
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino's Tour Dates and Personal UpdatesAndrew Santino is on tour, with stops in Atlantic City, Houston, Madison, Boston, and Nashville, among others. He's not returning to the Comedy Store yet due to personal issues and lack of new material. Fans can follow his tour dates on his website.

      Andrew Santino is currently on tour and fans can find his tour dates on his website, andrewsantino.com. He mentioned stops in Atlantic City, Houston, Madison, Boston, and Nashville, with more dates being added. He also mentioned that he's not returning to the Comedy Store anytime soon, as he's not writing new material yet and is dealing with personal issues, including sleep deprivation and night sweats. During a recent dinner outing, he discussed the topic of Rudy, a person who seems to be a frequent subject of conversation among his fans, and joked about Rudy potentially filling in for him at the Comedy Store. Santino also mentioned that he has experience waiting tables and joked about the challenges that come with the job. Overall, Santino's tone was lighthearted and humorous, despite mentioning some personal struggles. Fans can keep up with his tour dates and future appearances by visiting his website.

    • The importance of communication and understanding in relationshipsEffective communication and empathy can lead to better interactions and deeper connections, even in everyday situations like ordering food at a restaurant.

      Communication and understanding are key in any relationship or interaction, whether it's between customers and servers or friends. The speaker in this conversation expresses frustration with a waitress's attitude and inconsistency, but ultimately wants her to appreciate her job and the experiences it brings. The conversation also touches on the importance of being mindful of language and avoiding insensitive comments. Throughout the interaction, the couple orders food and discusses their preferences, showing that even the most mundane activities can be opportunities for connection and growth.

    • Unexpected costs and uncomfortable interactionsCustomers felt uncomfortable and offended by waitstaff's comments, and were disappointed by high prices for unexpected items

      The experience at the restaurant was not just about the food, but also about the waitstaff's behavior and the unexpected costs. The customers were surprised by the waitstaff's repeated mention of their sexuality and the high price of a bucket of spring water, which they later learned came from Mount Everest. Despite the restaurant's claimed support for the LGBTQ+ community, the customers felt uncomfortable and offended by the waitstaff's comments. The situation escalated when they attempted to address their concerns with the manager, leading to further discomfort and a negative overall experience. The unexpected costs and uncomfortable interaction left the customers feeling that the restaurant was not worth the high price tag.

    • Exploring societal perceptions and their impact on relationships and identitiesSocietal expectations and labels can influence our actions and identities, but it's essential to stay true to oneself and embrace the unexpected outcomes of challenging situations.

      The speakers in this conversation discuss their relationship dynamics and how societal perceptions can influence their actions and identities. They also share anecdotes about watching a UFC fight and rooting for an underdog, Rose Namajunas, who defied expectations and won against a seemingly unbeatable opponent. The conversation touches upon themes of identity, societal pressure, and the unexpected outcomes of challenging situations. The speakers' banter is playful and light-hearted, but they also delve into deeper topics, such as the impact of labels and stereotypes on individuals. Overall, their conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that life brings.

    • Pressure to root for athletes based on nationalityIdentity and nationality can influence our choices, but effective language learning tools like Babbel can help us navigate complexities of balancing multiple allegiances.

      Identity and nationality can influence our choices and allegiances, even if we wish for a world where such factors don't matter. The speaker shares an experience of feeling pressured to root for a particular athlete based on their nationality, despite personally preferring another. This situation led them to reflect on their own identity as an American and an Asian, and the complexities of balancing multiple allegiances. The conversation also touches upon the challenges of learning new languages and the benefits of using apps like Babbel for effective language learning. The speaker expresses their admiration for Babbel's approach to teaching practical conversations and their preference for its human-designed lessons over AI-generated ones. Additionally, the speaker shares their enthusiasm for Liquid IV, a hydration product that they find nutritious, delicious, and effective for various health situations.

    • Liquid IV: Delicious Hydration with a Social ConscienceLiquid IV offers tasty hydration with health benefits, while also donating a serving for every purchase, contributing to over 10 million servings globally.

      Liquid IV is a hydration product with delicious flavors, immune support, and vitamins, making it an excellent choice for optimal hydration. The company donates a serving for every purchase, with over 10 million servings donated globally, including in response to COVID-19. Anchor is a free platform for creating and distributing podcasts, offering all the necessary tools in one place, and allowing creators to make money with no minimum listenership. The speaker expressed a desire to focus on personal growth and exploration, acknowledging the importance of supporting others and recognizing the impact of actions, even if they are not publicly expressed.

    • Feeling trapped in systems and manipulated narrativesPeople's desire to resist oppressive forces, such as communism or a pandemic, remains strong despite information manipulation and systemic control.

      Individuals, like Veronica and the villagers in Wuhan, can feel trapped in systems they didn't choose, be it communism or a pandemic. These systems, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can keep information from the public and manipulate the narrative. Despite this, people's desire to fight against these oppressive forces remains strong. For instance, Veronica's determination to defeat communism and the villagers' resilience in the face of a mysterious illness. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the idea that governments, regardless of their origins, can hide information and even cover up events, as seen in the handling of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan and alleged UFO sightings.

    • An Unexpected Encounter with a Paranoid ManEncounters with strangers can lead to intriguing stories, but assumptions should not be made without proper understanding.

      Unexpected encounters with strangers can lead to intriguing and sometimes disturbing experiences. In this particular story, a young boy named Ollie shares an encounter with an old man named Tom at a delicatessen. Tom reveals that he's being pursued by unknown individuals and shows Ollie military documents, leading Ollie to believe Tom is involved in something illegal. Tom also shares stories of little gray aliens living among us and having supernatural abilities. Although Ollie is initially scared, he later realizes Tom was just a harmless, paranoid man, likely suffering from drug addiction. The encounter left a lasting impression on Ollie, highlighting the importance of not making assumptions and the unpredictability of human interactions.

    • Exploring societal influences on our perception of realityThrough a conversation about UFOs and government cover-ups, the group shifted to discussing a love story's power to inspire and connect, emphasizing the importance of staying open-minded and exploring new perspectives.

      Our perception of reality can be influenced by societal norms and the information we're exposed to. The discussion revolved around the topic of UFOs and government cover-ups, with one person expressing frustration over past denials and lies. However, the conversation shifted to a movie recommendation - "A Walk to Remember" - which showcases a love story and the power of determination. Despite not having seen the movie, the group engaged in a detailed conversation about its plot, demonstrating the universal appeal and formulaic nature of many love stories. The conversation also touched upon the idea that sometimes, all we need is love and connection to overcome challenges. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of staying open-minded and being willing to explore new perspectives.

    • Facing Life's Challenges: Adapting and OvercomingEmbrace unexpected challenges, remember everyone's unique experiences, and utilize practical tools for personal growth and relationship success.

      Relationships can be put to the test when unexpected challenges arise. Using the analogy of a romantic movie where the leading lady is diagnosed with a terminal illness, the speaker reflects on the idea that everyone faces their own "killer bees" in life. These challenges can be uncomfortable and may require us to step out of our comfort zones. For instance, when dating in high school, one might feel the need to assume a certain role or identity. However, it's essential to remember that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives. Moreover, the discussion touched on the importance of having reliable tools and resources to simplify our lives. The mention of ShipStation and its benefits for businesses emphasizes the significance of streamlining processes and accessing discounted shipping rates. Additionally, the conversation about hair loss prevention and Keeps highlighted the importance of addressing health concerns early on. In essence, relationships and personal growth involve facing challenges and adapting to new situations, while relying on practical tools and resources can help us navigate these experiences more effectively.

    • Creating an Authentic Terminal Illness ScenarioA rare disease requiring frequent treatments can create an authentic terminal illness scenario, while societal stigma and expectations can influence the partner's gender and commitment in the relationship.

      The discussion revolved around creating a movie scenario involving a couple where one partner is diagnosed with a terminal illness. The speakers debated the authenticity of the illness. HIV was initially ruled out due to societal stigma and the availability of treatments. They also discussed the potential impact of the partner's gender on the situation. Eventually, they agreed on a rare disease requiring frequent treatments. The speakers also touched upon the emotional aspect of caring for a sick partner and the importance of commitment in relationships. They acknowledged that men might be less willing to stay due to societal expectations and the emotional burden. The conversation also included a brief mention of a tragic event from the past and its potential impact on their lives.

    • The Impactful Woman in the Speaker's LifeA significant woman can shape one's personal growth, career, and even keep them safe. Holding grudges can be harmful.

      The speaker's life has been significantly shaped by the presence of a particular woman, Khalilah. She has had a profound impact on his personal growth, career, and even kept him safe during the pandemic. Their shared experience of starting a podcast together led the speaker to become a podcaster. Without her, the speaker might have taken different paths in life, some of which could have been detrimental. Additionally, the speaker struggles with holding grudges, which can be harmful to both the speaker and the person they hold the grudge against. The story of the La Jolla Comedy Store closing and their efforts to save it by decorating the new location with bamboo illustrates their strong bond and their ability to bounce back from adversity.

    • The importance of forgiveness and letting go of grudgesRefusing to forgive and move on can hinder personal growth and happiness, even if the other party doesn't acknowledge or remember the issue.

      Holding onto past grievances and refusing to forgive or move on can prevent personal growth and happiness. The speaker shared an experience where he was denied an opportunity to perform at a comedy club after driving a long distance, but instead of letting it go, he refused to return. He realized that the manager didn't care or even remember the incident, but it continued to bother him. The speaker used this experience to illustrate the importance of forgiveness and letting go of grudges, even if the other party doesn't seem to care or acknowledge the issue. It's essential to understand that holding onto negative emotions can hinder personal growth and prevent moving forward in life.

    • Fame and connections impact comedy opportunitiesFame and connections can create opportunities, but they can also limit them for those without. Persistence and dedication are key to overcoming these challenges and pursuing a career in comedy.

      Fame and connections play a significant role in opportunities within the comedy industry. The speaker shares an experience where they felt they were unfairly excluded from a comedy show due to a lack of fame and connections. However, they acknowledge that if they had been as famous as Chris Rock, they could have bumped other comedians from the show. The speaker also reflects on a past experience where Chris Rock unexpectedly showed up and performed during their show, leaving some comedians unable to perform. The speaker's stance is that they refuse to give up and will continue to pursue opportunities, despite the challenges posed by fame and connections.

    • Acknowledging mistakes and committing to growthDespite disagreements and distractions, individuals can reflect on their behavior, learn from mistakes, and stay focused on positive projects to grow and move forward.

      Despite challenges and disagreements, the individual remains determined to grow and move forward. The conversation revealed a heated exchange between two people, with each expressing strong opinions and emotions. However, the individual acknowledged their childish behavior and committed to improving themselves. They also emphasized the importance of staying focused on positive energy and projects, such as their work on a movie-based program. Despite some differences and distractions, the group remained dedicated to their shared goals and continued to engage in productive activities. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-reflection, growth, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

    • Discussion on Shawshank Redemption and The GodfatherTwo iconic films explored - Shawshank Redemption, a war movie about soldiers freeing prisoners, and The Godfather, a mafia story with an unrefusable offer. Clint Eastwood's influence mentioned.

      The discussion revolved around two movies: "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather." "Shawshank Redemption" is a war film about two soldiers, one named Dashawn and the other Nick, who defeated the enemy in Shawshank and freed the prisoners. The scene from the Titanic where Jack says "I'm the king of the world" was inspired by this movie. "The Godfather," an American classic, is about a mafia boss named Joaquin Phoenix, who makes an offer that cannot be refused to save his niece. The conversation also touched upon Clint Eastwood and his son, Clint Eastwood junior. The good, the bad, and the ugly in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" refers to a good cowboy, a bad one, and an ugly one. One interesting fact mentioned was that "The Godfather" was initially shot in Italian and later translated into English.

    • Mafia movie 'Goodfellas' and other films discussedGoodfellas, a mafia movie, and other films like The Silence of the Lambs, Casablanca, and Rear Window, span various genres and eras, featuring stars like Jack Nicholson, Humphrey Bogart, and Ingrid Bergman.

      "Goodfellas," a mafia movie released in 1985 in New York, tells the story of three brothers, Ray Lota, Joe Pepsi, and Robert De Niro. The trio, who are actually gay partners, have a falling out when De Niro's character kills a man. The film also features Jack Nicholson in a comedy role set in prison. Another notable movie discussed was "The Silence of the Lambs," where a serial killer is hunted by a female FBI agent. Casablanca, a classic film set in Las Vegas, features Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, and the main character is seen protecting a woman with a gun. Alfred Hitchcock, the director of "Rear Window," is known for having made this film despite turning down by 15 other directors. These films showcase a range of genres, including crime, comedy, and thriller, and span different eras.

    • Analyzing Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' and Kubrick's 'The Shining'Two classic films, 'Rear Window' and 'The Shining,' were analyzed, revealing themes of obsession, isolation, and the impact of media on perceptions.

      The discussion revolved around analyzing two different films: "Rear Window" by Alfred Hitchcock and "Shining" (presumably "The Shining" by Stanley Kubrick). "Rear Window" is about a man who spies on his neighbors, leading to a tragic outcome. The film's poster and the blue dress of the victim give clues to the plot. "The Shining," on the other hand, is a mystery about a man who is isolated and goes mad. The discussion also touched upon other films, such as "Apocalypse Now," "Gran Torino," and "Fast and Furious," as well as the use of racial epithets in movies. The participants debated the appropriateness of such content in the context of current social issues. Overall, the conversation showcased the excitement and engagement of the participants in discussing various aspects of film, from plot analysis to social commentary.

    • Exploring shared habits and quirks of a coupleCouples find comfort and closeness through open discussions about their shared habits and quirks, promoting deeper connection and acceptance.

      The discussion revolved around the shared habits and quirks of a couple, revealing their comfort and closeness with each other. They talked about various topics, including their shared enjoyment of certain things, their past showering habits, and their bodily functions. The conversation was filled with humor and a sense of normalcy, showcasing their openness and acceptance of each other's habits. The couple also shared some challenges they face due to physical changes, and the conversation ended with a suggestion to install a rail for one partner to make personal hygiene easier. Overall, the conversation highlighted the couple's deep connection and comfort with each other.

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    The British Are Coming w/ Dax Flame
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    Bad Friends
    en-usJuly 01, 2024

    A Little Chit Chat

    A Little Chit Chat
    NEW MERCH ALERT: Go to http://badfriendsmerch.com to get the Bad Friends World Shirts and Mugs Today! Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: Rocket Money, Manscaped & BespokePost • Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Go to https://rocketmoney.com/badfriends • Manscaped: Get 20% and free shipping at https://www.manscaped.com code: BADFRIENDS • BespokePost: Get a mystery box with your first box of awesome at https://www.bespokepost.com code: BADFRIENDS YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 The New Intern 11:00 Fancy's New Movie 18:30 Angry Grandma 28:00 Rhino Pills 32:00 Like a Rogue Puzzle Piece 42:00 We Are Going to the Korean Spa 50:00 A Little Chit Chat, Chit Chat 1:04:00 Down Under More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby
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    en-usJune 10, 2024

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    Life Of Poon

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    Bad Friends
    en-usJune 03, 2024

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    en-usMay 31, 2024

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    Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs. 

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    609 - Nikki Glaser & Andrew Collin - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    609 - Nikki Glaser & Andrew Collin - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://saatva.com/theshit for $200 off your next order. - Go to https://stamps.com, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in MOM to get a a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. - Use code HOUSE for 50% off 2 or more pairs at https://shadyrays.com - Buy One, Get One Free. - Get 25% off and zero delivery fees on your first order of $15 or more when you download the DoorDash app and enter code YMH. - Go to https://brooklinen.com and use promo code HOUSE to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100. - Go to https://hellotushy.com/YOURMOM to get 10% off your order and FREE shipping. - Receive 10% off your first order by using code MOM at https://FIVERR.com. - Get your first visit absolutely free at https://ForHims.com/mom. - Head to https://butcherbox.com/MOM to get a FREE BBQ Bundle in your first box! JEANS UP!! On this week's episode of YMH, Tom Segura and Christina P discuss Instagram's new pronoun feature, why summer sucks if you're fat, and take look at new videos from Garth Brooks and Cobra Tate. Nikki Glaser and Andrew Collin are comedians and the hosts of "The Nikki Glaser Podcast." They join the Main Mommies to discuss living together, cheating in school, writing embarrassing poetry, and more! Todd and Crystal introduce them to YMH All-Stars The King, Cobra Tate, and our video message cool guys. They also get brought up to speed on G and watch CP's TikTok curations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    79 - Hot Takes From An Angry Cop ft. Angry Cops

    79  - Hot Takes From An Angry Cop ft. Angry Cops
    Unsubscribe Ep79 - Hot Takes from an Angry Cop HE'S ANGRY AND A COP. WATCH OUT IT IS ANGRY COPS. ANNNNNNNNNND MAN OH MAN DOES HE HAVE SOME HOT TAKES. From Halo to Last of Us. He also hates our studio. :) ------------------------------ CHECK OUT TODAYS VIDEO SPONSORS, Established Titles Go to https://establishedtitles.com/UNSUB and help support the channel. They are now running a massive sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code UNSUB. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video! Better Help Get unstuck, with BetterHelp. - Learn more and save 10% off your first month at Better Help dot com slash UNSUB. - That’s better HELP—H - E - L - P — dot com slash UNSUB. https://www.betterhelp.com/unsub ------------------------------ GO FOLLOW @Angry Cops https://www.instagram.com/angrycops/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3rhkHmloHwqgat8LHk2yg ------------------------------ OUR MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON NOW: https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast WE HAVE A SUBREDDIT??? https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB http://gfuel.com/discount/baddie CODE: BADDIE ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ Follow the Cast of Unsubscribe -Baddie- @Baddie Streams https://www.twitch.tv/baddie https://twitter.com/BaddieStreams https://www.instagram.com/baddiestreams/ https://www.youtube.com/baddiestreams -DonutOperator- @Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkm_Wcyh0pc7UUmZZfL-6w https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator/ https://www.twitch.tv/DonutOperator https://twitter.com/DonutOperator -Eli_Doubletap- @Eli Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://twitter.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap ------------------------------ Edited by Fluck https://www.twitch.tv/fluck twitchcon 2022 reaction Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    BECOMING A RAPPER! - You Should Know Podcast-

    BECOMING A RAPPER! - You Should Know Podcast-
    LIVE SHOW TICKETS (LOS ANGELES): https://www.ticketmaster.com/you-should-know-podcast-los-angeles-california-12-07-2023/event/09005F512A5747DE PATREON AVAILABLE NOW: https://www.patreon.com/YouShouldKnowPodcast NAOMI (Merch Designer) : https://linktr.ee/xenagriffin?fbclid=PAAabJMosNTP1iXrU95jMJxoeAfVSs_lq36Jwpu16dii4xb1EiaB1uLtcKyuQ_aem_Af_R682HMd57KjpVvxYxG8GsaRr6IQEk7KGRCtOa9I2Y5D0VPuD9xFGWhbWeWtwpTeU Peyton’s Polaroids: https://instagram.com/peytonpolaroids?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== TRUE VAULT ESCAPADES: https://youtube.com/@AtomicWolf54 0:00 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2:54 CAM THE LION JOINS 6:25 WEIRD MOTIVATION 8:19 NYC PRE SHOW THOUGHTS 10:40 THE VAMPIRE TIN MAN 12:08 Swapping Teeth Bet 15:21 INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS WIN AGAIN 16:22 Peyton’s a LIAR 22:10 Cam Wear His Wife’s Clothes 24:50 CAM IS DIRTIER THAN PEYTON! 27:20 PEYTONS SOCCER STORIES 29:12 LIQUID IV 31:11 CAMS PARKING LOT SANDWICH 36:42 Peyton’s Weird Microwave Routine 40:28 Shopping For Women’s Clothing 43:49 THE CARTOON DEBATE 47:30 THE BESTFRIEND TEST 53:57 Peyton’s Phone Theory 55:50 READING PEYTONS OLD RAPS 1:02:30 MANSCAPED 1:04:20 WASP VS PLATYPUS DEBATE 1:09:18 DR.P (GOOD SIDEPIECE?) 1:14:12 LA SEE YOU SOON TODAYS SPONSORS: MANSCAPED: 20% off first month + free shipping Code YSK LIQUIDIV: YouShouldKnow P.O. BOX 191564 2825 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, Texas 75219 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices