Understanding your job and the jobs of those around you is crucial for growth and success, whether you're running a business or working for someone else. Jordan Harbinger emphasizes the importance of knowing how every person in his company does their job, which allows him to delegate effectively and innovate. He also recommends learning the art of persuasion to negotiate raises and increase income. Instead of demanding more money, Jordan suggests proposing additional responsibilities and demonstrating the value you bring to the table. By focusing on the benefits for the employer, you're more likely to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Remember, the competition is fierce, and mastering these skills can set you apart and lead to significant financial gains.

    • Demonstrating value through projects and communicationEffectively showcasing your value by performing exceptionally and keeping your employer informed leads to better compensation and promotions.

      Demonstrating value to your employer through additional projects and consistent communication is a more effective way to secure compensation and promotions than making promises and relying on magic words. By performing exceptionally and keeping your boss informed throughout the process, you build a compelling case for your worth and minimize their excuses for not granting your requests. It's essential to have frequent, open discussions with your employer about your side projects and their progress, ensuring that they are aware of the value you're adding to the company. This approach not only helps you maintain a strong relationship with your boss but also positions you for long-term success.

    • Maximizing Productivity with Time ManagementConsistently use a calendar to schedule tasks, practice time blocking, prioritize self-care, and increase productivity.

      Effective time management is crucial for productivity and achieving goals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a consistent sleep schedule, using a calendar as a system to organize tasks, and implementing time blocking. By scheduling tasks on a calendar and treating it as a religious commitment, the speaker is able to maximize productivity and get more done in less time. Time blocking eliminates the need for constant decision making and reduces the likelihood of procrastination. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of setting aside dedicated time for activities such as reading and exercise. The use of a calendar as a tool for managing tasks and time has been a game changer for the speaker, allowing them to accomplish more in a day than they used to in a week. This method, known as time blocking, can be a powerful tool for anyone looking to increase their productivity and efficiency.

    • Taking ownership of mistakes and responsibilitiesAccepting accountability for everything, even unintentional errors, leads to personal and professional growth, preventing recurring issues and creating a positive work environment.

      Taking ownership of your mistakes and responsibilities can lead to significant improvements in personal and professional situations. As shared in the discussion, the concept of Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of accepting accountability for everything, even if it's not your fault directly. This mindset can help individuals learn valuable lessons and prevent recurring issues, as opposed to blaming others and creating a toxic work environment. Additionally, wealth means different things to different people. For some, it may be about earning a certain income, while for others, it could be about enjoying what they do and living comfortably. It's essential to define what wealth means to you and optimize your life accordingly.

    • Consider the value of your time and energy when making money decisionsAs income grows, the value of additional money decreases, so prioritize time and energy for joyful activities or growing your business/career.

      People should consider the value of their time and energy when they make decisions about earning more money. Jordan Harbinger emphasized that as income increases, the marginal value of additional money decreases, making it less worth sacrificing valuable time with family or pursuing activities that don't bring joy. Instead, focus on growing your business or career in a way that aligns with your interests. Harbinger's free networking course, "6 Minute Networking," available at jordanharbinger.com, can help improve networking skills without requiring a significant investment of time or money. To learn more about Harbinger's work and listen to his podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show, visit his website or your favorite podcast platform. Remember, it's essential to prioritize time and energy to maintain a fulfilling life, and financial gains should not come at the expense of that freedom.

    • Save money on podcasts with these hacksExplore free trials, listen to ads, subscribe strategically, and find alternative sources to save on podcasts

      There are various hacks available that can help podcast listeners save money without compromising their favorite content. These hacks can be applied to different podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. For instance, using free trials, listening to ads, and subscribing to premium services strategically can significantly reduce expenses. Additionally, exploring alternative sources for podcast content, such as libraries or archives, can also help save money. Overall, these hacks can add up to substantial savings for dedicated podcast listeners. So, be sure to check out all the hacks on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Your wallet will thank you later.

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    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to talk about how to become a negotiation killer with your next job offer. How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  How to Negotiate Your Salary and Get a Raise (The Step-By-Step System!) Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The BEST AI Stocks to Invest In (Money Q&A)

    The BEST AI Stocks to Invest In (Money Q&A)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about the best AI stocks to invest in.   Today we are going to answer these questions!  Question 1: The BEST AI Stocks to Invest in  Question 2: How to Make Sure Your Kids Don’t Blow Their Investment Money Early  Question 3: How to Tell Your Advisor You Want to Break UP  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  A Masterclass on Investing in Individual Stocks with Brian Feroldi Why YOU Have an Advantage as a Small Investor with Brian Feroldi Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On (PFP VAULT)

    The Million Dollar Money Decisions You Should Focus On (PFP VAULT)
    In this episode of The Personal Finance Podcast, we’re gonna talk about the 1 million dollar money decisions you should be focusing on.  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!  Checklist of relevant episodes:  5 Things You Need to Invest In to Build Wealth (That Aren't Stocks) with Jeff Rose The Great Wealth Transfer Has STARTED (Here is How to Take Advantage of It) How You Can Create Life Changing Money Routines (Copy Mine!) The 2 Things You Must to Know Before Making an Investment With David Meltzer How to Build Your Index Fund Portfolio (Choose The Best Asset Allocation for You) Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Dream on!


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    Want more job seeker tips and tricks? We put out new episodes every week, so hit subscribe so you don't miss out!

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    Episodes For Your Situation

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    Side Effects of Longevity (with Kim Whitley)

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    KBGB Ep. 10: Unorganized Behavior with DJ Tiny

    KBGB Ep. 10: Unorganized Behavior with DJ Tiny

    Welcome to the latest episode of the Know Better Grow Better Show! In this exciting installment, we sit down with the dynamic entrepreneur, DJ Tiny, the mastermind behind Bars and Hoops Radio Show and the Host of Unorganized Behavior Show. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of running a business, discussing missed opportunities, and navigating the challenges of modern times. Get ready to gain valuable insights and wisdom as we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and growth. Don't miss this engaging and informative conversation on how to know better and grow better!

    Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on future episodes of The Know Better Grow Better Show and never miss an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's know better and grow better together!

    Connect with Dj Tiny:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unorganizedbehavior

    Website: http://www.barsandhoopsradio.com/

    Sponsors in this episode: 

    Cocovida Coquito: https://linktr.ee/cocovidacoquito  

    United Agency: https://linktr.ee/jdelong1  

    Follow us on Instagram:

    Know Better Grow Better Show - https://www.instagram.com/kbgbshow 

    Shawn - https://www.instagram.com/shawn_zues/  

    Jamila - https://www.instagram.com/jamila_delong/    

    77: $365K as Jerry Springer’s head of security? Steve Wilkos reveals the $ecrets behind his massive success through different careers, insane work ethic and knowing your worth

    77: $365K as Jerry Springer’s head of security? Steve Wilkos reveals the $ecrets behind his massive success through different careers, insane work ethic and knowing your worth

    This week, Jason is joined by renowned talk show host, Steve Wilkos! 


    Steve is best known for one of two things; being head security for the one and only Jerry Springer, or as the host of the long standing talk show, the Steve Wilkos Show, or both. What may not be known is Steve is a United States Marine Corps veteran and was a Chicago Police Department law enforcement officer for 14 years.  He has established himself as an authoritative figure and is known for his abrasive, yet constructive approach to helping guests on his show settle disputes and better themselves moving forward. 


    Steve gives insights on the importance of being prepared when transitioning jobs,  how he balanced his police career and working security for Jerry Springer simultaneously, how he ended up getting his show due to Jerry Springer going on Dancing with the Stars, and working with his wife as his executive producer. Steve also reveals what role his father played in his decision to join the military and later law enforcement, why he decided to leave the police force, what kind of contract he had, and how the Steve Wilkos show stands apart from all the other talk shows on air. Does Steve make more revenue through the show or social media? Which security job did he turn down to stay at Springer? Which Survivor cast member helped Steve get higher pay while working with Jerry Springer? How much of an impact does he have on the whole production on his show as a host? 


    Steve reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 


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    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr


    Produced by Dear Media.


    Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.