
    Ig Nobels 2017: Liquid Cats, Didgeridoos & More

    enNovember 07, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connections and exploring new technologiesDuring uncertain times, lean on your community for support and use technology like AI to transform industries and discover new things

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people in your neighborhood for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, technology, such as AI, is shaping the future in various industries. Podcasts like Technically Speaking and Conversations with UNK offer insights into how AI is transforming health care, entertainment, and more. Lastly, while Halloween can be a fun and exciting time, it can also bring unexpected moments of confusion or creepiness. Whether it's connecting with your community or exploring the latest technology, remember that there's always something new to discover.

    • Celebrating the weird side of science with the Ig Nobel PrizesThe Ig Nobel Prizes honor unusual research, inspiring curiosity and showcasing the importance of exploring every scientific corner.

      The Ig Nobel Prizes celebrate unusual and imaginative research that may initially seem absurd but can lead to important discoveries. During our Halloween-themed episode, we discussed how science, like a slime mold, explores every corner of the world, and the Ig Nobel Prizes highlight some of these seemingly strange studies. For instance, we've had episodes inspired by Ig Nobel research on necrophilia and a necrophilic duck. The Ig Nobel Prizes, awarded by the Annals of Improbable Research since 1991, honor achievements that make people laugh and think, and emphasize that they are not meant to pass judgment on the winners. Instead, they celebrate the unusual and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology. Our podcast aims to delve deeper into these bizarre research findings, providing more time to explore their implications.

    • Understanding the complex behavior of matter through rheologyRheology, the study of matter flow, impacts various industries like food processing, engineering, and geology. Temperature influences substance flow behavior. Innovative research combines fluid dynamics and cats' liquid behavior.

      The complex field of rheology, which studies how matter flows, was explored in a research paper that won the physics prize this year. The researchers used the relatable example of trying to get ketchup out of a glass bottle to illustrate the importance of this field. While some ketchup flows easily, other bottles require force to evacuate the contents. Temperature is a significant variable in determining the flow behavior of substances. The study of rheology has applications in various industries, including food processing, engineering, and geology. The researchers' innovative use of fluid dynamics to investigate the behavior of cats, which can be both solid and liquid, showcases the interdisciplinary nature of scientific research. The episode on this topic, filled with surprising facts and educational insights, is a must-listen for anyone interested in the natural world and the wonders of science.

    • Understanding the flow and deformation of matterRheology studies how materials, including cats, behave and flow under external forces, challenging the traditional view of matter as fixed and static.

      Everything, including materials and living organisms like cats, exhibits the ability to flow or deform under the influence of external forces. This concept is known as rheology, which studies the behavior of materials under various conditions. The state of matter plays a significant role in how things flow or resist flow, with solids having a fixed shape and volume, liquids having a fixed volume but conforming to the shape of their container, and gases expanding to fill their container. Cats, being complex organisms, can be seen as a solid filled with liquids, exhibiting a flowy liquid-like movement, especially when at rest in different containers and substrates. This idea that everything flows, as expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, is reflected in the field of rheology, which challenges the traditional definition of matter as fixed and static. Instead, matter is understood as constantly changing and expressing different states over time.

    • Studying cats' rheological properties through radiologyCats exhibit unique properties combining solid and liquid states due to their fur and flexible bodies, making their examination through radiology a challenge, but highlighting the importance of understanding subjects' characteristics for accurate diagnoses.

      A researcher studied the rheological properties of cats by analyzing their images using radiology techniques, finding that cats exhibit unique properties combining solid and liquid states due to their fur and flexible bodies. This study, while filled with humor for radiologists, also illustrates the principles of radiology by comparing cats to various substances and containers, highlighting the yield stress and contact angles. Essentially, the research demonstrates that cats, with their soft bodies and loose fur, behave differently than humans and other rigid objects, making their examination through radiology a unique challenge. The findings also emphasize the importance of understanding the specific characteristics of various subjects in radiology to ensure accurate diagnoses.

    • Understanding Self-Directed Flow: A Case Study with CatsStudying self-powered materials' flow, like cats, can lead to improved designs in radiology and crowd dynamics, preventing tragedies and enhancing community preparedness.

      A 2017 Ig Nobel winning paper discussed the unique challenges of studying the flow of self-powered materials, using cats as an example. While the paper was written in a humorous tone, it highlighted the importance of understanding self-directed flow in various fields, such as radiology and crowd dynamics. This understanding could lead to better design of public spaces and prevention of tragedies like crowd crushes. The paper's author could potentially explore the "ray ology of the blob" in future research. The discussion also emphasized the importance of raising awareness of radiology and its potential impact on various fields. The hosts committed to covering a truly interesting radiology topic within the next year. Additionally, they highlighted Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network that aims to build stronger communities and prepare for emergencies. Astepro, a sponsor of the show, was mentioned for providing free samples of their fast-acting nasal allergy spray to help treat allergies.

    • New Allergy Spray and 2023 Nissan Frontier: Fast Relief and Powerful PerformanceAstepro offers fast allergy relief without steroids, while the 2023 Nissan Frontier delivers powerful performance with standard 310 horsepower and advanced tech.

      Astepro is a fast-acting, steroid-free allergy spray that provides full prescription strength relief from nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose, and sneezing within 30 minutes. It's the first and only 24-hour allergy spray without steroids. Meanwhile, the 2023 Nissan Frontier offers standard 310 horsepower, advanced tech, and 281 pound-feet of torque, helping drivers reach their "spots" with ease. In the realm of technology, the future will be shaped by artificial intelligence, as explored in the Technically Speaking podcast by Intel. The paper "Female penis, male vagina, and their correlated evolution in a cave insect," published in Current Biology in 2014, showcases the first documented example of sex-reversed genitalia in Brazilian cave insects. During their 40-70 hour long mating sessions, females insert their elaborate penis-like organs into the males' much reduced vagina-like openings. Despite the anthropomorphic term "lovemaking," the insect world can be brutal, but this unique discovery adds to our understanding of evolution and sexual dimorphism.

    • Discovering Unusual Sexual Organs: The Case of the GynosomeResearchers found a female insect organ called a gynosome with spiny projections that penetrates the male during mating, inflating to anchor them together. Similar structures exist in humans and other mammals, possibly for stimulation or anchoring.

      The world of sexual reproduction is full of surprises. A recent discovery by Brazilian and Japanese researchers revealed that a cave insect, the Entomobrya christinae, has a female organ called a gynosome with spiny projections that penetrates the male during mating. This organ inflates, anchoring the insects together. While this may seem unusual, it's not the only organism with such structures. Penis spines have been found in humans and other mammals, including cats, as well. These spines may serve to stimulate or anchor the organism in place during mating or in sexual conflict. The gynosome in this case does not deposit semen but instead receives it, along with nourishment, which encourages mating. This discovery challenges our expectations of sexual reproduction and highlights the complexity and diversity of sexual organs in the natural world.

    • Unexpected behaviors in sexual reproductionStudy reveals how natural selection shapes sexual behaviors in insects, leading to unexpected outcomes and questioning the roles of biology and culture

      Sexual reproduction in various species, including insects, is shaped by natural selection and can result in unexpected behaviors. For instance, in a certain species of insects, the females exhibit more competitive behavior due to the biological reversal of seminal gifts, leading to a robust behavioral reversal. This study highlights that sexual reproduction is not just about the biological aspects but also the associated behaviors and culture. Furthermore, it raises intriguing questions about how things might have been different if the roles were reversed. In a broader context, this study underscores the importance of understanding the natural world and how seemingly insignificant aspects can have profound implications. Additionally, it's a reminder that the world is full of surprises, and there's always more to learn and explore.

    • Didgeridoo playing as a treatment for sleep apnea and snoringRegular didgeridoo playing for 25 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 4 months can help improve sleep disturbances in those with obstructive sleep apnea and snoring by strengthening upper airway muscles.

      Playing the didgeridoo regularly can be an effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. A study showed that 25 patients with sleep disturbances significantly improved both their own and their partner's sleep disturbances after learning to play the didgeridoo for about 25 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 4 months. This may be due to the fact that didgeridoo playing strengthens the muscles in the upper airway, helping to keep the airway open during sleep. The study excluded patients using positive airway pressure therapy or certain drugs, and taught participants circular breathing and optimizing the interaction between their lips, vocal tract, and the instrument. While the idea of didgeridoo music and sleep might bring to mind long, droning tones, it's worth noting that there may be a connection between traditional didgeridoo music and modern genres like drone or doom metal.

    • Didgeridoo's unexpected health benefits for sleep disordersStudy shows didgeridoo use may improve sleep quality for both player and bed partner, despite smaller effect on apnea/hypopnea compared to positive airway pressure therapy

      The didgeridoo, an instrument often associated with amusement due to its unique sound and appearance, may have unexpected health benefits. A study was conducted on patients with sleep disorders, comparing the use of didgeridoo to positive airway pressure therapy. While both methods showed similar results, the didgeridoo had a slightly smaller effect on apnea or hypopnea. Interestingly, the partners of the didgeridoo-playing patients reported less sleep disturbances. This finding suggests that the didgeridoo's vibrations could potentially improve sleep quality for both the player and their bed partner. This discovery highlights the importance of exploring the potential benefits of seemingly unconventional methods, as even the most unlikely sources can lead to significant discoveries in the field of science.

    • The Role and Reach of Fluid DynamicsFluid dynamics impacts our daily lives and significant scientific advancements, from optimizing blender performance to understanding nuclear fallout.

      Fluid dynamics, a field with grandiose topics like nuclear fallout and everyday experiences like making a smoothie or spilling coffee, is everywhere around us. From understanding how radioactive materials flow in a metropolitan environment to optimizing blender performance or limiting coffee spills, fluid dynamics plays a crucial role. Even in classic animation, the exaggerated depiction of liquid in motion reflects the intrigue and importance of this field. The most expensive book in the world, owned by Bill Gates and written by Leonardo da Vinci, underscores the significance of fluid dynamics, despite being written in reverse and requiring a mirror to read.

    • Two methods to reduce coffee sloshing in mugsWalking backwards or using a top-down claw hand posture while holding a mug, or using a cup with a smaller radius can help minimize coffee spills.

      A study published in the South Korean journal Achievements in the Life Sciences in 2016 presented solutions to reduce the sloshing of coffee in mugs. The researchers suggested two methods: walking backwards while carrying the mug or holding it with a claw hand posture, top down. These methods were shown to suppress resonance and reduce sloshing. While the top-down claw hold might look odd, it is an effective way to minimize spills according to the study. The researchers also suggested a new coffee cup design with a smaller radius to increase the resonance frequency and decrease sloshing. These findings offer innovative solutions to common coffee mug issues.

    • People prioritize aesthetics and social norms over practicality and efficiency in daily lifeHumans often choose less practical methods due to societal stigma and preference for aesthetics

      Even if there are more effective methods for drinking coffee or carrying it around, such as using a test tube-like coffee cup or holding a mug with a claw, people may not adopt these methods due to their unusual appearances and societal stigma against looking "silly." This was also illustrated in the example of the granny shot in basketball, which is proven to be more effective in making free throws but is rarely used due to its unconventional appearance. These examples highlight the human tendency to prioritize aesthetics and social norms over practicality and efficiency.

    • Exploring the Unconventional with Ig Nobel PrizesEmbrace the unusual and discover new things, from Ig Nobel Prize-winning research to daily life experiments. Connect with others and share experiences.

      Even the most unusual or seemingly insignificant discoveries can capture people's attention and inspire curiosity. The discussion about the Ig Nobel Prizes and their unconventional research showcased this idea. Whether it's a test tube filled coffee mug or a study on insect genitalia, people are intrigued by the unknown. The hosts encouraged listeners to try new things, like the test tube coffee mug or the top-down claw method of holding a cup, and share their experiences. They also highlighted the importance of community and connection through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. The episode was sponsored by Visible, a wireless company offering transparent pricing, and Xumo Play, a free streaming platform with a diverse range of entertainment options. Overall, the episode emphasized the value of exploring new ideas, building connections, and finding joy in the unexpected.

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