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    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-11 for Wednesday, August 5, 2020.

    Today, IBFL continues a 12-part series of stories and excerpts from Brad's 2017 book, "In Business For Life: What Being In Business For Life Has Taught Me About the Business of Life." These are funny, painful, reflective and, above all, redemptive moments chronicling Brad's professional and personal peaks and valleys. For more information about Brad or In Business For Life, visit www.InBusinessForLife.org

    Recent Episodes from In Business For Life Podcast

    IBFL episode 22-05 for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

    IBFL episode 22-05 for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 22-05 for Wednesday, August 3, 2022.

    This is the In Business for Life show for Wednesday, August 3, 2022.  IBFL is a weekly podcast exploring how life-minded marketplace leaders are helping men and women choose life for their babies and forge a pro-life culture.

    For decades, abortion rights supporters have charged pro-lifers with being more pro-pregnancy than pro-life, and in the wake of the fall of Roe versus Wade this past June, this argument has been elevated to a shrill. Some on the right have responded with ample evidence of both word and deed to the contrary, with plenty of receipts to make the point that pro-lifers annually invest much time and treasure in being both pro-life before and after birth.

    Still, is there a kernel of truth in the critique? Is the pro-life movement as pro-life as it can possibly be? Can we receive a critique without feeling vulnerable to the leftist canard that today’s lack of a detailed plan to raise a child for the next 18 years justifies aborting her today?

    Juan Kigh Yay Hoss is a Guatemalan businessman and astute student of culture. Juan met IBFL’s Christopher Mann this summer in Grand Rapids, Michigan, at a colloquium sponsored by the Acton Institute, a catholic-protestant Christian think tank studying how free market economics impacts human liberty. Juan was raised and educated in Guatemala and earned an MBA from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He identifies as an evangelical Christian and offers a unique perspective as a person who was raised in Guatemala and frequently speaks and consults to clients in the United States. In Guatemala, abortion was illegal for all reasons until 1973, when life of the mother was added as an exception. In 1985, the country’s constitution was rewritten to more permanently codify the pro-life position.

    Today, Juan talks about how a country can become more pro-life, and how that starts with the church. Here is Chris and Juan.

    IBFL episode 22-04 for Wednesday, July 20, 2022

    IBFL episode 22-04 for Wednesday, July 20, 2022

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 22-04 for Wednesday, July 20, 2022.

    This is the In Business for Life show for Wednesday, July 20, 2022. IBFL is a weekly podcast exploring how life-minded leaders are leveraging their time, treasure and talent to save the preborn, champion adoption, and minister to men and women touched by abortion. In Business For Life rallies marketplace leaders to help men and women choose life for their babies.

    Jason Shanks, Our Sunday Visitor Institute

    Today our guest is Jason Shank, who serves as president of the Our Sunday Visitor Institute in Huntington, a small community in north central Indiana. Founded in Our Sunday Visitor is an organization that evades easy description. It’s a publishing house, university, consulting group, retail giant, grants foundation, and think tank all under one roof. The part that seems to most resemble a think tank is the Our Sunday Visitor Institute, and Jason has headed that department since 2020 when he moved his wife and family of five to northeast Indiana. Chris Mann recorded this conversation with Jason at a local restaurant, so you will have to forgive the sounds of clanging dishes and Tom Petty playing in the background, but pay attention to what Jason is getting at regarding his hope for a pro-life movement in the wake of the fall of Roe versus Wade just a month ago, which returned abortion regulation back to the fifty states. Jason hopes that the pro-life movement won’t waste time spiking the football and gloating about this legal win, but instead move into a renewed zeal for high care of our vulnerable neighbors. If you feel a bit uncomfortable by the end of this conversation about who he might be talking about, well, that’s probably his point. Jason is calling the pro-life movement to consider how to exceed some of the generous pro-family policies ironically championed among the most pro-abortion businesses and institutions like Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and more. Jason’s thinking is unconventional, but what else would you expect from the head of a think tank?

    IBFL episode 22-03 for Wednesday, July 6, 2022

    IBFL episode 22-03 for Wednesday, July 6, 2022

    This is the In Business for Life show for Wednesday, July 6, 2022. IBFL is a weekly podcast exploring how life-minded leaders are leveraging their time, treasure and talent to save the preborn, champion adoption, and minister to men and women touched by abortion. In Business For Life rallies marketplace leaders to help men and women choose life for their babies.

    Cathie HumbargerToday our guest is Cathie Humbarger, a veteran pro-life leader in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is the founder of Reprotection, a pro-life organization that helps state-level law enforcement properly enforce abortion regulations which can go unmonitored or ignored by abortion-friendly politicians and state agencies. Learn more at www.Reprotection.org. In the Hoosier state, Cathie is a unique player in the pro-life cause because she actively serves in both the ministry side of serving moms, dads, and babies, and she also crosses swords with politicians. Usually, activists gravitate toward either the hard work of mercy, patience, and service to women facing abortion decisions, or the hard work of political and legal battles.

    But Cathie Humbarger does both and therefore offers a unique perspective on what we may face as a pro-life movement in the wake of the fall of Roe versus Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that created a right to legal abortion on demand. The ruling was overturned last week, and now returns the question of legality to the states. An estimated 26 states will likely have pro-life laws on the books that will protect all or most babies from conception until natural death, while the balance of the 24 states will protect legal abortion to varying degrees.

    IBFL’s Christopher Mann recorded this interview with Cathie by way of online video.


    • 00:01:56 – How should the pro-life movement talk about Roe’s fall with pro-abortion neighbors?
    • 00:05:51 – How should pregnancy resource centers and churches respond to the prospect of violence or vandalism?
    •  00:08:50 – How do you see the work of pro-life activists in both the pregnancy resource centers and the halls of legal and political advocacy changing in the wake of Roe’s fall?
    • 00:11:47 – How does it mean that our fight for the unborn is not fought with weapons of men, but by the Spirit?
    • 00:17:01 – How do men get involved in the pro-life cause?
    • 00:21:08 – How does Indiana become a pro-life state?
    • 00:33:05 – How will pro-life chapters score candidates now that the fight for abortion laws is on the shoulders of our state representatives, senators, and governor, not our federal officials as before? And now that some county prosecutors are declaring that they will not prosecute abortion crimes of Indiana makes abortion illegal, how should state pro-life organizations react?

    In Business For Life podcast is made possible by listeners like you and by our underwriters: ReSermon at www.ReSermon.com and Ambassador Solutions at www.AmbassadorSolutions.com.

    IBFL episode 22-02 for Wednesday, June 22, 2022

    IBFL episode 22-02 for Wednesday, June 22, 2022

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 22-22 for Wednesday, June 22, 2022.

    How will Europe react if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Roe versus Wade, the 1973 ruling that created a right to legal abortion on demand in America? Rev. George Hargreaves is a pastor and pro-life activist in London and gives us an English and European perspective on what may happen if Roe falls.


    IBFL episode 22-01 for Wednesday, June 8, 2022

    IBFL episode 22-01 for Wednesday, June 8, 2022

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 22-01 for Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

    Vince DiCaro is a communications veteran who helped grow the profile of the National Fatherhood Initiative into a nationally recognized movement helping men return to their roles as husbands, fathers, and providers to their homes. 

    Today, he is at CareNet to spearhead something similar, where men "return" to the both the birth and raising decisions for his child--a decision too often left for a scared woman to face alone. In March, CareNet sponsored the Called and Missioned conference to inspire men to lead their churches to form and support pro-life ministries at the local level. 



    Vince DiCaro

    IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

    Where do you dance like nobody’s looking? Maybe 2020 has cost you a step or two – or more – in your dance. David “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and today Brad talks about the importance of keep your dancing shoes on. IBFL continues a 12-part series of stories and excerpts from Brad's 2017 book, "In Business For Life: What Being In Business For Life Has Taught Me About the Business of Life." These are funny, painful, reflective and, above all, redemptive moments chronicling Brad's professional and personal peaks and valleys. For more information about Brad or In Business For Life, visit www.InBusinessForLife.org.

    IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-20 for Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

    What side of the abortion story are you on? Today Brad talks about the importance of being on the Life side of history. IBFL continues a 12-part series of stories and excerpts from Brad's 2017 book, "In Business For Life: What Being In Business For Life Has Taught Me About the Business of Life." These are funny, painful, reflective and, above all, redemptive moments chronicling Brad's professional and personal peaks and valleys. For more information about Brad or In Business For Life, visit www.InBusinessForLife.org.

    IBFL episode 20-19 for Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    IBFL episode 20-19 for Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-19 for Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

    How would you define courage? For one soldier, it meant honoring his fallen brothers by going into battle to save a next generation of soldiers. Today, IBFL continues a 12-part series of stories and excerpts from Brad's 2017 book, "In Business For Life: What Being In Business For Life Has Taught Me About the Business of Life." These are funny, painful, reflective and, above all, redemptive moments chronicling Brad's professional and personal peaks and valleys. For more information about Brad or In Business For Life, visit www.InBusinessForLife.org.

    IBFL episode 20-18 for Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    IBFL episode 20-18 for Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-18 for Wednesday, September 23, 2020.

    Imagining a perspective is nothing like actually having it. That's what Brad learned some years ago when he met a humble man who knew what it's like to be on top of the world.

    Today, IBFL continues a 12-part series of stories and excerpts from Brad's 2017 book, "In Business For Life: What Being In Business For Life Has Taught Me About the Business of Life." These are funny, painful, reflective and, above all, redemptive moments chronicling Brad's professional and personal peaks and valleys. For more information about Brad or In Business For Life, visit www.InBusinessForLife.org.

    IBFL episode 20-17 for Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    IBFL episode 20-17 for Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Welcome to In Business For Life. This is IBFL episode 20-17 for Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

    Patience...who's got time for that? Today on the In Business for Life podcast, Brad Lindemann reflects on the importance of patience in the development of his business and ministry skills. Today's message is entitled, "Hold Up Long Enough to Know What You're Running Toward, or Away From." Listen on your favorite podcast platform or online each Wednesday morning at www.InBusinessForLife.org. Follow on Facebook and Twitter. Please remember to rate this podcast with 5 stars, and subscribe to the IBFL newsletter at www.InBusinessForLife.org. Produced by ReSermon.