
    I Can’t Overstate How Dire This Is | Bret Weinstein

    enDecember 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • At war with institutions and sense-making apparatusWe must collaborate and prioritize reciprocity and consent to build a sustainable future for humanity

      We're in a critical moment in history where the future of civilization hangs in the balance. According to Bret Weinstein, we're at war with our institutions and sense-making apparatus, and if we fail to address the underlying issues, we could be headed towards a future of lineage-against-lineage conflict. This would mean a return to a more primitive and destructive way of living, which could be unsustainable for the species given current technology and weaponry. The enlightenment, which brought us past much of the tribalism, is now under threat. However, Weinstein doesn't believe in dwelling on the negative. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of collaboration and putting aside lineage-level concerns to build a civilization based on reciprocity and the consent of the governed. This is humanity's future if we're to have one.

    • Understanding the past to defend core principlesRecognizing past imperfections while defending core principles is essential for societal progress. Encourage adherence to these principles to minimize the gap between the current and ideal systems.

      Recognizing the imperfections of past systems and defending their core principles is crucial for societal progress. The American experiment, despite its flaws like the preservation of slavery, served as a prototype for a world where everyone had access to the market and was not barred based on their origins. However, we have lost sight of this ideal, and the resurgence of ancient and new rivalries based on race and other factors threatens the survival of such a world. If we could go back in time, we would encourage people to hold onto these principles and work towards a future where the gap between the current system and the ideal one is minimal. Unfortunately, conveying this message to the past might be impossible due to the vast differences between then and now. The current state of societal discord on issues like gender identity, pedophilia, and basic mathematical facts seems unimaginable to past generations. Thus, addressing the current crisis requires a clear understanding of our past achievements and the determination to defend and build upon them.

    • The importance of traditional wisdom and its potential role in preventing societal crisisThe dismissal of traditional wisdom and the rise of atheism may have contributed to societal crisis. It's crucial to discover which parts of these traditions are still relevant and which have become toxic to navigate present problems while avoiding pitfalls.

      The rise of atheism and the subsequent dismissal of traditional wisdom may have contributed to the current societal crisis. This misstep unhooked certain protections that were still essential, but their importance was not explained in the documents. If this conversation could have happened earlier, perhaps those with long-standing traditions containing wisdom could have prevented the present calamity. However, there's no simple solution to this issue. It requires a long-term process of discovering which parts of these traditions are still relevant and which have become toxic. This evolutionary process is necessary to navigate the present problems while avoiding the pitfalls of abandoning all traditions. The arbitrary education system that taught students outdated knowledge before it went completely insane also played a role in this crisis. The faltering ideas that got into the system need to be identified and addressed.

    • Approaching change thoughtfully and intentionallyConsider the potential long-term effects of new ideas and be cautious about dismantling established rules and traditions without fully understanding their principles and potential consequences.

      The way we approach learning and implementing new ideas has significant consequences, and it's crucial to consider the potential long-term effects before making sweeping changes. The speaker expresses concern that the arbitrary curriculum in education and the embrace of progressive ideologies without considering the potential negative consequences have led to a chaotic collection of ideas and values. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the principles behind established rules and traditions, even if we don't fully grasp their reasoning, and the need to carefully consider the potential outcomes before dismantling them. The speaker also highlights the human tendency to focus on the immediate problem and solution, often neglecting the potential unintended consequences that may arise in the future. Ultimately, it's essential to approach change thoughtfully and intentionally, considering both the benefits and potential drawbacks, rather than making hasty decisions that could lead to unintended chaos.

    • Maintaining Balance Between Progress and ConservatismCarefully consider and fact-check information before making decisions, especially in academic environments where dissenting opinions may be suppressed. Environmental stewardship is a value that unites progressives and conservatives. Avoid reckless change and the potential for being misled by inaccurate information.

      The rapid pace of change in our civilization can sometimes lead to hasty decisions and potential missteps, making it essential to maintain a balance between progress and conservatism. The speaker acknowledges the need for progress, but also warns against reckless change and the potential for being misled by inaccurate information. He emphasizes the importance of scrutinizing information, particularly when it comes from academic environments where dissenting opinions may be suppressed. The speaker also highlights the importance of environmental stewardship as a value that both progressives and conservatives can agree upon. He encourages a thoughtful, methodical approach to addressing complex issues, rather than rushing to implement solutions based on incomplete or inaccurate information. In essence, the key takeaway is the importance of careful consideration and factual accuracy in the face of rapid change.

    • Concerns over public understanding and distractions hindering climate actionDespite the urgency of climate action, the current state of public understanding and distractions make it a daunting challenge. However, there's hope in rational discussion and representation from individuals who genuinely care and are willing to tackle complex issues.

      The degradation of the planet is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention, but the current state of affairs, including government inaction and the overwhelming amount of misinformation, makes it a daunting challenge. The speaker expresses concern about the state of public understanding and the influence of various distractions on people's ability to address the issue. However, they also believe that there is hope in the form of rational discussion and representation from individuals who genuinely care and are willing to tackle complex issues. The speaker advocates for a more nuanced understanding of the problem and the importance of empowering those who can make a difference. The capture of the system by self-interested elites is identified as a significant obstacle, but the speaker remains optimistic that a shift towards genuine representation and a focus on truth and reason can lead to progress.

    • Understanding the potential risks of AI surpassing human capabilitiesPrepare yourself for the future of AI by understanding its potential risks and taking meaningful steps to mitigate them.

      We are currently at a pivotal moment where AI may surpass human capabilities and become a problem instead of a solution. This is not a new concept, as it has been explored in various books and movies. However, despite our knowledge of these potential risks, we seem to be moving towards this reality. The conscious mind, which reads books and watches movies, is not the same as the part of the mind that takes action. This part needs to be prepared and understand its role. People need to steel themselves and identify who they are in the context of these stories. The fear of the unknown is a significant factor, but it's also possible that the reality may not be as scary as imagined. The lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic offer an example of how, despite being outgunned and misunderstood, humanity was able to outmaneuver the situation. This experience suggests that understanding the game and being prepared can lead to positive outcomes. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to take action and convert their awareness into meaningful steps.

    • Underdogs vs. Goliaths: Challenging Powerful EntitiesIndividuals and communities can challenge powerful entities by understanding their strengths and weaknesses, adapting, and leveraging the power of community and tradition.

      Despite the immense power and reach of certain entities in society, such as media conglomerates and governments, individuals and communities have the ability to challenge and outmaneuver them when they understand their strengths and weaknesses. This was evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, where people turned to alternative sources like podcasts to share information and expose potential manipulations. The entities, or "Goliaths," were caught off guard and now seek to establish new rules to prevent such challenges in the future. However, those challenging the status quo now have a powerful advantage: they have the support of intelligent, courageous individuals with integrity. While they may not have the technology or resources to fight on an even footing, they have every player they need to outfox their opponents. The biblical story of David and Goliath serves as a metaphor for this dynamic, with the "David" representing the underdogs and the "Goliath" representing the powerful entities. The key to success lies in continuing to adapt and outsmart the "Goliaths," who may be powerful but lack the understanding and foresight of the individuals they seek to control. Additionally, the survival instinct and the power of community and tradition may play a crucial role in this ongoing battle for meaningful change.

    • Elon Musk's struggle with collaborationDespite unique strengths, individuals like Elon Musk who struggle with collaboration could hinder team progress. However, their contributions are valuable and necessary for tackling pressing issues like saving the planet.

      Elon Musk, despite his bold initiatives like colonizing Mars and running innovative companies, struggles with collaboration and confederating with others. This trait, common among insightful and courageous individuals, can hinder progress when multiple such figures work towards a common goal. The speaker shares a personal experience of attempting to alert Musk about a compromised Twitter account, only to be blocked. Despite this setback, the speaker emphasizes the importance of bringing together individuals with unique strengths to tackle pressing issues, such as saving the planet. The speaker believes Musk's desire to save the planet and his strategic cleverness make him a valuable asset, but his difficulty in confederating could potentially hinder the team's progress. The speaker also hints at the suppression faced by those speaking out against powerful entities, using the example of their own podcast being demonetized.

    • Advocating for scientific understanding during the pandemicPhD biologists used their expertise to simplify complex virus info, interacted with influential figures, and advocated for open exchange of ideas on social media

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Heather and I used our backgrounds as PhD biologists to make complex scientific information about the virus simple and accessible to the public. Our efforts, which included interactions with influential figures like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, helped change the narrative around the virus. Additionally, during this time, I attempted to contact Elon Musk regarding suspicious activity on my Twitter account. I believed Musk would discover something significant in his quest to improve Twitter as a public square. However, Musk blocked me, and I suspect my messages may have been perceived as unwanted interference. Regardless of the reason for the block, it highlights the importance of individuals who understand complex issues advocating for a free and open exchange of ideas on social media platforms.

    • Transforming complex systems one platform or institution at a timeEffective communication, attracting like-minded individuals, and patience are essential for transforming complex systems by building a cohesive group of lone wolves.

      If we want to bring about significant change in complex systems, such as social media platforms or educational institutions, we need to focus on transforming one platform or institution at a time. By making it a place where adults can exchange ideas freely, we can attract more people and potentially shift the entire system. It's essential to communicate effectively and avoid unnecessary conflicts, even if misunderstandings occur. Additionally, there might be biological reasons why individuals, who have found themselves in unique positions and have been ejected from the institutions, need to learn how to work together to form a cohesive group. This process will involve missteps, practice, and patience. Ultimately, the skills required to build a pack of lone wolves are not naturally possessed by everyone, and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. However, it's crucial to keep trying and learn from each other to create a unified front for change.

    • Unexpected twists in life's journey shape usEmbrace unexpected twists, learn from experiences, and give our best effort to overcome challenges

      Life's journeys, whether they be professional or personal, often have unexpected twists and turns, and the importance of these experiences may not always be apparent in the moment. The speaker reflects on his past, specifically his time hosting IDW, where he brought on a liberal guest to a predominantly conservative audience, resulting in standing ovations. He now realizes that this stage in his career was a prototype for what he is doing now and an important part of his overall progress. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of each major event in shaping our understanding of the world and the tools we use to navigate it. He urges determination to address the challenges we face, acknowledging that the outcome may be uncertain, but the effort is worthwhile. In essence, the speaker encourages embracing the unexpected twists and turns in life and giving our best effort to overcome the challenges we encounter.

    • Choosing Sides in Real Life: The Matrix as a Cautionary TaleThe Matrix reminds us to face our fears and make clear choices in real life, as the consequences of inaction could be disastrous for ourselves and humanity.

      Just as we root for clear-cut heroes in novels and movies, we must also be clear about our actions when faced with difficult choices in real life. The Matrix serves as a reminder that the stakes can be high, and not standing up to face our fears could lead to disastrous consequences for ourselves and humanity as a whole. The non-Hollywood nature of the story should not deter us, as the outcome of our actions is still clear. We might even end up on the winning team, making the struggle worthwhile. The current societal issues, such as the woke revolution and COVID, serve as cautionary tales, urging us to stand up and face our fears instead of being complacent. Ultimately, the choice is ours, and the consequences of our inaction could be devastating for us and future generations.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    #25 - Mission Driven: Bringing Solar Power to 1M People in Africa

    #25 - Mission Driven: Bringing Solar Power to 1M People in Africa
    He's not on a mission to make money, quite the opposite. Xavier Helgesen is a mission driven founder, who uses money to do more good in the world. His first company, Better World Books sells 10 million used books a year that's collected by leftover books at libraries - in and shares revenues with literacy partners (Over $25M given to non-profits). This business lead him to Africa, where he noticed 20,000 people in a village had no electricity - so he decided to change that. He created Zola Electric, the largest solar power company in Africa, providing 1 million people with electricity per day. He talks to us about how he turned his college side hustle into a $70M biz, moving next to his customers in Tanzania, selling electricity to people who never used electricity and how ‘Mutual Improvement Societies’ could help you 10x your life.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

    EO Products: Susan Griffin-Black & Brad Black

    EO Products: Susan Griffin-Black & Brad Black
    In the early 1990s, Susan Griffin-Black was working for Esprit in San Francisco. On a business trip to London, she walked into a Covent Garden apothecary shop, picked up a bottle of lavender oil and took a whiff. The aroma — "like being in a beautiful garden" — literally changed her life. That was the inspiration to develop her own line of essential oil products. For 15 years, she and her husband and co-founder Brad Black barely scraped by, but the business eventually thrived. And though their marriage ultimately ended, their partnership continues. PLUS for our postscript "How You Built That," Lia Heifetz of Barnacle Foods describes how she and her partners turned Alaskan bull kelp into pickles and salsa. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Science a Key Component of Corporate Sustainability

    Science a Key Component of Corporate Sustainability

    For Gayle Schueller Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability officer at 3M, science has always been an important part of her life. In this episode she explains how through pandemic, loss of biodiversity and the climate crisis, the importance of applying scientific principles has drastically increased. We learn what the 3M initiatives “Science for Climate, Circular and Community” means in practice. Gayle lays out the way forward in fostering large scale collaborations across organizational boundaries to jointly achieve ambitious sustainability targets.