
    IIP104 What Does Quiet Hiring Look Like in a Distributed Workforce?

    aaFebruary 10, 2023

    About this Episode

    Quiet quitting was the buzzword of 2022. And although 2023 has barely begun, yet another phrase has surfaced as a potential solution: quiet hiring. Essentially, quiet hiring leans more toward developing the talent already within an organization or seeking specialists in the form of external contractors — instead of hiring and training new personnel. 


    But in the wake of many organizations restructuring, downsizing or laying off teams — what could quiet hiring actually look like for your company? Could quiet hiring help you expand your talent pool? Or could quiet hiring negatively affect employee morale for your distributed workforce?


    While the goal is to ensure psychological safety within your teams while continuing to meet business priorities, we at Inclusion in Progress want to help you examine the potential impact quiet hiring can have on your organization — and which strategy would work for your teams.


    Here’s what we will explore:

    • What is quiet hiring in a distributed workforce?

    • How can quiet hiring be of immediate benefit to your distributed workforce?

    • How to manage the social and emotional aspects of hiring contractors to your team.

    • How can you respectfully engage in quiet hiring practices for your organization?


    In This Episode:

    [3:42] What is quiet hiring?

    [10:43] How does quiet hiring work within organizations?

    [12:57]  How to avoid burnout with a quiet hiring strategy.

    [20:15] The benefits of bringing on external suppliers and short term contractors.







    Download our 2023 Future of Work Culture whitepaper.

    Ready to renew your commitment to greater equity and inclusion? Get in touch today to learn more about working with us in 2023

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

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    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Recent Episodes from Inclusion in Progress

    IIP121 How Can We Accelerate Progress & Invest in Women Beyond IWD?

    IIP121 How Can We Accelerate Progress  & Invest in Women Beyond IWD?

    In a 2023 Deloitte study, 92% of women believed their employers were NOT doing enough to honor their commitment to gender equity?


    During the pandemic, women all over the world left the workforce and never came back. 

    Today, women leaders are now leaving their organizations at the highest rate ever. 


    Inclusion in Progress is committed to empowering organizations to prevent this backslide in gender parity —  particularly during International Women’s Month.


    Which is why on this episode of the podcast you will hear our take on:

    • Why it is a business-critical issue that women leaders are leaving the workplace;

    • What holds women back from becoming leaders in the first place;

    • How employers can invest in women beyond International Women’s Day;

    • What companies are doing today to successfully retain and advance women at work.


    We are also very excited to announce the release of our 2024 whitepaper, where you will gain further insight on how we can accelerate progress and invest in women beyond IWD.

    The whitepaper is a result of our January 2024 roundtable with cybersecurity leaders at Broadcom, Cisco, Fortinet, and Palo Alto Networks are doing to promote and advance women in their organizations, and enable more women’s advancement into leadership.


    To download our latest whitepaper, head to https://inclusioninprogress.com/learn



    [0:02] Accelerating women's retention and advancement in the workplace.

    [4:27] Women's leadership exodus post-pandemic.

    [8:26} Navigating gender bias, burnout, and lack of recognition in the workplace.

    [15:57] Retaining women leaders in tech companies.





    Listen to Sonia’s recommended episode on if gender equity plans help all women.


    Learn more about the headwinds and other barriers that women of color face to promotion at work.


    Check out our episode discussing miscarriage, menopause and more experiences of women at work.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.

    Inclusion in Progress
    aaMarch 08, 2024

    IIP120 Do Women of Color Face Double Barriers to Promotion at Work?

    IIP120 Do Women of Color Face Double Barriers to Promotion at Work?

    In a time where we need innovation to discover solutions for our fast-changing world, is your company paying attention to the lived experiences of women (particularly at the intersection of race and gender)? How can you make sure there are more seats at the table for women — particularly women of color — to contribute the ideas we need to meet tomorrow’s challenges? 


    For today’s episode of the Inclusion in Progress podcast, we discuss:

    • How we can address gender inequality and why we can’t overlook the experience of women of color in the workplace

    • How the intersection of gender and systemic racism can affect performance — and how employers can mitigate headwinds for women of color at work

    • How centering women of color in your gender equity strategies at work will contribute to a more inclusive, innovative work culture that supports high performance for all of your team members


    We also look into how promoting gender diversity with an intersectional lens can have a positive impact on your companies’ financial performance, employee engagement, retention and attraction of top talent.


    If you want to learn more about how we’re partnering with tech and cybersecurity organizations to level the playing field for gender equity at work, email us at info@inclusioninprogress.com.

    [2:42] What is the state of gender equity and intersectionality in the workplace?


    [7:28] The barriers faced by women of color in the workplace.


    [10:05] How to address barriers, headwinds  and tailwinds for women of color in the workplace.






    Learn more about Why Intersectionality Matters for Your DEI Strategy.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


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    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.

    Inclusion in Progress
    aaFebruary 01, 2024

    IIP119 Why Are Women Still Underrepresented in Tech & What Can Be Done?

    IIP119 Why Are Women Still Underrepresented in Tech  & What Can Be Done?

    Although gender equality has arguably been a core focus of the inclusive workplace conversation, it still continues to be a concern — especially when we see a lack of women in leadership positions in many of the tech companies we partner with. 


    As a woman-owned business, Inclusion in Progress is all too familiar with the lack of growth opportunities in our past work environments. Which is why our mission to continue to empower organizations to walk their talk when it comes to inclusion is not only a professional commitment, but a deeply personal one. And it’s why we’ll be focusing today’s episode on why women are still underrepresented in tech, despite being a core target demographic for many talent pipelines.


    On this episode of the podcast, we explore:

    • The effects of women underrepresentation in tech on the larger industry

    • What women need to feel supported to stay long enough to step up to leadership positions

    • How the lack of women leadership can affect your company’s productivity and reputation


    You will also hear our insights on the profound impact that gender equity has on workplace culture and a company’s ability to meet business objectives. 


    To learn more about how we’re partnering with organizations to support gender equity at work, reach out to our team for a consultation at info@inclusioninprogress.com.






    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Content Disclaimer

    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaJanuary 12, 2024

    IIP118 Unleashing the Power of Data to Achieve Your DEI Goals

    IIP118 Unleashing the Power of Data to Achieve Your DEI Goals

    On our last few episodes of the Inclusion in Progress podcast, we’ve been sharing examples of the types of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work we’ve done with client partners. 


    In today’s episode, we’re speaking with Paul Barber, Vice President of Human Resources at Listrak. He oversaw the transition of the organization from a primarily office-based culture to a remote-first company and partnered with Team IIP to help address the needs of their distributed teams in a rapidly changing work environment. 


    We also supported Listrak with establishing DEI baselines for the organization, as well as gathered anonymous data and insights that were key to delivering equitable talent strategies for their employees.


    In our conversation, we discuss: 

    • How Paul first got into DEI work and how he has witnessed the changes in how leaders and employees engage with the conversation in the workplace over the last three decades

    • Why he recommends that HR and People leaders partner with an external consultant and how our data provided the foundation for his organizational priorities at Listrak

    • His thoughts on why DEI work is a journey that will only grow in importance over the next few years — and why leaders must continue to implement it in a way that fits their organizational journey


    If you want to partner with IIP to create more equitable, effective teams in your hybrid workplace — email info@inclusioninprogress.com to book a free no-pressure consultation with our team. 

    In This Episode:

    [7:13] How external validation from contractors helped reinforce the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in an organization, particularly in securing support from senior management and the finance department.

    [9:00] How DEI efforts help organizations keep their people and implement data backed recommendations, resulting in hiring internationally and keeping teams intact.

    [14:00] The importance of leadership buy-in and external partnerships for successful DEI work.






    Learn more about Paul Barber.

    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaDecember 15, 2023

    IIP117 How to Deal with DEI Pushback & Still Affect Company Culture

    IIP117 How to Deal with DEI Pushback &  Still Affect Company Culture

    On our last few episodes of the Inclusion in Progress podcast, we’ve been sharing examples of the types of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work we’ve done with client partners. 


    In today’s episode, we’re speaking with Jimmy Rose, former Vice President for Employee Experience at Cotiviti. Since connecting with Jimmy in 2020, we were fortunate to partner with him to establish DEI foundations for his company, teams and larger company culture.


    In our conversation, we discuss:


    • How Jimmy first got into DEI work and how he’s seen the industry shift through the lens of Operations, HR and Employee Experience in Cotiviti

    • How it was like to partner with us at Inclusion in Progress — and why he recommends working with an external consultant to focus a company’s DEI goals in the early stages

    • How the current landscape affects the urgency of DEI objectives companies set during the pandemic — and Jimmy’s advice for practitioners when facing pushback or discomfort


    If you want to partner with IIP to create more equitable, effective teams in your hybrid workplace — email info@inclusioninprogress.com to book a free no-pressure consultation with our team. 


    In This Episode:

    [3:19] ​​Jimmy reflects on his solo journey in leading DEI efforts and recognizing the need for external support.

    [7:04] Using data collection to understand the current status and identify areas for improvement within your organization.

    [11:08] The importance of cultural sensitivity when discussing diversity and inclusion.

    [15:04] Jimmy talks about starting an ERG at the organization he worked for with no budget, and the importance of getting started.







    Learn more about Jimmy Rose.

    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaNovember 17, 2023

    IIP116 How to Find, Select & Outsource DEI Work to Support Your Inclusion Goals

    IIP116 How to Find, Select & Outsource DEI Work  to Support Your Inclusion Goals

    On the next few episodes of the Inclusion in Progress podcast, we’re sharing examples of the types of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work we’ve done with client partners. 


    In today’s episode, we’re speaking with Regina Lawless, former DEI Head of Instagram and Founder of Bossy & Blissful. Regina has led multiple diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to advance underrepresented talent, particularly in the tech industry. We were fortunate to partner with her during her time at Instagram and Meta before she started her own venture to empower professional women of color to create lives on their own terms.


    In our conversation, we discuss:


    • How Regina first got into DEI work and how she’s watched the industry evolve during her years working in corporate companies like Micron, Instagram and more

    • How it was like to partner with us at Inclusion in Progress during the pandemic, and why she encourages employers to consider outsourcing their DEI work to support their in-house teams

    • Why the work of building equitable, inclusive workplaces is ongoing — and her advice to other DEI professionals and folks from underrepresented groups


    If you want to partner with IIP to create more equitable, effective teams in your hybrid workplace — email info@inclusioninprogress.com to book a free no-pressure consultation with our team. 

    In This Episode:

    [6:11] Partnering with external contractors for learning, development and support. 

    [9:05] the benefits of partnering with external contractors including bringing in fresh perspectives and expertise.

    [11:54] Advice for those just beginning in DEI work.






    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Content Disclaimer

    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaOctober 20, 2023

    IIP115 Moving the Needle: How External Contractors Can Help Internal DEI Teams Gain Buy-In

    IIP115 Moving the Needle: How External Contractors Can Help Internal DEI Teams Gain Buy-In

    On the Inclusion in Progress podcast, we’ve shared examples of the types of interventions and work we’ve done with client partners. But we’ve never featured any of them until now.


    Many of our listeners have asked what it’s like to work in DEI, both as an external contractor and as part of an internal DEI team. So in today’s episode, we’re speaking with Anthony Papini, the Global DEI Lead of ActiveCampaign. Not only has he been a long-time podcast listener, he’s also partnered with #TeamIIP in his current and previous roles leading diversity, equity and inclusion.


    In our conversation, we discuss:


    • How Anthony first got into DEI work and how he’s watched the conversation evolve 

    • The benefits of an in-house DEI team working with an external partner and how he partnered with Inclusion in Progress

    • Why buy-in for DEI work is critical — even in a recessive period — and the advice he’d give to current and aspiring practitioners looking to lead equity and inclusion in the future of work


    You’ll also hear examples from a seasoned practitioner (and one of our esteemed client partners!) — as well as why in-house and external practitioners can work together effectively to gain buy-in and support business-critical functions.


    If you want to partner with IIP to create more equitable, effective teams in your hybrid workplace — email info@inclusioninprogress.com to book a free no-pressure consultation with our team. 


    In This Episode:

    [3:35] Diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace.

    [15:57] The importance of external support for DEI practitioners.

    [21:50] The challenges and benefits of being a DEI practitioner.

    [27:30] Diversity, equity, and inclusion as a client partner.






    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Content Disclaimer

    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaSeptember 15, 2023

    IIP114 What Does Psychological Safety Look Like on Our Virtual Team?

    IIP114 What Does Psychological Safety Look Like  on Our Virtual Team?

    On our Inclusion in Progress podcast, we often talk about how we help our client partners from around the world design psychological safety for their virtual teams. 


    But what does building psychological safety look like on our own fully remote team at Team IIP? And how do we apply those same lessons to our company as we evolve?


    That’s exactly what we’ll look at in this episode of the Inclusion in Progress podcast.


    Here’s what we’ll explore: 


    • What we’ve learned about the importance of psychological safety, well-being, and work-life balance for DEI practitioners

    • Why Team IIP believes that rest is even more necessary in a fast-changing world and ever-evolving work environment

    • How we’re applying what we share with our client partners to our own company culture of psychological safety on our virtual team


    You’ll also hear examples of how we model psychological safety in our day-to-day interactions as a fully distributed team - as well as why we will continue to create time off for our mental health and well-being moving forward.


    If you want to read more about our latest whitepaper,  “Is hybrid work killing company culture?,” you can download a copy on our website at inclusioninprogress.com/learn or head to the link in the show notes to grab your copy.


    In This Episode:

    [9:30] How does company culture impact mental health?

    [11:34] Why was Inclusion in Progress founded?

    [18:37] Why "checking yourself at the door" is something we can no longer go back to.

    [21:16] How taking a break has changed the way team Inclusion in Progress works.

    [26:01] The power of showing up when you feel safe.





    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings on Hybrid Work & Company Culture.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.

    Listen to our previous episodes on Psychological Safety for DEI Practitioners and Why “Professionalism” and “Culture Fit” Undermine DEI.

    Inclusion in Progress
    aaAugust 18, 2023

    IIP113 [Mini-Series] Hybrid Work & Company Culture: How Organizations are Helping Their Leaders Equip Themselves for the Remote-First or Hybrid Workplace

    IIP113 [Mini-Series] Hybrid Work & Company Culture: How Organizations are Helping  Their Leaders Equip Themselves for the Remote-First or Hybrid Workplace

    This month, we’re hosting a mini-series on “Hybrid Work & Company Culture'' where we’ll be sharing what we’ve learned from speaking to tech companies like HP and HubSpot on whether or not hybrid work is killing company culture. 


     We have been discussing the importance of equity in a hybrid workplace, how to equip leaders for remote-first or hybrid teams, and how flexible working and company culture strategies go hand-in-hand with DEI, plus actionable ideas we’ve been sharing with our client partners to support employees in a remote or hybrid work environment. 


    In this final episode of our series, we go over how our roundtable participants explained how they’ve come to rely on different platforms to maintain employee engagement and morale, foster a sense of community, and facilitate company culture initiatives. Our discussion highlighted the wide range of company-led and employee-led initiatives to support community-building among distributed team members.


    If you want to read more about our Executive Roundtable findings, we’re pleased to announce the release of our latest whitepaper,  “Is hybrid work killing company culture?” You can download a copy on our website at inclusioninprogress.com/learn or  head to the link in the show notes to grab your copy.

    In This Episode:

    [3:11] The importance of tech platforms for culture.

    [6:42] How hybrid work will affect equity and advancement.

    [8:17] Company culture initiatives that support psychological safety.

    [11:14] How to better manage psychological safety in a hybrid workplace?

    [13:12] Flexible working and company culture strategies.







    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Content Disclaimer

    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaJuly 28, 2023

    IIP112 [Mini-Series] Hybrid Work & Company Culture: How Flexible Working and Company Culture Strategies Go Hand-In-Hand with DEI

    IIP112 [Mini-Series] Hybrid Work & Company Culture: How Flexible Working and Company Culture Strategies Go Hand-In-Hand with DEI

    This month, we’re hosting a mini-series on “Hybrid Work & Company Culture'' where we’ll be sharing what we’ve learned from speaking to tech companies like HP and HubSpot on whether or not hybrid work is killing company culture. 


    In this second episode of the series, we will be discussing the importance of equity in a hybrid workplace, how to equip leaders for remote-first or hybrid teams, and how flexible working and company culture strategies go hand-in-hand with DEI, plus actionable ideas we’ve been sharing with our client partners to support employees in a remote or hybrid work environment


    If you want to follow along with the Hybrid Work & Company Culture mini-series on the podcast this month — and get access to inclusive insights from our team in your inbox — head to the link in the show notes or go to https://inclusioninprogress.com/podcast-miniseries-2023 to sign up.


    In This Episode:

    [1:19] Introduction to hybrid work and company culture.

    [8:09] The definition of DEI and psychological safety.

    [11:44] The importance of company culture and buy-in of tech leaders.

    [13:57] The essence of a company culture that supports psychological safety.







    Sign up for our July 2023 podcast mini-series: “Hybrid Work & Company Culture”.

    Download our 2023 Executive Roundtable Findings.

    Learn more from Harvard Business Review’s Survey: What Attracts Top Tech Talent?

    Want us to partner with you on building more inclusive distributed work? Get in touch to learn how we can tailor our services to your company’s DEI and remote work initiatives.

    Read our Forbes features on Ways to Support Employee Mental Wellbeing, What Self Care Looks Like For Us, and How to Create Effective Online Diversity Training.

    Learn how to leave a review for the podcast.


    Content Disclaimer

    The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Inclusion in Progress disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.


    Inclusion in Progress
    aaJuly 21, 2023