
    About this Episode

    Have you ever implemented a new tactic that seemed like it was really paying off well, but then you wake up a year later and realize it’s not coming close to what you thought it would? Or even worse, you are actually losing money? I know I have. 

    It comes down to effectively evaluating return on investment, both with hard dollars and the not so easy to quantify use of resources. 

    Listen to this episode to find out how to keep this from slowing you down and vastly increase the speed of your company’s growth.

    Recent Episodes from Growing Your B2B Small Business with Robert Poole

    The 5 Chemicals You Must Trigger to Sell Anything

    The 5 Chemicals You Must Trigger to Sell Anything

    Have you as a consumer ever bought something even though you didn't feel great about it, didn’t like the salesperson, but you felt you needed it so you bought it in spite of the salesperson? The reason you didn’t enjoy it is because the salesperson didn’t sell you the correct way. 

    Check out this episode on how to get your customers to enjoy buying from your company so much that they start referring their friends before they even use your product or service!

    You can also watch the video version here: 


    Supercharge your Sales Conversion with Effective Closing

    Supercharge your Sales Conversion with Effective Closing

    In this podcast episode i'm teach you how to effectively close deals and get those sweet, sweet conversions. Below are the key topics I talk about in this episode.


    1. “I'll Think About It…”

    Have you ever heard the classic objection in sales, “I’ll think about it”? That is a sign the prospect is nervous to move forward.


    2. Sales Gurus

    Maybe you can relate to what I was experiencing. Maybe you have listened to all the sales gurus and all their slick techniques, but it still isn’t working.


    3. Your Secret Sales Solution

    Understanding the importance of beliefs and identity and how to create change in our prospect is one of the biggest keys in selling.


    4. What Is Closing?

    Simply put - closing is about getting people to act, and act right now.

    We all know a lot of things that we SHOULD do, things we WANT to do, and even things we MUST do.

    But reality is, very few of those things get done. Why?


    5. How To Get Your Prospect To Take Action

    So let’s assume you’ve got the prospect to the point where it is time to get them to act. That may be in person, over the phone, or online.

    How do we get someone to move forward, sign that contract, verbally agree, click that button?


    6. USF of closing

    When USF is used correctly, they will help you close more sales. When abused, they will turn people off and cost you sales.


    7. Double Your Ratio of Conversions and Closing

    So done right, using these 3 major closing strategies in combination with beliefs and identity which we talked about in the last episode, you are going to substantially increase your sales and conversions.

    It doesn’t matter if you are selling in person, on the phone or even online, these 3 strategies work, and it is more than worth your time to implement.



    Get Answers NOW!

    Do you have any questions about the USF of Closing or selling in general?

    If you’re not sure where to start or how to implement this into your business - reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help you get started on the path to success!

    Change Prospects Beliefs and Get Them to Love Buying From You

    Change Prospects Beliefs and Get Them to Love Buying From You

    When I started out in B2B sales as a young man in my 20s, I learned all I could about selling techniques. I learned all the classic sales techniques, even things like the “Ben Franklin” close.

    For many years I struggled as I tried to implement a lot of techniques that sales trainers taught. I memorized scripts, learned about how to close people with techniques like scarcity and urgency, but it was an uphill battle. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the prospect’s whole demeanor change in front of me as I asked for the sale. Frustrating and unproductive to say the least.

    It wasn’t until I learned how powerful our beliefs are in driving our actions that I saw what was missing and why I experienced such resistance at the closing stage. When I learned more about beliefs, I realized that even beliefs are not the strongest tool to get ourselves or others to act. 

    That missing ingredient is identity. In this Podcast Episode i'll be talking about...

    1. How do you create that identity shift?

    In this episode learn why Adam and Eve were impacted by how Eve's identity was shifted!

    2. The secret to powerfully shifting identity.

    It's important to remember that people don't like change. They will resist anything that challenges their current beliefs. That's why you need to be careful in how you present your message.

    Get Answers NOW!

    Do you have any questions about changing your prospects' beliefs or selling in general? If you’re not sure where to start or how to implement this into your business - reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help you get started on the path to success!

    If I gave you $100, would you give me $10

    If I gave you $100, would you give me $10

    Have you ever implemented a new tactic that seemed like it was really paying off well, but then you wake up a year later and realize it’s not coming close to what you thought it would? Or even worse, you are actually losing money? I know I have. 

    It comes down to effectively evaluating return on investment, both with hard dollars and the not so easy to quantify use of resources. 

    Listen to this episode to find out how to keep this from slowing you down and vastly increase the speed of your company’s growth.

    Getting Through to B2B Decision Makers Part 2 - Offline Methods

    Getting Through to B2B Decision Makers Part 2 - Offline Methods

    Have you ever thought, “If I could only get through the gatekeeper, I know I could sell the decision maker?”

    Getting through to decision makers is the Holy Grail of marketing and sales. It’s critical, but it also happens to be difficult.

    Let’s talk about some techniques to get through gatekeepers, particularly when you are selling high ticket items that aren’t an online click a button type of sale.

    Getting Through to B2B Decision Makers Part 1 - Online Methods

    Getting Through to B2B Decision Makers Part 1 - Online Methods

    What is the number one problem small business owners and salespeople face when it comes to getting sales and generating revenue?

    It’s not how competitive our product or service is, and it’s not our marketing or sales presentations. 

    It comes down to the most critical but most difficult part of the marketing and sales process - getting in front of decision makers who have the need, resources to afford our product or service, and the authority to make a decision. Without this, we will be getting nowhere.

    Let’s talk about some methods to get in front of your ideal customers and set us up for success.

    The Best PhD You Can Get For Making Money

    The Best PhD You Can Get For Making Money

    Have you ever had someone tell you or thought, “you know, I need to go back to school to learn more. That way I will make more money? That might be true for an employee in corporate America. For us business owners, however, there is only one degree that matters and will make us money in the long run. Unfortunately, it can cost us a lot more than the cost of a Harvard PhD if we are not careful.  Check out this episode to find out how to earn this degree without going broke.