
    Podcast Summary

    • New York Times reporter contacts Bongino about election protests coverageBongino received concern from NYT reporter about election coverage, shared 'killer stuff', discussed debate benefits for Trump, promoted sponsors ExpressVPN and Magic Spoon, received vintage boxing bell gift, remained optimistic about book release despite poor timing.

      Dan Bongino's radio show is a lively mix of political analysis, sponsor endorsements, and personal anecdotes. During a recent episode, Bongino shared that he had received communication from a New York Times reporter expressing concern about his and Mark Levin's coverage of Democrats' calls for post-election protests. Bongino revealed that he had some "killer stuff" regarding the situation and also discussed his theory on why the presidential debates are benefiting Trump. Bongino's show was sponsored by ExpressVPN and Magic Spoon, a cereal brand. He spoke passionately about Magic Spoon's delicious, zero-sugar cereals and encouraged listeners to try them. The episode also featured a vintage boxing bell sent as a gift from a listener named Kenny, which would serve as a backup in case of electronic bell failure. Bongino mentioned that his book release had been poorly timed due to the current political climate. Despite this, he remained optimistic and continued to engage with his audience, sharing his insights and opinions on various topics.

    • Exposing Biased Reporting and Shifting BlameA reporter's true intentions were hidden while attempting to blame those exposing leftist calls for violence for causing unrest, demonstrating the importance of being aware of biased reporting tactics.

      Despite not promoting his new book due to personal circumstances, it still managed to reach the top 4 spot on Amazon with no PR, demonstrating strong support from readers. However, the New York Times was attempting to write a story suggesting that those exposing leftist calls for violence were the instigators, a common tactic known as symmetric warfare. The reporter, Davey Alba, had contacted Mark Levin and others regarding a supposed Democrat-led coup on election day, but her true intentions were to blame those exposing the left for causing unrest. The text she sent to Levin, asking for comment on his videos about this topic, was not what it seemed. Levin planned to expose her when the article was published. Overall, it's crucial to be aware of biased reporting and the tactics used to shift blame.

    • Liberal figures call for violent protests, some threaten violence against conservativesLiberal figures have been advocating for violent protests post-election, some even threatening violence against conservatives. Yet, some journalists continue to perpetuate the narrative of conservative violence and racism.

      Prominent liberal figures have been calling for violent protests and even a street fight after the election, as outlined in the Transition Integrity Project's documents. Michael Anton, a conservative commentator who exposed this information, has faced threats and calls for violence from some of these figures, including Nils Gilman, who has publicly called for Anton's death. Despite this information, some journalists, like Davey Alba from The New York Times, have shown little interest in reporting on it. Instead, they continue to perpetuate the narrative that conservatives are the violent and racist ones. This discrepancy in reporting highlights the importance of factual reporting and transparency in journalism.

    • Media Disconnect: Shifting Focus from Democrat's Calls for Violence to Republican ResponseSome media outlets manipulate narratives, focusing on Republican response to Democrat's calls for violence instead of the truth, potentially suppressing important information.

      There is a significant disconnect between the narrative being pushed by some media outlets and the actual events and actions taking place. The discussion highlights an instance where the focus shifts from the Democrats' calls for a coup and violence to the Republican response to these calls. The speaker argues that this is an intentional attempt to distance the public from the truth and discredit those exposing it. Furthermore, there are concerns that media outlets like The New York Times are trying to suppress the truth by sanctioning certain accounts from social media platforms. The speaker provides evidence, including quotes from Democrats, to support these claims. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of factual reporting and the potential consequences of selectively focusing on certain aspects of a story.

    • Dan Bongino endorses Vincero watches for their quality, affordability, and customer serviceDan Bongino recommends Vincero watches for their high-quality designs, affordable prices, excellent customer service, and the peace of mind that comes with a two-year guarantee and 30-day return policy.

      Dan Bongino highly recommends Vincero watches due to their high quality, affordable prices, and excellent customer service. Dan personally owns and loves the Vincero Altitude watch, which he finds bold and statement-making. He appreciates that Vincero does not have brand name markups or exorbitant prices, and offers free shipping, 30-day returns, and a two-year guarantee. With over 22,000 five-star reviews, Vincero is a trusted brand for those seeking well-made watches without breaking the bank. Dan encourages listeners to visit vincerowatches.com/bongino to get a discount on their preferred watch. He emphasizes that these are watches you'll enjoy wearing every day and promises that if you don't, Vincero will make it right.

    • Media Downplaying or Ignoring Calls for CoupSome media outlets focus on response to coup calls instead of the calls themselves, while others try to link unrelated events to former President Trump without solid evidence

      There have been accusations of coup and rebellion from key figures involved in political events, such as the Ukraine whistleblower's attorney, and these calls have been downplayed or ignored by some media outlets. For instance, The New York Times has focused more on the response to these calls for a coup rather than the calls themselves. Meanwhile, a kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was recently uncovered, and some have attempted to link this to former President Trump. However, there is no evidence of Trump's involvement in the plot, and it was actually Trump's Justice Department that broke it up. Despite this, some media outlets have tried to connect Trump to the plot. These attempts have been met with strong denials and threats of legal action from those accused. Overall, it's important to separate fact from fiction and avoid jumping to conclusions based on incomplete or misleading information.

    • Speaker Pelosi's Calls for 25th Amendment Amidst ElectionThe ongoing debate over the 25th Amendment to remove the President raises concerns of a coup attempt, as it comes before an election and is perceived differently based on political affiliation.

      There are ongoing discussions about the potential use of the 25th Amendment to remove the President of the United States from office, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi publicly advocating for such a move. The speaker's calls for this action come weeks before an election, and some argue that this constitutes a coup attempt, as it would be an unjustified seizure of power. The speaker's advocacy for the 25th Amendment comes amidst reports of increasing COVID-19 cases and deaths, but the focus on this issue seems to have been downplayed in mainstream media. Those raising concerns about this situation are being labeled as instigators, despite using the Democrats' own words and actions against them. The double standard in how such actions are perceived and reported based on political affiliation is a significant concern.

    • 2020 Election: A Base ElectionTrump team prioritizes base voters, encourages supporters to vote early, and aims for biggest GOTV effort in conservative history.

      The 2020 election is now entering its final stages, and it's crucial for Trump supporters to get out and vote. The election is shaping up to be a base election, with both campaigns focusing on their respective bases. Trump's team believes that there are still undecided voters who could tip the scale, and they are prioritizing turning out their supporters. Early voting has already started in some states, and the Keep America America campaign is encouraging people to get involved and help get out the vote. The 2016 election was decided by a small margin, and the goal is to make this the biggest get-out-the-vote effort in conservative history. Trump's strategy in the debates was to appeal to his base, and while the media may have criticized his interruptions, it remains to be seen if this approach will pay off. Regardless of one's political views, it's important to stay informed and get involved in the democratic process. Go to KeepAmericaAmerica.com to find out how you can help.

    • 2020 US Presidential Election: A Base ElectionBoth Trump and Biden are focusing on mobilizing their bases, with Trump trying to detach Biden from the radical left and appealing to his conservative base, while Biden's running mate Kamala Harris denies plans to ban fracking to win over the left.

      The 2020 US Presidential election is shaping up to be a base election, with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden focusing on mobilizing their respective voter bases. Trump is attempting to detach Biden from the radical left of his party by getting him to disavow positions popular with that group, potentially causing those voters to stay home on Election Day. Meanwhile, Trump is catering to his conservative base with policies and actions that appeal to them. Similarly, Kamala Harris and Mike Pence tried to win over the left by having Harris deny plans to ban fracking, a position popular with the radical left. This base election strategy was not widely recognized during the debate, but it has since gained attention in political commentary. The Washington Examiner has covered this topic, noting that Trump is trailing in polls but believes he can win by maximizing voter turnout among his base.

    • Biden's evasive answer on court packing causes controversyBiden's refusal to answer about court packing before the election raises concerns and questions about his intentions, potentially damaging his campaign and highlighting the importance of transparency.

      During a recent discussion, it was highlighted that Joe Biden's evasive answer regarding court packing is causing controversy and stirring up strong opinions. The Supreme Court is a significant issue, and many believe that Biden's refusal to answer the question before the election raises concerns about his intentions. Some commentators suggest that Biden is hesitant to answer due to pressure from his radical leftist base, who want to pack the court as a way to bypass the current conservative-leaning one. Biden's reluctance to answer could be damaging his campaign, as even leftist media outlets are questioning his stance. Ultimately, the issue underscores the importance of transparency and accountability from political candidates, especially on such a consequential matter.

    • Laser Training System for FirearmsThe Itargetpro laser training system is a cost-effective and convenient way for firearm owners to practice and improve their skills without live ammo or frequent range visits. It is compatible with various calibers and offers a discount with code DAN.

      The Itargetpro laser training system is a smart and cost-effective way for firearm owners to practice and hone their skills without the need for live ammo or frequent trips to the range. This proprietary app and laser round fit various firearm calibers, enabling users to train extensively and accurately. Reviews are positive, and the offer code DAN provides a 10% discount and free shipping. This makes an excellent gift for firearm enthusiasts. On a different note, the Spygate controversy surrounding Donald Trump's alleged framing by the FBI started when Hillary Clinton attempted to tie him to the Russians. The FBI, in turn, looked for evidence and was provided with information from an Australian diplomat's meeting with George Papadopoulos in London on May 10, 2016. However, there are theories suggesting this meeting might have been a setup. The FBI's counter-intelligence division head, Bill Priestap, was in London around the same time, which raises questions about potential coordination. An email from Priestap to McCabe, his boss, indicates he would be out of town the following week, which might explain why the Papadopoulos meeting date was incorrectly reported in the Mueller report.

    • FBI Aware of Papadopoulos-Diplomat Meeting Before it HappenedNew texts suggest the FBI was informed of Papadopoulos' London meeting with diplomat before it occurred, raising questions about the investigation's origins and potential FBI involvement.

      There are text messages between an FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, a subordinate of the company that set up a meeting between George Papadopoulos and an Australian diplomat in London in May 2016. These texts suggest that the FBI was aware of the meeting before it happened, as they were seeking "grist" for John Carlin, who was then the head of the Department of Justice's National Security Division and a former chief of staff for Robert Mueller. The texts also indicate that there may have been communication between the State Department and the FBI regarding this meeting. These revelations raise questions about the origins of the investigation into Trump campaign collusion with Russia and whether the FBI was involved in setting up the Papadopoulos meeting as part of that investigation.

    • CIA's London Rendition and Yelp's Racist Behavior AlertsThe CIA's attempts to keep London rendition documents hidden and Yelp's new racist behavior alerts highlight the power of transparency and public opinion, with potential consequences for international relations and businesses alike.

      The CIA's involvement in rendition and interrogation practices during the War on Terror era, specifically an incident in London, has resurfaced, and the current CIA director, Gina Haspel, is reportedly trying to prevent the release of related documents due to potential damaging consequences. Meanwhile, in a seemingly unrelated matter, Yelp, a consumer review site, has announced that it will now place a "racist behavior alert" on businesses accused of racist conduct. This decision has sparked concerns about potential lawsuits and endless disputes. While the CIA matter involves international politics and potential human rights issues, the Yelp situation raises questions about the implications of cancel culture and the potential for frivolous lawsuits. Both situations underscore the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of public opinion.

    • Conservative content creators shift to Rumble.com due to YouTube censorshipConservative content producers are moving to Rumble.com to avoid censorship on YouTube, owned by Google. Media bias was also criticized, specifically NBC's town hall with Joe Biden, where some 'undecided' voters had already publicly supported him.

      Conservative content producers are moving from YouTube to Rumble.com due to censorship concerns. This was highlighted during a discussion where several names, including Dinesh D'Souza, Diamond and Silk, Buck Sexton, Joe Pags, and Tony Katz, were mentioned. The reason for this shift is that these individuals no longer want to be censored by YouTube, which is owned by Google. Furthermore, during the same discussion, there was a critique of media bias, specifically regarding NBC's town hall with Joe Biden. NBC advertised the event as having undecided voters, but in reality, some of these voters had already publicly stated their support for Biden on previous NBC panels. This further underscores the lack of credibility in the media and the importance of fact-checking. Overall, the message is clear: support alternative platforms that prioritize free speech and hold the media accountable for their biases.

    • Explore financial connections for deeper understandingBy investigating financial relationships, we can gain new insights into complex political situations

      Bongino's new book, "Follow the Money," delves into this topic, providing insights that go beyond the headlines. He encourages readers to explore the financial connections that underpin the story. The Soros chapters in particular have generated significant interest and controversy. You can find Bongino's book at major retailers like Barnes and Noble and Amazon. By following the money, Bongino argues, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex web of relationships and interests that shape our political landscape. So, if you're looking to make sense of the latest news and scandals, consider checking out "Follow the Money" and following the money trail yourself.

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