
    How You Can Build an Audience of Buyers and Eager Advocates

    en-usNovember 15, 2012

    About this Episode

    How often have you seen an idea in action and wondered, "Why didn't I think of that?" It happens often, right? Well, I couldn't help but think this thought several times when I first visited the website for RevZilla Motorsports, an online motorcycle gear retailer. The effort the company puts toward creating exceptional visitor experiences is impressive. Now I'm far from a motorcycle fan. In fact, just the thought of straddling several steel tubes connected to two wheels and a motor is enough to trigger nervous sweats. But I appreciate strong marketing, especially when it delivers extreme value before a sale. So I was thrilled when CEO Anthony Bucci agreed to tell me his team’s strategies for lead generation and customer engagement. You'd be hard-pressed to find a small business interacting more with its prospects and customers than RevZilla. The company is active on social media, with nearly 80,000 fans on Facebook alone. In addition, its RevZillaTV -- where you can "watch, decide and ride" -- boasts an incredible 1,758 videos, 14,789 subscribers and close to 8 million views. During this 22-minute interview, you'll discover how you can build an audience of buyers and eager advocates, as well as ... • How to determine what content your audience craves -- and what are the easiest and most effective ways to share it. • Why avoiding a script when recording videos can help you create a greater bond with viewers. • An easy and often ignored way to get perfect strangers (and even critics) to market your business and, of course, buy your products. • How to use an emerging marketing medium to help prospects overcome buying anxiety. • The key factor that determines if your marketing message is killing loyalty and being perceived by prospects as a waste of time. • The simplest way to connect and quickly communicate with an audience -- at virtually no cost -- that values what you do and eagerly anticipates your next interaction. • And much more.

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