
    I’m Tired of Letting My Past Ruin My Future

    enSeptember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Unresolved childhood trauma impacts our adult livesUnaddressed childhood trauma can lead to feelings of unhappiness and unworthiness in adulthood. Recognizing these feelings and seeking help can lead to healing and improved quality of life.

      Unresolved childhood trauma can significantly impact our adult lives, leading us to feel unhappy with ourselves, our jobs, and our relationships. However, healing from these experiences is possible, even if we don't remember the details. The way we respond to current situations can provide clues to unresolved issues from our past. For example, feeling undeserving of a good marriage or a fulfilling job could stem from unaddressed childhood trauma. It's essential to acknowledge and address these feelings to begin the healing process. Additionally, seeking professional help can provide valuable insights and tools for dealing with the past and improving our present. Overall, recognizing the connection between childhood trauma and current struggles is the first step towards healing and living a happier, healthier life.

    • Overcoming Relationship FiresFocus on taking action to improve relationships instead of dwelling on the past, trust yourself and those around you, and learn new skills to express emotion and show love.

      When faced with personal issues or relationships that seem to be on fire, it's essential to prioritize action over introspection. The speaker shares his experience of being stuck in the past and how it almost led to the end of his marriage. He emphasizes the importance of trusting those around us and using their feedback as a cue for self-improvement. The speaker also highlights the need to learn new skills, such as expressing emotion and showing love, to improve relationships. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to get lost in the past or blame external factors. Still, the best course of action is to focus on what we can control and take steps to put out the fire and rebuild the relationships. The speaker's advice is to trust yourself and those around you, listen to your body, and take action to improve your relationships.

    • Men and Emotional Intimacy: A Learnable SkillMen can overcome societal norms and past experiences to learn emotional intimacy skills, seek help, acknowledge past traumas, and practice new skills for healthier relationships.

      Emotional intimacy is a skill that many men struggle with due to societal norms and past experiences. Men are often socialized to suppress emotions, leading to difficulties in expressing vulnerability and connecting intimately with their partners. This can result in misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It's important for men to recognize that emotional intimacy is a learnable skill, and seeking help from a therapist or trusted mentor can be beneficial. Additionally, acknowledging and addressing past traumas or unresolved issues can help men build stronger emotional connections with their loved ones. Instead of carrying around anger and shame, practicing new skills such as active listening, apologizing sincerely, and expressing emotions can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Rebuilding Trust and RelationshipsFocus on expressing love and apologizing, prioritize small acts of commitment, and seek support from trusted people to rebuild trust and relationships, even when it's challenging.

      It's important to prioritize expressing love and apologizing to those closest to us, even when we feel we've fallen short. It's not about checking off a list, but rather a way of being. Many of us have out-of-tune emotional alarm systems that need attention and support from trusted people in our lives. By focusing on small acts of love and commitment each day, we can begin to rebuild trust and relationships, even if we don't feel worthy or deserving. It's a challenging process, but with determination and the help of others, we can learn to value ourselves and those around us. Remember, it's never too late to start building something new and meaningful.

    • Managing stress during life's challengesDuring tough times, focus on what you can control and seek support. Personal growth and trusted resources can reduce anxiety. New parents and homebuyers can utilize programs to ease stress. Embrace resilience and focus on positives.

      During challenging times, such as buying a house or becoming a parent, focusing on what you can control and seeking support from trusted resources can help alleviate anxiety and stress. The speaker shares a personal story of making a promise to improve himself and stay committed to it for the sake of his family. He also advises new homebuyers to utilize resources like Churchill Mortgage's Home Buyer Edge program to reduce stress during the home buying process. Additionally, Nicole, a listener, expresses her anxiety about sending her second baby to day care and seeks advice on whether it's necessary or if she can "have it all." The speaker empathizes with her feelings and encourages her to focus on the positives, such as her career and supportive team, while also acknowledging the emotional challenges that come with sending a child to day care. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of resilience, support systems, and taking things one step at a time during times of change.

    • Pressure on Modern Women to Balance Career and FamilyWomen face pressure to balance career and family, leading to guilt and difficulty making decisions. Ultimately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, and individual circumstances and priorities should be considered.

      Modern women, particularly mothers, face immense pressure to prioritize between their careers and their family, leading to a sense of guilt and an industrial complex designed to keep them feeling as though they cannot "have it all." This pressure can make it difficult for women to make decisions about staying at home or working, and can lead to feelings of failure regardless of the choice made. Ultimately, there is no definitive answer as to whether staying at home or working outside the home is the best choice, and women should consider their individual circumstances and priorities when making this decision. Additionally, the importance of routine, environment, and social engagement for children should be carefully weighed against the benefits of in-home versus center-based childcare.

    • Trust Your InstinctsLearn to make decisions based on what's best for you and your family, communicate openly with loved ones, and trust yourself to adjust as needed.

      It's essential to trust your instincts and make decisions based on what's best for you and your family, rather than constantly seeking external validation or being influenced by others' opinions. More data and external perspectives are not always the antidote to anxiety, and it's crucial to learn to live with the consequences of your choices. Your parents, while important, do not get a vote in your decisions. It's essential to communicate openly with them and involve them when necessary but ultimately make the call with your partner. Remember, every decision is a temporary one, and you'll have the opportunity to learn and adjust as needed. It's important to silence the inner dialogue that tells you what you want doesn't count and trust yourself to make the best choice for your family.

    • Rewrite your storyFocus on creating new sentences for your life, don't let past experiences limit you, prioritize family and well-being, and practice self-compassion.

      Instead of dwelling on the past stories and the expectations that come with them, focus on creating new sentences for your life. Your past experiences have their place, but don't let them limit you. Every mom faces unique challenges, and it's essential to give yourself grace and trust as you navigate your season of life. Don't be too hard on yourself or let external pressures dictate your choices. Instead, make a decision and revisit it in six months. You'll disappoint people, but that's okay. The most important thing is to prioritize your family and your well-being. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and practice self-compassion. Ultimately, you have the power to rewrite your story and make the choices that are best for you and your loved ones.

    • Trust yourself and seek help when neededEmpower yourself by trusting your instincts, communicating openly, and seeking help from trusted sources to improve relationships and overall well-being.

      We live in a world that can make mothers feel guilty and pressured to buy things to alleviate those feelings. However, the speaker encourages mothers to trust themselves, listen to themselves, and try different approaches without judgment or criticism from others. The speaker also acknowledges that people may be facing numerous challenges and feeling drained, and suggests seeking help from a trusted friend, mentor, or therapist to recharge. For those dealing with strained relationships, such as Chris in Gainesville, Florida, the speaker empathizes and suggests seeking help to learn how to let go of the past. The speaker's book, "Own Your Past, Change Your Future," can be a resource for this. Ultimately, the speaker encourages open communication, self-awareness, and seeking help when needed to improve relationships and overall well-being.

    • Navigating unexpected life changes with family supportOpen communication and addressing underlying issues are essential for maintaining healthy family relationships during unexpected life changes.

      Family support plays a crucial role in navigating unexpected life changes, such as joining the military or dealing with family dynamics. The speaker's wife was supportive of his decision to join the military, and their children will benefit from diverse experiences. However, the speaker's relationship with his mother has caused him anxiety due to a strained family dynamic, which worsened after his brother's passing. This experience highlights the importance of open communication and addressing underlying issues to maintain healthy family relationships. Despite his past discomfort, the speaker recognizes the value of family and looks forward to creating new memories with his own.

    • Childhood Trauma and Family AddictionChildhood trauma from family addiction can impact a child's development, create confusion, and require addressing past issues or setting boundaries for a healthy environment.

      Trauma experienced in childhood, whether inflicted or withheld, can significantly impact a child's development and sense of safety. The presence of an addict in the family can create a disconnect, leaving the child feeling suffocated and confused. It's essential to recognize the impact of such experiences and understand that respecting parents doesn't mean tolerating unhealthy dynamics. Some relationships may require addressing past issues and rebuilding connections, while others may require setting boundaries and finding peace. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and recognize the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for oneself and one's children.

    • Struggling with unmet family expectationsFocus on own family and mental well-being, let go of guilt and unrealized expectations, set clear boundaries, and communicate proactively.

      Dealing with unmet expectations and feelings of grief from absent or distant family members can be a challenging experience. The speaker shares his personal struggle with wanting a closer relationship with his mother and grandma, but realizing that they were not present in the way he had hoped. He acknowledges that he cannot change the past, but encourages letting go of guilt and focusing on his own family. The speaker also suggests setting clear boundaries and communicating proactively with family members about holiday plans to avoid feelings of guilt and expectation. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize one's own family and mental well-being, and to let go of unrealized expectations.

    • Setting healthy boundaries during the holidaysRecognize the importance of prioritizing your own family and well-being, and setting boundaries to maintain peace and happiness during the holiday season.

      Setting healthy boundaries is essential for maintaining peace and happiness during the holiday season. It's important to recognize that trying to meet everyone's needs can be an endless task, and it's okay to prioritize your own family and well-being. Setting boundaries can be difficult and may result in hurt feelings or blame, but it's a necessary step for creating a fulfilling and non-anxious holiday season. Remember, you are worth having a good holiday season, and you can love and respect your family without letting them bring you down. Trust yourself to make the right choices for you and your family, and know that you'll have more data to make different choices next year if needed. As Robert Smith of The Cure sings, "It's Friday, I'm in love," and it's important to prioritize the things that bring us joy and happiness, even during the holiday season.

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