
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing Negative Patterns in BehaviorAcknowledging past hurts and guarded behavior is crucial for personal growth and stronger relationships.

      Recognizing and acknowledging negative patterns in our behavior, such as those exhibited by the "jerk husband" in the podcast, is the first step towards personal growth and improvement in relationships. This caller, Todd from Salt Lake City, shared his experience of realizing that his guarded and distant behavior towards his wife had been a problem for over a decade. He identified this pattern after listening to the show and felt motivated to seek help. Todd's story highlights the importance of self-awareness and the power of acknowledging and addressing past hurts in order to build stronger, healthier relationships. Additionally, the simple act of subscribing to the podcast or YouTube channel can make a significant difference in reaching those who are seeking guidance on improving their own relationships.

    • Using pornography as an escape from stress and anxietyPornography and other unhealthy coping mechanisms can provide temporary relief but ultimately damage relationships. Rebuilding trust and intimacy requires open communication and vulnerability.

      Pornography and other unhealthy coping mechanisms can provide temporary relief from stress and anxiety, but they can ultimately damage relationships and create emotional distance. The speaker shares his personal experience of using pornography as a way to deal with the stresses of academic life, marriage, and impending fatherhood. He acknowledges that he was not a "smart guy" and felt pressure to perform well, which led him to seek escape through pornography. However, he also recognizes that this behavior created a wall between him and his wife, leading to feelings of disconnection and shame. The speaker emphasizes that rebuilding the relationship requires both parties to leave their old ways behind and build a new marriage based on open communication and vulnerability. He encourages the listener not to view themselves as broken but rather to understand how their bodies respond to embarrassment and shame, and to work together to dismantle the defenses that have been built over time.

    • Recognizing the importance of vulnerability in marriageBoth partners must be vulnerable and communicate openly to build a healthy and fulfilling marriage

      True change and growth in a marriage cannot be achieved in isolation. Both partners must be fully present and vulnerable with each other. The husband in this conversation recognizes that he has been trying to improve himself on his own, but he realizes that his actions and changes impact his wife. He plans to sit down with her and be open about his struggles and desires, acknowledging that they are creating their marriage together. This level of vulnerability may feel uncomfortable, but it is the first step towards building a new kind of marriage. The husband also understands that being vulnerable does not mean being weak or less capable, but rather allowing oneself to be hurt and emotionally connected with one's partner. This open and honest communication is essential for a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

    • Struggling with vulnerability and fear in relationshipsFeeling inadequate and fearing failure and rejection can hinder personal relationships. Building a non-anxious life can help improve connection and commitment.

      Vulnerability and fear of failure can be major obstacles in personal relationships, especially when it comes to expressing love and connection. The speaker in this conversation shares his struggle with feeling inadequate and unsure of how to love and connect with his wife, leading him to cringe at the idea of making such a commitment each day. He also expresses fear of failure and rejection, which he compares to the high-pressure situations he faces as a nurse. The speaker's vulnerability and fear make it difficult for him to connect with his wife and build a strong, loving relationship. However, he also recognizes the importance of bringing a calm presence and giving it his all in difficult situations, even if the outcome is not what he desires. Ultimately, the speaker is embarking on a journey to build a non-anxious life, which he believes will provide him with the tools and structure to better navigate the challenges of love and relationships.

    • Exploring the Path to Inner Peace and Stronger RelationshipsAsking deep questions and seeking support through prayer apps, meditation, or therapy can lead to inner peace and stronger relationships. Trust, communication, and seeking help are key to overcoming disconnect and improving partnerships.

      Finding inner peace and strengthening relationships are crucial for personal growth and happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking deep questions and seeking support, whether through prayer and meditation apps like Hallow or therapy. He shares a heartfelt conversation with Jen, a listener who is struggling in her marriage. Jen expresses her feelings of disconnect and lack of intimacy with her husband, leading the speaker to encourage her to explore the root causes and consider seeking help. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of trust and partnership in a relationship. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection, communication, and seeking help when needed to improve relationships and find inner peace.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsAddressing issues early through open and honest communication can prevent smaller problems from escalating into larger ones.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. The discussion highlights a couple who had gone without intimacy for 12 years and waited 6 months before seeking professional help. They acknowledged that they had been grasping at straws instead of addressing the issue directly, which ultimately led to a larger problem. The speaker suggested that adults, like parents and couples, should have the ability to articulate their feelings and concerns in a conversation. The lack of communication in this relationship allowed small issues to build up and eventually caused a larger problem. The takeaway is that addressing issues early on through open and honest communication can prevent smaller problems from escalating into larger ones.

    • Understanding and Changing Negative Patterns in RelationshipsTo change negative patterns in relationships, one partner needs to take initiative, create a new environment, and prioritize forgiveness, grace, and trying new things.

      Relationships require effort and open communication to break negative patterns and build something new. The speaker in this conversation has been working with a therapist for nine months and has noticed significant changes in herself. However, her husband hasn't noticed much difference, and they continue to have a strained relationship. Esther Perel's idea of "the dance" explains how couples can get stuck in negative patterns and struggle to connect when things are not the way they're used to. To change this dynamic, one partner needs to take the initiative and create a new environment for the relationship to grow. This might involve having a difficult conversation, seeking help, or making a significant change. The speaker acknowledges that this process is not easy and may involve facing challenges and potential conflict. Ultimately, it's essential to choose to prioritize the relationship and work towards building something new based on forgiveness, grace, and trying new things.

    • Honesty and effective communication in resolving marital issuesEmphasize present needs, focus on solutions, set boundaries, have regular check-ins, recognize need for change, and approach conversation as grown-ups.

      Effective communication and honesty are crucial in resolving marital issues. The speaker shares an experience of having a difficult conversation with a partner, emphasizing the importance of both parties being present and expressing their needs clearly without blame or defensiveness. The conversation should focus on moving forward and finding solutions together, such as setting boundaries, having regular check-ins, and being accountable for personal growth. It's essential to recognize the need for change and commit to making the relationship work, rather than dwelling on past grievances. Overall, the conversation should be approached as a grown-up, respectful, and emotionally intelligent exchange between two adults.

    • Exploring the Root Cause of Feeling DrainedIt's okay to acknowledge feelings of being drained and consider reaching out for support, setting healthy boundaries, and reclaiming your energy to live authentically

      It's okay to acknowledge when you're feeling drained, even if others around you seem to be thriving. Sometimes, we need more than self-help hacks or distractions. It might be time to reach out to a trusted friend, mentor, or consider therapy to help us process our emotions and create a plan to recharge. Amanda's story illustrates this idea. She's faced with pressure from her family to attend events that leave her feeling drained and guilty. Instead of continuing to subject herself to this punishment, she could explore the root cause of her feelings and consider setting healthy boundaries. It's essential to remember that we're not defined by others' expectations or past experiences. We have the power to reclaim our energy and live our lives authentically.

    • Comparing oneself to others leads to dissatisfactionFocus on personal happiness and joy, rather than comparing or controlling others' actions.

      Focusing too much on others' actions and comparing one's own life to theirs can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Instead, it's essential to focus on one's own journey and find joy in life's experiences, even when faced with challenges or difficult relationships. The speaker shares her personal experiences of making bold decisions and pursuing her goals, despite the potential criticism or reactions from others. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize personal happiness and peace, rather than trying to control or change others' behaviors. The speaker encourages embracing the messiness and complexity of family dynamics and continuing to find joy in the relationships and experiences that bring happiness.

    • Create the holiday experience you desireIdentify what you want the holidays to feel like and take steps to make it a reality, whether that means setting boundaries, ignoring hurtful comments, or creating new traditions.

      You have the power to shape your own life and create the holiday experience you desire, even if it means setting boundaries with difficult family members. The holidays can bring joy, laughter, and warmth, but they may also come with discomfort and relational challenges. It's essential to identify what you want the holidays to feel like and take steps to make that a reality. This might involve setting firm boundaries, ignoring hurtful comments, or even distancing yourself from certain family members. Remember, it's okay to prioritize your own well-being and the well-being of your family. The holidays don't have to be perfect, but they can be filled with love and connection if you take an intentional approach. So sit down with your loved ones and discuss what you want the holidays to look like. Be prepared for challenges, but also be open to the possibility of creating new traditions and memories.

    • Embrace the adventure of a non-anxious lifeSix daily choices from Jon Dalton's book can help manage anxious feelings and respond better to life's challenges. Music can also inspire and bring joy.

      It's important to take control of your own life and not let negative influences bring you down. Anxiety and stress are common experiences, but there are ways to reduce their impact. In his new book, "Building a Nonanxious Life," Jon Dalton shares six daily choices to help manage anxious feelings and respond better to life's challenges. Meanwhile, music can also be a source of inspiration and joy. Mark Slaughter, a local rock icon, continues to inspire fans like Kelly with his powerful voice and magnetic presence. So, don't let one person or situation cast a shadow over your life. Embrace the adventure and live a more peaceful, non-anxious life. And if you're feeling anxious, consider checking out Jon Dalton's book for practical tips.

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    Something to Stand For (With Mike Rowe)
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    E630 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 11

    E630 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 11

    Welcome back to The Viall Files! Today we have another special “where are they now” update show where we give you updates from our past callers to see what’s happened in their situations and relationships since appearing on the show. 

    We bring on our first caller whose boyfriend was faking his orgasms. We encouraged her to initiate a conversation surrounding sex, and find out if her towels are still bone dry, or if he was able to confront the issue. Our second caller was wondering whether she should shoot her shot with someone who ghosted her two years ago. She was going to be in his area, and we urged her to reach out just to see. We see what his response was, or if he ghosted yet again. Our third caller had originally called in regarding a text requesting a “romantic tryst” with her, but has since started to date women and exhibit some toxic dating habits. She calls in this time after reconnecting with her ex and realizing she may be addicted to drama. 

    We also have some written updates - Our caller whose boyfriend had an ex wife from hell, our caller who was turned off by her partner’s lack of ambition, and our caller who was debating firing the bridesmaid that cheated on her brother.

    To catch up on all of these callers original questions please see the show numbers:  

    Original Episode numbers for callers:

    • Episode Number: 605 Ask Nick - My Boyfriend Fakes His Org*sms

    • Episode Number 616 Going Deeper with Jojo Siwa - Growing Up Famous, Pet Peeves, and Shooting Your Shot

    • Episode Number 575 Ask Nick Updates Special Episode - Part 7 (First appeared on Episode Number 545 Francesca Farago - Likable Villain Gone Bad)

     Original Episode numbers for written updates:

    • Episode Number: 598 Ask Nick - His Ex Wife Filed a Restraining Order Against Me

    • Episode Number: 598 Ask Nick - His Ex Wife Filed a Restraining Order Against Me

    • Episode Number: 610 Going Deeper with Scott Evans - The Barbie Movie, Childhoods, and Nick’s Lake House Update

    “People are very attracted to someone who can demonstrate self control.” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://www.viallfiles.supportingcast.fm 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store. Android User? Listen here: https://www.onamp.com/ 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 

    Episode Socials:

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    (Matt Monday): “Bad Texter” or Just Not That Into You?

    Few things can match the heady exhilaration of dating someone and building momentum through regular texting and a sense of closeness.

    But what about when the texting on their end is . . . kind of slow and intermittent . . . where there are big gaps in your text exchanges that leave you feeling unsure as to where, exactly, you stand with that person?

    Feeling this way might even lead you to start analyzing their relationship with their phone the next time you’re with them, looking for clues as to whether their sporadic phone usage is consistent in their life or reserved just for you.

    At some point, they might’ve even shared a generic line with you like, “I’m so rubbish with my phone,” or “I’m really bad at replying to people!” But is this really true?

    In this week’s video, I not only answer these questions, but I dig into a really common mistake people make in this area.


    Let's Create Magic in Your Life, Together. Join Me In-Person for the Return of The Matthew Hussey Retreat (May 30th - June 5th) → http://www.MHRetreat.com


    FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” http://www.9texts.com

    FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” http://www.SayThisToHim.com


    Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at podcast@matthewhussey.com

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