
    How we built it: IoT bikes that fight climate change

    enJuly 28, 2022

    About this Episode

    How do you connect 4,000 IoT bikes for a council, while making sure the connectivity consistently and reliably delivers crucial data about the city’s infrastructure?

    With thousands of free bikes and cycle training, Birmingham City Council set out to promote healthier, greener lifestyles for their citizens. But the sensors on the bikes needed strong, reliable connectivity, so critical information like air quality and traffic flow could be delivered, regardless of where their citizens cycled. 

    It was clear only intelligent IoT connectivity could help, so we teamed up with our partner to deliver a solution that would make a serious impact on the city's carbon footprint and traffic congestion problem. 

    Our Sales Director Bernie McPhillips and our Operations Director Chris Romeika tell the story of how we made it happen in our latest podcast: from the nano SIMs, to the IoT sensors, to the revenue our partner earned. 

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