
    Podcast Summary

    • A discussion on evolving tipping culture and Clairol's nourishing hair color experienceTipping is becoming more normalized, even in unexpected places, but rules are changing. Understanding these shifts can help individuals make informed decisions about their money.

      Clairol's Textures and Tones offers a nourishing hair color experience with a 0 ammonia formula and various shades to embrace individual beauty. Meanwhile, there's ongoing debate about tipping culture in the US, with experts like B'Ray Lam and Julia Carpenter from The Wall Street Journal shedding light on the evolving rules. During the episode of "The Dough," Xmile interviewed these journalists and shared her own experiences, acknowledging the need to adopt new financial rules instead of the old spend-and-keep-spending mentality. A key takeaway from the discussion on tipping is that it's becoming more normalized, even in places like McDonald's. However, the rules around tipping are changing, and understanding these shifts can help individuals make informed decisions about their money.

    • Financial experts struggle with spending money tooDespite their expertise, financial experts can make impulsive purchases and feel guilty afterwards.

      Even financial experts, like Brie and Julia, struggle with spending money and making financial decisions. They shared their personal experiences of buying expensive items, such as shoes and purses, and the guilt they felt afterwards. Brie, who is a deputy coverage chief for Life and Work at the Journal and used to curate the Money Diaries column for Refinery 29, felt guilty about buying pricier shoes and had to return a pair that didn't fit. Julia, a personal finance reporter at the journal, made an impulsive purchase of cocktails during a reunion with a friend after recovering from COVID-19. These experiences show that even those who are knowledgeable about money can make impulsive purchases and feel guilty about it. It's important to be aware of our spending habits and make conscious decisions about our money.

    • Investing in experiences and self-careSpending on valuable experiences and self-care can improve mental health and overall well-being. Nonprofits and high-quality products are examples of worthwhile investments.

      Experiences, no matter the cost, can have significant value for our mental health and well-being. The speaker shares an example of spending a considerable amount of money on high-quality pineapple mezcal margaritas, justifying it as an investment in her mental health after a long period of isolation. This idea is further connected to the role nonprofits play in providing essential services and support, which can also be seen as valuable investments. Additionally, the conversation shifts to the topic of hair care, highlighting the importance of finding products that not only deliver on their promises but also make us feel confident and proud. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the value of investing in experiences and self-care, as well as quality products that enhance our daily lives.

    • Understanding Tipping Rules: A Source of ConfusionTipping culture raises ethical questions about individual support for service workers' wages and business responsibility for fair compensation.

      Tipping culture continues to be a source of confusion and debate, especially as more businesses adopt different tipping models. While many understand the etiquette of tipping at traditional sit-down restaurants, the rules become less clear in other scenarios such as delivery, takeout, and counter service. The speaker shared her personal experience as a server and the importance of tips in supporting the industry. However, she also acknowledged the financial strain that can make tipping a challenge for some consumers. Ultimately, tipping raises ethical questions about the role of individuals in supporting the wages of service workers and the responsibility of businesses to provide fair compensation. The confusion around tipping rules highlights the need for clear communication and education on the expectations and implications of different tipping models.

    • Tipping in a Post-Pandemic World: Complex Emotions and Financial OverwhelmAppreciate service workers' hard work by tipping fairly if possible, but don't feel obligated if unable.

      Tipping has become a complex and emotionally charged issue, especially during the pandemic when people were tipping more out of fear and concern for essential workers. However, as we return to a sense of normalcy, tipping amounts have decreased, leading to confusion and varying reactions from people. The transaction becomes more than just a financial exchange when morality and personal emotions come into play. Additionally, the increasing fees and costs associated with ordering from delivery services can make the overall cost feel overwhelming, leading to a debate on whether or not to tip. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that tipping is a way to show appreciation for the hard work and dedication of service workers, and if one cannot afford to tip, they should not feel obligated to do so. However, if possible, tipping a fair amount can make a significant difference in someone's livelihood.

    • Potential Issues with Delivery App TipsConsider asking preferred restaurants for direct orders or web portals to ensure tips reach delivery persons directly, and remember the average tip is 15% but adjust accordingly.

      There have been reports suggesting that tips given through food delivery apps like Instacart, DoorDash, and Uber Eats may not always reach the intended recipients. This issue was recently brought to light during a podcast discussion, and it's important for consumers to be aware of this potential issue. To ensure that your tip goes directly to the delivery person, consider asking your preferred restaurants if they have a web portal or prefer direct orders, which can help minimize fees and ensure that the tip goes to the right person. The average tip across the board is 15%, but adjust accordingly based on your financial situation. Remember, the person on the other side of the transaction may feel just as awkward as you do when it comes to tipping. For more thought-provoking discussions on various social issues, consider joining the Margaret Casey Foundation Book Club. And for insights on navigating life's transformative moments, tune in to A Slight Change of Plans podcast.

    • Reflect on past purchases for long-term satisfactionConsider the long-term impact of purchases and reflect on past experiences to make intentional and satisfying buys

      The "How to YOLO Responsibly" exercise in the book encourages individuals to make intentional and satisfying purchases, rather than impulsive ones. This is achieved by reflecting on past purchases and how they made us feel, both in the moment and afterwards. The speaker shares an example of her recent experience buying expensive fashion items, which she plans to get tailored to ensure a perfect fit and long-term satisfaction. This approach not only helps in overcoming money fears but also avoids regret and dissatisfaction that often comes with impulse buying. The exercise encourages individuals to consider the long-term impact of their purchases and make decisions that align with their values and desires.

    • Understanding the difference between passionate and premeditated purchasesReflect on past purchases, categorize them, and learn from experiences to make more intentional and satisfying purchases based on passion and long-term goals.

      Making a purchase based on premeditation, even if it aligns with long-term goals, may not bring the same level of satisfaction as a spontaneous, passionate purchase. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of understanding the difference between these two types of purchases and recognizing which ones truly bring joy and value to our lives. The exercise they mentioned encourages individuals to reflect on their past purchases and categorize them based on whether they were made out of passion or premeditation. By doing so, people can learn about their buying habits and identify which purchases have lasting satisfaction. Additionally, the speaker shared their personal experience of purchasing a dress they had been eyeing for a long time and feeling satisfied with the decision. However, they also acknowledged the pitfalls of making purchases out of a sense of obligation or to fill a perceived void. The overall goal of this exercise is to help individuals align their short-term and long-term thinking, making sure that their purchases contribute positively to their lives in the long run. By learning from past experiences and recognizing what truly brings joy and value, individuals can make more intentional and satisfying purchases.

    • Enjoying life while managing moneyMoney management is a continuous process, find joy and satisfaction in purchases for long-term happiness

      Money management is a continuous learning process, and it's important to focus on long-term satisfaction when making purchases. The speakers, Julia Carpenter and BeRae, shared their personal experiences and insights from their book "The New Rules of Money" published by The Wall Street Journal. They emphasized the importance of enjoying life while being mindful of financial responsibilities. The speakers also highlighted the importance of finding satisfaction in purchases and not feeling guilty about them. They encouraged listeners to focus on what brings them joy and long-term happiness. Additionally, they shared their social media handles and encouraged listeners to support them and engage in further discussions about money management. The conversation was light-hearted and included humor, making the topic more relatable and approachable. Overall, the key takeaway is that managing money is an ongoing process, and finding joy and satisfaction in your purchases is an essential part of the journey.

    • Exploring Personal Change through PodcastsDiscover inspiring stories of personal transformation and explore LGBTQ+ and gender issues with these popular podcasts.

      Life is full of transformative moments, some joyful and some challenging, but each one paves the way for a fresh start. This is the essence of Stephanie Widdleswax's podcast, Last Day, where guests share their stories of personal change. On a lighter note, Erin Gibson and Brian Safi, the co-hosts of Attitudes, use their podcast to discuss LGBTQ+ and gender issues, pop culture, and their own experiences, offering a mix of humor and social justice. Whether you're looking for advice on dealing with unexpected situations or just want to laugh at the wildness of the world, these podcasts offer something for everyone. So tune in, listen, and embrace the transformative power of each new day.

    Recent Episodes from The Dough

    Listen Now: The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael

    Listen Now: The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael

    We’ve got a special treat for you today. We are going to be sharing an episode of The Deep Dive with June Diane Raphael and Jessica St. Clair with you as a part of our Lemonada Book Club series, a first-of-its-kind audiobook club powered by Lemonada Media and Apple Books. “The Art of Small Talk” by Casey Wilson and Jessica St. Clair, who is one of The Deep Dive’s co-hosts, was selected as our Lemonada Book Club’s June Book of the Month. This audiobook is a hilarious how-to for making chit-chat less painful. It will help you step up your conversational skills by being a practical guide on the gift of gab. 

    In this episode of The Deep Dive, June and Jessica are joined by Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider, where they all dish on the art of small talk, both the audiobook and as a practice. Listen to The Art of Small Talk wherever you get your audiobooks. 

    Apple Books 

    To hear more of The Deep Dive, head to: https://lnk.to/thedeepdivefd

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enJune 24, 2024

    How to Abolish Carceral Debt

    How to Abolish Carceral Debt

    This week, we’re getting serious. Serious about the price of the prison industrial complex. Fred Bell from The Debt Collective, the nation’s first debtors union, joins X Mayo to unpack each of their experiences with carceral debt. Fred talks about the financial realities of our prison system, the shame surrounding the cycle of debt, and how the Debt Collective is organizing to abolish it all. 


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    You can find Fred on Instagram @fred.bjr and check out the Debt Collective on Twitter @strikedebt, on Instagram @thedebtcollective, and on their website https://debtcollective.org/ 


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enJune 20, 2024

    How to Abolish Carceral Debt

    How to Abolish Carceral Debt

    This week, we’re getting serious. Serious about the price of the prison industrial complex. Fred Bell from The Debt Collective, the nation’s first debtors union, joins X Mayo to unpack each of their experiences with carceral debt. Fred talks about the financial realities of our prison system, the shame surrounding the cycle of debt, and how the Debt Collective is organizing to abolish it all. 


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    You can find Fred on Instagram @fred.bjr and check out the Debt Collective on Twitter @strikedebt, on Instagram @thedebtcollective, and on their website https://debtcollective.org/ 


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enJune 17, 2024

    How To Negotiate A Higher Salary

    How To Negotiate A Higher Salary

    We negotiate with each other every day. Where are we gonna go for dinner? What do you want out of this relationship? How long are you going to leave those damn dishes in the sink? But somehow, a lot of us get tongue-tied when it comes to asking for more money and better benefits at work. So we brought in an expert! Mandi Woodruff-Santos co-hosts the podcast, Brown Ambition Podcast, and she joins X to talk about how to find your next job, why you should always negotiate for more money, and how to ask for stellar benefits.


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    You can find Mandi on Instagram at @MandiMoney, or check out her website at www.mandimoney.com/. Brown Ambition is available wherever you get your podcasts.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enJune 13, 2024

    How to Not Lose Your Money on Love is Blind

    How to Not Lose Your Money on Love is Blind

    From season 2 of Netflix’s hit show Love Is Blind, Iyanna McNeely sits down with X Mayo and gets real about the money talks happening in the infamous pods. Iyanna reveals just how much contestants made during the intense love experiment, who pays for what, and which money questions she asked her ex-husband Jarrette.


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    You can find Iyanna on Instagram @iyanna.amor and check out her amazing podcast, Feel in the Blank, at https://www.feelintheblankpodcast.com/ 


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enJune 06, 2024

    How To Manage A Celebrity’s Money

    How To Manage A Celebrity’s Money

    This week on the Dough, we have a special guest: X’s business manager Belva Anakwenze! If you’re a longtime listener of the Dough, you know how much X loves Belva. She’s the perfect money mentor - her client list is a who’s who of Los Angeles celebrities, and she’s won awards from Variety, Hollywood Insider, Billboard, and more. Her and X have an awesome chat about their working relationship, X’s money skills, and why you should never let a basketball star start a rap career.


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    You can find Belva on Instagram at @belvaanakwenze, or check out her website at https://www.belvaanakwenze.com/.


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enMay 30, 2024

    How to Manifest That Sh*t (a.k.a. the Money)

    How to Manifest That Sh*t (a.k.a. the Money)

    In this episode, X Mayo sits down with her friend, actress, and author, Julissa Calderon. Julissa gets candid about how she became a viral sensation overnight and scored a lead role on Netflix using her manifestation techniques. Join these two friends for tips on how to overcome systemic barriers, take control of your money goals, and successfully manifest your wildest dreams. 


    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.


    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


    Follow Julissa Calderon on Instagram @lajulissa . You can find out more about her journals, Are you ready to manifest? and Manifest That Sh*t, at https://www.dreamandmanifestjournal.com/ 


    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium


    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors


    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enMay 23, 2024

    How to Build a Community on a Budget

    How to Build a Community on a Budget

    Gael Aitor knows how to build a community. His podcast, Teenager Therapy, amassed over 600k subscribers and Gael was literally a teenager making the show. Now he’s grown and making communities digitally and IRL. This week, we get his take on making friends in your 20s, the value of virtual community, and how to get creative with your free hangouts. 

    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.

    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 

    Follow Gael Aitor on Instagram @gaelaitor. You can find out more about his podcasts at https://www.astrostudios.xyz/

    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium

    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors

    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enMay 16, 2024

    Listen Now: Fail Better with David Duchovny

    Listen Now: Fail Better with David Duchovny

    We are dropping in your feed today to tell you about a new Lemonada Media series called Fail Better with David Duchovny. On Fail Better, David, who has experienced both low and high profile failures throughout his life, explores the vast world of failure - how it holds us back, propels us forward, and ultimately shapes our lives. Each week, he will chat with guests like Ben Stiller, Bette Midler, and more about how our perceived failures have actually been our biggest catalysts for growth, revelation, and even healing. Through these conversations, he hopes listeners can learn how to embrace the opportunity of failure and fail better together.

    You’re about to hear a preview of the first episode of Fail Better, where David catches up with Ben Stiller. Believe it or not, Ben Stiller has failed. (Remember Zoolander 2? He’d probably rather you didn’t.) As it turns out, Ben has had his share of flops, and he chats with David about those times in his life and how they sometimes led to something better.

    To hear more of Fail Better, head to: https://lemonada.lnk.to/failbetterfd

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Dough
    enMay 12, 2024

    How to Date on a Budget

    How to Date on a Budget

    In this episode, X Mayo catches up with TechCrunch reporter and host of the podcast Found, Dominic-Madori Davis, to talk about the plight of modern dating. Dominic gets candid about her experiences with dating apps and their skyrocketing prices, her most expensive relationship with a crypto guy, and why dating as a young, professional Black woman in NYC is so expensive. By the end of the conversation, Dom and X devise plans for their own dating app and talk about ways to meet the love of your life for free. 

    This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair finance system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.

    Stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 

    Follow Dominic-Madori on Twitter @DominicMadori. You can find out more about her podcast Found at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/found/id1561051074.

    Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at bit.ly/lemonadapremium

    Click this link for a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this show and all Lemonada shows: lemonadamedia.com/sponsors

    To follow along with a transcript, go to lemonadamedia.com/show/ shortly after the air date.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Laura Taylor

    Senior Market Strategist



    Series 3 Licensed


    The risk of loss in trading futures and/or options is substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether this is a suitable investment. Past performance, whether actual or indicated by simulated historical tests of strategies, is not indicative of future results.

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