
    I'll probably be arguing with somebody...

    enDecember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Peace Amidst the Holiday ChaosDespite the potential stress and commercialization, focus on joy and optimism during the holiday season. Mint Mobile offers an affordable wireless plan to help manage costs.

      Technology, like Voice Over on the iPhone, can make daily life more accessible and convenient. Meanwhile, during the holiday season, it's essential to find moments of peace and relaxation amidst the potential stress and chaos. Regarding Christmas, the discussion touched on how it's a time when many people gather with family, which can lead to various challenges and emotions. Some believe that the holiday has been tarnished by excessive focus on its commercial aspects and the resulting stress and resentment. However, it was acknowledged that every culture and faith has its unique challenges during celebrations. Ultimately, the key is to find joy and optimism amidst the festivities, even if that means taking a break and finding solace in unexpected places. In terms of practical matters, Mint Mobile offers an affordable wireless plan to help manage the increasing costs during inflation.

    • Appreciating the joy and connection of traditionsPeople still attend traditions for community and joy, even if not for religious reasons. Passionate sharing of experiences, patience, and learning are important.

      Even though people may not actively celebrate certain traditions or holidays with the same fervor as before, they still appreciate the joy and connection that comes with them. For instance, the speakers in this conversation may not have strong religious faith, but they still attend church for the carols and the sense of community. Similarly, they may not know all the answers to Christmas trivia quiz questions, but they enjoy participating in the quiz and learning new things together. Monty Don, their interview guest, shares his passion for gardening and aims to make it accessible to a younger generation who might not have grown up with it but still want to learn and enjoy it. The conversation highlights the importance of patience, learning, and sharing experiences, even if one doesn't have all the answers or skills right away. Happy Christmas, everyone!

    • Embrace the messy journey of gardeningGardening brings peace, joy, and spiritual fulfillment through focus on the process and embracing the unexpected challenges

      Gardening, like music or any creative pursuit, requires focus and mindfulness. It's a continuous learning process, and perfection is not the goal. Instead, the enjoyment and beauty found in the experience are what truly matter. Gardening is not a polished, TV-ready endeavor; it's messy, muddy, and full of unexpected challenges. But in amongst the chaos lies delight and joy. People often discover their love for gardening at unexpected moments, even during difficult times in their lives. The act of preparing the ground, planting seeds, and nurturing growth can bring a sense of peace and even spiritual fulfillment. So, embrace the mess, focus on the process, and enjoy the journey.

    • From low-class job to socially accepted hobby: The evolution of gardeningGardening has become more socially accepted and diverse, with opportunities for young people and democratized through social media. Early industrialization and urbanization in the UK contributed to its deep-rooted culture.

      Gardening, once seen as a low-class job and an unlikely pursuit for those with a middle-class background, has evolved into a more socially accepted and diverse field. The speaker, who grew up in a middle-class background in England and discovered a deep connection to gardening, shares how the landscape of gardening has changed significantly since their youth. They note that there are now more opportunities for young people to pursue careers in gardening and that it is more socially accepted in the UK compared to other countries. The speaker also credits the rise of social media platforms like Instagram for democratizing the beauty of gardens and gardening, allowing people from all over the world to connect and share their love for it. The speaker also reflects on their personal experiences of gardening in different parts of the world and expresses a desire to garden in warmer, drier climates. They attribute the deep-rooted gardening culture in the UK to the country's early industrialization and the shift from rural areas to urban centers in the 18th and 19th centuries. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the transformative power of gardening and the ways in which it has become more accessible and inclusive over time.

    • Exploring Consensual Sex in LiteratureJulie Cooper, an author, advocates for the importance of consensual and enjoyable sex in literature, expressing concerns over technology's impact on sex education and relationships.

      Despite the changing societal norms and the easy access to explicit content, author Julie Cooper continues to write about consensual and fun sex in her novels, believing it to be an essential and enjoyable aspect of life. She expressed concern over the impact of technology on social interactions and the potential negative effects on young people's understanding of sex and relationships. Despite her advanced age, she remains passionate about the topic and feels a responsibility to portray it in a positive and realistic light. Her characters, set in the idyllic English countryside of Ruttshire, continue to captivate readers with their romantic entanglements and sexual adventures.

    • Discovering Happiness at an Older Age and Apple's DaisyAn 89-year-old woman found happiness in her sex life, Apple's Daisy recycles more materials than traditional methods, 1800flowers.com offers more than gifts, and Rebag ensures authenticity for luxury resales.

      Age is no barrier to finding happiness and passion in life, as evidenced by a woman's newfound joy in her sex life at the age of 89. Additionally, Apple's iPhone disassembly robot, Daisy, plays a crucial role in recycling and recovering more materials than conventional methods. Furthermore, 1800flowers.com offers more than just gift giving for special occasions, putting heart and love into every step of the process. Lastly, Rebag is a luxury resale platform for buying and selling high-end items, ensuring quality and authenticity. During the interview, Gillie Cooper shared her personal experience of having a dull marriage and finding happiness with a new partner at an older age. She also mentioned her admiration for Rishi Sunak, the current prime minister, and how some people might have preferred him to praise a more "literary" author. Gillie, who is known for her poetry and books, also discussed her past experiences with politicians and the assumption of sexual availability among the upper classes. She pondered over the reason for this assumption and suggested that perhaps the lack of pressing obligations like work could contribute to this perception.

    • The Complexity of Social Class in British SocietySocial class is a multifaceted concept influenced by education, income, and upbringing, and continues to shape British culture and identity, particularly in the context of football.

      The concept of social class, as explored in Natasha Walter's book "Class," continues to be a complex and intriguing aspect of British society. While some may associate class with physical attractiveness and glamour, others see it as a more nuanced system shaped by education and income. In the world of football, players often come from various socio-economic backgrounds, adding to the intricacy of the class system. Despite the challenges in defining it, the class system remains a significant influence on British culture and identity. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the charisma and appeal of certain public figures, the ongoing relevance of the class system in today's society, and the excitement of watching football and the State Opening of Parliament. The speakers shared their personal experiences and connections to the topic, making for an engaging and insightful conversation.

    • Perceptions vs. Reality: The Complexities of IndividualsPeople's perceptions of individuals can be influenced by external factors and may not align with reality. It's essential to look beyond superficial impressions and consider the complexities of individuals' experiences.

      People's perceptions of individuals can be shaped by external factors, and these perceptions may not align with the reality of who that person truly is. This was evident in the discussion about Gillian Cooper's appreciation for the countryside and her positive outlook on life, contrasted with the negative reputation of Richard III from Shakespeare's play. Jo Ando shared her personal connection to the play, having grown up identifying with Richard III due to feeling misunderstood and facing adversity because of her race. She felt outraged when Shakespeare portrayed him as a villain, but later realized that the negative representation may have been a result of Elizabeth I's desire to promote a positive image of her grandfather, who had deposed Richard III. This discussion highlights the importance of looking beyond superficial impressions and considering the complexities of individuals' experiences.

    • Impact of discrimination on self-worthDiscrimination can deeply affect self-worth, but individuals can find resilience and strength through their experiences.

      The experiences of being marginalized and judged based on one's race or identity can deeply impact an individual's sense of self-worth and lead to feelings of unlovability. This theme resonated deeply with the speaker, who grew up as the only person of color in her Cotswold community. She shared her experiences of navigating discrimination and the impact it had on her childhood. Although some aspects of society have changed, discrimination continues in various forms, as evidenced by recent incidents such as the girl being beaten up in the playground and not receiving help. The speaker's connection to the play "The Net" and her role in the adaptation of "Bridgerton" highlights the importance of representation and expanding narratives to include diverse experiences. The speaker's journey from feeling punched down to punching up serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength that comes from facing adversity.

    • Celebrating Dynamic Women in Arts and MediaActors, particularly women over forty, crave more representation in arts and media, and audiences are eager consumers of authentic portrayals.

      Dynamic women, whether they faced challenges in the past like Jane's characters or are living their lives now, deserve celebration and attention in arts and media. Actors, like the guest and Jane, appreciate the preparation and challenges that come with their craft, be it period dramas or modern productions. The audience, particularly women over forty, are eager consumers of arts and crave more representation of their experiences and delights in media. Actors like Stephen Mangan, who can seamlessly blend talent, humor, and authenticity, add richness to the arts landscape.

    • The power of family and friendship in overcoming adversityDespite unexpected challenges and hardships, the support of loved ones and resilience can help individuals find solace and achieve their goals.

      Even when faced with unexpected challenges and hardships, the power of family and friendship can help individuals overcome adversity and find solace. The speaker shared how they had to write a 50,000 word novel instead of creating picture books as they initially thought, but their younger sister's encouragement and belief in them kept them going. They also spoke about the tragic loss of their parents when they were young and how they came together as a family to buy a house and be there for each other. During a difficult time when their mother was ill, the speaker took a year out of university to care for her, and their friends were supportive despite not fully understanding what they were going through. The speaker also reflected on how the experience of caring for their ill parents was a catalyst for them to pursue their dream of becoming an actor. Through it all, the importance of family, friendship, and resilience shone through.

    • Actors Turning to Alternative CareersActors like Stephen Mangan have explored alternative careers due to financial instability and uncertainty in the entertainment industry. However, some return to acting and find success. Despite concerns about the industry's focus on big-budget productions, Mangan emphasizes the importance of funding for smaller films.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and financially uncertain, leading individuals to consider alternative careers. For instance, Stephen Mangan, an actor, shared his experience of pursuing law due to family history and financial instability in the acting world. However, he eventually returned to acting and found success, including voicing Postman Pat in an animated film. An interesting aspect of this role was the solitary recording process, which presented challenges as actors typically rely on interacting with others to bring depth to their performances. Despite the industry's challenges, Mangan expressed concern about the lack of funding for smaller, more intimate films, leading to a saturation of superhero movies.

    • British TV show 'Episodes' adapts from English boarding school to American hockey teamThe British TV show 'Episodes' faced challenges in adapting from a British boarding school concept to an American hockey team, but still delivered standout performances and transatlantic success.

      The British TV show "Episodes," which was filmed partly in the UK and partly in LA, was a clever and successful adaptation of a British series about an English boarding school. The show's creators, a British husband-wife writing team, played by Tamsin Greig and Stephen Mangan, faced embarrassment when their American network decided to change the concept to an American hockey team and recast the lead character with Matt LeBlanc. Despite the challenges, the show was a treat to work on, with standout performances from Daisy Haggard, Tamzin Merchant, and others. The show was written by David Crane and Jeffrey Klarik, with Mangan playing the David Crane character and Greig playing his partner. Mangan also shared an exciting gossip tidbit on his way out of the studio about a potential replacement for a recently departed male network executive. Although the show was filmed mostly in the UK, it had a significant impact on both sides of the Atlantic. If you're a fan of the show or just enjoy insightful discussions about the TV industry, be sure to tune in to Off the Shelf with Jane Garvey and Fee Glover for more fascinating conversations.

    • Shop Mother's Day gifts online at 1800flowers.com/acast and save up to 40%Shop Mother's Day gifts online, save up to 40% at 1800flowers.com/acast, and enjoy convenient home delivery

      1-800-Flowers offers a wide range of gifts for Mother's Day, including handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and unique presents. These items can be conveniently ordered online and delivered fresh. For a limited time, customers can save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers by shopping at 1800flowers.com/acast. Don't miss out on this opportunity to save while celebrating your amazing moms. Order now and enjoy the discounted prices. This is a perfect solution for those who want to make their mothers feel special on this special day without having to leave their homes. So, don't wait any longer, visit the website today and save up to 40% on your Mother's Day purchases.

    Recent Episodes from Off Air... with Jane and Fi



    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. In this half, they answer audience questions and discuss retirement, worst interviewees and hand out some highly-coveted tote bags.

    Jane will be back on Monday with a special guest presenter (normal service resumes on Tuesday)...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. They're joined on stage by Richard Coles to discuss his latest novel 'Murder at the Monastery'. They discuss fake tan, who God would vote for and getting mistaken for Dumbledore...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    Jane and Fi are about to break up for their summer holidays but there's much to cover before that... In this episode Jane and Fi discuss funeral flowers, Dora's needs and Colin and Connie. Plus, Mystic Garv makes one more appearance before Jane goes on her holidays... Sit tight for that.

    Also, Jane speaks to biographer and journalist Tom Bower about his new book 'The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    The festivities continue for Jane's impending birthday with several Colins en route - no expense has been spared! After she's finished opening some cards, they discuss blushing, draughts and Jane's toes.

    Plus, Jane speaks to actress Jill Halfpenny about her memoir 'A Life Reimagined: My Journey of Hope in the Midst of Loss'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    Jane is reflecting on her upcoming birthday and Fi has some hard truths about the milestone... They also chat riding sidesaddle, cruises and retirement plans.

    Plus, Fi speaks to BBC reporter Ashley John-Baptiste about his memoir 'Looked After: A Childhood in Care'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Mystic Jane is defending her predictions after a weekend of football. More to come on that front... They also discuss milestone birthdays, pro and cons of France and the lunch hour.

    Plus, Fi speaks to leading human rights barrister Susie Alegre about her book ‘Human Rights, Robot Wrongs’.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    This Friday we're sharing an episode of a brand new podcast from The Times.

    It's called Your History, and each week it uses the obituary pages of The Times to tell the stories of important and fascinating lives. This week Anna Temkin, deputy obituaries editor at The Times, explores the lives of TV doctor Michael Mosley and pioneering astronaut Bill Anders.

    You can hear future episodes by following Your History wherever you listen to Off Air...with Jane and Fi.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    Jane and Fi are 'bigging up Britain' and some of their suggestions are a bit of a stretch... Do get in touch if you can do any better! They also cover wild wees, mass risotto and sizzling sausages.

    Plus, mother-daughter duo Andi and Miquita Oliver discuss the new series of their podcast 'Stirring It Up'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Jane survived Redcar and she has some thoughts she'd like to share... brace yourselves! Then there's more motor-home tales, advice on ticks and a tiny bit of political chat (despite promises to the contrary).

    Plus, art historian Katy Hessel joins Jane to discuss her podcast 'Death of an Artist'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    In case you haven't heard (you must be the only one), Jane is in Redcar on the election bus. Times Radio's Matt Chorley fills in today as a double threat: co-presenter and guest. Fi and Matt chat wrap-around ads, shy righties and Trump.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Connect with me on Instagram @foxandelder.

    If you're enjoying the podcast, please help spread the word by rating and reviewing, and sharing it with a friend!

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    I'm plucking at chest hairs here (with Adele Roberts)

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    And Fi chats to broadcaster Adele Roberts about her new memoir, 'Personal Best'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced - A Dutiful Boy by Mohsin Zaidi.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Hannah Quinn

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    TSH - 84 - Two Beers with Charles - Charles Hugh Smirth

    TSH - 84 - Two Beers with Charles - Charles Hugh Smirth

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